Prologue: Merlin's scenario

It was a bright day in Ealdor, Merlin stormed out of his house in rage and walked through the grass in a manner unbefitting a normal five-year-old. He was sick and tired of his mother constantly mentioning she could have chosen to kill him as a child but didn't because he 'deserved to have a chance' so he should never use his magic, the gift or curse he had been born with. For someone who claimed to love him, she made it very difficult to believe her. But something else was troubling the young warlock, he could sense te danger coming.

He could hear his mother shout his name, but he didn't care. He came to rest by a tree and stared in the direction of the setting sun.

'To anyone out there who would listen, please take me away from here.'

He stayed by the tree until his mother's shouts had grown more desperate, so he stood up to go home; only to be surrounded by dark monsters.

He panicked, he didn't know how to fight these things, and he couldn't use his magic because he didn't know how to fight in the first place—give him a break, he's five and a peasant in the middle of fuck fuck nowhere. Not to mention he didn't want another lecture from his mother—the fact he'd rather get killed by these things than hear that his own mother could have killed him during infancy was a sign of Hunith's bad parenting.

There was a flash and Merlin saw a strange looking blade in his hand, it almost looked like a key. The name Dragon's Call appeared in his head and he charged the monsters. Being five, he had no clue how to use the strange blade but that being said, he did pretty well, the monsters vanished.

Merlin was on his hands and knees panting when he heard a gravelly voice behind him "So... Keyblade wielders can be found here. And you, boy, are the most special one yet."

That was the last thing Merlin heard before the world went black.

Merlin woke up to the sun shining brightly on his face.

He sat up and surveyed his surroundings, he was in what looked like a barren wasteland with no civilization for miles; one thing was for sure, he wasn't in Ealdor anymore.

Merlin stood up but was forced back down by someone behind him, he turned and saw a young boy, probably eleven or twelve, with spiky blonde hair and blue eyes matching his own.

The boy smiled, "The master brought you here, he said that you wouldn't be safe on your home world."

Merlin paused, home world, he was on another world? Huh, don't hear that every day.

His thoughts were interrupted by the gravelly voice again, this time he turned and saw a bald old man with dark skin and piercing gold eyes "Indeed Ventus. I apologize, boy, for taking you from your home so abruptly, but you wouldn't be safe there if they found you with your Keyblade"

Merlin thought about this for a moment. He knew the man was telling the truth about not being safe, but something still seemed off about him. But this man had heard his plea and given him his wish, what could possibly be so bad about him?

The boy, Ventus, smiled broadly "It will be okay, Master Xehanort is nice. Oh, I'm Ventus, you can call me Ven."

Merlin grinned, he really liked this Ven "I'm Merlin."


A few months passed, both Merlin and Ven trained with Master Xehanort and were making progress, but Merlin noticed that the Master was becoming very hard on Ven. He was always going on about something called the X-blade and insisted Ven forge it, much to Ventus's obvious dislike. Other than that, everything was going great...

Until the day everything came crashing down.


It started as a normal day, get up, eat food, train. But today everything changed.

When Merlin woke up he heard shouting, he immediately summoned his Keyblade and ran out the door to be met with a peculiar sight: Ven was surrounded by the dark monsters—Merlin now knew were called Heartless—screaming, "Please don't do this, Master! I'm not strong enough!" Keyblade in hand, Ven cried out in fright. From above, gazing down from the cliff's edge, Xehanort stood watching.

The heartless began closing in on Ven. A black stain on the earth started to spread, from it one, two new Heartless appeared.

Apprehensively, Merlin summoned his Keyblade, ready to help, his palm already moist with sweat.

"No, it is because you are trying to hold it in." He heard Xehanort say, "Let the dark impulses waken in the pit of your heart. Release them, here and now! Sharpen your fear into rage! You must!"

I don't understand. Merlin thought to himself, what is Master Xehanort doing? You can't turn fear into anger. Can you? If asked that question ten or even five years later, he would say yes, absolutly.

"If you do not let the storm within you run its course, it will wipe you from the face of the world, make no mistake! Do it! Embrace the darkness!" Xehanort insisted, "Produce for your master the X-blade!"

A Heartless came in for an attack. Ven barely managed to hold off the strike. However, when they saw their chance, the Heartless assaulted him all at once. The black mass of heartless clung onto him, his body disappearing from sight.

"Ven!" Merlin shouted, jumping from the cliff, ready to help. One of the Heartless vanished from sight.

When they heard Ven's name cried out, the heartless noticed Merlin. Realizing he was the greater enemy, they lost interest in Ven at once and surrounded the younger wielder. But it was too late for Ventus, who collapsed with a thud and was unconscious. As his eyes closed, Merlin proceeded to annihilate the gang of heartless, Xehanort watching in fascination.

After Merlin brought down all the heartless, on his knees, trying to catch his breath, Xehanort slowly stepped toward Ven's collapsed form.

"Really? You would rather die than use the power? Feckless neophyte." Xehanort lightly kicked Ven, turning his body over so he would be face up. For a moment he stared into his face while he thought. "If I must... I will extract the darkness from within you myself." He summoned his Keyblade and thrust it deep into Ventus' chest before Merlin had time to react, let alone realize something bad was happening. A light shot out from his chest and Ven's eyes snapped open.

Ven's chest emitted a bright light, from which rose a pitch-black figure. Within the large, dark egg-like sphere appeared a boy in a black suit and mask holding his knees like an infant. The boy slowly straightened his body. Landing on the ground, he gazed at Xehanort.

Merlin wailed, clutching Ven's lifeless body close to him, trying every healing spell he knew, but to no avail. He had never been great with heal spells, but net even the Mega-Potions were helping.

Xehanort looked over at him "Merlin, there is nothing you can do."

Merlin still screamed in anger, letting his true age and vulnerability show for the first time in months, but was pulled away by Xehanort and Vanitas threw him into his room. He realized then that he should have listened to his instincts that Xehanort was bad, he was six years old for goddesses' sake! He should be able to handle himself.

He pounded on the door for a while, as the door was magic-proof. But eventually, he gave up and fell asleep.


When he woke up, he was being pulled off the floor by Vanitas, and thrown in front of Xehanort,

"You and Ventus are going to train with a friend of mine, Eraqus. Ventus has no memory, so if you say a word about what happened I will kill him, Eraqus and his two pupils, Aqua and Terra... understood?"

Merlin nodded vigorously, trying to get away from the psychopath as soon as possible. Xehanort smiled, pleased. He opened a corridor of darkness and, along with Ven, they walked through.

When Merlin arrived at the Land of Departure he was amazed by all the color and light, it was very different from the Keyblade Graveyard, where he had been training before. The Keyblade Graveyard was purely beige and brown as far as the eye could see.

Merlin climbed up the stairs, holding Ven's hand to guide him. Regardless of what Xehanort said, Ven seemed almost dead, his pupils were gone completely, leaving only a sea of dark blue; he didn't speak, and he needed guidance when it came to moving.

Xehanort knocked and the door opened.

Merlin saw two teenagers standing on a platform above them looking down. The first was a young woman with blue hair and the second was a young man with brown hair. Both teens came running down while Xehanort left to talk to a man Merlin could only assume was Eraqus. The young man came up to them "I'm Terra. What are your names?" to Merlin's surprise, Ven actually spoke, albeit weakly "Ventus."

Terra smiled looking over to Merlin "And you?"


The girl then came running up to her friend "Hi, I'm Aqua."

Ven looked awed "Terra... Aqua."

Terra flashed a smiled "So are you hear to train with us? Where are you from? Who was that man with you? Are you good with Keyblades?"

During those questions, Ven began to look troubled, by the last one he was on his knees screaming before losing consciousness. "Woah! What's the matter?" Terra asked.

