Ugh guys sorry for the late post, I just have not been so motivated to update this story but I'm trying. Maybe you guys can help me out! Reviews and ideas are welcomed! After this chapter, the story is really going to pick up and you will begin to understand Riddle's motive.

Head Girl Quarters

Hermione Granger knew her house to be very brash. They were not one to forget a prank, especially one from the Slytherins. She was, however, quite surprised that they waited weeks before enacting their revenge.

The Quidditch match between Slytherin and Ravenclaw ended prematurely when the entire Slytherin team ( besides Zabini and Malfoy) ended up in a very messy situation. Hermione Granger cringes at the memory of the mess that covered the Quidditch pitch. Feces was everywhere as a majority of the Slytherin team could not seem to control their bowels. It was quite a disgusting prank that the Gryffindors created, They must have created wards covering the viewers (besides the Slytherins of course) from being splattered with human refuse. Thankfully Riddle agreed to sit with Hermione in the Gryffindor's section or they would have surely been covered in the mess like the majority of his ambitious house was. It was utter chaos once literal shite began to explode from the players like Bubotuber pus, the entire school seemed to be in a panic as they watched in fear as the Slytherin Quidditch team flew around expelling waste from both ends.. Madame Hooch was completely furious at the ill turn of events that she ended the game before more damage could be done. Hermione feared that the Slytherins were surely going to retaliate with extreme violence at the defilement of their proud house. Just more stress added to her head girl duties she groaned before staring at her form in the oval mirror in her quarters.

Right now, however, she needed to focus on the night before her. She smoothes over the long velvet blood red robe that graced her figure perfectly. The robe was left for her to find along with a note graced in Tom's elegant writing

Malfoy will retrieve you at midnight, be dressed and ready. There's no backing out now my lioness.


Hermione's skin shivers when her clock strikes midnight. She takes one more look at her swathed form before taking a deep breath and heading towards her common quarters to await Draco Malfoy. She imagined all the ways this night could turn out. She admitted that she was deathly curious about these infamous meetings. But was she ready for this? Tom Riddle was quite right, there was no turning back after this. There was no way he would let her return to her normal safe life after viewing one of his meetings… she was quite sure that he wouldn't let her go back either way.

True to Riddle's note, Malfoy was already waiting in the quarters to retrieve Hermione. The pureblood aristocrat was laying on the couch and arises when the curly witch approaches with nervousness. He looks at her robe, similar to his plain one besides the smooth red fabric that painted her form before rising and bowing deeply, a mischievous smile etched on his pale face as he reached out his arm for her to grab.

" Ahh, there you are. You aren't nervous are you Granger?", Malfoy asks with a smile on his face. Hermione swallows the lump in her throat before replying, " I'm not nervous Malfoy...just a little wary about tonight's events. I'm afraid my imagination has been going quite rampant with how tonight will turn out.", she grabs his clothed arm and follows Malfoy through the dark corridors of Hogwarts.

" Do not be afraid Granger. There will just be lots of threats and torture, perhaps a bit of training. You wanted to see Riddle in his element...well prepare to see your boyfriend unrestrained." , Malfoy replies gravely.

The rest of the journey was followed by silence. They soon approach the damp basement and turn left past the Slytherins dorm rooms to a blank stone wall that was etched with subtle tree branches. Hermione would have never noticed the different stonework if it wasn't for the Draco's Lumos. He stops in front of the stone. He raises his sleeve and places a tattooed arm to the cold surface. Hermione notices a snaked skull before Malfoy quickly covers his arm.

" What's that on your arm Malfoy?", she asks suspiciously.

" Riddle will explain when he's ready Granger… for now, just observe the path you've decided to walk," he says gravely.

With that, the stone slowly erodes away to a cold dark tunnel that was packed with dirt. Malfoy turns to Hermione with dark eyes. " It's now or never Granger… you can go back to a normal life, but once you walk through this tunnel you will never be rid of him. Choose wisely...please", Malfoy pleads, his eyes were filled with worry while the rest of his face was blank of emotion. Hermione shivers once more as she stares down the dark path into darkness.

Was she ready for this? Was she ready to throw away her old life? Her old mundane life of following rules and staying in line? Was she ready to be Riddles entirely?

