Berk was starting to turn back to normal after the battle between the Seven Deadly Sins and the Inquisitors, but the scars of that battle could still be shown upon the surface. Princess Ruby was having a strange dream, one which involved her going on another journey with the Seven Deadly Sins to Gustav's kingdom of Xeovell.

However, Snotlout and Fishlegs had parted ways going on a different journey of their own and there was an even greater darkness in the horizon. She saw Hiccup battling against 10 shadowy figures and it appeared that he was losing judging from the bruises and cuts on his body.

Ruby then immediately awoke and found herself in her bed chamber. "Was I dreaming?"

She then immediately made her way towards the window and opened it and looked down into the capital from the Palace. Everything looks quite peaceful as the city folk were still rebuilding from the harsh battle several days ago.

"I was dreaming that I was on another adventure with Sir Hiccup and the others," she frowned. She then remembered the battle between Hiccup and those ghostly figures how the completely overwhelmed him. "But wait… What on earth was that?"

Once she was changed and had her breakfast she immediately made her way towards her father, King Topaz, who was sitting on his throne.

"Good morning, father, how are you?" she asked.

Topaz immediately sent something wrong with her. "Is something the matter Ruby? You look a bit pale this morning."

Ruby shook her head. "No, I just had a strange dream that need my sleep little restless."

Topaz frowned. "A dream?"

Ruby then immediately explained her dream, that she had gone yet another adventure with Hiccup and the Seven Deadly Sins along with the battle between Hiccup and 10 ghostly figures.

"So you went off on a journey with the Seven Deadly Sins?" he said as he listened intently.

"It was just a dream, nothing more," she assured him. "The capital is peaceful now once again."

Topaz however took the matter a lot more seriously as a few days ago he had a terrible vision himself. 'It couldn't be.'

"Anyway," Ruby continued. "What is it that you wanted to see me about?"

Topaz then remembered that he had summoned Ruby do the throne room for a reason. "Ah, yes. The kingdom is well on the road to recovery, people are adjusting back to the normal tranquil lives."

"Indeed," Ruby nodded.

"It goes without saying that the Seven Deadly Sins hadn't been there to intervene, thwarting the Demon Race's return this newfound peace would never come to pass."

Ruby smiled. "That's true."

"With that in mind…"

After talking with the King, Ruby immediately made her way to the Black Dragon to inform the others.

"For real, the king is giving all of us medals?" Toothless asked.

Ruby nodded. "Yes, the Seven Deadly Sins, did save the kingdom and that does go for you to Toothless."

"Nice to know that our achievements haven't gone unnoticed," Toothless smiled.

Hiccup smiled from behind the bar as he cleaned a few tankards. "Hopefully whether there is no one will ever forget that we fought for the kingdom."

"Indeed, I don't like the idea of going into hiding once again," said Astrid as she entered the tavern.

"I personally would mind the peace and quiet," said Fishlegs as he floated above them.

Toothless frowned. "What's with the helmet?"

Fishlegs had Tarragon's old helmet strapped to his back. "Oh, this? It's a special gift for my best friend."

Ruby then turned towards the twins. "And he's going to make you to official Dragon Knights."

The twin's mouths then felled wide open.

"Get out," said Ruffnut.

"You're not serious," said Tuffnut.

Ruby smiled. "You two did play a big role in saving the kingdom and protecting me."

"Nice going," Hiccup smiled. "Starting tomorrow you will be official Dragon Knights."

"Good, you're all here," said Heather's voice outside.

They quickly made their way outside and found Heather, now fully sized again, standing outside.

"So, they were finally able to make you some new clothes," Ruby smiled.

Heather smiled down, her outfit had hardly changed, but she was now wearing metal braces around her forearms. "Took some time, you can't imagine how much materials one has to use to make an outfit for a giant."

"I think we can all imagine," said Ragnar as he appeared out of thin air.

"What with all the noise?" said Snotlout as he exited the tavern yawning. "A guy can hardly sleep around here."

"And I thought I was the lazy one among us," said Fishleg rolling his eyes.