Aqua seemed worried as well "Are you okay!?"

Merlin bent down holding Ven in his arms when Xehanort and the other man came running down

"What did you do?" Eraqus asked panicked.

Terra and Aqua were panicked as well "Nothing... I just asked them some stuff."

Merlin looked at the floor sadly and spoke "Ven cannot tell you anything. Because he cannot remember anything." earning a gasp from both teens.


Ten days. Ven had been asleep for ten days. To say Merlin was worried was an understatement. He had been trying to distract himself by hanging out with Terra and Aqua, who were quite nice people, but that didn't settle his worry for Ven.

While he was eating lunch with Terra, they heard Aqua yell "Terra! Master Eraqus! Merlin! Ventus is awake!" Which lead to both boys running upstairs.

When he saw Ven, Merlin lunged and gave him a bear hug. To his surprise, Ven hugged back "Merlin."

Merlin looked up and Ven was weakly smiling at him.

Merlin laughed in joy and relief, clutching his friend tighter.


For the next four years, Merlin and Ven trained alongside Terra and Aqua. Ven had been recovering for about a year of it but he was once again his cheerful self, but he still had no memory of his life before.

Merlin filled in the blanks he knew of but the only answer he could give for the reason for his amnesia was 'there was an accident' for he remembered Xehanort's threat.

Eventually, Master Eraqus deemed Terra, Aqua and Merlin ready for the mark of mastery. The last one had shocked all of them, but Xehanort got credit where he deserved it; he was a good teacher, so Merlin was ten and the youngest to take the exam in over a hundred years.

Tonight, was the night before the exam, Merlin and Ven were staring at the stars and watching the meteor shower when Aqua came to join them, proving once again how much of a mom she was by insisted they should have brought blankets.

In a bit, Terra joined them as well.

Aqua stood up "Oh yeah! Terra, Merlin, we have our Mark of Mastery exams tomorrow" she smiled, holding up four star-shaped charms "I made us good luck charms."

The charms were beautiful, each had an individual color. Terra was given the orange one, Aqua kept the blue, Ven got green and Merlin got a stunning silver.

"One for each of us, somewhere out there, there's this tree with star-shaped fruit, and the fruit represents an unbreakable connection. Just like these charms." Ven and Merlin awed while Terra nodded "Anyone want to spar?"

Ven and Merlin jumped up "I can take him!"

Eventually it was Merlin and Ven versus Aqua and Terra.

When the fight was over, they all laughed for a bit before heading back to the castle for some much-deserved sleep.

And that was the last night they spent beneath the same stars.


Morning came much too quickly for Merlin's liking, before he remembered what day it was. He dressed and ran downstairs but stopped in his tracks; Xehanort was sitting in one of the three thrones, stone faced. Merlin felt his heart race in panic. What is Xehanort doing here? He wondered but was answered by Eraqus. Facing his three pupils, Eraqus explained the test and added "And I'm sure our guest, Master Xehanort, did not travel all this way to see our youngest prospects in years fall short of the mark" with an encouraging smile he spoke again "I trust you are ready. Let the examination begin."

Nine balls of light appeared around them, they looked harmless, until Merlin saw Xehanort flick his wrist and the balls turned dark.

One ball flew toward Ven, who was standing in the corner, he blocked it easily "Don't worry about me! You three focus on the exam!" Aqua looked up "But Ven, you're in danger here!"

Ven had a determined expression "No way! I have been waiting for this! For you three to become masters! I won't miss it now!" Terra smiled to Aqua, "He can take care of himself."

Merlin was still worried about what Xehanort could do, "Stay sharp Ven."

They dispatched the balls easily—like, so easily it was almost pitiful—and went on to single combat.

After about ten minutes of facing off against each other it looked like Aqua would win over Terra and Merlin was tying with Aqua. Merlin saw Terra flicker with darkness in his hand, he also saw Xehanort smirk at that. "No…" Merlin breathed quietly to himself, getting a good idea of what Xehanort was planning.

Eventually, the fight ended at a draw and Eraqus turned to face the three students "Terra, Aqua, Merlin. You all performed commendably, however, only Merlin and Aqua have shown the Mark of Mastery" gasp from every student "Terra, you failed to keep the darkness within you sufficiently in check. But there is always next time. That is all."

Merlin, Aqua and Ven all turned to Terra who glared "Sorry, but I need some time alone" and left the room. Ven sighed and ran to his room. Xehanort left as well, leaving Eraqus alone with Merlin and Aqua. He then began to explain what to do if he died and other such thing that bored Merlin out of his mind.

Then the warning bells rang, and Terra came running in "What happened?" Aqua and Merlin shrugged and Eraqus came over

"I have just gotten a call from my old friend Yen Sid, there are entities of darkness called the unversed running amuck and as Keyblade masters it's your job to fight them. Terra, consider this a second chance to change my mind." Terra nodded and ran off. Eraqus turned, "I'm trying to speak quickly because, Merlin, you have a short attention span and I won't even try to deny it. But please, watch him, make sure the darkness doesn't become too much to handle, for I can sense it runs very deep."

"Got it." Merlin said, "Kill the Unversed and keep Terra from becoming evil." He noticed that Ven ran down the stairs and after Terra. Merlin ran after Ven and screamed for Aqua to come, Ven was running after Terra, out of the world and probably into Xehanort's trap.

"Wait Ven!" Aqua called but it was too late. Eraqus looked over at the two new masters,

"You have to bring him back!"

You're really dumping a lot of missions on us that you could just do yourself. Merlin thought but opted to not say it aloud.

They both nodded and activated their armor: Aqua's was various shades of light blue and purple while Merlin's was very much like her's, but the purple was replaced with silver. Both shifted their Keyblades and took off.

When Merlin landed on the first world he gasped, it was so much like Ealdor, from the trees to the grass to the flowers. He suddenly felt a pang of homesickness.

He continued to look around the new world, Enchanted Dominion, with curiosity until he heard what sounded like a woman screaming. Merlin ran towards the source to find a young man and a young woman surrounded by monsters Merlin had never seen before, but once he saw the sigil he put two and two together, the Unversed.

He ran closer to the couple and the young man brandished a sword to help.

The two fought the Unversed, with the woman behind a tree. Merlin felt new power rush to him and was suddenly surrounded by a pink glow, a command style had been activated. He smiled when he realized that he had activated Spell-Weaver.

Gliding around almost like an ice skater, Merlin dispatched the monsters easily.

When the monsters were gone, Merlin turned to the couple "You guys okay?" The man smiled "I'm fine. What about you?" He was saying this to the woman, and Merlin dully wondered why he didn't address her by name.

The young woman, smiled "I'm fine as well Phillip. Thank you for helping us." Merlin grinned

"No problem. I'm Merlin."

She looked around worriedly "Oh no! I'm late for dinner!" Merlin laughed, how relatable that statement was, "I know the feeling, come on, I'll take you home."

The trip to her cottage was mostly uneventful, with occasional Unversed spawning. It was only when they reached the cottage and found a giant Unversed that any real trouble occurred. The Unversed looked almost like a giant dress, and it was terrorizing three middle aged women. Merlin gestured the woman and the three women inside and turned to face the beast.

Many poison puddles, command styles and cures later, the beast was vanquished.

The woman came out of the cottage in a stunning blue dress, clearly meant for royalty. She smiled sadly at him "It turns out I'm the princess Aurora and I'm going to the castle tonight" Merlin smiled back, unsure of why she was so sad. "Cool." at that, she and the three women walked off.

Merlin made his way back to the clearing where he entered the world and was surprised to find Terra having just killed a group of Unversed "Hey Terra!" He greeted, walking over to his friend.

