A/N: ** Season 9 spoiler ** This story is a tag to 9.16 Warrior of Peace and has 8.9 Glasnost as the back story. Neither of these scenarios are mine but are the creation of the writers of NCIS LA. What follows is all mine although the words in bold are taken from the episodes, which I can't claim.

A/N2: I wasn't going to post this until I'd finished it but having seen e3 of S10 and reference was made to Callen's relationship with his sister, I felt I had to post it now.

Chapter 1

"Don't make me regret letting you in." The words that Alex had said kept echoing through his mind time and again especially when he least expected it. Neither could he stop seeing the look of extreme sadness on her face, mixed certainly with disappointment in him but could he also see hate? He knew both were becoming a distraction but he could not do anything about it however hard he tried. He thought about Alex Reynolds, his half-sister, and her son, Jake and wondered how someone who grew up in the welfare system as he had done, having no blood relatives, suddenly ended up with a proper family and then just as suddenly had lost them all.

Alex and Jake had come into Callen's life quite unexpectedly. It had also brought Callen back into contact with his father, Garrison, whom he had met briefly when he had helped Callen and his team escape from Russia after rescuing Arkady and a CIA operative.

Callen and his team had been called in to investigate a case of a woman poisoned with polonium 210. The woman, who was in hospital and dying, turned out to be Alex Reynolds' mother but it also transpired that Mary Reynolds was not her real name, something that Alex had not been aware of. It had been curious as to why this middle class American housewife had been targeted with the Russians' poison of choice and investigations discovered that there were no record of Mary Reynolds prior to 1988 and her real name was Katerina Polunin. She had also been the mistress of Pavel Volkoff, at the time of the affair an ambitious KGB officer who had stolen money and had hidden it in Katerina's account. Years later and now head of the FSB, the Russian secret service, Volkoff was the second most powerful man in Russia and his enemies were looking for dirt on him. Linking him to the stolen money would be proof enough to ruin him which was why they had targeted Katerina.

Garrison, or Nikita Reznikov one of the names he was previously known by, was wanted for crimes against the Soviet Union having already escaped from a gulag and in hiding from the Russian authorities although he continued to help dissidents escape to the West. He had 'died' many times and Garrison was just his latest name of choice. Callen's mother, a CIA operative, had recruited Garrison as a CIA asset and years later he had recruited Katerina. When his work against the Soviet Union made it too dangerous for her, Garrison helped her escape to America with the assistance of Arkady. It turned out that the poisoning of Katerina had been to lure out Garrison from hiding as well as locating the stolen money and when they failed to catch him, their attention turned to Alex and she was abducted. Alex was subsequently released after Garrison traded himself for her safety with knowledge of the money. Although beaten by his captives, Garrison was rescued by Callen and Sam.

On the day of Katerina's funeral both Callen and Garrison attended and after the service, leaving Alex and Jake at the graveside to grieve, Callen took his father to Amy's grave, their sister and daughter respectively. Garrison reinforced his promise that he would tell Callen everything in detail about why he had had to sever all ties with his family but he hoped that Callen would come to forgive him. Callen told him that he may never forgive him but he did understand why and Garrison had at least saved many lives by helping them escape to the West. Callen was surprised by the venom, passion and grief that he heard in his father's voice when he announced that there were too many people whom he loved that he could not save: his wife Clara, his daughter Amy and Katerina. It was then that realisation dawned on Callen that Katerina had been a love interest of his father's and that Alex was their daughter, making her Callen's half-sister and her son Jake Garrison's grandson and Callen's nephew.

They had eventually made their familial connection to Alex known and she had welcomed both her father and half-brother into her home. Garrison had immediately formed a relationship with Alex and her son and whilst Callen was happy for them, if truth be known, he was a little jealous that he and his father could not do the same. Callen had been disappointed that it had not been as easy as he had dreamed to connect with his biological father when Garrison, as he choose to call him, came to the States to live. Callen hoped that in time they would reconcile their grievances and form a closer father-son relationship. In some part Callen understood why his father chose to abandon his son and daughter in an attempt to keep them safe from his enemies. After all how many times had Callen done something similar to keep those he cared about safe? However the vulnerable little boy, who had suffered terribly in the welfare system, who was still hidden deep within Callen's psyche, could not forgive him, at least not yet. Callen kept telling himself there was still time to resolve their issues. How wrong had he been?

