Upon his arrival on Cooler No. 37, Kaido had finally realized how much he missed his home. To contrast the red deserts and vibrant cityscapes of Planet Vegeta, the landscape of this barren world did nothing but remind Kaido how different other worlds would be. The air was hard to breathe in, and the only thing even vaguely reminiscent of Kaido's home was some of the Arcosian architecture. However, the majority of the buildings were more slums than anything in comparison. All of it was covered in the planet's ashy sands. It was confusing to the Saiyan, seeing as he believed the number was just meant to be a garrison planet, but just a short walk to what Cantalo called the 'assignment center' cleared somethings up.

Countless aliens approached them during the walk, clearly trying to size them up or sell some useless baubles. Some approached to beg as well, which lead to the boy concluding that the residents had to be people stranded on the world during intergalactic travel. Cooler No. 37 was pretty far away from a lot of Planet Trade Organization worlds, after all. Perhaps the Cooler Corps garrisoning the world simply didn't care. A quick use of his scouter told Kaido that they can't have been much of a threat regardless…

When they finally made it to the 'assignment center', it was hard for Kaido not to comment at the petty excuse of a military building. It was a simple one-story building built in the Arcosian style. However, its once marble-white walls and blue windows were caked in the ashy and chalky grey dust. The windows were hardly usable, and what should've been majestic architecture was permanently ruined by the strange conditions of the world. It didn't help the structure that outside, it was surrounded almost entirely by the alien slums and intoxicated soldiers. It seemed that this 'assignment center' was more of a tavern than anything.

It wasn't until the time came to enter that excuse for a military building that Cantalo breathed a word about the strange new atmosphere he'd brought the boy into. However, it wasn't about the strange new world the two were on, or even the state the official administration buildings were in. It was a warning.

"Listen, boy. Going in, you'll see a lot of.. 'Locals', traders, and some off-duty soldiers drinking. They're not our focus. What we want is near the center of the room, its a large electronic board where you can find yourself a task. Once you've selected and submitted your request for the assignment, I can have it accepted for you. Don't get distracted, don't force me to stop what I'm doing to do the work for you."

And like that, the Sefaran that was meant to be his guide made his way into the building, soon joining a mass of soldiers that were sat down in the corner, drinking. Kaido instinctively followed him, but he stopped himself once he noticed the very electronic board that Cantalo had told him to take heed of.

It was pretty much the only part of the structure that looked pristine and maintained, and it had countless lists and paragraphs of information, all in Galactic Basic, a language Kaido barely knew how to read. Being a member of the middle class had only earned him the basic education that a foot-soldier needed to work with scouters, and his father wasn't really too keen on his child needing to learn to written language crafted by the Arcosians that now dominated the Saiyans. Thankfully, there was a small queue of people waiting to interact with the device and find more information on the device, which gave Kaido a few moments to analyze it all a little better.

It took him a while, but soon he could pretty much make up what the soldier at the head of the line was looking into. The humanoid was apparently researching a raid assignment, where he was expected to destroy a few settlements and steal a large amount of primitive peoples to cripple the planet's progress. Kaido was more than a little uncomfortable with this, although not because he pitied the target. He was a little scared about the logistics of it all. Could he, a child, manage something so complex? Wouldn't it have just been easier to kill or subjugate the target and then sell the planet? To a Saiyan who intended to use his Oozaru form as a means of power, he wasn't really sure he could handle a job like that without going all the way and screwing up.

For the next few people to make inquiries at the board, tasks were not nearly as complicated. A Sefaran not too unlike Cantalo in appearance even found a task that Kaido envied quite a bit. It was an extermination job on some large icy world only a week away. It seemed to be stuck in a period of long nights, and there was a part of Kaido that really wanted to ask the Sefaran to allow him to do instead. However, he knew the request likely wouldn't go down well with the soldier he didn't know.

Eventually, when there was only one person in front of him in the queue, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Before he could turn around, the man behind him had effectively pushed his way past him. This man was no soldier. He had long white hair, violet eyes, and clothes that would've been elegant if not for the dust that now caked some of it.