"Calm down everyone," said Hiccup clapping his hands together. "The ceremonial is tomorrow, in the meantime let's celebrate."

It was now late at night, and Hiccup and the others were having a big feast to celebrate. Heather had now returned to human size so that she could fit into the tavern and Ragnar was courteous enough to transport her human clothes.

"Cheers!" Everyone yelled as they slammed the tankards together.

"Hey, Hiccup, you've got a minute or two?" Snotlout asked as he approached Hiccup.

"What's the matter?" Hiccup asked.

"Just follow me," said Snotlout gesturing towards the door.

Fishlegs was floating above the man was frowning at Snotlout, wondering what he was up to now.

Once they were outside, Hiccup began asking questions.

"So what is the problem this time? What so important that he wanted a drag me out here?" Hiccup asked.

Snotlout looked at him. "As of tonight, I quit."

"Hold on," said Hiccup raising his hands. "What do you mean you're quitting?"

"I mean I'm leaving," he said firmly. "Today was my last day with the Seven Deadly Sins."

Hiccup just stared at him, dumbfounded.

The next morning, before anyone was up, Snotlout exited the tavern with a rucksack over his shoulder.

"So long guys," said as he looked back at the tavern.

He then turned around and found Fishlegs floating in front of him.

"Where do you think you're going?" Fishlegs asked.

Snotlout remained silent.

"So you're not even going to talk to me?" Fishlegs pushed. Snotlout ignored him and walked off. "I kinda overheard to what you said to Hiccup the other day and I have a pretty good idea what happened between you and Shanna. To be honest, I am really touched that you feel so strongly about my sister, but she's dead now and the Fairy King's Forest that she protected the so long was burnt to the ground. Knowing that whether you think you're going?"

Snotlout then came to a stop and then turn to look at him. "To the Fairy King's Forest."

Fishlegs stared at him with open eyes and unknown to the two of them, someone was watching them from behind the bushes.

Later that morning, Hiccup and the remaining Sins were at the ceremonial in the castle courtyard. Dragon Knights were standing as an honour guard as the proceedings took place, Topaz was standing next to Ruby, who was holding a case full of medals for each one of them.

"It would seem as if Snotlout and Fishlegs decided not to show," Astrid noted.

"Not like Snotlout, no way he would miss a chance to receive a medal for his honour," Heather frowned.

A few Dragon Knights in the back row when narrowing their eyes at the Hiccup and the others. It was clear that they resented the fact that it only took a handful of Knights with disreputable reputation to take down the Inquisitors.

"What are they doing here?"

Hiccup could hear the mutterings in the back, but said nothing.

"The Seven Deadly Sins, along with their friend, Toothless, and Ragnar's familiar, Skull," Topaz began. "We gather to honour and commend you for your heroic efforts to protect this kingdom. When your name is called step forward and allow me to present you with—"

"I object," said Hiccup suddenly. "The Seven Deadly Sins shouldn't get one medal."

Everyone was taken aback by this comment.

"W-what's that?" Topaz stared.

Ruby looked at him confused. "Sir Hiccup why would you…"

Hiccup then turned and faced the crowd. "I mean that is what some people here are itching to shout. If you have something to say then say to my face, I will hear you out."

Those Dragon Knights muttering in the back immediately went silent, clearly they didn't anticipate Hiccup's excellent hearing. However, three Knights were brave enough to step out of the ranks and began to approach them.

"Hey, look, aren't those the Pleiades of the Azure Sky?" someone asked.

"What did you say?"

On the left was a small and stout man with a thick beard, on the right was a tall and cocky looking young man and between the two of them was a handsome man in his 30s with a small moustache.

"Weight you mean the Pleiades of the Azure Sky, who serve the assisting Inquisitor? Sir Emerald?"

"It's Stoker Dogedo," said someone looking at the tall young man.

"And Stoker Wailo," said someone looking at the short man.

"And that is Strike Deathpierce," said another looking at the man with the moustache.

Hiccup folded his arms. "So only three of you were brave enough to step forward. Then ask you on the back, what is the problem?"

