Link is the hero from Legend of Zelda, as well as being one of Nintendo's heroes

Cloud fights along in the world of Final Fantasy, being one of Square Enix's heroes

Personally these two game series, they don't really catch my interest, though I still get a laugh to Zelda/Link Dorkly and SMG4 videos.

"Still feels somewhat weird, I can't stop thinking about Jaune" Ruby says before she pokes her head out the dorm room, then shutting it close.

"Yeah same here, though in this case we're looking at a blonde guy who carry arounds a sword and shield" Yang said while pretending to carry said sword and shield. Meanwhile the rest of the WB team look at each other and shrug it off and settle in for the latest episodes.

(*Cues: Invader-Jim Johnston*)

As the screen opens up the girls see both combatants from the teasers locked in the middle of combat, all the while they carry their respective swords on their side.

Boomstick: They're two of the most iconic swordsmen in video game history, known for taking on things way out of their league.

"This going to be great" Both Yang and Ruby were getting excited, pure video game adrenaline was rushing over them.

Wiz: Link, the champion of Hyrule.

Boomstick: And Cloud Strife, guardian of the lifestream. And orphans.

"Sounds like a real hero figure to me" Blake noted down.

Wiz: Since both combatants use vast player-customizable arsenals, in this scenario they will wield what they are most comfortable taking into battle.

The WBY girls felt interested since they're talking about setting up the character's arsenal, but for Ruby, she really wanted to see ALL of their weapons.


- Arsenals taken from respective fighting franchise

- Said arsenal's attributes specs taken from all canon sources Best possible armor taken from all canon sources

- No outside help (Summons, fairies, etc.)

Boomstick: They use the weapons they choose to bring into their fighting games. However since standard skills, weapon traits and armor aren't specified in Dissidia and Smash, we're taking those from their whole story.

Wiz: And remember in Death Battle, there is no outside help allowed.

"Though except for the Eggman and Wily's battle" Weiss pointed out, since that required their robot armies for them to both comment.

Boomstick: Aww, but Boomstick, they have summons and they're cool, and fairies, and their– SHUT UP! It's our show, and this is the the way we do it!

"Seems like they really have to remind everyone about these specific rules" Blake says while finishing up some of the added rules.

"Yeah, though I bet it's a way to make everything fair since they mentioned them having so many weapons and stuff" Yang added as she laid back.

"At the very least we'll still be able to see what they would normally carry into battle" Weiss reply's.

At the side Ruby didn't say much of anything, though she did groaned in disappointment, since she wants to see ALL of their weapons. She still sucked it up and kept on watching.

Wiz: I'm Wizard and he's Boomstick, and it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.

The first thing the girls witness are several clips from Link's adventures.

He's a handsome looking young man, somewhere around his teens, his hair is blonde and messy, he's got a set of blue eyes and a muscular medium-build, also having a set of pointy ears. Outfit wise he wears a green tunic with a set of straps, brown leather fingerless gloves, a set of brown boots, tights underneath his tunic, and ending with him having a pointy green cap.


(*Cues: Soul Calibur II - Link's Theme*)

Wiz: Link is the multi-incarnated hero of the Hyrule Kingdom.

It didn't take long for RWBY to recognize the name of the kingdom.

"The exacted same kingdom that Zelda rules, seems he's the hero set to rescue her" Blake noted down.

"Sounds kinda like when we watched Mario and he's the one that saves Peach" Ruby added in, the rest of WBY agreed.

Wiz: Humble and brave, he has defeated the forces of evil for ten generations.

"W-wait, that would add up to be 400 years. How could he be alive and still look so young?" Weiss said with pure confusion.

"Who knows, bet we'll learn about it eventually" Yang simply says. Meanwhile for Ruby and Blake they were both confused.

Boomstick: Each fairy hero is linked... Haha! each other.

Wiz: No, Boomstick, he's not a fairy.

Boomstick: Pointy ears, tights, magic, and look at that hair! Fairy!