Immediately, Kaido was ready for a fight. He was used to having soldiers on the ship trying to push him around, and he figured this was no different. Before striking though, he put a voice to his anger.

"Hey! I was in front of you!"

From his reaction, it seemed that this strange man hadn't really expected much of a response from the kid he skipped past. He didn't shift off to let Kaido pass, instead providing an explanation in an annoyed tone.

"Give me a moment, child. I need to add a mission to this damn registry. It shouldn't take too long."

This wasn't really excuse the boy was willing to accept, but he did pause to think on how to respond. Perhaps it was this man's job to do that sort of thing? No, he wasn't wearing battle armor. Not even non-combatants got out of wearing that.

Before Kaido could threaten the man, Cantalo appeared. It seemed the Sefaran had heard the Saiyan raise his voice. Despite his act of not really caring, clearly the Lieutenant had been paying attention to the queue.

"Good luck with that. It's not possible to add something from here." Suddenly, the Sefaran's neutral tone became far more hostile. "So let the boy fulfill his orders and go talk to someone who can add to the board."

The Saiyan didn't know whether or not to smile. He appreciated being backed up by someone much stronger, but at the same time he did think he could take down a non-combatant pretty easily without his superior needing to step in. Kaido didn't get another word in before the white-haired alien responded. He was aghast, seemingly offended by the mention of more difficulties in getting his task done.

"What, and wait even longer than I already have? You're joking!"

By now, the man in front of them all in the queue had finished using it, and he was mostly just paying into to their conversation. Many people were, in fact. The soldiers especially expected a fight or something similar to occur, and they found it too entertaining not to gawk.

"Every client of the Planet Trade Organization goes through the same thing, Sutorian. Just because your people hold sway in this part of the galaxy doesn't mean you get to ignore the system."

Now that comment of Cantalo's got some attention from the people. They all clearly agreed, and this only set the alien off even more. To Kaido, it was more interesting than it was entertaining. He had been angry and willing to fight the 'Sutorian' only moments before, but now the attitude of the alien as well as Cantalo's comments was starting to make the young boy want to hear him out.

Irritated, the alien look around at the crowd that was beginning to form around him with contempt. When he next spoke, it was to everyone, not just Cantalo and Kaido.

"You cretins are stupid if you think I'm going to spend a minute longer on this blasted world than I have to. I mean, do any of you really need the damn registry to get something done? I have riches to offer, an enemy to be killed! Shouldn't that be enough for you people?"

The crowd didn't respond the way the Sutorian wished it would. Some laughed at his attempt to entice them into breaking protocol, while others hurled insults in attempts to damage the alien's large ego. Finally, Cantalo extended his arm, his palm opening to reveal the formation of an attack.

Before he could fire, the Sutorian finally relented.

"Fine! You're the ones missing out, not me."

Like that, the man began to walk away with the soldiers around them all enjoying the interaction. Where Kaido had once been angry and ready to fight, he was curious. The mission board was open to him, and all he could think about was asking the alien what his job was.

Without saying anything, Kaido began to follow, all until Cantalo spoke up.

"Focus, boy. You can fight the weakling after you've found something."

Kaido did stop for a moment, but he didn't turn his back to irritated Sutorian. He just took a moment to think of what excuse to give, and quickly he found that he had none. Instead, he barked out an order. An order. To his superior. Yeah, he wasn't exactly thinking it through very well.

"Just… take my spot in the queue, I know what job I want if this doesn't work out!"

And like that, he was out of there, following the Sutorian out of the establishment and into the chalk-colored slums of Cooler No. 37. He only made it a few feet out of the building before the Sutorian turned his head to question why the boy was still following him.

"What do you-"

Kaido didn't give him the time to speak, he just asked what came to mind.

"Your job. What is it, what does it pay?"

Then the alien who only a minute ago was irritated and offended by the mere presence of the Cooler Corps soldiers allowed a satisfied smile to come to his face. It seemed he'd interested at least one person with the prospect of a job...