Roman didn't wait for the door to close before he had Erin right where he wanted her. On the click, he wrapped his arms around Erin's middle and hoisted her up in the air. He turned and pressed her into the door.

He took his time loving her. Loving her mouth, her neck. He ripped her shirt just to love her chest. Oh her lovely, lovely chest. Not large, not fake, just enough of a handful to enjoy as all the other times had had with her. Her sounds rang deep in his ears as he pulled the scraps of cloth away from her body.

"Roman," she arched, her hands raking through his hair. "Please."

"When I'm good and ready." He said as he curled his fingers into the hem of her pants. "Get these off."

He had to deposit her on the bed and worked on her jeans. With her buttons popped, he dragged them off her, undies following. She grasped at his shirt, her eyes shifting in the dark as she looked up at him. Her wolf was probably ready to pop out of her skin if she wasn't careful.

"Easy, my mate." He murmured as he leaned down and kissed the valley between her breasts. "We have the rest of the night together."

"You better get your clothes off, Roman." She said through thin lips and teeth.

Grabbing his shirt, he lifted it over his head. No sooner as it was off, her hands were on his chest. Her blunt nails scraped at his skin with her mouth the following suit. Hot and heavy, want and need, she exerted a lot of what he wanted but worse.

Nothing mattered more than the woman under him. He loved her heavy, he loved her slowly. He drew out of her a fantasy he knew she would never have again unless it was from him. From bed to bath, he loved her. From floor to door, and then back to the bed again, he loved her. He took more than her breath from her several times over but it was worth hearing her cry his name.

By midnight, spent and satiated, he left her in the bed. The movement outside the hotel door was enough to know someone wanted to talk to him. What followed was a visit from the shadow demon prince himself.

Finn's eyes drifted to Erin's form on the bed. Her bare back to him as she lay on her side facing the bathroom.

"You could have just knocked," Roman whispered.

"What's the fun in that?" He asked in just the same tone.

Finn waved his hand, the covers went up over Erin's bare shoulders and back.

They went outside onto the balcony. The cityscape was bright as every, twinkling in the mid-year night. The cool breeze blew Roman's hair from his face as he leaned on the railing as Finn did the same next to him.

"So, what did you find out?"

"Nothing no one already knows," Finn said. "Melanie's gone."

Roman looked at him. "Why?"

"She left after another energy session. I think it has something to do with her twin. After what was discussed at the para-council meeting."

"Where would she go? Washington State?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I think so."

"Isn't that sort of dangerous? I know she's a necromancer but...what they did to her…" Roman shook his head.

"She may have been born a necromancer but she never adhered to it." Finn laced his fingers together as he leaned on the railing. "They used her, they used her to get to my realm."

"I thought she may have seemed familiar to you."

"Yeah well, it's complicated. She thinks they are responsible again. They got the wrong Balor the first time."

"And they succeeded this time."

"If I ever came back, it was said that he would be released." Finn closed his eyes. "Millions and millions of humans at risk of a global catastrophic occurrence that could kill anyone caught in its' path. And I call it my father."

"So is the para-council just going to sit on their asses until something bad happens?"

"I don't think Melanie want them to be in charge. She'd rather leave while I'm asleep to worry about finding a banishment spell to work on."

"You care too much for her, Finn."

"I know." He looked up at the sky. "I shouldn't but she was the one that brought me out of that place, the land of the dead."

He heard her move in the bedroom. Roman heard Erin call for him but when he turned back to Finn, but the other being was nowhere to be seen.

"Roman?" Erin's light voice called for him as he walked back into the room.

"Yes, my mate?" He asked as he crawled across the bed towards her. "What can I do for you?"

"Hold me. I miss having your arms around me." She said as he laid behind her.

Melanie had left something of herself behind. Finn sat on his bed staring at it. The thick leather string dangled between his knees as he leaned on his knees.

Usually, a pentagram meant something evil but he knew better. At least the right way, a pentagram with one point up meant protection. Finn knew she was leaving her protection charm for him.

He looked out the window and sighed.

"Where are you Melanie?" He asked.

After everything that happened in their lives, after she came to the WWE in hopes of escape from her coven, she left him to go back. No doubt looking for her mirrored half, the one that she was sure had started the entire thing.

A sister, or something of a sister. Melanie mentioned her after their many joinings. Much as Ziggler, they had used Melanie's energy to conjure up many a nasty being to do their biddings. One small northwest community was wiped out due to their manipulation. A dead zone, full of souls mingling with the trees, even the natives didn't want anything to do with that area.

Standing up, Finn walked to his window and looked out. If it hadn't been for the sport of wrestling, he would have walked the earth lost. The WWE was where he could come out and amaze people with his abilities, some no other human man could accomplish. He finally felt whole once Melanie came into his life again.

Just having her pull him from the Land of the Dead was enough for him to see a light in a darkness that permeated his whole being. He found that happiness when she came into his life for a second time, he found the light at the end of a long and withered tunnel of existence.

"Melanie," he squeezed the pendant in his hand. "Don't do anything stupid. Please. I just want you back."

The last thing he wanted was to feel his heart break because it was still fragile in her hands.

Done, finished with this story. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Thanks for sticking with me through the entire thing.