Concealed by: Snakey

Prologue: Shattering Dream


It was a hot sunny day like no other on a small world. The bright sun, the clear water in the ocean, but then again, it's not the outside that counts as the causing of trouble, but the inside. Inside the dreams of a young red haired girl on that small world called Destiny Islands.

"Hey! Kairi! Want to go in for a swim?" said Selphie.

The red head sat up, still a bit tired from. well. lying there on the sand for too long.

"It's okay, I think I'll just lay here and relax." She said.

"Suit yourself!" And without another word, Selphie dived into the water, and started swimming like a fish.

Kairi plopped back onto the hot sandy beach. She looked up into the blue sky.

'Wow. It's been half a year since I saw him.'

By now she was in deep thought, with her eyes closed, and she was thinking of what she thought of every time she was on the beach. Sora. She remembered the old times, when they used to have races and sword fights, how she would wake him up from a deep slumber with a hard hit on his head. Some how the phrase 'lazy bum' was starting to mean more to her than a way to insult others. Kairi's mind was filled with thoughts of Sora, and the words 'wake up, you lazy bum' repeated in her mind.


She sat up and looked around her, but it didn't seem to be a place she'd been to. Rain fell, it was dark, and there were large puddles of water. It was an unusual place, but somehow she felt a bit of warmth in it. Tat-tat. It was the sound of footsteps; someone was coming closer towards her. She turned around and saw a boy around her age, with blue eyes and spiky brown hair.


The boy was wearing his hood, to keep his head dry. He ran towards her with a smile. Kairi ran towards him too, with her arms spread out.

"Sora? Sora! It really is you! I never thought I'd see you in this weird place."

The boy ran pass her, as if she was invisible. Kairi turned around and saw that the boy wasn't running to her, but towards his allies, a dog and a duck. She didn't see them before because of the rain and the darkness.

'I wonder why he didn't see me.'

She called out his name.

"Sora! SORA!"

He didn't even turn around to take a look. Not even to see who was calling him.

"You lazy bum!"

This time he did. Kairi was a bit surprised that he reacted to that statement. Sora pointed at her, and he walked towards her again with his allies behind him.

"See, Donald, I told you we might find something here! And it's precious too!" he said.

Kairi was a bit embarrassed, but she was precious to Sora, at least that's what she was thinking. But then she was unsure about why Sora called her a 'thing' instead of a person. She had a weird feeling that something was behind her, and there was. A light shone right behind her, and it was a case or chest of some sort. Sora ran over to the chest, and revealed what was hidden inside. It was a brand-new keyblade. But it gave Kairi a bad feeling. It was all black, with just its tips painted red. Not just any red, but blood red. It had a little keychain too, but the keychain was glowing with a soft and warm blue. It didn't really fit the keyblade itself, but it was there.

"Alright a new keyblade!" yelled Goofy.

"Whoa! It's even stronger than all my other keyblades!" said Sora.

He put away the keyblade he was using, and equip the new one. Kairi didn't really think that Sora looked too good with it; maybe he'd be better off with a cute little one with a whole lot of strength. After awhile of admiring the new keyblade, something appeared right next to the chest that Sora found his new keyblade in.

"What the.?" said Sora, out of pure curiosity.

He knelt down, and opened that red chest with his new keyblade.

"Wow, first a new blade, and now a new keychain! What a day!"

Now even this new keychain gave off a glow of red. Sora pulled off the old blue one and put the new one on the keyblade, and then noticed that something was carved on the keyblade.

".Sky. Hey, that's just my name, but written in hiragana!" [Author's note: In Japanese, sky is 'Sora' written in hiragana, but Sora's name is written in katakana. Yes, I did research. ^_^ ]

Without another word after putting on the new keychain, the keyblade unleashed some powers of the darkness, and a stream of black light shot into Sora's right eye.


"What's going on.? My chest, it feels like something is burning from within me, it's hurting!"

Kairi ran towards him. He was aching from the pain. His right eye was bleeding, and the blood dripped onto his face. The keyblade's darkness started to surround him and cover him completely. Kairi was horrified, and by the time she reached out to give Sora some support, she went right through him and landed in a puddle of water. She didn't notice it before, but the heavy rain that came down was like nothing to her, and she didn't even get wet after falling in the puddle. She wasn't really there. She sighed in relief, because Sora wasn't really hurt, it was just a dream. But then Sora's cries made her frightened once more. It was too real to be a dream. Tears came down from her lavender coloured eyes. She was helpless at Sora's time of need. All she saw was Donald and Goofy yelling out his name, and it didn't help at all. Sora was now pitch black, and he fell into the darkness. Kairi looked up, but Sora was already gone. She stood up and screamed as loud as she could. She couldn't take it, and she fell to the ground again. She was about to lose consciousness, but before that, she could heard Sora's voice.


Now she had fainted. As soon as she opened her eyes again, she was back on the warm sands of Destiny Islands. She quickly sat up, and noticed that everything was normal. She could see Selphie playing happily in the ocean, Tidus getting hit in the face by Wakka's blitzball, and Riku, who found his way back from Kingdom Hearts, staring out into the ocean. She didn't know why, but she took off her shoes, and started running towards the ocean like someone who lost sanity.

"Oh! Hey Kairi! So you decided to come in for a swim after all. But you really should wear your swimsuit, white shirts and purple skirts aren't the best things to swim with." said Selphie.

"Sora, he's in pain! I've got to leave Destiny Islands and save him!"

"Umm. okay? I don't know what that nice nap did to you, but Kairi, Sora's fine, you know it. unless, of course, you want him to get hurt in a battle."

