Chapter 1

It was like being shocked by an elecric fence. Your heart beat too fast, it felt like it would burst from your chest. Your arm hair stood at attention, like little souldiers ready for battle. And it felt like you weren't pulling enough air into your lungs.

It was love at first sight.

Adrien Agrest stood in the doorway of the hospital room and watched her lying in bed, too pale and unnaturally still, with long black hair pulled back from her face in 2 messy pigtails. Even though she was asleep, it didnt look like it was very restful. Soft pink lips were pulled down in a frown, brows creased, and the white blankets were twisted, betraying the fact that she must have been tossing and turning all night. He wanted to brush her hair away from her face. To whisper comforting words in her ear until she rested peacefully. To hold her hand until she woke up.

He did none of those things. But he couldnt help staring at her.

Adrien liked to come into the Children's Hospital in his free time. Read to the kids, bring small gifts, or even just keep them company. Not every parent could stay at the hospital all the time with their children. Being a famous Model, the kids sure got a kick out of seeing him, and he usually had time to spare. While his father wanted him to take over the business, Adrien could have cared less. He kept modelling to keep his father happy, and to keep a steady income, but he wanted to help people too. Even in this small capacity. So when the head nurse in the childrens wing mentioned a woman who had come in with no memory at all, he had wanted to help her too. He had had no idea that hed be struck so hard by this nameless beauty.

'She has amnesia, so no idea who or where she is'. The doctors words echo through his head. 'She came in with no I.d. We are checking missing persons to see if anyone has filed her as missing. But nothing so far.'

He couldnt even imagine what she must be going through. How she must be feeling. To not even know who you were.

'Whats going to happen to her' he had asked the doctors.

'She will stay here until she either remembers who she is, or someone comes in who knows her.'

That sounded aweful.

'Id like to help,' Adrien told the doctors. 'Thats very thoughtful of you Mr Agreste, but you really shouldnt trouble yourself. We will take excellent care of her in the meantime.'

'No trouble. I insist.'

The first thing that she saw when she opened her eyes were ladybugs. Dozens of them, all over the wall. It was... Calming. She hadmt even realized that she had been tense until her shoulders started to relax with just a few seconds of gazing at the ladybugs. She shifted her eyes down to see brightly painted flowers. Wonderful Blue bells, bright sunflowers and peaceful daisies.

Her gaze roamed slowly, taking in everything in her view without moving. A small window with filmy pink curtains, a straight backed chair perched in front of it with a little side table that was completely bare, and two closed doors that led to who knows where. She rolled onto her back to see the opposite side of the room, and was met with bright green eyes looking back at her.

She bolted upright in bed, eyes wide and a little panicked. She took in the glossy blonde hair, the black polo shirt and tan slacks, and his mouth, curled into a welcoming smile. His legs were crossed at the ankles, but he unfolded them to lean forward as she sat up, and both elbows came to rest on his knees.

"Good Morning Ladybug. How are you today? I hope I didn't startle you." He asked me.

She opened her mouth to demand he tell her what he was doing there, but closed it quickly without saying anything. His words sank in, and she thought, That is a good question. How DID she feel?

Thin black brows came down in a frown as she tried to concentrate on her body. Legs, check. Arms, check. Torso, check. Everything was there. Nothing hurt. Glancing at her arms and hands, she didn't see any bruises or cuts. Everything seemed fine. Right? So why was he still staring at her? Why was he asking how she felt? What did he know that she didn't?

"I-i think im fine." She finally responded.

His eyes crinkle as his smile grew. It was so beautiful. She felt like she could almost get lost in it. Why couldnt she stop staring at his mouth?! Quickly, she looked at her lap with a slight blush. Had he guessed what she was thinking? Was that why he was smiling at her like that?

"Thats great. I heard you took quiet a tumble." His voice was soothing, like silk. She wanted him to keep talking, just to hear his voice. But no such luck. He just kept looking at her calmly with those eyes. What had he said again? Tumble? What tumble?

Frowning, she tried to remember something. Anything. But there was nothing. Absolutely nothing. It was like her mind had been wiped clean. A blank slate. Like someone had walked up to a chalk board and erased her whole life, everything she had been or wanted to be! How was that possible?! What did that mean?!

"I dont know what your talking about. I took a tumble??" And slowly the rest of what he had said registered. "Ladybug? Who is Ladybug?"

"So sorry, i should have explained." He scooted his chair up to the bed until his knees bumped against it. "Thats what i have taken to calling you, since nobody knows your real name." And he gestured with his hand around the room, to all the ladybugs on the wall. "They are supposed to be good luck, and i thought you could use all the luck we could manage! It seemed fitting at the time."

He rubbed at the back of his neck, almost embarrased now that he had explained himself.

One thing that he had said stuck out to her. They didnt know her name? Well that was easy! They could have just asked! It was... Was...

Her eyes widened and darted around the room. What WAS her name? She hoped something in the room would give her a clue, but all she saw were ladybugs and flowers.

"I dont know my own name!" She cried.

He gently put a hand on her arm, "shh, its ok," he said softly, "its alright. Well figure this out."

She wanted nothing more than to believe him. To keep him near like this, touching her. She wanted to get lost in those eyes! Quickly she clamped her eyes closed and gave her head a shake. What was she thinking?! There were more important things at hand. Like why she couldnt remember anything! How old was she? What color were her eyes? Her hair? Did she even like pink? Where was she? This mans house?? Was she his wife? Sister? Had he kidnapped her?!

Oh my gosh! Her eyes flew open and stared into his, searching them. He didnt seem like A kidnapper. But what did she know about what a kidnapper would look like, she didnt even know her own name!

"Wh-where am I?"

"Your at Paris' best Hospital. Getting the best care possible. I promise!" He looked so sincere, it didnt even occur to her to question him. She didnt know why, but she had this overwelming sense that this man, who she didnt even know, would never lie to her. It was comforting, to feel at least that, when it didnt seem like she felt anything about anything else! Slowly she relaxed. No more tense shoulders or furrowed brow.

"Thank you."

"I volunteer here at the Hospital," he began, still keeping his hand on my arm. "when my schedule allows it. Usually I hang around the childrens wing, but when the nurse there told me about you, i thought i might be of more use here. With you."

He gave me that heart-melting smile again, and I couldnt help it! I smile back.

Adriens heart started pounding like a jackhammer inside his chest when she smiled. It lit up her whole face, and made her already flawless skin glow. Oh boy, was he ever in trouble! Not that he wouldnt already have cut out his heart and handed it to her if she had asked. The first moment he had laid eyes on her, disheveled and sleeping, he had know this was the woman he was going to spend the rest of his life with. Now to get her better and pray there was no hulking husband in her missing memories!

"Whats your name?" She broke him out of his thoughts.

"Hmmm..." He tapped a finger to his bottom lip, thinking. "Well with such an Awesome name like Ladybug, i should get an equally cool name, yes?" He questioned. And was rewarded with a giggle. "How about, Chat Noir?"