Hermione shakes off the apprehension. and raises her head with grace before stepping through the stone archway into the dark corridor.

" Let's go see why you guys are so scared of Riddle, shall we?" , and with that, the golden lioness walks into the night.

Forbidden Forest.

Dark Lord

Tom Riddle was never one to allow disorder in his rank. He was particular about certain things and disarray in his very inner circle was one such matter he would not accept. Alas, being under the very irritating nose of Albus Dumbledore and Hogwarts made enacting such balance back into his ranks quite difficult. Not for long however, soon they will graduate and enter the wizarding world. He would have no setbacks then. Tom glances over his inner circle with a mask of indifference. Many were valuable assets that would lead him too long term success, much like their dead ancestors before them. Tom knew that many would eventually have to be slaughtered when they served their purpose, but for now, he would train his inner circle to fear no one but their master.

Tom stares at his watch in slight irritancy before taking his position on the black wooden throne he conjured for his narcissistic taste. The inner circle stayed kneeled in complete silence as he awaited his queen and his Malfoy. He knew Hermione would show, he knew that her curiosity would not allow her timid side to stray for long. He was quite upset that he has not made much progress with the book, however. She had to be willing to activate the ancient tome for any of his tedious planning to come into fruition. Riddle was a patent man when it came to Hermione Granger, however, even the Slytherin heir had his limits.

It's not long before Hermione and Malfoy finally enter the secluded clearing deep in the Forbidden Forest. The tiny frame of Hermione was noticeable next to the arrogant stride of Malfoy, the latter quickly bows to Hermione before walking to his spot in the circle and kneeling low. Hermione takes off her hood and stares at the eight kneeling figures before walking towards the silent mask of Tom Riddle.

" Hello Riddle, quite clever to have meetings in the obscurity of the Forbidden Forest. How did you find the hidden pathway leading to the forest?", she shivers as the cold breeze gently caress her body. Tom Riddle observes his witch with cold eyes before smiling softly at her curiosity. He arises from his black throne of twisted wood and walks towards the curly witch before outstretching his arm for her to grab.

" Let's just say someone very dear to me showed me this secret area long go, the vast trees secure this area from foes although I do suppose the wards I put up years ago are still holding up quite well.", he whispers to her before placing his lips to her golden skin with a look of glee. Before Hermione can ask more on the matter he continues.

" You are late and I will not allow tardiness to these meetings, although it is your first one so I will not punish you...perhaps a personal lesson later tonight will suffice.", Tom whispers into her freckled ear before leading her towards the black throne. Hermione's bottom tingles at the threat and her mind wanders to earlier morning tea. She stays silent however, a little apprehensive to mouth off Riddle in this unknown environment. She told herself she was here to simply observe. Riddle smirks at her silence before reaching for his pale wand.

" Ahh, the golden lioness is a loss for words? I must admit it's quite refreshing compared to that mouth of what's missing here? Oh yes.", he swishes his wand quickly and the ground next to his throne and a sycamore tree of white wood emerges from the ground with twisted branches before forming into an elegant white throne that matched his very own black one. He leads Hermione to the base and extends his arm towards the newly conjured seat with a raised eyebrow. Hermione stares at the new structure with stilled breath before running her fingers over the smooth wood. She sits down and stares at Tom with quiet eyes full of questions. Tom found he enjoyed this speechless side of Hermione Granger, he smirked because she has seen nothing yet.

" Perfect", he says before turning to the circle of kneeling followers with cold eyes once more. " Arise", he says and the eight hooded figures rise simultaneously with silence. Tom Riddle walks to the center of the circle and paces the vast area as he eyed the clothed forms in silence.

" Miss Granger this is my inner circle, the ever so lucky mortals that I have chosen to lead my ranks. Fear, not my dear, I have over forty other followers sprinkled throughout the school and wizarding community however, they are not important enough to be here. For now, you will meet my lieutenants and generals of my ever-growing army. Some may find themselves disposable in the future, but for now, they are all quite valuable." , he finishes his monologue and stops in front of the tallest figure, he motions for the cloaked form to remove his hood. Blaise Zabini gracefully removes his hood before bowing quickly to his master.