For the most time RWBY have heard of fairies, mostly in fairy tales stories, though their supposed to look like very small humanoids with insect like features.


- Age: Around 17

- Height: Around 5'7"

- Bears the Spirit of the Hero

- Left-handed

- Skilled in boxing & sumo wrestling

- Multi-incarnate

- Humble and brave

Wiz: Each incarnation of Link bears the Spirit of the Hero, bestowing the unbreakable will and combat prowess of each previous owner.

"That answers that, he's a reincarnation of all the previous hero's" Blake said in astonishment. RWY were now even more interested o hear more about this guy.

Boomstick: And he's got over ten links of learning to work with, he's an expert with tons of weapons and magic, especially his iconic Master Sword.

The sword Link wields was perhaps the most breathtaking looking sword the girls have ever laid their eyes on. The sword is a double-edged arming sword. It's engraved with the symbol of the Triforce, along with a yellow gemstone embedded in the blue cross guard which resemble a set of wings.

Ruby had her silver eyes were locked onto the magnificent blade. Both Blake and Yang were highly impressed with it as well.

"Such a well crafted sword, one of the best I've ever seen" Weiss was just as awed at the beauty of this mystical weapon.


- Crafted by the Goddess Hylia

- Repels evil

- Indestructible

- Sword Beam/Skyward Strife

- Deflects light energy magic

- Medallions

Bombos - Launches fire

Ether - Freezes foes

Quake - Makes earthquakes

Wiz: This double-edged blade was forged by the goddess Hylia to slay powerful demons. It repels evil and deflects light-based magic.

"So awesome!" Ruby squealed, having a weapon forged for slaying demons.

Boomstick: And when Link's in top shape, he can shoot beam thingies out of it. Why this changes when he takes a hit, I don't understand, but hey, LASERS!

Weiss was now interested to hear about the sword's magic capabilities.

Wiz: When low on energy, the Master Sword can still launch the Skyward Strike by calling on help from above. In addition, it utilizes three magical medallions.

"I'm starting to like this sword, though I still prefer my guns" Yang smirks as she kisses her flexed arms.

(*Cues: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Hyrule Castle (ZREO Remix))

Wiz: However, the Master Sword is far from Link's only weapon.

Boomstick: He's got some deep pockets.

Ruby was now excited at see Link's arsenal, seeing what he'd be carrying to battle.


- Boomerang

Attacks up to 5 targets

Always returns

- Bombs

5 second fuse

Water bombs


- Hero's Bow

Fire Arrows

Ice Arrows

Light Arrows

Silver Arrows

- Hookshot/Clawshot

Boomstick: He somehow carries around a boomerang and tons of bombs, along with a hookshot which helps him zip line his way around and brings things to him.

Ruby had pure stars in her eyes, she was really loving the boomerang and the bombs. While Blake showed some interest in the hookshot/clawshot, making it easy to get around any blockade.

Boomstick: Man, that really would've helped to get that last beer all those times on the couch. Probably still be married.

Weiss rolled her eyes in annoyance after having to hear just how lazy Boomstick could be, meanwhile the others were sort of shocked he got divorced over some beer.

Wiz: Doubt it. Link is an excellent archer, and uses the Hero's Bow in conjunction with several arrow types. However, much of Link's arsenal is more suited to exploration than combat.

"That does sounds a lot like us, since we use our weapons when exploring around grimm territory" Weiss says. Ruby has uses Crescent Rose to get to higher places, while also clearing away trees. Yang does the same with Ember Celica, using them to hop around from place to place. As for Blake, she uses Gambol shroud as a grappling hook and as for herself, Weiss uses her Glyphs as stepping stones in midair.


- Red Ring

Defense +75%

- Chain Mail Shirt


- Golden Gauntlets

Bracers can withstand over 1000 tons

- Boots

Iron Boots

Hover Boots

Pegasus Boots & Roc's Feather

- Hylian Shield

Boomstick: Which is why he hides behind several layers of defense, like the Red Ring, which reduces injury by 75%.

