A/N: Hi! This is my first fic I'm posting so I hope you like it. I don't have a beta, but I have been proof-reading the hell out of this so hopefully it's alright.

Just a note about the universe: It's post AoU and CA:CW hasn't happened. The accords are just starting to form in discussions and the team hasn't worried about arguing over it yet though there is some tension.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own any Marvel content or characters. The same goes with Gangsta.! This is just something that came out of binging Gangsta. last week.

For Bucky life was starting to brighten. Finally away from manipulation and now with Steve. There was tension among him and the Avengers when he moved in, but Steve insisted he was safe. Natasha didn't seem to mind. She looked distrustful as ever, but he was pretty sure that neutral glare was her usual expression.

It was weird to not have to prowl about. Hydra drilled stealth into his brain. It was hard to break the habit of slipping into rooms unnoticed. Tony had broken so many mugs when a Bucky suddenly showed up in the kitchen at two AM.

Getting used to little everyday socializing was hard. He barely spoke even when spoken to during his fucked up years. Steve was his biggest support. They were childhood friends after all. Even if Bucky couldn't remember their days in the forties, Steve was an anchor that he needed.

He and Natasha were on good terms. They would train or be up at weird hours. Either way, she seemed to understand without a word. The silence between them wasn't awkward, and she didn't push a conversation. Bucky appreciated it.

Sam, that was the guy flying around on jet-pack wings he remembered. It was strangest to be with him. He pretty much nearly killed the guy. Well he did that to Steve and Nat too, but they seemed way too used to this sort of stuff. Sam was someone he barely knew anything about. Other than his name and the wings thing. Steve had insisted that Sam was a friend, that he could help through the hard memories. Bucky wasn't sure what to make of the man. There was tension but he knew Sam was trying to help out how he could.

Bucky started responding. Little "yes"s and small conversation. Sam found that he'd be shut down harshly if he tried to get into a more personal talk. That's why he had Steve. Steve knew him better than he knew himself. The blond was there in the middle of the night when Bucky woke up screaming, the voices of Hydra haunting his dreams. He'd share any of these horrid nightmares with his best friend.

Talking about Hydra and what happened there was in a low voice and few words. The worst part is he barely even remembered any of that.

Some parts lingered more. The trigger words, the vague feeling of experiencing a metal arm for the first time, another project that agents hushed about. That was the one that bothered him most. The trigger words still left a knot in his gut but, whatever this project of theirs was it seemed definitely important. And he had no clue what it was.

He told Steve about it, and the man urged him to remember. A project by Hydra was not good in any way he was sure of.