Beyond Imaginative

Author: TheBlueMoonRose, SlytherinJess and Madhasahatter (all me)

Pairings: HarryxOC / TomRiddlexOC

Warnings: "Contains Mature Content will not be shown on fanfiction only on Wattpadd" Alternated Universe 'AU' 'Not set in original time period, different time of 2017' Set in after before 6th year in the summer. Alive and freed Sirius. OCS

Rated: (T-Fanfiction) (T- DeviantArt) MA- Wattpadd

Disclaimer: We do not own ANY trademarks of 'Harry Potter'. They belong to J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. I merely own this story which we make no money from.

Summary: Harry gets a letter from Gringotts stating that there still waiting for his owl to read his parent's will. Confused he sneaks out taking the Knight bus to the leaky cauldron where he goes to Diagon Ally to Gringotts. Getting his parents will read, he finds out that if anything happen to Sirius, lupin or even Snape his father stated that Harry get sent to another potter branch side in America, from Abraham Potter. Stunned by this he takes the first chance he got and sends an owl to his new found relative. What will happen when he gets a response?

Chapter 1 'the will and SURPRISED family'

Harry sat in his room at the Dursley's, he sighed heavily. He really wanted to get out of the house, he wanted to summon the knight bus and got shopping in Diagon Ally.

"BOY!" he heard his uncle yelled from downstairs, Harry sighs and gets up, leaving his room he headed downstairs to the living room area, there stood his uncle Vernon and his cousin "Yes uncle Vernon?" he asked with annoyance.

Vernon glared at him "the dishes better be done when we get back or there will be hell to pay, you will not step foot out of the house don't want the neighbors to see your freakiness"

Harry frowned mentally but nodded "yes uncle Vernon" he turned but was only punched on the side of the head making him flung side ways falling on the floor, Harry groaned in pain holding his head 'fuck that hurt...'

"don't tempt me boy!" Vernon spat at him with venom in his voice, Dudley chuckled "lets go dad were gonna be late" Vernon nodded "we will be back in 2 hours, this place better be CLEAN!" he shouted walking out of the room with Dudley.

Harry sat there listening, hearing them leave. He got up slowly and breaths in slowly holding right side of his head. It stung, he hissed in pain. Moving his hand, he noticed some blood on it, he frowned 'crap...' he quickly went to the bathroom to look.

Looking in the bathroom mirror, he frowned to see there was some blood running down his right side "this is fucken bullshit..." gently cleaning his small wound thoughts were running in his head. 'why don't I just leave? It's not like I'm save here anyways. Voldemort used my blood, no dought he can gain access through these blood wards...'

Finishing cleaning and taking care of it wound, he latterly walked right back to his room. Looking round at his stuff, hearing Hedwig in her cage he closed his eyes taking a couple of deep inhales and letting it out he nodded has he made up his mind, he walked over to his desk. Opening it, it took out his wand, lifting it casted 'pack'. An incantation of a spell used to make items pack themselves into a trunk.

Tonks has taught him this spell and was alright to use like Lumos. Harry watched all his stuff pack into his trunk. Stepping to Hedwig's cage, he unlocked it for her has a letter that was writing itself and folded it into an envelope and had Sirius black on the front of the letter.

With the Malfoy's going to the light side, Lucius got Sirius a rightful trail and cleared of all charged from taking Veritaserum. What Harry couldn't understand is that Dumbledore still made him go back here even Sirius was cleared of all charges. Walking to the window, he opened it gently took the letter handing it to her "go to Sirius girl" she hooted and took the letter flying off.

Turning around, his room was bare. He smiled pointed his wand at his trunk "Diminuendo" he casted has his trunk shrunk. He picked it up and placed it in his pocket. Then left the room with out a second glance. Walking downstairs, he see's his aunt just walking in. He looked at her "I'm leaving and not coming back"

Petunia looked at him with a frown "Good begone with you" she said walking away. Harry shook his head and left the house. He doesn't know how long but his legs took him at least 5 blocks away to local park. It was empty has it was getting dark out.

He sighed ready to lift his wand has an owl dropped down on bench near him. He blinked and see's it had a letter with his name on it. He stepped over taking the letter gently from the owl he saw it was from Gringotts. 'why on earth I'm getting a letter from Gringotts?' Opening it, he read it.