Weiss was liking the ring and it's boost in defense.

Wiz: The Golden Gauntlets brace his arms against intense pressure, though do not increase striking power.

Yang was interested in the gauntlet set and wished she had a pair of them. She was also impressed since he could easily picks up a giant pillar with those gauntlets.

Wiz: He also carries three different pairs of boots.

Boomstick: Three, huh? Told you he's a fairy.

Everyone chuckled.

Wiz: The Iron Boots weigh 130 pounds, the Hover Boots float in midair, and the Pegasus Boots with attached Roc's Feather increases Link's speed and agility to superhuman levels.

Each of the boots had caught the attention of the girls, Ruby was loving the Pegasus Boot set, while both Weiss and Blake liked the Hover Boots, and for Yang, she was interested to lean more about the Iron Boots.

"Link's weapons and gear seems perfect for the right situation" Blake said while being impressed, as well sketching out all of his gear. Ruby in the meantime had a big smile on her face as she looked on at Link's arsenal.

The last of Link's arsenal was his shield. It's shape it resemble Jaune's, but this one had way more symbols and emblems on it. The Triforce branded onto it and below it was another symbol that was a crest that also resembled a bird.

Boomstick: But his best defense is the Hylian Shield.

(*Cues: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Staff Roll*)

Wiz: Originally forged from the Thunder Dragon Lanayru, the Hylian Shield is completely indestructible.

The girls were really liking the shield, better then it being as boring as Jaune's.


- Bears the Triforce of Courage

- Puzzle-solver

- Has single-handedly beaten armies

- Fought a huge variety of foes

- Z-Targeting = very fast reactions

- Strong enough to throw armored Gorons

Boomstick: Link also has a little help from the goddesses, via the Triforce of Courage. This tiny golden triangle embodies his ability to beat overwhelming odds.

"Huh, well we all ready know about the Triforce of Wisdom, now we've seen the Triforce of Courage, makes you wonder what the third one is" Ruby said in curiosity. The rest WBY were also curious to know.

Wiz: He is a puzzle solver, analyzing and exploiting his opponents' weaknesses even when there is only one possible means of winning.

"That's really impressive to hear" Weiss said in complete awe. Even though she wasn't a fan of Ruby or Yang's so called games, she did love to strategize and trying to exploit her opponents, with the goal to win. As well with Blake, she was also highly impressed with Link's strategizing.

Wiz: But while Link has the necessary tools to take on any opponent, his over-reliance of inventory over pure skill leaves him vulnerable.

Boomstick: Still, anyone who can fight a guy three times his size, while wielding a sword twice as large as he is, is a badass in my book.

The girls were amazed to watch Link fight a multi-armed bronze statue, all the while he uses a sword bigger then himself to he's chopping it to pieces. Ruby had stars in her eyes while WBY was impressed.

Boomstick: With so many weapons and skills, there are few who can stand a chance against the Hero of Hyrule. Plus, if he dies, we can always just clap and bring him back to life.


RBY couldn't help but laughed with Boomstick making Wiz losing it.

The girls then watch as Link pulls out the Master Sword out of some pedestal. Once he pulls it out, the pedestal he stands on starts to glows and shows the Triforce symbol.

Link was a really badass combatant RWBY seemed to like.

Ruby enjoyed his vast arsenal and especially liked his sword.

Weiss and Blake were highly impressed with his strategy and searching for any exploitable weakness of his enemies.

Yang realizes how handsome he is and likes how strong he is.

Another thing is that after seeing the he fights with the Master Sword and Hylian Shield, his fighting style is much similar to that of Jaune's. Except that his techniques are slightly clumsy, if not worse.

"I wonder how JNPR, especially Jaune, would react after seeing Link" Yang said in slight amusement.

"Probably out of shock, like we were at first" Blake said. Everyone else chuckled at that.