One morning a State Department agent with Diplomatic Security Services agents had come to Alex's house whilst they were all there to take Garrison into custody. Jake had been extremely upset at seeing his grandfather taken away and for all his powers as a Federal Agent, Callen could not do anything about it either. It transpired that Garrison was to be exchanged for Jeremy and Ann Tyler, an American husband and wife freelance photographer team who had been captured in Iran on the premise of being CIA spies. Callen knew Iranian officials were in cahoots with the Russians as the Iranian military relied on the Superpower for their weapons and that it was likely that Volkoff suggested the exchange, and possibly the kidnap of the Americans although neither could be proved.

When Callen went to explain to Alex what was to happen to Garrison, she did not want to know any details. All she wanted was for Callen to fix it as she could not lose her father so soon after the death of her mother and Jake especially could not cope with losing his grandfather as well as his grandmother. That was when she first said to him Don't make me regret letting you in.

The exchange, due to take place two days after Garrison was taken, had been sanctioned at the highest levels of government so there was nothing that either Mosley or Hetty could do to help Callen or Garrison. Any attempt to free him would be classified as treason but Callen would not give up without a fight. However, everything they tried failed, so it was with heavy heart that Callen accompanied his father and the State Department officials to the exchange site somewhere on the Turkey – Iran border. Alex had been allowed to come as had the family of the American photographers.

Alex was given some time alone with her father, although in sight of the officials and Callen waited a short distance away waiting his turn to say goodbye. After talking, Alex and Garrison hugged and with reluctance she left him, turning to walk back to the SUVs with her arms wrapped around her shoulders in an effort to comfort herself and fighting back the tears. As she passed Callen, Alex briefly made eye contact with him and he spoke her name. She just shook her head, the action and the look left him in no doubt what she thought of him. With head hung he stepped forward to speak to his father.

Callen sighed and looked back at Alex as did Garrison. "She just needs time" Garrison said sadly. Callen turned back to his father and looked passed him to the armed guards waiting on the Iranian side. Garrison turned and looked too. He turned back to his son and said "It won't be as bad as you think. I was captured by the Russian and once before I escaped. Who says I cannot do it again?"

Callen smiled and said "So what name you gonna taken now?"

"I've always liked Igor" said Garrison and when Callen chuckled and smiled, confused Garrison asked "You don't approve?"

"No, it's just that the name, y'know it's not really got a lot of respect in America what with the Dr Frankenstein's assistant and the hunchback .." explained Callen.

"I'm not familiar with it" said Garrison.

"It's nothing" answered Callen sadly, looking at the ground.

Garrison smiled and said "In Russia, it means Warrior of Peace."

Callen looked up into Garrison's face and, choking back emotion, said "I think it's perfect."

The sound of vehicles reached their ears and they both did their best to ignore the fact that the time was rapidly approaching the time for their final goodbye. "Grisha, this time with you and Alexandra …. and Jake …" his words tailed off.

"I know" said Callen sadly, nodding his head in understanding. "I know."

At the sight of the vehicle that held the American photographers and had pulled to a halt a few yards behind Garrison, Brian Bush from the State Department stepped forward and said "Agent Callen, it's time…."

Garrison held out his right hand and when Callen took it his father placed his left hand over his hand. They looked into each other's eyes and a silent message was passed between them. Reluctantly they let go and Garrison turned to walk slowly towards the waiting vehicles as the American couple ran past him to their waiting family. When he reached the first vehicle, Garrison turned and resting his hand on the door looked back at his daughter who was standing by the rear door of the first vehicle and then turned his attention to his son, who was fighting his emotions but failing as tears filled his blue eyes and silently escaped to trickle down his cheek.

Callen watched until he could no longer see the car that had taken his father away from him. He wiped his eyes before he turned and reluctantly walked back to the waiting vehicles, one of which now carried the America husband and wife and their children. Alex, who was now opening crying, was still standing beside the first SUV and with heavy heart Callen went to her to comfort her. She shrugged away from his touch and said "I don't want you near me" she said harshly as she climbed into the vehicle and slamming the door, leaving Callen stunned by her words. He had no option but to go round to the other side and climb in. The three vehicles drove off and returned to the hotel where they had stayed the previous night and where they were to stay another night until their flight back to America.

