Is it a bird?

Is it a plane?



I know classic right? Ok so I had this idea from my friend since she thinks this sorta stuff is great! I'm not gonna give too much away so I hope you enjoy this one, so without further ado…..Here's a new story for Ya'll ;) Enjoy It x

Your Mine

Chapter 1: An Invitation

'KAAAAAAAAAAAAA…MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE…HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA….MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE…..HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!' A huge energy beam blasted through a forest tree cutting half of it down and bringing a load home for wood for the log burner! The person responsible for such a blast was the mighty Son Goku! A strong mighty Hero who lived far in the forests of mount Paozou, and not alone. As he brought back a giant tree and began to chop them down with his bare hands, his youngest son Goten ran up to him smiling

'Hey dad! You want some help?' He asked

'Sure! But shouldn't you be at school Goten?' Goku asked

'Haha oh dad! Its Sunday!' Goten laughed

'Oh it is? Huh I guess I never thought to wonder what day it was' He laughed awkwardly as Goten began to help cut the tree to logs, they carried a bunch back and spotted The eldest child, Gohan! An intelligent, brave and handsome lad who sat in the shade under a tree reading a book, He looked up and saw his dad and brother and rose to help them

'Hey guys! Wow! This sure will last us a few Cold nights' Gohan laughed

'I hope so! At least I won't have to worry around Christmas time' Goku smiled

'Well Mom said dinner will be ready in an hour, she said she needed to do some work in the basement' Gohan said

'Great well I'm gonna find Icarus, see you guys at dinner' Goten waved and flew away

'Why's your mother in the basement, she never does a lot of work down there' Goku asked

'I don't know she said she needed to find something' Gohan replied with the same confusion

'Well I'll go see her' Goku headed inside and walked to the downstairs stairwell to the basement, as he walked further down, he could hear sounds of someone…..crying. Not just anyone, His Chichi! He walked closer and closer to the basement and found her sitting on an old chest pulling something to her chest as she cried; Goku was confused but more concerned. What was wrong? Why was she crying?

Goku Pov:

'Chi!' I say low so not to startle her, she looked over her shoulders to me

'Oh Honey, I didn't hear you come down here?' she wiped her tears away to think I didn't see her cry, but I could read her like an open book

'What are you doing down here all alone?'

'Being by myself!'

'That's never a good thing to be alone!' I tell her she seemed like she had been crying hard in the last hour or so

'Is there something you want to talk about?'


'Are you sure? Cause you know you can talk to me if something's bothering you' I say sitting beside her. She looked to me and sighed

'Goku I appreciate your help but, I just don't think you'll understand' she said

'Well…I can try'

'Nothing it's just...Today is my mum's birthday that's all' I looked confused for a second and then that's when the puzzle started coming together

'Oh I see what it is now!' Despite the long years, Chichi was still upset over her mother's death all those years ago and it got to her every now and then.

'You miss her don't you?' I asked she just leaned on me and nodded

'She would have been 56 today, I had plans on what I'd do for her, what kind of party I'd throw, what gift to buy…But I never did any of it. I was 10 years old when I lost her. After that it was just me and papa.' She sighed as I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a tight embrace.

'Chi, you know you can tell me what's bothering you anytime' I smiled as she did at me

'Thank you dear' She said and placed the picture back on a dusty desk, the picture was my chichi, the cute little girl I met as a boy myself. Wearing a light pink Cheongsam with her hair in curls sitting on the lap of another woman who appeared in the picture, she looked very much like chichi now, she wore a dark purple and yellow cheongsam and had long dark hair and dark onyx eyes and had a great smile. I knew it was her mother, there was a giant portrait of her in the Ox King's castle.