The next contestant up is another quite handsome looking young man with spiky blond hair and blue eyes. He wears indigo pants, a sleeveless shirt, and a belt. He's also wearing a pair of brown boots, has metal like gauntlets, as well he has a small armor piece on his left shoulder, and a band on his left wrist. Still being the biggest eye catcher was seeing his massive looking broadsword he wields into battle.

Cloud Strife

(*Cues: Final Fantasy VII - Mako Reactor*)

Wiz: Cloud Strife, guardian of the Lifestream, is no ordinary swordsman.

Boomstick: There's no way around it. He's a fucking super soldier.

"Now we're talking!" Yang cheered on.

Boomstick: But damn, he's in desperate need of a haircut.

"That is true, but a bad idea to some" Ruby eyed up her blonde brawler sister


"I'd aim that some where else"

"Huh?..." Yang looked over to see her hand crushing up her unopen soda can, worst of all was it's top was leading towards Blake, she lets go and carefully opens it up.

"Just remember to breath sis, remember the last time" Ruby says before rubbing her temples.

"Do I dare ask?" Weiss says while looking over at the two sisters.

"Another time, trust me" Ruby says before hitting PLAY.


- Age: 24

- Height: 5'7"

- Superhuman strength & speed

- Retains Zack's memories & skills

- First Class SOLDIER training

- Impulsive & moody

- Inferiority complex

Wiz: Impulsive and moody, Cloud strove to join the illustrious Shinra organization.

"Kinda sounds like us joining Beacon" Ruby admirted at the fact.

Wiz: Instead, he was forcefully exposed to Mako poisoning, a raw energy drained from the planet itself.

"Intresting to learn more about this Mako" Weiss note down.

"Though hard to say if it's good or truly bad" Blake adds in. Her point made it to the rest of RWY, they weren't too sure about this Mako stuff, not knowing if its lethal or not.

Boomstick: And somehow it gave him all the memories of his dead buddy, Zack, including his First Class soldier training. Thanks, convenient planet poison.

Wiz: That's not all Cloud inherited from his friend.

What the girls saw next was enough to make Ruby's eyes widen with awe and to start drooling. It was a gigantic broadsword that looks far too big for any human or Faunus to wield. It even looked like it was the perfect sized blade to be wielded by a giant armor, that was enough to sent a shiver down Weiss's spine.


- Length: 6'

- Width: 2'

- Base Power: 19

- Base Accuracy: 96%

- 2 linked materia slots

- Single-edge broadsword

- Passed down between Angeal, Zack, & Cloud

Wiz: His main weapon is Zack's Buster Sword, a colossal single-edged blade. With his strength, Cloud can swing this much faster than any normal human.

It didn't take too long for them to notice. Cloud is shown swinging the sword around as if it was weightless.

"That. Is. SO COOL!" Ruby screamed and hopped with joy.

Boomstick: Holy shit! Look at it! That's a man's sword right there!

"Oh yeahh, what a beast" Yang admitted, even if she wasn't a sword user.

Wiz: The Buster Sword contains two slots for materia, condensed Mako that grants magical abilities.

"Kind of like my own Dust chamber" Weiss thought up while she looked over towards her Myrtenaster.

Wiz: However, since their creation damages the planet, Cloud has limited his materia use.

Weiss was still fascinated to hear more about this materia, and got ready to note anything imprortant.


- Fire (Firaga level)

Fire, Fira, & Firaga attacks

Projectile-based pyrokinesis

Use slightly decreases strength

- Lightning Bolt (Thundaga level)

Thunder, Thundara, & Thundaga attacks

Can summon lightning from the sky

Can launch bolts of electric magic

Use slightly decreases strength

Boomstick: He typically carries the Firaga materia, which shoots fire at things. And in the second slot, we're giving Cloud his most iconic materia, Thundaga. This materia can shoot electricity and summon lightning bolts.