Terra looked up and smiled but it didn't reach his eyes "Hey Merlin, how's being a master?" Merlin could already see where this was going and decided to avoid making it worse, "Not much different from being an apprentice, the only difference is that we're off the Land of Departure. And even then, we went off other world all the time."

Terra nodded and walked off, further into the world, but Merlin had to ask a question "Are you looking for Master Xehanort?" Terra turned and nodded "Why?"

Merlin sighed "Just... take my advice and think twice about what he says, don't take it as fact." Terra seemed thoroughly confused but nodded and walked away.

When Merlin entered the next world, he instantly realized he was tiny. He was about to shout, but he realized nobody normal sized would hear him. Instead, he heard a squeaky voice come from above "Hello!" Merlin saw what looked like a mouse in clothing.

The mouse looked at his Keyblade “Hey! Are you a friend of Ven Ven?" Merlin raised an eyebrow "Ven Ven? Oh! You must mean Ventus! Yeah, I am his friend. I'm looking for him."

The mouse jumped down from the ledge "Ven Ven just left a few minutes ago." Merlin sighed and opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by a young woman coming out from behind the changing screen in the small room. She was pretty, but to a ten-year-old that wasn't uncommon.

She twirled in her pink ball gown "Jaq, how do I look?" The mouse, Jaq, clapped "Cinderelly, you look ready for the ball!" The woman bent down to where Merlin was standing "I see we have a new friend here." She picked him up in her palm "I'm Cinderella, what's your name?"

Merlin smiled "I'm Merlin, I was just looking for my friend Ven, I heard he left a few minutes ago."

Cinderella nodded, and Merlin hopped down "While I'm here, anything you need help with?" Jaq shook his head "No, but I'll give you a tour! Come on now zusk zusk." The mouse gestured to the hole in the wall. Merlin reluctantly followed.

They walked through the tunnels in the wall for a while when a giant, colorful mouse ran past them. "Woah!" Jaq yelped "Did you see that!? We gotta get out of here!" Merlin ran in the direction that the mouse had run moments before "I've got this!"

Merlin found the mouse in a larger area in the wall. He recognized the Unversed emblem instantly and began attacking the thing.

The Unversed was surprisingly easy to deal with and he even learned the command style: Diamond Dust. Merlin walked back up to Cinderella's room to tell Jaq that the danger was gone but couldn't find anyone. He knew he should get going so he wrote Jaq and Cinderella a quick note thanking them for their kindness and that the danger was gone. He smiled and left.

This world was very much like the first one. With thick woods and plentiful woodland animals. Merlin saw a small cottage and walked up to it when he heard multiple people sobbing. He ran into the cottage and was met by a peculiar sight: seven strange men were surrounding a young girl who appeared to be Ven's age, maybe a little younger. She looked to be sleeping.

Merlin walked up to the closest man and tapped his shoulder. The man whirled around and scrutinized him "Hello boy. What are you doing here?"

Oh, I'm looking for a friend of mine. He's blonde, a bit taller than me, black and white jacket and a green armor plate."

Another man joined him "You must mean Ventus. Sweet thing, we thought he was a thief when we met him. But he must have meant no harm, because he brought dear Snow White to us." He gestured to the girl on the floor "Too bad we sent him away, he could have protected her." Merlin looked down to her,

"What happened?"

Another man spoke up "The wicked Queen was so jealous of Snow White's beauty." He picked up an apple "So she tricked her into eating a poisoned apple."

Merlin gasped. Why would someone do that? This queen must be full of darkness. He looked down to the men "So she's dead?"

"No, she's just sleeping." One dwarf said.

"Oh, come on guys, she's freaking dead, alright, she died of poison." He looked to the girl and checked her pulse, only to find one there, "Wow. Not that I want this girl dead, but that is a rather incompetent poison. Anyway, where is the Queen now?"

A fourth man came over "We saw her run towards the dark mountains."

"I'll go, she needs to be stopped." Merlin said.

All the men came together. "We're coming with you."

Merlin nodded then looked at Snow White, "Shouldn't we move her?" The second man turned to the first "How are we gonna do that Doc? We can't carry her."

The first man, Doc, looked up to Merlin "Boy, can you get her upstairs to our beds?"

"My name's Merlin. Sure, I'll get her upstairs."

He carefully picked her up and gently placed her in the bed. He turned to the men "Can we go now?"

A fifth man punched his fists in the air "Let's go!" Than he sneezed.


It didn't take long to find this queen, well, it didn't take long to find the old hag the queen was disguised as.


The woman turned "Oh dearie, can you help an old grannie. I don't have much to pay you but in apples." She handed him an apple.

Merlin raised a suspicious eyebrow and looked to the dwarves "Is this her?"

The dwarves nodded so Merlin summoned his Keyblade. The old woman took a step back before cackling manically and turning into a somewhat pretty, middle aged woman.

The woman laughed "What are you going to do boy? Now that Snow White is dead, I am once again the fairest of them all!"

Merlin laughed. Never had he heard such bullshit. "Bull! I've met dozens, men and women alike, that are fairer than you, today."

The Queen screeched "Never!"

The dwarves laughed "The boy standing in front of you is fairer."

The laughter died when the queen sent a fireball at Merlin who effortlessly deflected it. "Really? Fireballs?" Merlin facepalmed, were all sorcerers like this? "Be original!"

The queen narrowed her eyes "Challenge accepted."

Then it began to rain.

Merlin laughed, "That's more like it!" He shouted whilst quickly dismissing the rain before and lightening could start. He brushed his mop of raven black hair out of his eyes.

The queen smirked, "Would you fight back already? This is getting boring."

"You're right," Merlin agreed and looked thoughtful for a second.

"And remember, be original!" She encouraged.

Merlin smiled and then conjured all the vultures in the nearby area, which attached the queen, causing her to back up until she fell off the cliff, followed by a very heavy boulder.

"I'll be honest," Merlin commented, "I wasn't expecting that. I really need to practice with this power now that I'm a Keyblade Master."

"Thank you for avenging Snow White." Doc thanked, "We are indebted to you."

Merlin smiled sadly "I do hope it all turns out in the end."

The new world was foreign to Merlin, it was a city. He had heard of the city of Radiant Garden, but he never thought he would see it in person.

He walked around for a bit before hearing a voice that made his blood freeze. "What do we have here?"

Crap. Vanitas.

Merlin turned "Long time Vanitas. Still too soon."

Vanitas laughed, not a sane one, more a 'fucking finally' laugh, "It is you! Little Merlin Emrys. You've grown, yet you're still a scrawny thing." Merlin glared "I hate you."

He could tell Vanitas smirked under the mask. "You don't hate me. Do you hate Ventus?" Merlin walked up to him,

"Don't mention his name. You and Ven are not the same. He's an amazing human being and you make me want to scream! And you're wreaking havoc on all these worlds chock full of innocents!"

"Are we going to fight or not?"

Merlin glared before summoning a tornado "Do you have your answer?"

The two fought. Merlin knew that challenging Vanitas had been a bad idea seeing as he had all Ven's old dandelion abilities and then some, but he managed to win through the power of invincibility while using shotlocks.

Vanitas was on the ground. Merlin walked over to him and raised his Keyblade to finish the job when Vanitas laughed and fell through the ground using a dark corridor.

Merlin glared at where Vanitas had been moments before "I really don't like you Vanitas. Your attacks hurt like hell and your counter's a dick."

He groaned and began wandering around.


After a bit, Merlin encountered a large, robotic looking Unversed and proceeded to chase after it. He followed the Unversed to a platform in what looked like the waterworks. Merlin looked behind him and saw Terra, Aqua and Ven chasing various pieces of the thing as well.

Well then. This isn't going to be fun. Merlin thought to himself as he and the other three attacked the monster.