'Dear Mr. Potter,

It has come to the attention of Gringotts Wizarding back that your vaults have been tampered with. Due to this horrendous act, we at Gringotts would like to arrange a meeting so that we may clear any questions you may have about the tampering. Also, the state of your parents, James Potter and Lily Potter 'nee Evans last statement, you have not yet come in to hear the will has we have sent you a notice of it since your 11th birthday.

Gringotts it's always open 24/7, hopefully we will see you soon.

Griphook, Gringotts Head Goblin'

Harry frowned "my vaults have been tampered with...? What the bloody hell!" he sighed lifting his want has the knight right away appeared, stopping in front of him with a honk, Stan stepped out and he smiled "Mr. Potter! Hello again" Harry nodded with a smiled "Hello Stan" he stepped on "Gringotts, please stan" Stan chuckled and stepped on "take away Ern!" the shrunk head shouted after stan "take it away ERN!" the knight soon rushed off, Harry sitting down and handed Stan the money for his ticket. Stan took the money and gave him the ticket.

Harry looked around the bus has it rushed through the streets, suddenly the bus made a quick turn and before he knew it, Stan looked at him "picking up someone real quick, then we are gonna drop you off"

Harry nodded "No worries, I have all night" then his eyes widen has he was know over the ocean. He gasped and got up looking out the window see the large ocean "we are over the ocean..." Stan chuckled "Yes, you didn't know the knight bus can go over the ocean? This bus is worldwide"

Harry was shocked "What ocean is this?" "North Atlantic, ah we just passing New York" Harry quickly looked to see the lights of the New York city and he could see the statue of liberty coming closer and closer, then passing it fast. "Wow... I've never been to America" Harry was enjoying watching the cost line of America rush pass the window. The honk of the bus horn made him jump has the bus went to a stop on land. He blinked "where did we stop?"
Stan smiled "Florida" he said stepping out, Harry can hear a girls voice "Little Hangleton" 'isn't that back in the UK?' he mentally said. He looked up to see a girl step on the bus wearing Black pea poncho hooded cloak, ark acid wash denim skinny jeans and black ankle heeled boots. Over her shoulder was a Large Size Duffel Bag.

Harry blinked at her, her face was covered with her hood, so he really couldn't see what she looked it. With ticket in hand, she had walked to the back and sat back there "Take it away Ern!" Stand shouted and the knight bus soon moved.

Through the rest of the bus ride back to the UK, Harry kept looking at her, he felt some magic pull from her and he didn't know what it was. He didn't realize the bus had stopped "here you are harry" stan said, Harry blinked "Oh thank you Stan" he said and stepped over the bus has the bus quickly disappeared. Shaking his head, he walked right up to Gringotts.

Stepping inside, he walked right up to the front. Griphook noticed him and smiled "Ah! Mr. Potter! I was wondering when you would show" Harry smiled "Hello Griphook, I'm here to talk about this letter you have sent me" Griphook smirked "Of course!" he got down and walked to him "this way to Ragnok's office" Harry nodded and followed Griphook.

Reaching the office, the door opened and Griphook stepped in "Ragnok, Harry Potter is here" Ragnok's head lifted up with a smile "very well send him in"

Griphook looked at harry "Go on in" Harry nodded "Thank you Griphook" he stepped in has the door closed behind him. Ragnok smiled "it's honor to meet you Mr. Potter" Harry nodded "thank you" harry sat down on the chair "So lets get this over with"

Ragnok nodded "very well, first the tampering in your vault I have here a list of withdraws" he said handing it over to harry.

Harry took it and looked at it, bite his lip has he read this.

'Through (2002- 2012)- withdraw of 165 Galleons 15 Sickles 20 Knuts by Albus Dumbeldore'


'2013 -232 Galleons 4 Sickles 28 Knuts by Albus Dumbeldore'

'2013 -165 Galleons 15 Sickles 20 Knuts by Albus Dumbeldore'

'2014- 232 Galleons 4 Sickles 28 Knuts by Albus Dumbledore'

'2014 -165 Galleons 15 Sicikles 20 Knuts by Albus Dumbeldore'

'2015- 232 Galleons 4 Sickles 28 Knuts by Albus Dumbledore'

'2015 -165 Galleons 15 Sickles 20 Knuts by Albus Dumbeldore'

'2016 -232 Galleons 4 Sickles 28 Knuts by Albus Dumbledore'

'2016 -165 Galleons 15 Sickles 20 Knuts by Albus Dumbeldore'

"What the hell...? Why is the headmaster taking money out of my vaults?" he asked looked up at Ragnok "That's almost... 3,775 Galleons...!"