(*Cues: Final Fantasy VII - Bombing Mission*)

Wiz: Cloud has an encyclopedia's worth of anger issues, which actually works to his advantage.

"Always works out" Yang smirks, while RWB roll their eyes.


- Braver

- Cross-Slash

Paralyzes Foes

- Blade Beam

- Climhazzard

- Finishing Touch

- Meteorian

Launches up to 6 meteors

- Omnislash Version 5

Wiz: He can channel his rage into extremely powerful Limit Break attacks.

Yang couldn't help but smirk with pure pride, since her semblance is similar.

Boomstick: These emo-charged Limit Breaks range from paralyzing foes with Cross Slash to launching meteors from his sword. But his deadliest move is the Omnislash, a move so quick and powerful, it practically guarantees victory.

The girls were in awe as they all watch Cloud's move sets, but they especially liked the Omnislash, as it was doing damage to some monsters. Ruby was getting super excited to see more.


- Ziedrich

Defensive strength: 100%

Magic defensive strength: 98%

20% power increase

Halves damage

0 materia slots

- Metal Pauldron

- Ribbon

Grants immunity to status alignments

Includes burns, ice, poison, etc.

Wiz: As he doesn't carry any other materia, Cloud obviously wears Ziedrich armor.

This armor piece looked like a soft of band, but still looked stylish.

Wiz: While this magical band has zero materia slots, it grants the wearer an extraordinary amount of defense, and halves damage received from elemental, magical and physical effects.

"That's a kind of thing we should be wear in combat" Yang said. The next piece of armor was a truly pretty ribbon.

Boomstick: Also, Cloud wears a ribbon, which makes him immune to all status effects like burns and stuns. Well, I guess that makes it worth wearing a freakin' chick accessory.

The huntresses giggled at the idea.

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Wiz: Cloud is brash and aggressive, but not the brightest fighter.

The RWBY team flinched at the sight of Cloud being stabbed and dangled by a very long sword.

"Tell me about it, somehow worse then Yang" Blake looked over at her partner.

"Let's agree to disagree" Yang smirked back before grabbing a new soda.

Wiz: He often relies on overpowering opponents through sheer ferocity and brute strength.

"I'd more fun that way" Yang pumped her fist up and flexes up her arms in agreement since she loves that method while in a fight.


- Defeated Sephiroth/Jenova 3 times

- Killed Bahamut SIN

- Works best as point-man in a team

- Focuses on overpowering foes

- Has survived several long falls

- Shrugged off impalement multiple times

Boomstick: Like a badass! You don't need to think too hard when you're strong enough to cut through freakin' skyscrapers.

The girls watch in pure awe as they watch Cloud effortlessly cutting through boulders and building sized debris with his sword.

Boomstick: Cloud's singlehandedly taken down quite a few powerhouses, like the giant Bahamut SIN, and planet-busting Sephiroth.

The girls felt like their jaw were about to fall right off after hearing that.

Boomstick: He's even been completely impaled and shrugged it off like it was nothing. Multiple times! I mean, look at this shit!

"This guy is a fucking BADASS!" Yang shouted in excitement. RWB nodded in agreement.

Wiz: It's impossible to deny, Cloud's superhuman abilities make him one of the deadliest swordsmen in video game history.

Boomstick: Even if he looks like a girl.

Cloud witnessed and cries over Zack's death.

They see Cloud mourning the loss Zack's life who is his friend. They feel sympathy for him.

Cloud was a true badass in their eyes, from what they've heard his world was somewhat similar to their own world, though still different enough.

Ruby was loving his Buster-Sword, it's huge, deadly and has some pretty powerful move sets, she's done the same with her weapon which most couldn't wield.

Weiss was actually really intrigued and fascinated by the materia that cloud uses which was somewhat similar their own Dust, as well fascinated to see more of his sword since it's slightly similar to her own.

Blake in the meantime was interested with Clouds origin story, some of his skills had come from his friend, but as well she liked hearing about his skills and abilities.