" Miss Granger as you know, this is Zabini. He is quite useful for covert operations, he has an uncanny ability to blend into any crowd and his connections in Italy and Germany are quite valuable. He is one of my second in command, after you, of course, my dear.", Tom glances towards Hermione's perched form and the witch nods her head in understanding. Riddle smirks before walking towards the next figure, a slightly smaller frame. The figure turns out to be Psyche Black, the witch was of waifish frame and had bright silver hair that was cut in a pixie hairstyle that fit her elfish features. She bows quickly before rising and staring towards Hermione Granger with vacant eyes. Tom Riddle flicks his eyes to his Hermione's startled eyes. He smirks at her shocked expression.

" Oh yes Miss Granger, my growing reign reaches to other magical schools.", he licks his lips suggestively and Hermione Granger cannot help but roll her eyes at his bragging.

" Psyche Black, as you know is Sirius Black's niece. She and her brother will be introduced as sixth year transfers from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. You two have only met at formal functions since Miss Black has confirmed to me that her father Regulus Black does not get along much with your adopted I correct Psyche?"

" Yes my Lord.", the waifish witch mutters before bowing again. Tom Riddle stares at her with dark eyes. " Yes, well that will be changing. Psyche Black will be your closest confidant Miss Granger ;and not because you two are the only women in my inner circle. I ensure you that you can confide in her without worry. She will not lead you astray. Miss Black is a newly discovered seer and is quite skilled at her prophecies. She is highly valued in my reign." Riddle pats her silver hair before moving onto the more large frame beside her. The figure removes his hood and a tall gorgeous man of rippled muscles and long ink back hair stares back. His aura was bright and airy as he bows deeply before rising and giving Hermione a quick mischievous wink. Tom Riddle rolls his eyes at the wild man before saying.

"This fool is Eros Black, as you know he is Psyche's twin brother. Ironic since they are complete opposites in looks and demeanor. Wheres Psyche is a well trained and mature follower...Eros Black is quite unpredictable at times and foolish." , Riddle stares at the dark-haired man who smiles at the insult. Riddle raises his eyebrow with a blank look before continuing. " Although he has much growing up to do, Eros is a quite skilled wizard at battling and is surprisingly good at following orders. He would have been disposed of long ago if not for these very reasons", Riddle says darkly before brushing a fallen leaf from his back velvet suit.

" I live to serve you dark lord", Eros says before smiling with a toothy grin and covering his hood again like the two before him. Riddle sneers as he walks in front of the next figure. The face of Draco Malfoy appears and the platinum blonde wizard bows quickly before staring at the forest floor. Tom Riddle flicks his wand and the blonde man falls to the ground in a shriek of ill contained pain. Tom Riddle keeps the Cruciatus curse on full effect as he turns to a white-faced Hermione, her fingers were digging into the wood as she watched in horror as Malfoy contorted on the ground in extreme pain. She raises her frantic eyes to Tom's cold ones in confusion.

" As you know this is Draco Malfoy, he is far too soft due to his silver spoon upbringing, I'm hoping once we leave these institutional halls he will eventually become the dark wizard I need. He is quite useful due to the Malfoy name only and thankfully for him, he is the only heir produced from his prestigious line.", Riddle ends his slow rant with a flick of his wand and the silver wizard groans in pain before rising stiffly and bowing deeply. Riddle watches as Malfoy falls back in line with a blank look.

" Do you know why I did that Mister Malfoy?", Tom asks bluntly. The pureblood nods his head before saying with a well-controlled voice.

" Yes my lord, because I was late retrieving Miss Granger. I thank you for the correction and strive to become a better dark wizard for you master.", Draco's voice rasps before he bows again and replaces his hood in a stiff manner. Riddle nods his head and walks toward the next figure who turned out to be Rosier. The brown haired wizard bows and stares off into space like the well-trained wizard he was.

" Evan Roser Jr will be inheriting his father's black market for dark wizard object quite soon. Have you prepared your father's unsuspected death upon graduation Rosier?", Tom asks darkly and the brown-haired man nods solemnly.