Ragnok nodded "Close to it yes, I take it you did not know of these withdraws?" Harry shook his head "No I didn't.. where the 165 going too?" Ragnok flipped open a folder "Mhmm it seems it was exchange into muggle money, pounds" Harry's eyes widen "muggle money... wait it says.. 2002 until this year..." '2002 that's when I was first brought to the Dursleys when I was a baby...' he gasped making Ragnok jump slightly "That old bastered was paying the Durley's the moment I was placed on their door step!"

Ragnok sighed "well this is a shock... mhmmmm" he said going through other papers. Harry bite his lip "What of the 232...?" Ragnok looked up at him "ah yes the big one, it would see shortly after this money was taken out, this same amount was placed in the Weasley family vault"

Harry's eyes widen "That weasley's family vault...? No it can't be... they wouldn't..." he ran his fingers through his hair 'they wouldn't steal from him... but this can't be change the fact this is strange...' "I see... is there any way to block from Dumbledore from taking my money?"

Ragnok grinned "Why yes there is! Since Sirius Black is no longer a criminal and was cleared of charges, he is your rightful guardian Mr. Potter making Albus Dumbledore no longer your magical guardian" Harry blinked "then why I'm even still with the Dursley's?! yes Ragnok block him from gaining access to my vaults"

Ragnok nodded and flicked his hand has a piece of paper came flying by him "alright I need a blood seal, just a drop of your blood" he said. Harry nodded pointed his finger has Ragnok pricked it has a drop of blood feel on the paper.

The paper shined green "Good it is been placed, know then your parents will, I'm surprised you never came in to hear it"

Harry frowned "I was never told..." Ragnok sighed "no dought Albus Dumbeldore made sure you never knew, know then before we began, I need Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Severus Snape here to be present"

Harry blinked "Wait why Professor Snape?"

Ragnok looked at the note "It seems Lily Potter 'nee Evans wanted him to present with the read"

Harry was no even more confused 'why would my mother want Snape here...?' "Have sent an Owl to the three of them, they should be here soon I hope. So please sit and wait has I fil this blood document" Harry nodded and sat there waiting.

In the small village of Little Hangleton, rain fell and the roar of thunder through the night's sky, The Hanged Man pub was busy. People walk in and walk out of it.

At the corner of the pub, the knight bus appeared. "little Hangleton miss" the girl nodded and stepped out "Thank you" she said has the knight buss appeared into the night.

Looking around, she can see up on a hillside a manor. Stepping over to a bus waiting shed. She stepped over to it and stood under it to get out of the rain. Going through her pocket she took out a Ultra-thin iPhone 7 custom made green.

Unlocking the screen went into her contacts and pushed 'mother', putting it at her ear she can hear the dial tone, it rang couple of times until the other line picked up.

"Mother it's me" the girls says softly
"Are you there? Did you find it?" her mother asked her. "Mhmm yeah, I'm here in little Hangleton, I can see the manor" the girls said.

"I see just be careful, you have your emergency port key" her mother says with a worried tone. "I will mom, I'm gonna head up there know" she says "I'll call you later" she finally said and hanged up putting the phone away.

Looking back up at the manor on the top of the hillside, she took a relaxing breath and started to walk to where the manor was.

Reaching the Manor, the grounds were overgrown, she can see the work benches and work equipment, has half the manor was being renewed. The front door to the manor was new. Stepping to the door, can see from the glass on the front door, there was a small light in the hallway.

Raising her hand, she knocked on the door hard couple of times. She stood there for a couple of moments when she heard foots steps approach the door. The door swing open, a quite thin man stood there with dark robes, black hair and dark eyes.

He blinked at her and frowned "How did you get passed... who are you?!" he had the wand in his hand. "I'm here to see Voldemort" the girl only said to him.

"you have, have you? Why do you wish to see the dark lord? You wish to follow him?" the man asked her with his wand grip has he just stared at her.
the girl just sighed "look I just traveled from America, it's raining and I'm slightly wet would you please let me in?"

The man looked at her more, she was indeed wet from the ran. He said "very well come on in and follow me" he stepped aside. She stepped in the main foyer Elaborate woodwork throughout and beautiful ceiling details, the stairs had black carpet on it.

He motioned her to the left "This way" she nodded and followed him to the left through a sitting area to double doors "Wait here" he said and opened the door "My lord?"