Yang was awe by his strength and straightforward fighting, she'd love to go into battle with him, especially while seeing that sword in action.

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It's time for a Death Battle!

Ruby hits PUASE and looked over to her team "I'm gonna have to go with Cloud, Link is a half and half for me, still pretty cool" Ruby's vote is cased

"I'm going with Link, even if his weapons and gear weren't made for battle they still serve their purpose to help him out" Weiss says since she's always been a fan of strategy.

"I'll wage in and vote in with Link, I feel like he has the knowhow to get around Cloud" Blake casts her vote.

"Cloud hands down!" Yang quickly says while she claps her hands "I don't even care if he loses, I was to see this fight"

(*Cues: Those Who Fight/Fighting (Metal) - Final Fantasy VII*)

The girls all see Link and Cloud face against each other, swords drawn at the ready, while also in a large DeathBattle arena.

"Woah, wasn't expecting the new looks" Yang and the rest of RWB were somewhat surprised by the new 3D lay out.


Cloud is the first to make his move, he charges right at Link and tries to swing his Buster Sword, but before he could Link blocks the attempt with his Master Sword.

"Jaune would be so jealous" Yang tested just as both swords clanged.

Link is then sent into the air, while still in the air, he fires out two Sword Beams towards Cloud, though he deflects them all while stepping back. Cloud then jumps up into the air, performs a flip while smashing his Buster Sword into the ground, causing a shock wave heading straight at Link, but he was prepared and blocked the attack with his Hylian Shield, but still gets launched back by the force.

Cloud takes the moment and charges at Link, from here the two two hero's swing their swords at each other. That is until Cloud uses his Cross-Slash on Link, though he blocked it with his Hylian Shield and then rolled under Cloud to get away from the final slash.

"Soooooo cool!" Ruby shacked with excitement as she watches on.

(*Cues: Powerglove - Power, Wisdom, Courage*)

Link uses the moment to strikes Cloud with a Spin Attack, sending him flying back. Cloud having enough decides to uses his Thundaga Materia and fires out multiple shots towards Link, though the Hyrule hero runs and even blocks most of them with his Master Sword, swinging faster and faster. Then jumping at the last attack, from here he performs another Spin Attack, deflecting all of the the Materia attacks away.

"Know that was impressive" Weiss notes in while still watching.

Cloud takes to the air by jumping high into the air, and to fire off a huge Thundaga attack at Link from on top of him. But before it could hit, Link uses his Master Sword to absorb up the Thundaga and just as Cloud is about to land, Link fires out a Thundaga-fueled Skyward Strike at Cloud, who gets hit by it and is sent flying back.

"Their are truly the best" Blake says while sounding impressed.

(*Cues: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Childern - Tenrai - Divinity II*)

While Cloud remains in the air, Link takes out his Hero's Bow and fires out set of arrows at Cloud, but he deflects them all with his Buster Sword.

The music was perfect while watching both hero's fighting to the death.

As Cloud lands back onto the ground, he charges back towards Link, meanwhile Link charges up an Ice Arrow. Once Cloud was just close enough, he fires it and freezes Cloud in a chunk of ice, but thanks to Cloud's Ribbon, he immediately breaks out of it. Cloud continuous this charge towards Link and swings, but Link dodges out of the way and throws out his Boomerang, but this leaving him defenseless for a moment, allowing Cloud to deliver a series of sword strikes onto him.

Cloud then proceeds to use Climhazzard, while preparing Link attempts to counter it with his Master Sword. But Cloud performs a mighty upswing, knocking the Master Sword out of Link's hands and forcing him to his Hylian Shield to protect him. As Cloud drops down, he starts to deliver blow after blow on Link's Hylian Shield.

(*Cues: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Staff Roll*)

Thankfully the Boomerang from earlier comes right back and hits Cloud from behind, stunning him for a few seconds. Link uses the time and pulls out his Hookshot and uses it to retrieve back his Master Sword.