With the power of teamwork, he monster was vanquished. To finish it off: Terra and Aqua bisected it one way with Merlin and Ven bisecting it the other.

Aqua cheered "We make a good team!"

"Sure do." Ven agreed, "Oh yeah! I got you guys these tickets!" He passed out three multi colored tickets.

"What are they for?" Terra asked.

Merlin nodded his agreement with the oldest in their group, "Yeah, what are they for?"

Ven beamed "Lifetime passes to Disney Town. He said... he said to take my family."

Merlin felt touched by being considered Ven's family.

Unfortunately, Aqua killed the happy mood.

"Ven, you need to go home."

Ven shook his head "No way! Trust me, that guy in the mask in history. He'll never badmouth Terra again."

Both Terra and Merlin gasped "You saw the guy in the mask?!"

Ven looked nervous and confused "Ye...Yes."

"Vanitas." Merlin breathed, earning a confused look from Aqua and a shocked look from Terra.

"Merlin, how do you know that name?"

Merlin paused, here it was, moment of demon truth, "Because I was there when Vanitas was made."

The three older Keyblade wielders gaped. Terra glared "You knew. You knew all along that Vanitas was made when Ven fell to darkness and you didn't tell us!"

Aqua and Ven gasped "What?!"

"Who told you Ven fell to darkness?" Merlin asked, suspecting exactly who, so it was more rhetorical than anything, "Because that isn't what happened. Xehanort did that because he wanted something called the X-blade and Ven refused to fall to darkness." Terra strode foreword, making Merlin back up. He never thought he would be afraid of Terra, but here he was, backing away in fear. He knew if Terra hurt him, he could send him flying away with telekinesis, but the thought of needing to do that just hurt.

"You're lying!" Terra yelled, "You're just trying to cover up the truth. If it's true, why didn't you tell us?"

Merlin looked at Terra like he was so stupid it hurt—which it did, "Oh gee Terra, why wouldn't I tell you of an evil mastermind and his nefarious scheme? I don't know, maybe he threatened all your lives if I said a word. I'm risking your lives giving you this information."

Aqua gasped and Ven put a hand over his mouth. They were clearly persuaded to see reason. Terra continued to be stupid, and wasn't, "Then why are you telling us?"

"You idiot!" Merlin exploded, genuinely losing his temper for the first time in years, "First you lecture me for not telling you, now you lecture me for telling you. Make up your damn mind! Now I see why Eraqus is having Aqua watch you!" He then threw a hand over his mouth as he realized what he just said. But the cat was out of the bag and running around the floor, and it was a slippery bastard, so there was no putting it back in.

Terra turned his glare to Aqua, "Is it true?"

Aqua nodded sadly "He just wants to help."

Terra glared at them all "Goodbye."

Ven started following "I'll go with you."

"Just stay put!" Terra yelled, enraged, "I'm on my own now!"

Terra left, leaving Merlin with Aqua and Ven.

Aqua looked at Merlin "Xehanort's doing something to Terra, isn't he?"

"He's feeding the dark fires within Terra, making him fight. For what reason? I have not the slightest idea."

Aqua sighed and looked to Ven "You still need to go home. If Vanitas really had it out for you..." Ven turned away from them "I'm gonna go find Terra." He ran off and Merlin began to follow, looking back at Aqua, before running from sight.


He caught up with Ven very quickly after that, "Ven!"

Ven turned and smiled warmly at Merlin, "Hey."

Merlin sighed "I'm gonna help you look for Terra." Ven looked like he was about to cry, "What's wrong Ven?"

Ven sat down on a pipe, "The reason I left home was because Vanitas told me that if I didn't find Terra fast, he'd be a different person. He's right. This isn't the Terra I know."

Merlin sat down with him, "It'll be alright. We'll find him. Being the angsty teen he is, he's probably just having his monthlies or something stupid like that. Something I can taunt him with later."

Ven cracked a smile "Why do you always know what to say to make me feel better?"

"Because I've known you longer than you have."

The two friends laughed and continued to the center square where they saw a young boy surrounded by Unversed. Merlin and Ven nodded to each other and tag-teamed taking out the monsters. Both learned the command style Blade-charge.

Merlin turned and helped the boy up when they heard a voice call "Ienzo!? Ienzo answer me!" A man with shoulder length blonde hair came forward and took the boy by the hand, "Thank you for protecting Ienzo for us. We try our best to take care of him since his parents aren't here to do it."

Ven smiled lightly "You're in your own too?"

Ienzo remained silent while Ven spoke "We're looked for someone. He's a tall guy, dressed kind of like me."

The man thought for a moment, "I think I saw someone of that description in the outer gardens."


"I have a feeling we are destined to meet again."

Merlin shrugged, slightly uneasy at how pre-determined that sounded, "Okay... still, thanks!"

He and Ven ran off.


They found Terra walking out of some sort of tunnel, "Terra!" Ven called and smiled brightly "Take us with you."

Terra sighed, "I can't do that." He looked away from Ven, likely to avoid the puppy dog eyes that were almost certain to come. Nobody except Merlin could resist them.

Ven looked put out, "Why not?"

"I need to do this myself," he glared at Merlin, "And I don't like to be in the company of liars. But Ven, I know when I need you, you'll be there."

Ven shrugged "Why wouldn't I? You're my friend."

Terra smiled lightly before he activated his armor and left.

"He hates me. I'm betting he went to Xehanort and got fed another lie." Merlin said, sighing. Ven ruffled Merlin's mop of hair "Relax Merlin. He's just on his monthlies or something you can taunt him about later."

The two boys laughed before going back to the main square.


In the main square, they found Aqua. She looked as though she was about to leave, "Aqua!" Ven called and the blue-haired woman stopped,

"Did you guys find him?"

Ven sighed, "Yeah. But... he's gone."

Aqua looked away, "Right."

Ven smiled "Let me go with you Aqua."

"No Ven." She turned to Merlin, "Merlin, take him home."

Merlin looked down, not wanting to meet her eyes, "I can't do that, Aqua."

"Why not?"

"Vanitas is going to find and attack Ven whether he's ready or not. I'd rather he not be the one dead."

Aqua glared "You may know more about Vanitas. But Master Eraqus will protect him. Ven needs to go home. I'm just doing what's best."

Merlin shook his head, "So am I. He needs to be ready."

Aqua huffed before looking away, "We'll see whose right! But do what I say Ven."

Aqua left as well, leaving the boys alone. Though why she didn't make sure Ven got home instead of disappearing again was a mystery—not like Terra would take well to being followed.

Ven looked at Merlin, "You mean you'll let me go with you?!"

"You need to be ready." He said simply, trying to hide the regret in his tone.

Ven beamed "Thanks! Let's go!"

A/N: I didn't have them meet Lea and Isa because Ven had a friend to go with, so he wouldn't have just sat down sulking.

The new world was so colorful it made Merlin's eyes hurt.

He looked to Ven, who looked back.

They heard a voice "The fearless defender and hero of this town, it is me: Captain Justice!" They saw a cat-like-thing(?) in a strange pose before it walked up to them, "Do my hero senses detect trouble? Just say the word and Captain Justice will make all your problems disappear."

Merlin backed up and rolled his eyes "One: why are you referring to yourself in the third person? Two: Stranger danger."

Ven rolled his eyes as well, laughing lightly "Tell us about your town. Is it always this festive?"

'Captain Justice' looked confused "That's it? Alrighty then, the festivities are for the dream festival. There, all saved, remember to vote Captain Justice. Justice with a J."

"I can spell, condescending jerk," Merlin muttered quietly. The dream festival sounded interesting at least, "What's the dream festival?"

