Hello hello. Starting on another multi-chapter thing, this time with my now easily second favorite ship. I've warmed up with a couple oneshots for it, and now I think I can start something longer. Hopefully I can stick to it.

"Come on you stupid…"

Ochako Uraraka groaned as she fiddled with the lock on her door. She jiggled the key a bit, trying to get it to actually turn, but it barely budged. Throwing her head back, the tired girl let out an aggravated sigh.

She had lost count of the number of times she'd fought this battle. Taking her free hand, she began pushing and pulling on the doorknob a bit. After a few seconds of this, everything finally aligned as the key turned. A loud click indicated the lock was open, and Ochako entered her home.

It was nighttime, and the U.A. student had just gotten back from school. After a short train ride and walk, she had arrived at the rather unflattering apartment complex she lived at. The fact that she struggled so often with her lock was an indication of the quality of the place.

Stepping inside, the brunette shut and locked the door behind her as she took off her shoes.

The apartment was… Modest, to say the least. The entryway opened up into a very tiny kitchen that contained an oven with stovetops, a sink, some cupboards, and a small fridge. took her backpack off, opened it up, and fished around in it for a moment before pulling out a small plastic container with a lid. Inside was a mixture of rice, vegetables, and other foodstuffs mashed together.

Extra food she had taken home from school.

Setting the backpack down, she walked to the fridge and opened it up, revealing it to be almost entirely empty. Other plastic bins containing things similar to the one she was holding were inside, as well as a couple other food and drink items here and there. Setting the leftovers inside, she shut the door.

"Alright, that'll be good for a bit…"

Opening a door opposite the one she entered the apartment from, Ochako entered a second room. To her right was another door that led to her bathroom; otherwise, this was the entire apartment. A small, single room she slept and lived in. In the far right corner was a bedroll and pillow besides some curtains. In the other right corner there was a TV on a cabinet. Across from it was a little coffee table, though there were no chairs or even cushions in sight. A closet containing maybe a week's worth of clothing was built into the left wall.

Ochako walked over to the closet as she changed out of her uniform. Getting into her PJs, she then brushed her teeth before lying down on the bedroll. Not exactly comfortable, but she was more than used to it by now. A proper mattress, like many things, was just a luxury she couldn't afford right now. Or rather, a luxury her parents couldn't afford.

See, the Urarakas didn't live close enough to U.A. for Ochako to attend. Not without an absurdly long commute, anyway. As a result, the young heroine had to move closer to the school. Her parents couldn't move with her due to them needing to be close to work, which meant renting an apartment for their daughter. And well, her family wasn't exactly well off, so a place like this was the only place they could really afford.

A month of living here and Ochako still felt guilty. No matter how much her parents insisted it was okay, she knew this was a strain for them.

It was why she got minimal furnishings, to the point she didn't even buy a real bed. It was why she only shopped during sales, and even then, only bought the cheapest products she could. It was why she resorted to taking excess (free) food at school to bring home. It was why she showered in lukewarm water and didn't use most of her electrical appliances unless absolutely necessary. Anything to help her folks save a bit.

This was only temporary, after all. One day the gravity girl would become a great hero and be able to repay her parents back with interest. They'd be able to have the kind of life they deserved. Until then, though, she'd deal with living like this.

It didn't really bother her that much, honestly. Life at home hadn't been much better all things considered.

She yawned. It had been a long day for her; after class, she had spent a couple hours at the library getting work done (better than being at home and using electricity). She was still a bit hungry, her dinner having been a small bit of the food she had brought home, but it wasn't enough to really bother her. It had become a pretty normal feeling for her.

It was a tough life, but Ochako was a tough girl. And in the end, it was all for her parents. Knowing that made it just a little easier.

Didn't stop her from daydreaming, though.

She didn't want luxury, just… Comfort. Normalcy. To not have to worry so much, to not feel bad whenever she spent anything. To be able to go out, even if it was only occasionally, and have fun.

But that wasn't her life. Not at the moment, anyway. But one day, this would all pay off.

Yawning, the tired girl slowly drifted off to sleep.


Mina Ashido snored loudly as she lied sprawled out on her bed, right leg dangling off the side. A sleeping mask covered her eyes as she snoozed, mouth agape as a sizeable stream of drool flowed out of it. Her covers were tossed about, barely covering her left foot.

"Zzzzzzzz…. Zzzzzzz… Zzzzzzz… Ah!"

The catatonic girl came to life as an alarm began to blare loudly beside her bed. Almost like a reflex, her right hand shot out and turned it off. Once the obnoxious noise had been silenced, she sat up. Yawning, she smacked her lips a few times before wiping the remnants of drool off her face with her sleeve. She then took off her mask and got out of bed. Another yawn escaped her as she stretched a bit before she walked over to her window, opening the blinds.

Bright light hit her face, causing her to squint a bit. It was a gorgeous morning outside, with the sun lighting up a cloudless blue sky. Mina beamed at the view, any remaining grogginess vanishing.

Now fully awake, the pink girl set about her morning routine. She started with a nice hot shower, singing loudly as she took plenty of time to clean herself. After washing, drying, and taking a little time to fluff her hair just right, she went back to her room and got dressed into her school clothes. Like every morning, she briefly considered just wearing one of the many, many cuter and more comfortable outfits sitting in her closet instead. Of course, that wouldn't fly at U.A., so she had to quash that desire.