" Yes my lord. My father will find his demise on his next journey to China, I will have a complete briefing ready upon the next meeting if you will be so merciful and allow me more time?" Rosier's voice is slightly cracked and Tom smiles at the wizard's uncomfortable task.

" I suppose I can grant you until next month's meeting Rosier, do not disappoint me or I will make Malfoy's torture look like children's play."

" Yes master"

" Excellent, now onto Nott.",Tom says before walking towards Theodore Nott who bowed quickly like the others before staring quickly at the vast tree before him.

" Nott is another great addition to my ranks. He is quite intelligent as you know Miss Granger, having many classes with the bright wizard. He is also great at following orders without moral question" Tom says as he walks towards the next muscled form. Romulus Lestrange removes his black hood and bows deeply towards Riddle, refusing to lock eyes with Hermione. Tom Riddle glances at Hermione Granger who had a hard gaze towards the pale wizard. She quickly glances towards the covered form of Blaise Zabini before returning her eyes to Tom's green ones. Riddle raises his eyebrow at the subtle tension before continuing his formal introduction.

" Ahh yes Lestrange, the wild card in my ranks. He is a devout follower that sometimes needs correction isn't that right Lestrange?"

Romulus Lestrange licks his lips before bowing again. " Yes my lord, I am irrefutably yours to form into the perfect follower, master." he quickly glances at Hermione before nodding to Riddle and placing his hood upon his raven black hair. Riddle stares at the pale man in front him with silent contempt before walking towards the center of the circle.

" Yes well, now that I have introduced my inner circle it is time for-"

" What about the last person Riddle?", Tom is interrupted when Hermione finally speaks for the first time since her ascension. Riddle smiles at her question before flicking his eyes to the tallest and slimmest form, whose hood was still covered.

" Ahh yes, my first in command. I fear I am not ready to reveal this person's true nature to you, Miss Granger. I must be able to fully trust your discretion, my dear.", Riddle says slowly and the curly witch stares in curiosity at who could be the last follower. The shrouded figure bows deeply yet stays submerged under the heavily concealing robes.

'"Now where was I? Oh yes… Now that I have introduced my inner circle to my queen." Tom raises his arms towards Hermione, beckoning her to the center. Hermione rises stiffly and walks towards the center with careful steps. Tom was quite surprised that she was behaving so well and he was going to give her a treat for her obedience.

" Kneel", he orders and his circle kneels before the two in the center. Hermione stares at the eight lower forms with a look of quiet speculation. Riddle grabs her arm and wraps it through his own. He stares at her soft brown freckles that graced her collar collarbone like scattered stars. She stares back at him with watchful eyes, her breath was stilled. Tom realized that she held this same manner when covering a new topic of study she was not familiar with. He smirked subtly, at her observant gaze.

" Miss Granger is mine in every way, she will be respected and feared as you fear myself. She will be treated like royalty and is the most valuable portion of this circle beside myself. Is that understood? , he asks clearly.

" Yes, my lord", the inner circle rings out and Riddle feels Hermione shiver in his arm.

" You will soon learn to respect and fear her for her might...speaking of which." , Riddle's green eyes rove over the circle before stopping in front of Lestrange. " Rise Lestrange and take center, Tom feels Hermione stiffen at the order and he runs his hand through her curly hair before staring back at the wizard as he followed the order.

Tom places his lips to her ear and whispers," You think Zabini would not tell me about last night's events? You will show this boy that you are a force to be reckoned with or I will end his life right here and now for ever thinking he could put his filthy hands on you. Do you understand my queen?." , Tom brushes a soft curl from her collar bone and stares at her startled eyes.

" What do you ...want me to do?", she whispers to Tom breathlessly. He takes in her uncomfortable form before showing a dazzling smile and walking towards Lestrange, who was still kneeling in submission.

" Mr. Lestrange will be helping Miss Granger grow accustomed to torturing, I fear her soft heart must be hardened.", He smiles darkly at the subtle fear that began to grow in Lestrange's black eyes. " Yes, I'm sure you will be a great asset to her training.". Riddle stares at the startled look in Hermione's eyes before walking towards his black throne and raising his toward the center.

" Commence Miss Granger", Tom's clear voice echoes through the silent and cold forest like a death sentence.