'She looks like you' I said as she laughed

'You mean I look like her'

'Well I never met her so i say she's like you' I said as she giggled

'I wish Gohan and Goten could have met her, She would have loved to meet her grandkids' She sighed as we headed out of the basement and into the kitchen, I began to do crunches on the kitchen floor as Chichi got dinner started, As she had her back turned to me I had the perfect view of her butt. So cute and petite! I couldn't exactly focus on my exercises, She turned around and saw me staring at her making her blush

'Goku! Stop it' She giggled

'I can't help it' I got up and wrapped my arms around her tiny waist and pulled her close kissing the back of her neck and loosening the bun in her hair

'Goku you know I can't have my hair loose when I'm cooking' She said as I turned her around and kissed her hard, despite me being away for 7 years she was still the most beautiful woman in my eyes

'I don't care' I smirked as I leaning her back so I could kiss down her neck making her giggle

'You know there's a time and a place for that stuff right!?' We both stopped what we were doing and saw a blushing Gohan looking embarrassed and annoyed

'Oops sorry sweetie' Chichi blushed

'Yeah sorry son, I thought you were still outside' I laughed nervously

'Well I only came in to tell you that I can Grandpa's car is driving towards here' He pointed outside as we looked, and He was right

'Ahh Papa!' Chichi cheered and ran outside to greet her father as did Gohan and Myself

'Hey everyone!' The ox King waved

'Papa, What are you doing here?' Chichi asked giving her father a kiss on the cheek

'I'm visiting my Grandsons!' He smiled

'Yeah, just like you promised last time' Gohan smiled

'Of course! I also bought you a present Gohan!' The ox king handed him a big gift as His face grew into a huge smile

'Wow! Thank you Grandpa!' Gohan smiled

'I know you're a young adult now, But your still the adorable little tyke I remember' The ox king smiled as Gohan blushed a little

'Thanks papa, your really kind' Chichi smiled

'Well I also brought a Gift to the other little tyke! Where is Goten?' The ox king looked around

'GRANDPA!' Goten was flying towards us at high speed and landed on the ground in front of him

'Ahh there you are! Here you Go Goten!' The ox king smiled giving him his present

'Awesome! Thank you so much Grandpa'

'Will you stay for dinner papa?' Chichi asked

'Well I don't want to be a burden'

'Of course Not we'd be happy to have you join us' I smiled

'In that case I am quite hungry' He laughed as we all headed inside, Once chichi placed all the food on the table we all tucked in, And once again I had had 48 helpings as Gohan had 24 and Goten had 16, and the ox king having 2 and chichi 1. I guess our sayien appetites will never change

'Wow! Thanks mom that was Amazing!' Goten cheered

'Yeah Mom! Always love you cooking'

'Thank you boys, now why don't you run along' Chichi smiled as they nodded and headed upstairs

'Oh! And just before I forget, I have something for you two as well' The ox king placed an envelope on the table as we looked at so with confusion

'What is it papa?' Chichi asked

No pov

'Open it up and see' He replied as chichi took the envelope and ripped it open and saw it was an invitation, Chichi's eyes widened as she saw what kind of invitation

'A Family reunion?!' Chichi asked almost screaming as Goku looked confused

'I thought we should all get together' The ox king smiled

'Chichi I didn't know you had other family! Why didn't you say anything?' Goku asked

'Because Its not that important! Daddy please tell me you haven't sent out other invites' Chichi asked

'Of course I have! The party is happening next week'


'Now come on sweetheart It will be nice for you to see your relatives again, they've all been asking about you' The ox king said

'Dad! I am not going! I just can't….face them!' Chichi huffed as Goku looked really confused

'Uhh…..Well if Chichi doesn't want to go then I guess we're staying' he said

'Oh well that's too bad, I had some top notch chefs from all over the country to prepare a giant feast as big and my treasure hold' The ox King said as Goku's eyes widened! He knew the King's treasure hold was big…Imagine it being FOOD!

'Chichi…..' Goku gave him the eyes

'Goku! No!' She huffed as Gohan and Goten bursted in

'I wanna Go!' Goten cheered

'It does sound like fun to meet your relatives mom' Gohan smiled as Chichi Rose from her seat

'WE ARE NOT GOING TO THIS AND THAT IS THAT!' She yelled as the boys backed off but the ox king sighed

'Chichi, I know what your feeling, but I promise, these people only wish to be in the same room as one another again, they've all been writing back and asking how you've been, they all really want to see you, I told them you had become a very smart and beautiful woman with a husband and sons, and they are all eager to meet them, So please Chichi, If you won't do this for me….then do it for your mother, I know she would like it if you came' The ox king smiled as Chichi's face softened and looked to her boys who were nodding as she sighed heavily and smiled

'Ok….I guess we can go' She said as the boys cheered

'Wonderful! Oh sweetie it'll be wonderful for us all! And I've also sent invites to capsule corp, And kame House etc. So you won't be totally alone, Its all organised at the Ox castle!' The ox king said

'Awesome! Trunks is coming too!' Goten smiled

'What about Videl Grandpa, did you invite her?' Gohan asked

'Of course I did, her, her father and Majjun Buu said they'd come' He replied

'Awwwww somebody doesn't want to be away from his girlfriend…..kissy kissy!' Goten teased as Gohan blushed

'Shut…..Up!' He huffed

'Well I guess we'll see you there dad' Chichi said slightly frowning, Goku looked at his wife and wondered….what was the huge problem about going to a family reunion, didn't she want to see her relatives?