'Captain Justice' began walking away "You'll just have to see for yourself. Wouldn't be much of a dream if I just told you." He looked away from them "Trouble?! Captain Justice is on the way!"

Merlin and Ven looked at each other before following the cat creature to three ducks and a mouse, talking "The thing's busted."

Merlin walked up to them, "Can we help?"

'Captain Justice,' now known to be Pete because he had heard the mouse mention it, shook his head "Captain Justice's got this."

Merlin groaned about the creature continuing to talk in the third person, causing the ducks to look up to Merlin and Ven, "Sure, better you guys than him. Get out of here Pete." Pete glared and ran off.

The duck wearing red handed a fat book to Ven, "Here's the instruction manual."

Merlin flipped through the pages with Ven. Ven looked to the machine and pulled on a lever "Merlin, the thing's jammed. Can you use your magic?"

Merlin's eyes flashed gold and the lever jerked down, creating an ice cream of some sort. The ducks and mouse beamed "Thank you... um?"

"Ventus, Ven for short. That's Merlin."

"Well then, thank you Ventus and Merlin. I'm Queen Minnie and those are Huey, Dewey and Louie."

Merlin waved sheepishly, unsure of what to make of the situation, "What did that Pete guy mean by vote?"

Minnie started pacing "It's one of the dream festival events. Each person votes for who they think is the most exemplary citizen."

"Yeah!" Louie began jumping up and down, "And you get a really cool prize!"

Minnie shook her head "It's just a small token."

Dewey looked to his brothers "Pete just wants to get his grubby hands on the prize."

"And he knows that nobody's gonna vote for him if he puts his own name on the ballot."

"But nobody's fooled."

"Yeah!" They all collapsed in peals of laughter while Ven smiled, "Wish somebody was looking out for me."

Merlin tapped Ven's shoulder and pointed to himself, "Why do you think I'm not taking you home?"

"You're also ten years old, while I should technically be allowed to drive."

"That's fair."

Minnie spoke again, "It's time for the results, everyone to the stage."

Merlin looked to Ven, who shrugged, so they followed.


The ceremony was fairly quiet. Minnie came up to the stage and beamed, "This year we have multiple winners. Merlin, Ventus, Aqua and Terra. All four of you!"

Ven looked shocked "When were Terra and Aqua here?"

He was shoved to the side by Pete "What do you mean?! Everybody voted for Captain Justice! I made sure!"

Merlin decided to tune him out and spaced out—because most ten-year olds don't have that long of an attention span—until Ven tapped his shoulder and he went on the stage. He noticed that Pete had changed attire and was being carried away by walking brooms. Don't see that every day.

Minnie sighed "Oh dear. It seems two of our winners couldn't be here today. Perhaps you can take the award for them."

She handed them a thing of ice cream.

Both he and Ven grabbed a spoon and tried the ice cream. He and Ven both broke out wide grins "It's amazing!" Both boys looked at one another and laughed at how in synch they were. They thanked all the citizens and left soon after that.

A/N: They did go to Olympus Coliseum and Deep Space, but those weren't changed in the slightest other than Merlin having a few lines; so, I skipped them.


"Maybe we should try kicking it?"

That got Merlin and Ven's attention. They both sat up and were met with a peculiar sight:

The new world was a jungle and they were surrounded by two kids in animal costumes and a small pixie of some sort.

They stood up, looked to each other and laughed. Yes, a nap had definitely been a good idea.

The two boys smiled "Who are you?"

"I'm Ventus, everybody calls me Ven. That's Merlin."

The boys nodded "Later guys!" and began walking away.

Merlin raised an eyebrow, rude, "Where are you going?"

The skinnier of the two boys spoke "Tink saw a shooting star! We're gonna go look for it."

Ven beamed "Cool! Can I come along?"

The boys nodded "But you've gotta follow us."

Merlin shook his head frantically "Let's not."

"Oh, come on Merlin, it'll be fun."

Merlin sighed "Alright Ven, but I've got a bad feeling about this." (Challenge to readers, guess the pop-culture reference in that line)


They made it to a clearing with a weird tree in the center when they heard a fake rooster crow. "Peter Pan!" Both the boys cheered.

A boy literally flew down from the sky "Guess who saw Hook stow away his treasure? Let's go in and grab it!"

The boys cheered again.

Merlin whispered to Ven, "Let's go, this guy looks like he's gonna hurt us."

Ven rolled his eyes "Stop being a pessimist Merlin."

"I'm not the one to whom the literal destructive anthesis of humanity wants dead."

Peter Pan looked over to them "Haven't seen you around before. Wanna come along?"

Ven shook his head "Merlin and I are gonna go look for that shooting star."

Peter raised an eyebrow "Who cares about that? Pirate treasure is way more fun. Oh well, have fun with that."

Peter flew away and the boys followed.

"Ok then..." Merlin looked to Ven "Let's go." A giant Unversed gorilla spawned and threw a rock at them. "Quickly."


They made it to the Indian Camp not long after that, TinkerBell in tow, and saw a weird blue and green contraption.

Ven raised an eyebrow "Mickey's star shard?"

They heard a voice "A shooting star and a pixie, must be me birthday."

Merlin looked and saw a guy he assumed was Captain Hook—because of hook for hand—wearing a weird hat. Holding both TinkerBell and the star shard. He looked up to Ven "I know this is irrelevant, but how is he holding the star shard with his hook?"

Ven shrugged and ran up to the pirate "Let TinkerBell go!"

Hook scoffed "Some of Peter Pan's brats. Well tell that cowardly sparrow that if he wants his precious pixie back, to meet me at Mermaid Lagoon." He ran off.

"Hey, Wait!" Merlin called after him.

Peter landed a moment later and Ven looked to the ginger, "TinkerBell's been pixie-napped!" Peter kicked the dirt "That Old codfish! Come on guys! Let's go!"

Merlin frowned "I'll bet it's a trap."

Ven frowned "It's likely, but we might as well, we need that star shard."

"Why do we need it?"

"It belongs to a friend of mine who saved me from Vanitas." Ven answered with a sheepish smile. So, he hadn't smacked-down Vanitas on his own before. Yet another thing to use a blackmail to get out of the dishes.

Merlin frowned as Peter flew away while they could only run "Not fair!"


They made it to a small cove not long after that. Merlin and Ven were panting from their run while Peter just stood there.

Peter looked up "Tink!"

TinkerBell flew down and began jingling about, Peter seemed to know what she was saying but Merlin couldn't make it out.

TinkerBell flew over and sprinkled a weird dust on both him and Ven.

Ven looked at Peter "What was that?"

"Pixie dust. Bet you feel lighter now."

Ven looked at Merlin "I do, but he probably doesn't. I swear, you're lighter than a chicken, and their bones are hollow."

Peter laughed at the oddness of these two foreigners, "You guys look for Captain Hook and I'll handle the cannons."

"Can you find Hook with your magic? I don't want to aimlessly wander around." Ven said.

Merlin channeled his instinctual power and immediately found his target "He's in Mermaid Lagoon, like he said."


They found Hook talking to himself. He seemed to be rambling on about them being dead. Merlin laughed "Your cannons don't know how to aim! We aren't dead!"

Hook jumped and turned to face them "How! No, it can't be." He pulled out his telescope and turned in the direction of his ship "Blast that Peter Pan!"

He jumped into the center island an impossible distance away.

"Holy jumping power!" Merlin yelped, "He doesn't even have glide! How?!"

Ven shrugged and glided over while Hook panicked about a crocodile "No! Get away from me." Merlin rolled his eyes, landing, already preparing to shove that guy in the direction of the crocodile, "I don't think so!"

Hook attacked them, but it was easily blocked. Their tactic was that Hook would attack one while the other shoved him in the water where the crocodile would attack. It was working pretty well...