"We would like nothing more to see the power of the legendary knights known for saving the kingdom from evil first hand," said Deathpierce simply. He then looked down at Hiccup." Well, Sir Hiccup? Would the Seven Deadly Sins captain an honour that request?"

Castle guard then immediately approached them frantically. "Sir Deathpierce, we are in his Majesty's presence."

Deathpierce ignored him and concentrated on Hiccup. "Due to the unfortunate fact that the two Inquisitors… no, those two traitors assigned us to a remote post we didn't get a witness you in action. So we cannot accept this unless we can see your power for ourselves."

Topaz closed his eyes. "Fine, do as you wish."

Ruby stared at him. "But Father…"

"We are most grateful, my King," said Deathpierce gratefully.

"I would like to go first then," said Dogedo as he cracked his knuckles.

"Hold it," said Toothless as he raised his wing to block his path. "Magic: 290… Strength: 470… Spirit: 100. That makes a power level of 860."

"What's with your dragon?" Dogedo questioned.

"He's his own dragon," said Hiccup.

"Not bad, not bad, but unfortunately you stand no chance against Hiccup," Toothless continued.

"Anything the matter, Bud?" Hiccup asked.

Astrid then noticed something attached to his stubbs. "He seems to be wearing the Magical Eye."

Ragnar smiled and nodded. "That's correct, it's a little present that I gave him."

A few hours ago, in his lab, Ragnar had just attached that strange artefact to Toothless.

"Balor's Magical Eye?" Toothless asked looking at his new accessory.

"That's correct, it once belonged to the one eyed God who would bring disaster and assesses enemies," Ragnar explained.

"Thanks, but why give it to me?" Toothless questioned.

"I have a feeling that you'll needed and it's not just your normal accessory," said Ragnar as he gestured towards the window. "Have a look at those knights walking outside the window."

Toothless poked his head out the window and looked directly at the knights walking by and then something weird happened. He began seen shapes emerge from out of nowhere hovering over each and every knight.

"All of these weird numbers are flowing through my mind," he said stunned. "Let us see from the right… 42… 54… 35… 145."

"Those are the power levels," Ragnar explained. "And they represent your target overall strength quantified."

"You mean I can now actually see how strong someone is?" said Toothless stunned.

"Exactly, if you focus even more you can see the breakdown," Ragnar instructed.

Toothless immediately looked at the knight with the most power. "Magic: 50… Strength: 50… Spirit: 45. I can see it!"

"That will be a very handy tool for you," said Skull as he flew around the lab and landed on Ragnar's shoulder. "It will give you an analysis how strong an opponent is and what their strength is."

"It's a token of gratitude for someone who assisted in saving the kingdom," Ragnar explained.

Back in the present, Dogedo immediately took up a fighting stance in front of Hiccup.

"All right, let's do this, Mr Hero," he sneered.

"Any time you're ready then," said Hiccup casually.

"You sure this is a wise idea?" Heather asked.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill the guy," Hiccup assured.

Dogedo then immediately sent a barrage of fists towards Hiccup, who dodged all of them with incredible speed.

"This guy is fast," Toothless noted.

Hiccup then immediately dealt a powerful kick right across his face knocking him to the ground.

"Nice one," Astrid smiled.

"Is that the best you can do?" said Dogedo sneered as he picked himself up, not looking dazed at all. "That was little more than a bug bite. That is all that it took to defeat them? I guess Calder and Alvin, weren't anything special at all. They were nothing but props, two piss poor substitutes for the Inquisitor. What a sham. If it weren't for the fact of his own timely death, those two hats would never have been given that title. If I had known all that, I would have finished those weak posers off by myself."

Gael was particularly furious that he was insulting his father and nearly rushed out there to punch him if it weren't for Gilthunder.

"Let it go," he said.

"Not that I'm trying to stand up for those two," Hiccup began as he turned his head to look at him. "But they would have killed a guy like you in no time."

Dogedo then turned his head to face him. "What?"

