"Donnatella Moss!"

I love it when he says my name like that, but I school my expression into a neutral "work" face and try to act casual as I walk into his office. "Hey."

Josh is on the move and I follow him as he gives me instructions. "A senior Indonesian Deputy is coming tonight. Toby and I want to talk to him alone for a few minutes. I need to you find out if he can speak English and if he can't we need to get an interpreter from State."

"What's his name?"

"Rahmadi Sumahidjo Bambang." He says with a flourish and a grin.

"Can you spell that?"

"Not correctly, no." He admits. He's still walking a couple paces ahead of me so I decide to pull out a little information to entertain us on the way to Senior Staff.



"I need to tell you something."

He stops in his tracks and turns back to me with a concerned look.


"I'm not wild about this whole Indonesian thing."

"What's the problem?"

"I've been doing some reading on my own."

"I wish you wouldn't do that."

"Well, you know how to get me to stop reading on my own at night, don't you?"

He gives me a look and I smirk a little at him. He walked right into this, and I do need to teach him a lesson about choosing briefing memos over me in the evening. But I continue as if I am giving him important information.

"I just thought you might like to know that in certain parts of Indonesia, they summarily execute people they suspect of being sorcerers."

He called me a witch last night and said I had enscorcelled him, so this is particularly appropriate. He didn't mean it as an insult, but still, it's an opportunity to tease him at work with non-the-wiser.

Josh stops again. "What?"

"I read it."

"They . . . summarily execute people they suspect of being sorcerers?"

"They behead them."


He's got a little smirk, so now I'm sure that Josh is enjoying this little banter. I continue as we walk through The Roosevelt Room.

"Gangs of roving people. Beheading those they suspect of being sorcerers. You know with. . . what's that thing that Death carries?"

"A scythe."

"They're doing it with a scythe."

"Well, thanks for the head's up."

"I thought you might like to know who's coming over for dinner."

When we get to Leo's office Josh hurries through the door and takes a seat at the table, while I take my place back against the wall. I have my notepad out so I can keep track of Josh's assignments, and anything else that is important. My mom once asked me if standing in the back annoyed me. I thought it over and realized, it doesn't. I get to observe everything that's going on. And later Josh will likely ask for my opinion, or need me to remind him of something, or need me to actually do something to make this government function smoothly. I have a role here and I'm proud of it.

Today, the observation is a little more fun because I get to watch Josh interact with Mandy. I really don't know how or why the two of them ever dated. They never get along.

"I'm with Management." Josh announces as soon as Mandy weighs in taking the other side.

A few minutes later, Mandy volunteers to be the contact person for the McClaine Hostage situtation. This requires her to check in with Josh regularly. Well, I predict that's going to end up stressful. I'm already thinking of how I can help him de-stress when the day is over.

On the way back to the office, I'm able to share the sorcerer information with Toby to lighten the mood. He doesn't banter the way Josh does, but it gives me one last chance to tease Josh when Toby agrees with me.

. . . . .

Josh fusses a little bit about Mandy "getting in the game" while I'm helping him tie his tie. So I bring up the sorcerers again.

"If you can't explain what you're doing now, the assumption is that you're a sorcerer. If you try to run, the assumption is that you're a sorcerer. Okay? So, if anything happens, the prudent thing is to stand still and calmly explain your business."

Josh plays along with me this time. "Well prudent or not, once the scythe comes out, I'm probably going to haul ass."

I'm about to comment about how cute his ass is, when a knock on the door interupts our banter and Charlie sticks his head in. He looks worried.

"Excuse me."

"What's up?" Josh asks him.

"I hate to ask you this, but I need a favor."

"What do you need?"

"My grandparents own a little house up the Georgia coast."

"Are they evacuated?"

"I don't know where they are. I've been trying to get a hold of them all day."

"They lost power lines in parts of Northeastern Georgia." I tell him.

Charlie still looks concerned, hestitantly he looks at Josh and starts to speak. "Um... I'm sorry to ask you this, but-"

Josh understands where Charlie is going and cuts him off- "Don't worry about it. Donna, call FEMA, use my name. When that doesn't work, use Leo's name."

I immediately pick up the phone and start the process. I'm glad Josh has given me the full power of his office. I'll make this happen.

. . . . .

I'm relieved when I'm able to tell Charlie that his grandparents are okay. At least I was able to do one thing right.

But now I have to find Josh so I can explain how the translator situtation is shaping up. Suddenly I hear him bellow my name. He sounds really angry. Man, I screwed up. I pick up my pace, trying to placate him as I approach.

"I know, I know, I've got it under control."

"It's 7:30, is there anyone left at state?"