Eventually, Hook fell into the water and stayed in the water. The crocodile chased him, and the pirate managed to run on water "Help me! Smee!"

Merlin and Ven laughed, "How is he running on water?" Merlin asked, crossing his arms, "I tried that once without success and I have magic!"

Ven shrugged "Don't know."

Peter and the two kids from before came up behind them "Good work! Now, let's see the treasure."

The boy in the bear costume spoke "Uh Pan, we losted all the treasure." That grammar though.

Fox costume added on "But we think we should put the stuff that's important to us in it."

Peter beamed "Good idea! Instead of jewels, doubloons and stuff, we'll put our real treasures in it."

The kids put in a bunch of toys. Peter turned to Merlin and Ven "What about you guys?"

Merlin shrugged "I don't have anything, you Ven?"

Ven pulled out the wooden Keyblade Terra gave him as a gift, three years prior.

Merlin gaped "Where have you been keeping that?!" Ven shrugged, not answering the question, which made Merlin want to know even more. Did he have magic pockets? "As you know Merlin. A very good friend gave this to me."

"You sure you want to part with something that special?" Fox kid asked.

Ven looked down at Merlin "Yup! I don't need it if I got Terra, Aqua and Merlin." He put the wooden Keyblade in the chest.

TinkerBell flew to the chest to put the star shard in, but Ven stopped her "That belongs to another friend of mine. Can I hold onto it?"

TinkerBell shook her head "TinkerBell..." Peter chastised. TinkerBell sighed and handed the star shard to Ven.

Merlin stroked the beautiful contraption when it flashed, sending both Ven and Merlin out of the world... only in two separate directions.

Merlin crash landed on an island of some sort. He looked and saw that it was sunset, beautiful on the horizon.

"Merlin? What are you doing here?"

Merlin whirled around and saw Aqua talking to two boys.

"I don't know. Ven and I touched something called a star shard and I'm here and he's... I don't know where he is."

Aqua sighed but soon perked up "Merlin, meet Sora and Riku." She gestured to the two boys. The first one, Sora, had spiky brown hair and was slightly shorter than his companion, who had white hair—a peculiar color on someone so young.

Merlin bent down beside the two boys "All this time you've been a mother. Theory confirmed. Hold it, is Terra the father? Because Ven owed me a hundred gold if so."

Aqua punched his shoulder "No silly. They aren't even mine." The two boys were laughing at the conversation between the two older people, having no idea of the more mature implications.

Merlin looked at the boys "How do you two know each other?"

Sora beamed, pointing to Riku, "He's my best friend!"

Merlin smiled, remembering his own childlike innocence from so long ago "Good. So, say, something happens and Riku is about to get lost, I want you to be there and help him. Same for you Riku, be there for your friend through thick and thin. You will be unbeatable."

Sora hugged Riku "Okay! That won't be a problem, I'll be with Riku all the time."

"Good." Aqua said with a smile.

The two boys ran off and Aqua turned to Merlin "I'm sorry for shouting at you. You know Vanitas better than I do, I let my mastery go to my head."

Merlin shrugged "No problem. Ven's gotten a lot stronger, I think he'd be ready."

Aqua took Merlin's hand "Good. I want to show you something."

She guided him to a tree, curved enough they could sit on; thought that wasn't what interested the young warlock,

"It's the tree with star shaped fruit!"

Aqua helped him onto the tree—he was still ten and therefore too short to hop on himself—and hopped up herself "Yup. Do you remember what it represents?"

Merlin smiled "An unbreakable connection."

Aqua pulled out her wayfinder and Merlin followed suit.



"I hope we're ready for the storm that's coming."

Merlin sighed, looking at the sunset "I do too Aqua. I do too."

Merlin and Aqua decided to stick together and were flying through the lanes between when they say something floating in the way. They stopped and Aqua scooped a rather large mouse—like a male version of Queen Minnie—into her arms. He was unconscious. After a moment, the mouse spoke "Master Yen... Sid."

Aqua clutched him tighter "We'll take you too him."

They found Master Yen Sid on the world Mysterious Tower; where a duck called Donald and a dog-like-thing called Goofy, frantically took the mouse from them and placed him on the floor "King Mickey!"

Yen Sid turned to Aqua and Merlin "Aqua, Emrys, I have grave news: Master Eraqus has been struck down."

Merlin didn't even have time to wonder why Yen Sid used the name Vanitas used for him, before comprehending what that meant. Eraqus was dead. Oh god, he told Terra, Aqua and Ven the truth regardless of the death threat! He completely forgot his master was a part it. Aqua gasped,

"The Master?! Who... who is responsible?"

Yen Sid looked out the window "Master Xehanort... and Terra."

Merlin gasped and covered his mouth with his hands. Aqua slammed her fists against the table "No! That's absurd! Terra would never!"

Yen Sid turned to them "I hope with all my heart you are right about your friend. But there are some things even the stars cannot tell me."

"Where is he? Where can we find Terra?" Aqua demanded, clutching a hand to her chest.

"Terra's heart is leading him to the ancient Keyblade Graveyard, where wielders of those weapons once waged war."

Merlin bit his lip to hold back the tears and stormed out of the room, followed quickly by Aqua.

"Merlin, wait!"

Merlin rounded on her "It's my fault! I knew about the death threat if I told you the truth about Vanitas, but I still told you..."

Aqua put her hands on his shoulders "You did the right thing Merlin. This is not your fault. Now let's go talk to Terra."

Merlin nodded, wiping the tears from his eyes "Let's go."

Aqua looked down at her wayfinder "Terra, Ven. Please be safe."

The Keyblade Graveyard was the same as Merlin remembered: dull and lifeless.

He looked to Aqua "Let us hope the bond of friendship will get us through this." Aqua nodded and they continued their journey.

After getting past some tornadoes, they made it to the battlefield area and found Terra standing in the center.

There was a moment of awkward silence before Aqua spoke "I was told... the Master was struck down."

Terra tensed "Yes. That's right. I was stupid and help Xehanort do it." Merlin gaped when Terra continued "The Master... he tried to hurt Ven. I only fought because I wanted to protect him. But it was all a trick! Xehanort set the whole thing up... all so he could awaken the darkness inside me. You were right Aqua, and so was the Master. I went astray, but no more. Merlin, I am so sorry for not believing you."

Merlin nodded his forgiveness, and looked down when Aqua spoke up "What else is darkness... but hate and rage? Xehanort is feeding the dark fires within you, making you fight. Tell me, how does that honor our master's memory Terra?"

Terra was saved from answering that by the arrival of Ventus "Xehanort wants Vanitas and I to fight, make some kind of X-Blade."

Aqua raised an eyebrow "X-Blade? Merlin, do you know what that is?"

"He mentioned it, but never in detail." Lie. While Xehanort had rarely mentioned it, Ven himself had mentioned it being the cause of the Keyblade War and the key to Kingdom Hearts. But he didn't want them to know anything more than what they needed to. And Ven had even given him an idea how to make it. Such knowledge would be too deadly, the less people to know, the better.

Ventus continued "I don't know what isn't either. But it scares me to death, even... just the thought of it."

Terra put a hand on Ven's shoulder "Relax Ven, we're here for you. And we're going to be okay."

Ven looked down "I may have to fight Vanitas after all and if I do... Merlin I want you to go back to your home world."

Merlin gasped but nodded; though Terra shook his head "The four of us can never be torn apart, I'll always find a way."

Aqua bent down and put a hand on Ven's cheek, but Ven removed both Aqua and Terra's hands "I'm asking you... as a friend... just... put an end to me."

Merlin, Terra and Aqua gasped in horror but couldn't respond before Xehanort showed up. They all glared as Vanitas appeared as well.