"I don't know what made them carry out an idiotic plot like that, but the men I knew were Dragon Knights," said Hiccup plainly. "Not only did they have the heart to do the right thing, they also had the strength to back up that ambition and see it through. I mean you might have the strength, but you're lacking right here where it counts." Hiccup then tapped his heart. "Which make you a failure if you ask me."

"Don't give me that!" Dogedo roared. "A Dragon Knight only needs one thing…" He then immediately launched at Hiccup once again unleashing a barrage of fists, "devastating power to pulverise his enemy!"

Hiccup, however, did not dodge this time, but merely blocked his attacks with lightning speed with his bare hand. When it was done, Dogedo just stared at his hands as his fingers were completely broken pointing in all different directions.

"He counted with offence and defence at the same time?" Walio stared in astonishment.

Deathpierce didn't look surprised. "As expected from a combat sense."

"Looks like this is over," said Astrid folding her arms.

Hiccup looked up at Dogedo. "If that all the power you have, then maybe you should be demoted to an apprentice Dragon Knight."

That enraged Dogedo and he attempted to head-butt him, but Hiccup merely raised his hand and with one good thrust sent him spinning backwards. Deathpierce quickly caught him with his bare hand, but Dogedo was now unconscious.

All the Dragon Knights prayers and were astonished by the display and all doubts have been put to rest.

"So that's the power of the legendary captain."

"He's beyond powerful."

"I never realised, Hiccup was that strong," Toothless stared. He then began using his new abilities to analyse Hiccup. "Let's see, Magic: 400… Strength: 960… Spirit: 2010. Power level: 3370."

Hiccup looked at Deathpierce and Walio. "So, do you two want to have a go?"

"Pardon us," said Deathpierce as he flipped the unconscious Dogedo onto his shoulder. "I would like to apologise, on the half of Dogedo. Please forgive his barbaric actions, while we were away his best friend lost his life in that battle and he hasn't taken the news very well. Also we're satisfied now, that exhibition more than convinced us of your prowess, Sir Hiccup."

"Really?" Hiccup asked curiously. "You mean that all that it took to change your mind?"

"Yes," Deathpierce nodded. "We're not even able to determine the limit of your power, I admit that you might very well been capable of defeating Alvin, who fell to the demons." He and Walio then turned around and made their leave. "And now we will be taking our leave from this ceremony. I bid you a good day."

Toothless began to analyse the power levels, ethos focused on Deathpierce. "Power level: 1690." He then looked at Walio. "Power level: 1710. They come nowhere near as close to Hiccup's power strength."

"True, but power levels can fluctuate due to certain circumstances, compatibilities and conditions," Astrid explained.

Toothless frowned at her. "How do you know so much about this?"

"I specialise in combat," Astrid pointed out.

Toothless then began to analyse Astrid. "No way. Magic: 500 … Strength: 1300 Spirit: 1300. Power level: 3100."

Astrid looked at him. "Toothless. Magic: 80… Strength: 300… Spirit: 500. In total your power level is: 880."

Toothless looked down on the ground. "So, you mean I'm pretty weak."

"What are you two talking about?" Heather frowned down at them.

Toothless look at her and began to scan his eyes widened. "You're over 3000 as well. Magic: 900… Strength: 1870… Spirit: 480. Power level: 3250."

"You shouldn't be so surprised, because the seven of us all have power levels exceeding 3000," Astrid explained.

"Then what Ragnar?" Toothless asked as he immediately turned towards Ragnar, who was floating beside him. His eyes then widened in horror as he began to analyse Ragnar. "Magic: 3540… Strength: 70… Spirit: 1100. Power level: 4710!"

"It is a bit daunting," Astrid agreed.

Once everything has calmed down Topaz began handing out the medals to all of them. However, the Sins knew that the fight was not over, because days ago Topaz had summoned them to his throne room as he had recently had a terrible vision.

"The signs of a Holy War have hardly faded, in fact they are stronger now than ever," he said.

"We're listening," said Hiccup. "What did you see?"

"The new omen, is of 10 shadows, and there is a monstrous threat that is closing in on a kingdom from the south called Xeovell."

Back in the present, Topaz was now knighting Ruffnut and Tuffnut.

"Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston, for your actions in protecting this kingdom and my daughter, you have proving yourselves on carrying the mantle of Dragon Knight and earned the rank of Mystery," he said as he tapped them on the shoulder with his sword. "Arise Lady Ruffnut and Sir Tuffnut."

Cheers then erupted from the crowd as they welcomed two new nights into their ranks.

Once was all said and done Ruby then approached with the last two medals. "So what should we do with the medals for Snotlout and Fishlegs?"

"Hold onto them for now," Hiccup advised, he then began to walk off. "Those to have taken off."

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked stunned.

She then remembered her dream that Snotlout and Fishlegs had parted ways when they began their next journey.

'It's just like that dream I had,' she said stunned and then she began to remember the other parts of her dream. 'And if that is so… then what about…'

She then watched as hiccup and the others walked off. "No, I'm sure I'm just overthinking it."

"Hey, what's with that look on your face?" Heather asked leaning down towards.

Ruby immediately looked up at her. "Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry." She then looked at her inquisitively. "Ask me something, Snotlout and Fishlegs didn't leave because something bad happened did they?"

"I have no idea," said Heather honestly. "I wish I knew, but Hiccup won't say anything. Snotlout, I could understand, but Fishlegs leaving without saying a word is so unlike him."

Meanwhile far away Snotlout was making his way through rocky terrain and following him was Fishlegs.

"The Fairy King Forest has vanished completely," Fishlegs reminded him. "Now it is just a barren land where nothing grows any more. Trust me, I saw it with my own eyes 10 years ago. Why would you go there now?"

"It's none of your business, now will you stop following me," said Snotlout starting to get annoyed. "Why don't you go and bother somebody else?"

"Not happening at least not until after you tell me the truth."

Snotlout just remain silent.

Meanwhile Hiccup and the others were making their way down the streets of the capital, which was now completely restored.

"Looks like the entire town was at that little ceremonially," Toothless noted.

"Like they would miss the chance to meet their heroes," said Ruffnut.

"Yeah, we kicked ass while everyone was fighting amongst themselves," Tuffnut nodded.

They then came to a sudden stop when they found Gilthunder, Ake and Gael standing in front of them.

"What are you guys doing here?" Hiccup asked looking surprised.

"Sir Hiccup, I want to thank you for what you said about my father," said Gael gratefully.

"I only said what I knew to be true," said Hiccup. "However, I am disturbed by what he did, killing his own brother and seizing power. Not to mention he tried to kill Ake and Gabrielle when they tried to protect Heather."

"You're not the only one," said Ake quietly.

Gael quickly turned on him. "I'm telling you he must have had some kind of reason. Father fought in order to protect Princess Ruby, to defeat Alvin and then he was murdered."

"I wish I could believe that, but those are undeniable facts," said Ake looking very conflicted.

Ragnar nodded. "On one hand, he seized power by killing an ally, on the other he risked his life to rescue one. True, it is hardly consistent." He then closes eyes. "At least for the actions of an Inquisitor."

Gael and the others immediately stared at him.

"Sir Ragnar?"

Ragnar then floated above everyone. "When the details of the story failed to add up, it often helps to run everything you know in reverse." He then created a bird made of pure magic and allowed it to flutter around everyone. "And as you discover and give meaning to an unseemly impossible natural action, a different answer will emerge." The bird immediately transformed into a horse. "Sincerity become spite." The horse transformed into a dragon and then into a butterfly. "The circumstance becomes pretense and the meaningless suddenly gains meaning."

"So in other words?" Ake frowned.

"Think about it," said Ragnar as he suddenly appeared behind them. "Consider what has happened and find the answer for yourselves. When humans stop thinking it's all over." He then looted Ragnar. "Let's go, Hiccup."

Hiccup nodded. "Right." They then immediately walked past the three of them. "Try not to think about it too hard, you might get a headache. A careful out there you trio of troublemakers."