"Then, what are we doing?" Josh looks at me intently, but willing to hear me out.

"Well, Mr. Minaldi speaks Portuguese."

Toby chimes in "Where does that get us?"

I'm still focused on Josh as I answer. "Well, there's a guy who works in the kitchen who can translate Mr. Bambang's Batak into Portuguese. Then Mr. Minaldi will translate it into English."

Josh shakes his head the way he does when he's a little confused and trying to clear something up in his mind. But Toby articulates the question my explanation raised.

"Wait a minute... ah... Why can't the kitchen guy translate Batak into English?"

So much for easing them into it.

"The kitchen guy doesn't speak English."

"You're kidding me." Toby sounds incredulous. I'm a little sick of his elitism at this point. And really this is between me and Josh. And I wish this whole conversation didn't have to occur in front of someone else. I could really use a hug and some encouragement right now. That could be why I find myself answering Toby with a slightly chiding tone.

"Well, no. He speaks Batak and Portuguese so I wouldn't look down your nose."

Toby let's my comment roll off him. "Is the bar open yet?"


"Make this work." Toby grumbles as he walks off.

Josh's mouth is in a tight line, and he's looking at me with disappointment. Damn, I hate this feeling. I reach up and adjust his tie and brush my hand over his shoulder. I need a bit of physical contact but this is all I can risk at work.

"I'm sorry." I whisper as I walk away.

. . . .

As I listen to the conversation begin, I'm a little pleased. This isn't ideal, but it will work. I solved the problem. Josh glides in, and introduces himself, and asks Mr. Bambang if he's enjoying the evening. While that translation is occurring, Toby pulls him aside and Josh mention that Mandy's upset and that he didn't handle it well. Great. Just great. I want him to be nicer to Mandy but not while he's upset with me.

Suddenly Mr. Bambang interupts. "Why don't we just speak in English?"

What? Why didn't the protocol office tell me he spoke English? This could all have been avoided. I glance at Josh and Toby. They look stunned. Josh gives me a side eye and says my name very slowly, the way he does when he's frustrated.

"I was told that he..." I start to explain but Josh's curt "Yes?" let's me know that now is not the time for this.

Still I can't help but try to defend myself. "You should keep in mind all the things I do right."

"Yes." Josh sounds resigned.

"Should I go?"


I turn on my heel and leave the kitchen as quickly as possible, praying that I don't see anyone on the way. I head straight to Josh's office where I close the door behind me, walk over to his chair, and flop down. Then I spin it around to face the window.

I discovered awhile ago, that this is a good place to hide from others. Unfortunately, I can't hide from myself and I can't avoid the thoughts running through my head.

On days like this I sort of regret sleeping with my boss. I love Josh. I love his mind. I love his energy. I love his idealism. But on days like this I feel like I don't measure up. I screwed this translator thing up from top to bottom. And I'm left wondering if he'd fire me if it weren't for the fact that he's sleeping with me. And if that's true what does that make me? I have no doubt about what people would say if they found out. Especially on a day like today.

Maybe I should resign? But if I did I'd never see Josh. I don't think our relationship could last that long, if we only got a few minutes together in the evenings. Besides, I couldn't afford rent without this job, and I doubt I could get another. I don't have a degree, I'm not sure how far 18 months of service at the White House would get me. Would Josh even give me a reference? He doesn't like quitters. He values loyalty above most things.

And I do like this job. It's not just being near Josh because I love him. I really do like helping him accomplish things. I like hearing him explain important stuff. I feel like I'm learning so much. And I try to be a good assistant. I hate letting him down.

"Hey. What're you doing in here?" Josh's voice interupts my miserable thoughts.

I look up at him. He looks so amazing decked out in White Tie. It just reminds me of how small and insignificant I feel right now. But I try to give him a smile. I don't want to be a clingy, simpering girlfriend. I want to be strong and confident, like Mandy, even if I'm not.

"Come on, Yo Yo Ma is about to perform. You can stand in the back. I know how much you love him."

I stand up, and Josh places his hand in the small of my back to guide me towards the Blue Room. That little bit of contact helps. As we walk, Josh continues, "I wish I could stand in the back with you, but I have to sit with the dignitaries and schmooze. Once the entertainment is done it won't be much longer. Will you come home with me tonight?"


He gives me a slightly concerned but genuine smile at my one word answer. And I try to return it without telegraphing my uncertainity. If he was going to fire me, he'd do it here, right? He wouldn't take me back to his place.

Josh makes sure I'm in a good spot to see the concert, then gives my hand a quick squeeze before finding his seat. I take a deep breath and try to let the music take me away.