Xehanort spoke "Behold. These lifeless keys used to be full of power. United with the hearts of their masters. On this barren soil, Keyblades of light and darkness were locked in combat. As a great Keyblade War raged! Countless Keyblade wielders gave up their lives... all in search of one ultimate key. And it will soon belong to me..." he pointed at Ven "X-Blade!"

Merlin looked to the other three, who nodded and simultaneously summoned they armor.

Ven tried to charge, but Terra stopped him and ran at Xehanort, who literally raised a mountain, launching Terra into the sky.

Vanitas was somehow riding a cyclone of Keyblades and sent Terra into the air and sent Aqua flying.

Ven and Merlin bent down by Aqua's side "Aqua!"

Aqua whirled around, without her helmet, and sent a beam of light into the air "Terra!" Merlin saw Terra shielded from the oncoming cyclone of Keyblades. He was launched onto the platform with Xehanort.

Merlin looked to Ven "Help Terra out. I'll stay here with Aqua." Ven nodded and ran off.

Merlin looked down at Aqua, struggling to stand "Heal!" Her wounds vanished.

They heard a yelp and looked up to see Xehanort grabbing a struggling Ven by the back of the head. "Ven!" Both called. They saw Ven look at them in alarm before Xehanort froze him solid and dropped him off the cliff.

Merlin lunged and just barely saved Ven from shattering into pieces. He looked down and was startled but relieved by that fact Ven wasn't dead. Aqua ran over "Ven! Are you okay?!"

They heard Xehanort laugh and a brilliant blue light came from above. They looked and saw a heart shaped moon.

"Kingdom Hearts..." Merlin breathed and Aqua looked to him

"Give Ven to me. Go check on Terra. He's fighting Xehanort and Vanitas."

Merlin obeyed and flew up to Terra.

Sure enough, Terra was fighting both Xehanort and Vanitas. Merlin landed next to Terra "Need help?"

Terra laughed in relief "Yeah. That counter of Vanitas' sucks big time, that's for sure."

Merlin and Terra fought back to back until Terra lunged and Xehanort blocked it. The old man turned to Vanitas, "Go take what Ventus owes you. And take Aqua's life!" Vanitas nodded and dove off the cliff.

Terra and Merlin ran to intercept him but Xehanort teleported in front of Terra. Merlin kept running "I've got this Terra!" He jumped off the cliff as well.

Merlin caught up to Vanitas quickly. The masked boy laughed "You think you can beat me?"

"Sure. Why not?"

The two bounced off the ledges to keep attacking each other and it seemed like Merlin would win... until Vanitas pinned him against the cliff wall as they fell "Goodbye, Little Emrys." He pressed Merlin's skull into the cliff face and the young warlock screamed in agony before vaguely comprehending being thrown in another direction.

He didn't remember hitting the ground.



Merlin woke up slowly and noticed the world spinning. He let his vision clear and noticed the mouse, Mickey, staring down at him, Keyblade in hand. Mickey beamed "That goodness, I thought I was too late."

Merlin tried to raise an eyebrow before he realized he had a horrible headache "What... happened?" He eventually slurred out, needing to remember how to talk.

Mickey shrugged "I found you covered in blood. I couldn't tell if you were breathing or not."

Merlin slowly stood up and leaned on the cliff when the world decided to continue spinning. His vision cleared, and he saw Aqua unconscious on the ground and Ven... just standing in the middle of a platform, he seemed fine.

Merlin looked up in alarm to where Terra was currently fighting "Go make sure Aqua and Ven are alright! I'll be right back!"

He flew up to where Terra was and was horrified to see Xehanort gone, but Terra's hair was white, and his armor was in a pile on the ground. Merlin instantly knew what happened. And now he understood why Xehanort had been trying to turn him to the darkness.

He sank into the depths of his instinctual magic and pointed a hand at the armor.

The armor—shockingly—began putting itself together and a barrier of golden chains surrounded the area. Merlin hoped it was enough so Terra could get his body back, and flew back down to the ground where Mickey was trying to revive Aqua.

Merlin bent down beside her and shook her "Hey, Aqua. Wake up!"

She didn't respond for a moment until they both heard Ven's voice, as if in their minds "I'm asking you, as a friend, just… Put an end to me..."

Aqua shot awake and Merlin sighed in relief "You're okay!"

Aqua turned to Merlin "You're not! You're covered in blood! Are you alright?!"

"Vanitas got the jump on me. I'm fine now, Mickey healed me." Mickey waved. Aqua nodded her thanks before looking around "Ven?!"

Merlin pointed to where Ven appeared to just be chilling out. Aqua beamed "Oh thank goodness. Ven..." she got up and ran to him "You're safe!"

Merlin walked over but got into a defensive position when he noticed what Ven was holding: The X-Blade.

Aqua paused "Ven?"

Ven suddenly opened his eyes and smirked, aiming the X-Blade with the intention to stab Aqua. Merlin leapt to her defense and just barely blocked the attack. He ignored the dizziness and stood protectively in front of his friend "That's not Ven!" He then noticed Ven's eyes were gold, not magic gold, Xehanort gold—it was subtle, but there was a difference.

Ven's attire charged to that of Vanitas "Correct. I am not Ventus. His heart has become a part of mine now."

Aqua gasped and Merlin snarled. Venitas then began to ramble on about the Keyblade War and if the situation weren't so dire, Merlin would have likely made a witty comeback, but this was not the time.

Aqua interrupted the rambling "Shut up! I'm sick of all your nonsense! Give Ven is heart back!" They fought him. It was overly difficult, and Merlin wondered how Venitas was able to hold a blade larger than he was tall, but the thought was put out of his mind when he and Aqua were chucked into a boulder by a powerful gust of wind.

Ow. Merlin thought to himself, I flew farther because I'm lighter... I knew I should have eaten more jelly donuts. (Challenge, which youtuber said that while playing this game.)

Venitas walked up to them "What's wrong? Giving up already?" His smirk made Merlin's blood boil.

He saw Aqua look down at her wayfinder "Terra... Ven... lend us strength." There was a spark from both her and Merlin's wayfinders and they began to glow. They looked at one another before charging Venitas who laughed "You're just wasting your energy." The blades connected. It seemed like Venitas was stronger but both Merlin and Aqua put everything they had into it. The blade cracked.

"What?!" Venitas gaped before getting launched backwards by the X-Blade as it floated above them.

Mickey jumped "Oh no! It's gone all haywire!"

Merlin looked and saw Ven's clothing return to normal "Ven!" He dove under the deadly streams of light coming from the X-Blade and grabbed hold of Ven, right before the blade exploded and sent them flying. Aqua flew after them and Merlin just barely grabbed her hand and conjured a protective barrier before he lost consciousness.

Merlin woke up to someone shaking him. He opened his eyes to see Aqua looking down at him. He sat up and the room once again began to spin, "What happened, the last thing I remember is—Ven!"

Aqua looked over to the wall and Merlin looked as well; Ven was sat on the wall with his head down, he seemed to be asleep.

He crawled over and shook his friend "Ven?" No response. Aqua shook him as well "Ventus!" Yen Sid walked over "The boy's heart is sleeping."

Aqua looked up "When will he wake?"

"I could not say. It is almost as though his heart has left. Should it return, he may very well wake. Should it not, and he will sleep like this for all eternity."

Merlin gasped "No!"

Aqua looked back at Ven "I'll keep him safe. Until he wakes. Forever if I have too."

Yen Sid walked away from them "I will tell you what your friend needs right now, and it is not your protection. He needs you to believe. You see, Ventus' heart hangs in the balance. It sleep in a place between light and darkness. For all I can perceive, that means he will be looking for a friend, one who believes in him, to show him the way home. Just as long as you love him, then Ventus will be able to find you when he wakes. He can follow that love back to where he belongs: the realm of light."