On arrival at the hotel, Callen had got out of the SUV first and waited for Alex to alight. He stepped forward to speak with her but she refused to look at him and stormed straight past him into the hotel where she collected her room key and went to her room. She threw herself onto the bed and with renewed vigour sobbed. Callen understood that she was devastated at losing Garrison so soon after meeting him. Callen also knew that she was upset and disappointed that he had been unable to stop the exchange but he was surprised by the depth of her animosity towards him. However he knew he owed it to his father not to give up on her.

After collecting his own key, Callen made his way to Alex's room which was adjacent to his own. He could hear crying coming from within and he tapped on the door. When he got no answer he knocked louder and called "Alex" but with no response. Undeterred, he knocked again and called her name louder.

"Go away!" she shouted, tears evident in the sound.

"Alex, I just wanna talk" he said through the closed door.

"Well, I don't want to" she replied.

"Alex, just open the door. Please" said Callen.

"No! Go away and leave me alone" Alex said. "Or do I have to call security?"

"Alright I'll go" said Callen "but this isn't over." He went into his room and began to pace up and down. He did not know what to do to get through to his half-sister. He was not particularly adept at dealing with emotions especially as he felt pretty mixed up himself. Still wearing the lightweight suit, he threw himself onto the bed and laid staring at the ceiling. He was shaken out of his reverie by his phone vibrating in his pocket. He took it out and recognising the call id, he smiled as he answered it.

"Mr Callen, how are you?" said the familiar voice of Hetty, which sounded sad although he could hear her effort to make it sound normal. Callen wondered anew at how she always knew when he needed her.

"Not good Hetty" he answered. "How did this happen?" he asked rhetorically. "All I've ever wanted were to know my parents, and when I finally got my father, just as suddenly he's gone from my life again."

Hetty could hear the pain in his voice. "Sometimes life sucks" she said. "I'm so sorry I was not able to do anything to keep your father here. I fear I've failed you, Grisha."

"No Hetty, it's not your fault. You did all you could to help and I really appreciate it" Callen replied.

"Thank you but I still feel bad" she said. "How did the exchange go?"

"Okay I guess. The American couple got back without any incident but it was hard watching him go. Alex took it really bad" he said. He paused before adding "She won't speak to me."

He heard Hetty sigh. "Oh dear" she sympathised. "I am sure she just needs time" she added.

"That's what Garrison said" replied Callen.

"A wise man" said Hetty. "What will you do?" asked Hetty.

"About Alex? I'll give her some space and maybe try later on" he said. "I'll just have it pay it by ear I guess." Hetty could tell he was hurt and confused by his half-sister's rejection of him and she dearly wished she was with him to give him what comfort she could.

"That's probably the best and all you can do" agreed Hetty. "What time is your flight scheduled to leave?"

"Not 'till 11am tomorrow. The authorities will arrange transport for Alex and me to go to her house. That's where I left my car." He paused before adding with a chuckle which had no trace of mirth in it "Now that'll be an interesting journey if she still won't speak to me."

"Let us hope it doesn't come to that" said Hetty. "There's no need for you to come to work straight away when you get back. Take a day or two to recuperate. I will only contact you if there's an urgent case" said Hetty.

"Thank you Hetty" Callen responded. Whilst he knew work would take his mind off what had just happened, he was not sure he could face his friends so soon after the event. They would be sympathetic and concerned for his welfare but whilst he would appreciate it, it would be too difficult in his current state of mind.

"Have a good flight and Grisha, and please do not worry about Alex. I'm sure she will come round after a good night's sleep and once she has had time to process what has happened" said Hetty.

"Thanks Hetty. I hope you're right" Callen answered. "Thanks for phoning, I appreciate it" he added.

"You're most welcome" replied Hetty. She heard Callen sigh just before he disconnected and she was hoped that perhaps she had been able to give her boy a little comfort even if they were thousands of miles apart.

Callen put the phone down and laid on the bed thinking about what had happened at the Turkish – Iranian border. His mind was in turmoil as he thought over and over again what Garrison had said to him. He relived Alex's reaction and thought about how he was going to get through to her. The emotional exhaustion finally took its toll and Callen fell into an uneasy sleep.