After double checking to make sure she looked pristine, the young heroine bolted downstairs to get some breakfast.

"Hey kiddo," a tall, well-built man standing at the stove said as she entered the kitchen.

"Morning dad!" Mina greeted warmly.

Mr. Ashido looked quite different from his daughter. Aside from the horns on his head that matched hers he looked… Normal. Typical human skin color, hazel eyes with white sclera, and short, straight black hair.

"Sleep well?" The man asked as he flipped over some eggs in the pan he was holding. Next to him were four bowls of hot, steaming rice.

"Yeah, great…" Mina walked up beside him, looking back between the rice and eggs. "…Is one of these for me?"

"Sure is! I got up a little early so I figured I'd make something for-woah!" The large man nearly lost his balance as his daughter half-tackled-half-hugged him.

"Ohmygosh you're the BEST, dad!" Mina typically grabbed something quick and easy for breakfast like cereal, but every so often one of her parents would surprise her and the rest of the family with a nice treat like this during the week. Releasing him, she clapped her hands together. "Can I help at all?"

"You could set the table." The girl obliged, getting everything ready as her dad finished cooking the eggs, laying a pair atop each bowl of rice. He then added a few seasonings as Mina got herself some juice.

"Mom getting Makoto up?" She asked as she filled her glass.

"Yep. You know how it goes."

"I sure do…" She chuckled, shaking her head.

"He's almost as bad as you were at that age," Mr. Ashido said with a grin.

"Hey!" Mina shot him a look. "Come on, I was better than him."

"I lost count of how many times we had to literally drag you out of bed," a third voice came. Mina turned to see a woman slightly taller than her with curly brown hair that went to her shoulders, plain yet fair skin, and yellow-and-black eyes that matched hers.

"Mom!" Mina pouted, not appreciating her parents teaming up on her.

Like her husband, Mrs. Ashido also looked much more typical than Mina. Her eyes were the only unusual thing about her, much like Mr. Ashido's horns were the only striking thing about him. The reason neither of them had the pink coloration of their daughter was simple; they didn't share her Quirk.

Like many people, Mina's abilities were a combination of her parents'. Her dad could produce a slimy substance that he could change the viscosity of, and her mom could make her skin corrosive to the touch. Put together these gave rise to Mina's acid-producing powers, which had a side effect of turning her hair and skin pink.

As for Mrs. Ashido's eyes and Mr. Ashido's horns, those were the remnants of Quirks their family lines each had. Mina had inherited both features, though they served no real function.

"Morning, honey," Mrs. Ashido greeted her husband with a kiss. "Thanks for breakfast."

"Wanted to do something special. So where's the little devil?" Mr. Ashido looked past her.

"In the shower."

"Well, he better hurry. Wouldn't want his food to get cold!" The man let out a laugh.

Mina, meanwhile, was hurriedly eating her meal. She'd love to take her time and chat with her folks, but she did have places to be. By the time they had sat down to eat, she had finished.

"That was delicious! Thanks again, dad!" She exclaimed as she loaded her bowl and glass into the dishwasher. She then went back over to the table, giving both of her parents and hug and kiss.

"Love you both, gotta go, bye!" She turned to leave for school.

"Mina, wait!" The pink girl nearly tripped as she stopped herself. "…You're backpack?"

A few seconds passed as the young Ashido realized she had completely forgotten to grab it.

"Oh my god…" She slapped her face. "Right. Thanks mom. Don't know what I'd do without you."

She practically ran upstairs as her parents shared a laugh. As she approached her room, she passed a small boy dressed in a school uniform slowly making his way in the opposite direction. His head hung forward a bit as he dragged his feet; he looked quite tired.

Makoto Ashido, Mina's 12-year-old brother, was an interesting case. He shared his sister's eyes, but also had normal hair – his short, curly, and brown – and skin. He also had horns, but his were… Quite different.

See, the youngest Ashido had inherited the full version of the Quirk that ran in his dad's side of the family. As a result, his horns were substantially more pronounced than Mina's, looking more or less like a ram's.

"Morning, pipsqueak." Mina knocked a fist against one his horns a couple times as she passed.

"Nnng." The boy let out a small whine, patting her away. He'd normally have a retort for her, but he was much too tired.

Deciding not to mess with him too much, Mina continued to her room and grabbed her backpack. A few moments later and she was on her way to school.

Even this early in the morning, the Ashido household was full of energy. Mina never went a day without appreciating her wonderful life and even more wonderful family. Even if her brother could be a huge pain, as most 12-year-olds could, she still loved him.

Already in a good mood, the cheery girl hummed a tune to herself as she practically skipped towards the train station. It was going to be another great day.

And so a new adventure begins. Well, sorta; this chapter was mostly to establish the difference in the two main characters' home lives. Mina's home and family are all made up, more or less, but I took most of Ochako's stuff from the manga. There was some little gag comic where Momo lived with her for a bit and we got to see some of her apartment.

Dunno when the next update will be, really comes down to when I feel like sitting down to write.