"Now that's pretty useful" Yang says, the rest agree with how useful it is.

Finally back in his hands, Link then delivers a hit on Cloud, sending him flying. But while in the air, Cloud uses his Firaga Materia and fires a barrage of flaming shots at Link. But before they could impact Link puts on his Pegasus Boots and begins to run in a burst of speed, all the while Clouds shots blast right beside him.

After dodging all of the Firaga, Link stops and runs up the side of a pillar.

"Now I really want a pair of them" Ruby says as watched the battle continue.

Link then launches himself towards Cloud and striking him with another well placed Spin Attack. Link then lands on a platform that's high above the ground, while for Cloud, he lands on a small ring on a pillar. He then then uses Meteorain to send a barrage of meteors towards Link.

(*Cues: Final Fantasy VII - Battle in the Forgotten City*)

Cloud: Stars, rain down!

But Link uses his Hylian Shield and blocks every meteor hit. While Link was being distracted by the meteors, Cloud charges and strikes Link with his Buster Sword, sending the young elf hero flying into the air.

"Now that's a shield, blocked all those shots like it was nothing" Yang said before drinking up.

Cloud: This ends here!

Cloud then performs his ultimate technique: the Omnislash Version 5, onto Link, but the Hyrule hero manages to block the majority of the attack with his Hylian Shield. Once Cloud goes in for the final strike, Link uses Z-Targeting to execute a well-placed sword swing, striking Cloud in the middle of the final blow and causing some blood to squirt out and letting him slam onto the ground.

(*Cues: Gerudo Valley - Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony*)

While Cloud is on the ground, Link throws out a flurry of Bombs. The bombs bounce around Cloud before they all explode, sending Cloud flying high in the air, Link takes the chance and delivers the Fatal Blow, piercing right through Cloud. Link lands with his Master Sword buried into the ground, while Cloud's lifeless body falls shortly after onto the ground. Meanwhile Link gets up and walks away, with his swords and shield on his back.


(*Cues: The Legend of Zelda - Main Theme Orchestra*)

Both WB were cheering out in victory after seeing the battle.

Meanwhile RY were bumped their arms together, ending with a fist pound.

Boomstick: Whoa! Chalk one up for the fairy guy; that was awesome!

"Sure was!" Ruby yelled out in victory.

Wiz: In what might be the closest duel in Death Battle history, Link's combination of arsenal and strategy were just enough to defeat Cloud's brute force.

"Ture to the fact" Weiss wrote down into her final note pieces.

Boomstick: Not to mention his items helped him match Cloud's superhuman abilities.

Wiz: Cloud may be powerful, but Link's Golden Gauntlets were stronger. In Ocarina of Time, Link used them to lift and throw an enormous column of granite.

Weiss took up notes from the Board of Wizdom as it played out.

Wiz: As granite weighs 166 pounds per square foot, this means Link can withstand over a thousand tons of pressure, surviving any of Cloud's assaults.

"That's just impressive to hear" Yang smiled as she cracked her knuckles.

Boomstick: Cloud should've had his mind on more than just the Master Sword.

Wiz: The winner is Link.

Boomstick: Next time on Death Battle.

"Oh man oh man what's up next?" Yang says while sounding excited.

(Cues Spider Man (2002) — Main Theme)

As the camera zooms out the girls could see a small silhouette of a male, but what was weird is that he is somehow perched himself in between a brick wall corner with not gripping on to anything. The most biggest eye catcher is that he's casting a shadow that's shaped just like a spider.

"Wow, I'm creeped out and yet excited at the same time" Ruby rubbed away some of her goosebumps.

"Damn right, can't wait for it sis"

"This does truly peek my interest, just what does the shadow signify?" Weiss questioned.

Blake felt really interested on this one as Ruby hits next, she takes the time to sketch out the spider shadow. In the meantime Ruby hit NEXT.