In the room was a thrown room, the dark lord raised his eyebrow "What is it?" his death eater stood there in a line on each side "There is someone requesting to speak with you"

Voldemort blinked at this "Who?" his death eaters whispered to each other "I don't know my lord she just appeared here asking to speak with you" Voldemort nodded "very well let her come fourth" the man nodded and stepped aside has she walked inside the room. She could feel these death eaters eyes on her. Reaching not far from Voldemort she stopped and stood there.

Voldemort could feel a pull of magic from her, it was pulling him 'what is this feeling...?' "So who are you?"

"my name is Valeria P. Riddle" eyes widen and gasped filled the room from his death eaters "Did she just say Riddle...?" one asked "yeah she did" "Riddle.. she can't be..."

Voldemort's eyes widen in shock, he stood up slowly "What did you just say your name was?" "Valeria P. Riddle" she says to him one more time.

"how is this possible...?" he asks her with shock in his voice. "You didn't know your father had a sister did you?" she asked him making his eyes widen "I had an aunt...?" she nodded "Tina Riddle, she was my great, great grandmother"

Voldemort bite his lip 'how did I not know of this...? I had an aunt all this time!' "where has she been hiding all this time?"

Valeria sighs softly "she was disowned by your grandfather, my 3rd great grandfather for being pregnant at the age of 17. The summer when I was told you came here and killed your grand parents and father is when she was already on the boat to America. She end up in new York city then moved to Panama City, Florida. Where she gave birth to my great aunt Heather and my grandmother Curia. Never married. My grandmother had my mother at 21, Victoria Riddle. Then she married a pure-blood wizard and out popped me..."

The death eaters looked at her with shocked faces, Voldemort was trying to process this, closing his eyes Nagini slithered over "Master, she does smell like your blood" Voldemort looked his snake "You sure Nagini?" Nagini nodded "yes master"

Voldemort looked back at Valeria "remove you hood, let me see your face" the death eaters watched her has she reached up and removed her hood from her pea coat poncho cloak. Small gasps filled the room has her face was shown. She radiant beauty, she had black hair that had purple dyed ends. Radiant purple eyes, pale was stunned at her beauty, stepping down to her "your eyes.. their purple... that's very rare in muggles even magical families" Valeria nodded "yes I know"

"tell me what pure-blood family did your mother married into?" he asked, Valeria frowned "can I tell you in private...?" the death eaters didn't seem to like that, Bellatrix growled "tell us your filthy half-blood!"

Eyes widen has Voldemort's hand lifted pointing his wand at Bellatrix casting a Curcio on her, Bellatrix went to the floor screaming in pain, Valeria didn't flinch and just stood there listening to the woman screaming, Voldemort's eyes turned its gaze to Bellatrix "you dare insult my family in front of my EYES?! GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE BELLA KNOW!" he yelled with a venom tone. Bella shook from the aftershock of the spell. Nodding repeatedly, she quickly left the room out of fear.

Looking at the rest of his death eaters "this meeting is over" he said then looked back at Valeria "follow me my dear" he said turning and leaving the room with Nagini and Valeria in toe.

Harry sat in Ragnok's office with Sirius and Remus, that had arrived not long ago. Harry had just got done telling them of what Dumbledore has been doing to his money.

Sirius looked pissed beyond belief "Why that old muddling crock pot FOOL! How dare he steal from my godson! And not to mention pay off those horrid muggles and the Weasley family!"

Remus bite his lip "I can't believe... I never thought he would do that..." Harry nodded "Yeah well I blocked him from entering my vaults" Sirius grinned "Good! So lets hear this will goblin" Ragnok chuckled "We are missing a person" Sirius frowned "Who?"

"Who else black" they all turned their heads to Snape standing in the door way, Sirius frowned at him "What are you doing here Snivellus?" Sirius hissed at him.

Snape just narrowed at him "Here for the will Black" Sirius bite his lip "What for?! James hated you!" Remus blinked "lily asked for him to be present...?" he looked at Ragnok. The Goblin nodded "yes, since everyone here!" he waved his hand has the will of James and Lily Potter floated up. And opened and a bottle came to his hands metal basin came over and poured what was in the bottle.

Remus, Sirius and Snape's eyes widen in knowing what it was "They made a pensive for the will?" Ragnok nodded "go on" Harry looked confused "What do I do?" Remus chuckled "just stick your head in it like so" he stepped over with him, Sirius and Snape. They placed their face in the water has the scenery changed right away.