Mickey smiled "Oh. Don't you worry guys, I believe in Ven too. Gosh, he's been as good a friend to me as anyone. And if you and I believe in him with all our hearts, he'll have three lights to follow, instead of two."

"Four lights." Aqua informed, "Terra."

Merlin looked away, thinking about what happened, "But... Terra's gone. Maybe for good." Aqua shook her head "I think... I know how to find him." She looked down at her wayfinder.

"Alright." Merlin agreed, "Let's take Ven somewhere safe first." Aqua nodded and held Ven piggyback and walked out the door.

When they were outside, they looked to each other "So... where shall we take him?"

Ven's hand began to raise and both Merlin and Aqua gasped as he summoned his Keyblade to create a portal. His hand went back down.

Aqua let out a sigh of relief "Alright, if that's where you want to go."

They walked into the portal.

They found themselves in the Land of Departure. Only the place was a complete ruin "What happened here?" Merlin asked, scanning the desolate landscape for any sign of life.

Aqua looked down and gasped. Merlin followed her gaze and was horrified to see Master Eraqus' Keyblade on the ground.

Aqua picked it up and began walking into the ruined building.

While walking through, Merlin had flashbacks of when Eraqus told them what to do in the event something happened to him. By the look on his companion's face, Aqua was thinking the same.

She sat Ven on the center throne and held out the Keyblade to Merlin who took it in one hand and she in the other.

They forced the Keyblade into the world's keyhole and there was a blinding light. When the light faded, the room was pure white with a singular throne in the center.

Aqua bent down beside Ven's body "I know it's a lonely place, but it's safe. We'll bring Terra back to wake you up before you know it." She walked over to Merlin and the two left, the name Castle Oblivion appearing in their heads.

They stood outside the castle when they heard Terra's voice "Aqua, Merlin, put an end to me." Aqua looked into the distance "Terra... where are you?"

They flew through the lanes between for a bit before they discovered a tremendous amount of darkness in Radiant Garden. "Well," Merlin announced, "If we'll find Xehanort anywhere, it's here; and Terra will likely be with him, trying to kill him."

They landed and were about to walk into the main square when Aqua stopped him "Merlin, you're still weak from blood loss, I'll fight."

Merlin shook his head "I'm not helpless!"

Aqua sighed "Just... keep a barrier up in case a fight breaks out, I don't want anyone getting hurt."

"Fine. But if it looks like you need help, I'm going in."

Aqua nodded and they immediately saw Terra, only he still... he was still possessed by Xehanort.

Aqua ran over to him and they were talking so quietly Merlin couldn't hear, them Terra grabbed her throat and held her above him, covered in a dark aura. "Aqua!"

"No, stay back!" Aqua yelled, albeit weakly. She continued to talk to Terranort before he let her go and attacked. Aqua jumped back "My name: is Master Aqua. Now return my friend's heart or pay the price! Now Merlin, shield!"

Merlin obeyed and watched the two fight. But for every time the hit his shield, Merlin grew weaker. He was on his knees when the fight ended, barely staying conscious.

He saw that Terra was beginning to glow with light and almost laughed in relief before Terranort stabbed himself and fell into a dark pit. Aqua started to run after him "No Aqua! Please!"

Aqua turned to him "I'm sorry Merlin." before diving in.

Merlin watched in horror as Aqua vanished underneath the surface then he saw her armor and Terra come up, but there was no Aqua...


Merlin woke up to a weird smell. He soon recognized the smell as bleach and wondered why he was in a bleach smelling room. He sat up and was relieved the room decided to remain stationary. He blink a couple times and found himself in a hospital bed. His clothes were in a neat pile and he noted then that he was wearing a patient gown.

He looked around for someone to explain why he was here when he heard two people talking. The first was deep but not menacing while the other sounded like Ienzo's guardian.

"When will the boy wake?" The unknown voice asked.

"I don't know Ansem. They boy appears to have suffered severe blood loss, but he doesn't have a scratch on him. Though I did notice the boy was capable of using a hundred percent of his brain capacity. I ran some tests and it appears magic may be involved with the lack of injury. Especially because his neuroscan shows he suffered a fatal head injury. As to when he will awaken, I haven't the slightest idea."

"I'm awake now sir."

Both men ran over and Merlin noted he was right about Ienzo's guardian being the second voice.

The first man, Ansem, spoke up "What happened?"

Merlin thought about it "I remember—Aqua!" He looked up to the two men "Where is she?" Ienzo's guardian shook his head "We found a breach between the realms. I would assume she is in the realm of darkness. I am sorry child, but that means she is likely dead."

Merlin felt like someone took a knife to his heart and twisted it. He began to shake "What about... Terra?"

"Young, tall, armor plate on his shoulder?"

Merlin beamed "That's the one."

Ansem shook his head "He... he had amnesia. Claims his name is Xehanort."

Merlin felt the metaphorical knife twist deeper in his heart. He stood up and began to change into his normal clothes.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Merlin turned "I don't think I'm going anywhere. I know I'm going to go see Terra."

Ienzo's guardian tried to sit him back down but he had already put his hoodie on and was walking out the door "What room?"

He could practically hear the two men look at each other. It was Ansem who answered, "Room 382."

Merlin thanked them, looking at his own room number and saw it was 319.

Merlin walked down the hall for a bit before he found the room he was looking for. He opened the door and saw Terra on the bed, looking blankly at the wall. Merlin bent down and noticed his eyes were not gold anymore, more of a brown color. Though his hair was still white.

"Hey Terra." Merlin said, "How are you feeling?"

Terra sat up weakly "Who... are you?"

Merlin bit his cheek to prevent himself from crying "It's me. Merlin. You remember me Terra, don't you?"

Terra blinked "My name is Xehanort. And no, I don't remember you."

Merlin felt his whole world shatter as he realized everyone was gone. Eraqus, Aqua, Terra... Ven; all of them... gone.

Merlin ran out the door without shutting it, tears flooded down his face like twin rivers. He had nowhere to go. Then he remembered "I want you to go back to your home world."

Ven had wanted him to go back. So, he would. He activated his armor and left, memories of his lost family flashing through his mind.

It took Merlin a surprisingly long time to find his home world of Albion, let alone his home village. But here he was.

He walked up to the closest person, a young man, maybe ten years older than he himself was, "Excuse me." Merlin asked, "But where may I find Hunith?"

The man sent him an incredulous look, "Hunith? She lives in the house two down. But she's nuts. Ever since her son vanished, she's been insisting he was kidnapped. And what are you wearing?"

Merlin ignored the question "My name is Merlin. I'm looking for my mother."

The man gaped "After all this time... come on them." Merlin followed the man and was in front of a door.

He heard a firm female voice from behind it "Who is it?"

"It's Matthew. I think I just found your son."

Hunith opened the door and looked Merlin in the eye. She glared "Come inside child."

Merlin walked in nervously.

When the door closed, Hunith walked over "Prove to me this isn't some kind of joke, that you're really my baby boy."

Merlin looked to a vase and flicked his head slightly. The vase exploded. Hunith gaped when Merlin continued "I've always been able to do that."

Hunith softened visibly "M-Merlin?"

Merlin smiled sadly "Hello Mum." He had a sneaking suspicion absence had made his heart grow fonder, but he didn't care right now.

"You're alive!" She captured him in an embrace, "What happened?! Where have you been all this time?"

Merlin broke down then "They're gone Mum." He hugged her tightly "They're gone."

A/N: This story is probably going to be really long. It's relatively canon for Merlin, until the episode I break it off at. I do want to ask for if someone wants to, to draw a cover for this fanfic. Just send a review if you do and where to find it. But review anyway.