"NO! I would never want Sora to be hurt!"

"Precisely, so just go back the way you came and do whatever you were doing before."

"No way, I'm going to find Sora and see if he's all right."

Kairi continued her way towards the deep ends of the ocean. Then Tidus saw her running there.

"Hey, Wakka, what do you think Kairi's doing?"

"Probably just going in for a swim, ya. Now come on man, you said you'd help me with my aiming."

"But Wakka, swimming with her kind of clothes? I seriously doubt that."

"Hey, just cut the chatter and concentrate!"

So Wakka threw the ball, but since Tidus was still staring at Kairi in confusion, he got hit right on the cheek. Tidus knew that there was more to come, so he ran away from Wakka. Wakka chased after him and they both ran towards the ocean. But once they got onto the sand, Tidus stopped, and Wakka's blitzball hit him on the top of his head once again.

"I'm getting good at this aiming thing now, especially with your head as the target, man."

"Hey, cut it out! Don't you feel a huge gust of wind here?"

Now that he said it, Wakka did notice. The trees started to swing. He looked out to the ocean, and his jaw dropped.

"Oh my GOD! It's a tidal wave!"


Tidus ran towards the ocean, and managed to grab Selphie out of the ocean and back on land. Selphie was confused, but she understood the situation after seeing the wave on the ocean. Tidus wanted to head for Kairi, but he was pulled back by a jerk from Selphie.

"Tidus, you won't be able to reach her in time, she's too far off into the ocean!"

"But then Kairi will be washed away!"

The three teenagers watched as the wave came closer and closer. They prayed for Kairi to be all right. After that, they went into a cabin. When they got in, they were a little surprised to see Riku already inside. He sat on the stairs, waiting. Obviously, he felt the wind getting stronger, and came in for shelter.

"Hey, so you saw that wave, huh?"

"Why didn't you come and tell us?"

"It doesn't matter, you're in here anyways."

"Not Kairi. she's still out there, in the ocean." Selphie said with sorrow.

"What? Why didn't you tell her?" Riku said in anger.

Before they could finish their conversation, they could hear the huge winds slamming against the little cabin. Riku was worried, so he peeked outside. He could see that the wave was getting closer, and Kairi was swimming as fast as she could to get away from it. She got closer to the beach, but when she was about to stand up and run the rest of the way, the wave caught her. The wave came crashing down on the beach, but before Riku could see it, he had already shut the cabin door.

"It got her." He announced.

The others were saddened, and waited for the winds to stop. When it did, they stepped outside and headed for Kairi to see if she was hurt or not. Kairi was sitting there, all soaked, and she looked perfectly fine. But she was holding onto someone else, who was unconscious. Selphie squinted a bit, and all she could see was Kairi with a black figure. She made her way to the port, and her mouth opened and she smiled. Kairi was okay, even better than before. And the person she was with had brown hair, and was all wet because of the wave. Kairi started to cry, but it was because she was happy. She hugged the other person.

"Welcome home, Sora."

And after that, she bent over, and kissed the cheek of the boy with brown hair. But the unusual thing was that his right eye was covered with bandages, but Kairi had not noticed, since she was filled with joy. How she longed to see those blue eyes of his once more.

"Ahh..My head." the boy said, regaining consciousness.

He sat up, but was still in a bit of pain. He opened his eyes. Kairi was shocked. His eyes weren't the blue eyes that she wanted to see, they were red, at least his left eye was, since his right eye was covered. He was not Sora. His hair was brown, but they weren't spiky, it was more like Sora's hair, but without the gel to keep it spiky. He had a long black coat. And the shirt inside was also red like Sora's. He even sounded like Sora, even though the only sentence she's heard from him was "my head", which really isn't much of a sentence. Kairi was completely embarrassed, because she had kissed him on the cheek; this duplicate of Sora with red eyes, but it wasn't even Sora!

"Huh? Umm. whoever you are, do you know what place this is?" said the duplicate.

"Oh! Well, this is my home, it's called Destiny Islands."

"What islands?"

"Destiny, D-E-S-T-I-N-Y. Destiny Islands."

"Never heard of it, but I've never heard of any place in the world, except for the Disney Castle."

"Don't mind me asking, but what happened to your eye?" Kairi asked.

"I'd rather not talk about it, besides, I don't even know you."

"Oh, well, that's true."

They sat there, both silent. Then the boy stood up and walked around the beach.

"What a small place you have here, but I guess I have no choice but to stay here until I find a way home."

"Hey, it may be small, but size doesn't matter, I'm happy here."

"What's your name?"

"Kairi, and yours?"

"Me? You can call me Sky."

"Your name's weird."

"Hey, your name's not that normal either."

Riku came running over with Tidus and Wakka behind him. Selphie came down the port, and joined them. But what surprised them was Sky.




"Hey, my name's not Sora, well, in a way it is, but everyone I knew called me Sky."

Now it was getting confusing. Kairi had to tell them all that Sky wasn't Sora, just a look alike. He did have red eyes instead of the blue ones they were used to seeing, so everyone understood the situation. But Riku didn't believe that Sky wasn't Sora, not completely. There was still a chance his best friend was the one standing right in front of him. Just a small chance, blue eyes or not, he could feel that Sora was close by.

To be continued in Chapter 1. -------------------------------------

Snakey: Well, this is my first fanfic that actually was published and viewed by the public. (Well, there was this other one, but I never liked it and didn't continue.) Anyways, I thank you for reading my fanfic. I plan to continue this, so please, review and give me some support and advice. ^_^

~Apr. 17, 03