Sirius and Remus both recognize that it was the old living room of house in "well were to began" they heard James voice, turning their heads too a fireplace and two leather chairs, there sat James and Lily, next to Lily in a playpen was a baby harry sleeping soundly.

Sirius grabbed Remus's hand "James..." he was trying to hold in tears, Remus was close in crying. Harry's heart was thumping with excitement he finally gets to see his dad after seeing him in the mirror in 1st year.

Snape's eyes went on Lily right away and he his heart pounded in his chest from seeing her face one more time 'lily...'

James smiled "alright, lets make this quick before Harry wakes up... never get a nights sleep" Lily chuckled "yes true, he just loves to keep up at night" Harry flushed at this, Sirius chuckled and nudged him.

"if you are seeing this pensive then... well we are no longer alive. Know then, if have died we leave harry in the care of his god father my best mate, Sirius Black. If Sirius isn't able to take him, then it will fall on Remus Lupin my 2nd best mate"

Remus's eyes widen "wait what...?"

"If he isn't able too..." he frowned and looked away, Lily shook her head "Severus... if you are watching this.. I want you to know I forgive you" Snape's eyes widen in shock. Remus, Sirius and Harry looked at him with a surprise look on their faces.

"I forgive you, I could never hate or be mad at you Sev... you were the first person I made friends with before Hogwarts... we were best friends and we are still best friends, If I had it my way I would have named you Harry's 2nd godfather" Harry gasped at this "you knew my mother...?"

Snape didn't remove his eyes from lily and took a inhale in shock 'why would she do that...?' "Sev... if Remus isn't able take care of him please for me, take care of him. If you ever loved me then you would to this for me and yes I Sev I know of your feelings for me, I've known for years"

James sighed with annoyance "bloody fucken Snivellus even a thorn in my side know..." Sirius chuckled at this. Lily turned her head to James and glared at him "if you don't shut up I'll make you shut up" she hissed at him, this made Sirius and Remus shook from that tone. Even harry stiffen from her mother's threat to his father.

James shook in his chair "sorry love..." Lily chuckled "you are forgiven for now, anyways under no condition is harry to place with my horrid sister and the whale of husband she has, and I mean it too! So, help I will come and haunt you Dumbledore! You better not put my son with my sister and her husband" she warned deeply.

Harry frowned "how..? I wasn't suppose to go there...?" he bite his lip in anger, Remus rubbed his back "Harry it's alright..." Sirius growled "Well I'm not! Frucken old FOOL!"

Snape sighs "even I knew she didn't want him to go there..." he says softly, they made them look at him "wait you what?" Sirius growled, Snape about ot answer when James voice came to their ears.

"On the other NOTE, if Snivellus isn't able to take care of MY son, then he will go to my parents if their still alive, or to the American potter branch on the family, from Abraham Potter's line of the family. I just getting back into contact with Nathan Potter, who is the great, great grandson of Abraham Potter. That's where I want him to go if known of the other options are open"

Harry's eyes widen and looks at his father "I have more family in America...?" "wow... I didn't know about this..." Remus says softly, Sirius nodded "This is shock"

"and finally, we will leave all inheritance to our son, harry James Potter and the house in Godric's Hollow. To Sirius Black we leave you 700 galleons, to Remus Lupin, don't complain mate, we leave you 700 galleons" James says with a smile.

Lily chuckled "To my dear friend Sev" James groaned making Lily glare at him but smiled "I leave you all my books of rare potions books and my portrait" Remus, Sirius and Harry gasped has Snape's face was cheer shock.

"well I guess that's it?" suddenly a baby harry from the playpen woke up crying, Lily sighs "he's awake know, lets end this" James nodded "well that's it for our will, Harry we love you and be strong, be brave son" Lilly reached down picking up a baby harry.

"Remus, Sirius, Marauders forever!" James chuckled with a smirk making a fist. Sirius and Remus grinned and nodded "yes Marauders forever" they both said has the memory faded and they were back into the office room.

Snape sighed and put his head on the wall "this changes everything..." he muttered. Harry looked at him "Professor... why didn't you tell me you knew my mother...?" Remus and Sirius frowned "you didn't tell him...?" Sirius asked.

Snape frowned "it wasn't necessary Potter" Harry frowned "wasn't necessary? I think it was perfectly necessary!" he snapped at him. Snape frowned more and looked away.