Toothless did a quick analysis of the power levels starting with Ake. "Power level: 1910." He then looked at Gael. "1520." He then looked at Gilthunder last. "1970." He then looked up at them. "Your power levels are impressive, but if you want to catch up with Hiccup and the other Sins, you're going to need to work big time."

Toothless then immediately ran off after the others, leaving the three of them to think about what Ragnar had said.

"Telling us to think about it and not to think about it?" Ake frowned. "So which do they want?"

"Trio of troublemakers?" Gilthunder frowned.

Gael then laughed.

"What's so funny, Gael?" Ake asked.

"Well, back when we were boys you to cause trouble, I always got dragged into it to," he reminded them. "And we would get yelled out by Uncle Zaratras and my dad. They would collars the trio of troublemakers."

"Oh, right. I remember that," Ake nodded.

"Actually I was the always the one that got dragged into your mischief," Gilthunder reminded.

"And another thing, it's true they were always scolding us, but didn't Alvin stand up to us all the time?" Ake frowned thinking back.

They all remained quiet, not sure what to think anymore. Those two men were possibly the kindest and most generous men they ever knew and suddenly they turned into traitors. It made no sense, there had to be a reason for what they did.

"Guys, I believe that we should take Ragnar's advice, we should try and search for the truth," said Ake breaking the silence.

"But where would we even begin?" Gael asked.

Ake of the back of his head. "Well…"

"I know," said Gilthunder the two of them immediately looked at him. "Let's look in Inquisitor Calder's room."

Unbeknownst to anyone, Alvin somehow managed to survive the battle and had made his way down south. Once he had fully regenerated, he began performing a ritual with the key and the bloodstained cloth that Calder used to attend the wound for Ruby.

A massive beam of purple light then immediately shone out of the canyon where he was performing the ritual.

"From the valley of eternity… from the edge of oblivion… from an ending slumber… Disappear innocent curse!" he roared as his body began to break apart.

Meanwhile at the capital, Heather looked down at Hiccup curiously.

"Hiccup, did you figure out what the King's own meant?" Heather asked.

"I have some idea, but something huge is going to happen in Xeovel," Hiccup deduced.

Then suddenly there was a mighty earthquake which shook the entire capital violently, but then it disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

"What was that?" said Heather.

"That was no normal earthquake," said Toothless. He then immediately saw the fearful look in Hiccup's eyes. "What's the matter Hiccup? It's not like you freak out like this."

Astrid looked at him. "You don't think?"

Hiccup then clenched his fist. "I knew it, they've come back."

In the canyon, Alvin finally regained consciousness and found that his body had been restored to its human form. He then saw a shadowy figure looking down at him and it was none other than Calder himself, but there was some sort of mark around his left eye and his eyes were soulless just like the New Generation.

"Wait, Calder," he stared.

"You did very well," he said smiling. "The ceremony is now complete."

Alvin then immediately rose to his feet, still feeling a bit shaken. "Calder, those eyes and that pattern on your face."

"To show my gratitude for your usefulness, I will allow you to live," said Calder. "Besides, it is what this man asked of me to do. You are free to go where ever you like."

Alvin was still confused. "'Free to go?' What in the world are you talking about?"

His eyes then widened as he felt an extreme dark presence behind him has nine shadowy figures of immense power had gathered behind him.

"Wait, what is this abnormal presence I'm sensing?" he said fearfully. Never in his life as he witnessed such fear.

"It's been 3000 years, but we finally returned," Calder smiled.

Alvin finally found the courage to look behind him and saw nine fiendish looking figures behind him. One was as a cloud of dark magic with many faces, another was wearing full body armour and was holding fiendish looking spear, there was a massive giant with blue skin and four arms, his face hidden by a cloth, one of them had a childish face with long blond hair and was currently wrapped in massive vines, one was a silver haired young woman with a dark mist swirling around her body, there was another young woman, but with wild blonde hair and a muscular frame with dark shadows covering most of her body, a middle-aged man with a small moustache and wearing a white cape, there was a tall muscular man with short silver hair and finally there was a young boy with raven black hair.

"3000 years, huh," said the black haired boy. "Please tell me that he is still alive. I will see you soon Hiccup."