'I'm so glad your coming sweetheart, this will be a night to remember, I better go and make some phone calls, I'll call you within the week, bye' And just like that the ox king was out the door and into his car driving away, leaving Chichi slightly hesitant and The boys teasing each-other

'Okay I guess time for bed' she said and walked up the stairs as Goku, Gohan and Goten looked at each-other in confusion

'Is momma okay?' Goten asked

'I don't know squirt, she did seem determined to not go to this reunion' Gohan said as Goku frowned with worry and confusion

'Gohan, Can you put Goten to bed, I'll talk to your mom' Goku asked

'Sure thing dad, say goodnight Goten' Gohan said as Goten gave his dad a small hug

'Good night Daddy' Goten smiled

'Night kiddo' Goku ruffled his hair as Gohan smiled

'Night dad'

'Night son' Goku waved as they went up the stairs to bed, now to handle the next job – His wife. He walked up to the bedroom and saw she was already in her navy blue night bra and matching underwear, sitting by her dresser and brushing her hair, Goku couldn't help but smile, he took off his Gi and was wearing is red night trousers and jumped on the bed lying on his stomach watching his wife as she noticed him staring at looked at him through the mirror

'Why are you staring at me Goku?' She asked

'Have I told you how pretty you are today?' He asked as she raised an eyebrow

'I love you say that when I'm hardly in any clothing'

'Oh well that's just a bonus, Your always pretty chichi' He smiled

'Thank you' she said

'So why isn't that pretty face smiling? Is this about the reunion?' He asked as she sighed

'I just….don't feel…comfortable about going' She said as his face suddenly went sad

'Is it me?' He asked as she turned to look at him


'Is it because you don't want them to meet me? Do I embarrass you?' Goku as chichi jumped on the bed and kissed him hard

'No of course Not Goku you could never embarrass me, maybe when you'll start eating but that's not it, Its about me!' Chichi said as he looked confused

'I don't understand chichi'

'Look, I haven't seen a lot of my relatives from when I was a 14 year old girl, a lot of stuff happened and I guess I haven't faced them ever since, and going back to my old home, being in the same hall as these people, Its just gonna be…..awkward' She explained, Goku didn't completely understand what she was afraid of but nonetheless he reassured her

'Chichi, I'm sure it won't be a bad time, you dad did say your family have been asking about you and don't you think it'll be nice for Gohan and Goten to meet their relatives too?' Goku asked as Chichi nodded slowly

'I know It's just….'

'It'll be okay, and if you're not having a nice time, we can easily go home through my instant transmission, your dad wouldn't say that you didn't turn up'

'That's true…..'

'And I'm sure they'll want to see you too. You'll be fine Chichi' Goku finished as Chichi smiled

'Okay I guess it would be nice to see them again' she smiled giving him a kiss on the cheek

'Awesome and I Can't wait to try that food' He said as she rolled her eyes

'Of course you would say that' She laughed

'Its gonna be awesome…..' He yawned and turned off the light and slowly drifted into sleep, Chichi however couldn't sleep; she was up majority of the night think about this reunion! Had she made the right decision about saying she'd go? Was she gonna regret her decision? She just wanted it to be cancelled or something but her father wouldn't do that, Nope! She was stuck and now she had to face it! Face them. She jumped out of the bed not disturbing Goku and sat on her windowsill and looked up into the starry sky, she began to think to herself who would show up? Her cousins? He long lost relatives? The relatives she recognises but can't remember their names? Ugh! It was difficult!

'I just hope it all goes okay' She sighed and hopped back into bed snuggling next to her Husband

I know its short but don't worry plenty more for you at some point ;) Hope you enjoyed this. Please leave me a review xx Thanks guys! You Rule I rule

Penelope out ;)