Ragnok cleared his throat making the wizards look at him "well then, I see everything is in order from the will" they nodded to him, then Harry stepped forward "my father mention I have family in America...?" Ragnok grinned "indeed you do Mr. Potter, Abraham Potter was an American wizard and one of the original twelve Aurors in the United States of America. Abraham is a distant relative of yours Mr. Potter."

Harry sat down running his fingers through his hair in shock "wow... this is shock..." Remus stepped up "James said something of Nathan Potter? Is he still alive?"

Ragnok looked at him "I do not know.. I would have check for you all but we do know he had a son name Shinra Potter, let me get you the key to potter family vault of the UK branch and see if Nathan Potter is still alive" he said getting up and left the room.

Snape moved to the door but harry stopped him "wait professor..." Snape didn't look back at him. "I want you to know that I'm willing to start over for my mother"

Sirius's eyes widen "Harry you can't be serous?!" Remus smiled "I think it's a good idea" Harry nodded "Severus" he said Snape's first name making Snape relax slightly and turned to harry and stepped to him, looking into Harry's eyes, harry can see the soft look in his face "you have your mother's eyes..."

Harry blinked but flushed slightly "Very well... for Lily..." Snape said then turned and walked away leaving the room. Remus smiled and put his hand on Harry's shoulder "That was a good thing to do, your mother would be proud of you" Harry blushed and smiled. Sirius groaned "James... I hope your not yelling from the grave..."

Back at the riddle manor, Voldemort guided Valeria through the hallways and up the back flight of stairs the 2nd floor were their was a room. Stepping in it, Valeria looked around and it was a drawing room. It was newly done, hardwood flooring and walls. The curtains were dark green and there was two black leather Churvhill Leather Chairs, the fireplace was lit "please remove your coat, it drenched"

Valeria nodded and put her bag on a chaise chair and then took off her cloak coat. The first we was wearing made him blink at it. Skull Print and Gothic Jersey Skate tank top. She stepped over and sat down on one of the chairs, Voldemort sat down next to her. She looked at him with a smirk slightly "so you gonna look like that the whole time or are you gonna remove that glamour you have on you?"

Voldemort blinked at her and chuckled "My, my you knew I had a glamour on" he said waving his wand has his glamour was removed making his appearance change quickly.

Valeria even flushed at his handsome looks 'just like the picture... mother had...' Voldemort had his 20-year-old looks, Not long after Voldemort's regeneration, he had gotten his original looks back of 20-year-old Tom Riddle, Thanks to Harry's young blood. He glamour's himself to look like what he did when he was reborn from, only few of his death eaters now his true form, Snape and Lucius.

Voldemort chuckled "so then Valeria, I do like your name it's so epic" Valeria chuckled "Thank you, that's why mother gave me the name because she liked the name. the meaning "to be strong"

Voldemort smiled "well then, so tell me the name of the pure blood your mother married into" Valeria sighs deeply and ready for something wrong to happen "Potter" she had glanced at him has she can see his eyes slowly widen "did you say... P-Potter...?"

Valeria nodded "Yes... the American branch from Abraham Potter's line, my great, great, great grandfather"

Voldemort stood up making her nervous, she had slowly reached for her pocket ready to portkey away. Voldemort sighed deeply and walked to the window looking out it had a crack of thunder echoed in the night sky.

"so... I'm related to Harry Potter know..." Valeria nodded softly "we... distant cousins, he would also be my distant cousin"

Voldemort didn't know what to do, this news shocked him deeply with in "this changes everything..." Valeria blinked at him "how..?" Voldemort turned to her "his family know.. knowing this I can't..." Valeria was shocked "but this didn't stop you from..." she didn't wanna finish it, the look in Voldemort's eyes was guilt more than anything. "if you could have changed the outcome of that night here... would you?"

Voldemort closed his eyes and nodded walking back to the chair sitting down "I can sometimes feel their spirits... haunting these very halls. Muggle spirit's are different then wizard and witch ones..."

Valeria looked around and she can sense something here "mhmm... I think they are haunting the manor I do sense something oh were did your snake go?" Voldemort looked around and shrugged "properly to hunt some mice or rats but anyways I would very much like to meet your mother, go back with you to America to meet her"

Valeria looked surprised by this "Well... father might be nervous about it... after all with harry potter.. and yeah.. but mother wouldn't mind... she can't travel because she is 8 months pregnant... you know your a lot more different than I thought you would be..."

Voldemort raised his eyebrow at her "Really know? Than what you accept me to act like?" Valeria looked at the fireplace watching the fire "curel.. cold hearted, kill... try and kill me... mother was nervous I would be die..."

Voldemort stood up making her stiffen in her chair, he took one step to her took her chin making her look up at him, she blushed looking up at him "to be honest, after my rebirth. I felt my soul mending itself, I was becoming more human again more sane. I still have some piece's missing but I have enough piece's to make me think clearly then ever, I don't wish to fight or kill harry Potter anymore"

Valeria looked relieved to hear this but was confused on something "soul pieces...?" Voldemort looked at her more "have you heard of Horcrux's?"

Sirius, Remus and Harry walked out of Gringotts with Harry's new keys to his vaults and information on his family from America. Nathan Potter was indeed dead but his son, Shinra Potter was still alive living in Amelia City, Florida.

Suddenly noticing Snape standing there like was waiting, they blinked at him "Snape?" he turned and looked at them "Finished already?" Harry nodded "What you doing out here..? waiting for us...?"

Remus looked at him with a confused look, Sirius was just glaring at him. Snape shook his head "No I'm waiting for someone el" he didn't get to finish was a girl came walking up wearing Black, Long Sleeve Slit Hollow Dress black shorts, thigh high black socks with over the knee black salute high heel boots. A Black Floral Sheer Cape, Sweeping black English net cascades down from your shoulders. The cape ties at the front with a simple, sheer string. Embroidered floral lace, embellished with crystals, lines the opening of the oversized hood.

Her hair was black and her eyes harry can tell was black, her skin was pale and her beauty made him blush from just the sight of her. A smile came on her face "did I make you wait?" her voice was smooth and nice to hear, Snape shook his head "no lets get going" they were about to move when the girl noticed Harry, Remus and Sirius. She blinked "are you harry potter" Snape groaned mentally 'crap...'Harry nodded softly "yes aim..." Sirius looked at Snape "so Snivellus who is this young girl? Your little old for her" Remus sniffed slightly and his eyes widen to catch a whiff of the scent from her, he looked at Snape and looked away 'crap damn werewolf...'

The girl chuckled "you must be Mr. Black? My father has told me much about the uhm... what did you call them dad?"

Remus, Sirius and Harry's eyes widen with a gasp from the worlds 'father' 'dad'. "Severus... is this your daughter...?" Remus asked, Snape groaned loudly "yes..." "wow... Snivellus I didn't know you even had a daughter let alone be with someone"

Snape turned to look at them "alright, Black, Lupin, Potter this is Nova my daughter. Nova, this is Potter, Black and Lupin" Nova smiled brightly "it's a pleasure to meet you all"

"well it's a pleasure has well Nova" Remus said, Sirius nodded "I can know see it... the black hair... the black eyes... you sure did get that from him..." Snape nodded softly "she got more of her mother's beauty to be honest"

"So who is this woman then?" Sirius asked, Snape sighed "after Hogwarts I meet her, night one stand and yup Nova appeared. Born before potter was, on Valentines day" Remus chuckled "so you are a Valentin's baby?! That much be nice to have a birthday on that day"

Nova chuckled "somewhat yes, oh I'll be attending Hogwarts this year" Harry's eyes widen "Wait really?" Nova nodded and stepped to him "you know.. you very good looking in person" Harry's eyes widen and flushed "T-thanks..."

Snape frowned "Nova lets get going before your mother owls me a holler that we are late for tea after shopping for you school stuff" Nova nodded stepping back "It was nice meeting you Harry Potter, Mr. Black and Mr. Lupin" she waved and followed her father down the street.

Sirius crossed his arms over his chest with a huff "Well that was unexpected, I didn't know Snivellus was a father" Remus nodded "wonder why known of us knew... wonder why she hasn't been at Hogwarts? Maybe home schooled?" Sirius huffed again "Can't blame him not wanting his daughter attend school with all the shit happening" Remus nodded then looked at Harry who was still blushing.

He nudge Sirius who looked at harry, he smirked at Harry's blush face 'well look at that... the boy is falling in love'

please go to my DeviantArt, my username is SlytherinJess for the artwork.

please if there is any errors let me know, like misspelling. The grammar, my grammar will always be the same so need to tell me it needs work or change lol

I hope you liked Nova and Valeria :)