A/N: Wow.. how long have I been gone for now? It's been such a long time since I even came on this app. I am SO SO sorry for this hiatus, although it was quite well deserved as I couldn't properly plan out everything I wanted to post on here. But I've come back better, improved, and with a slight lack of knowledge about Harry Potter considering I kind of forgot about the whole fandom. That sounds really bad but school and my job has gotten in the way of my life so I haven't had the time to just schedule some time to write. Well, this story is also coming to its end as well, but I have lots of ideas for new fictions as well so don't worry. I also plan to revise this whole story a lot as well, because I feel like it needs a makeover, if that makes any sense. Anyways, here's chapter 11, aka the final :)

The Mirror of Erised

Chapter 11


I know I practically promised myself that I would have Daphne deleted from this planet before morning, but I suppose that I couldn't do it after what she did.

She was right about the fact that I was too scared to ever admit my feelings to Granger, so I secretly thanked her for the favor she did for me.

What my main concern was; was that I couldn't tell if Granger felt the same way. Because if she did, she did a very good job of concealing her feelings. I was beginning to doubt ever having a chance with her.

I gave up on my inheritance of the Malfoy ego for her. The thought of that makes me cringe.

But I didn't deserve Granger.

And there it is.

I admitted it at last.

You're very fucking welcome.

I ran a hand through my tangled mane of hair and sighed for what seemed like the billionth time that day.

Granger never knew how to give me a break.



Present Day, Draco's POV

I definitely underestimated Granger.

When she said she was determined to get an answer out of me, I never knew she was this determined. Though, not that I ever paid any sort of mind to her much anymore, her continuous determination was almost inspiring.

I continued to ignore Daphne and the rest of them as well, sitting alone in the Great Hall, going to the library to work on my homework without them. And like Granger, their attempts to talk to me every day was pitiful.

My only solution was to keep avoiding them until they all gave up and left me alone, and then maybe I could possibly get over Granger after that.

I was currently finishing up and essay for Transfiguration, my quill working fast against my sheet of parchment, before I ran out of ink once again. I groaned as I searched inside my bag for another bottle. I frowned when I couldn't find one– although I could've sworn I had one in here earlier.

"Looking for this?" A feminine voice came from behind me, ultimately making me flinch as I realized Granger was holding my flask of ink. I sighed as I turned around in my seat to grab it, but she only stretched her arm out farther to prevent me from grabbing it. Too fed up with her ridiculous behavior lately, I forced myself to stand in my feet, towering over her as I quickly snatched the ink away from her and sat back down, not bothering to share an exchange of words with her.

Hermione almost looked hurt as she gazed at the back of Draco's head. She was only trying to have a playful fight with him but it had backfired, and he had clearly had enough with her immaturity.

Hermione herself didn't even know why she was still going after Draco all this time. She didn't know why she wanted to know so badly if he fancied her or not.

Maybe it was because she liked him too.

Maybe it was because she liked it when he was around her.

Maybe it was because just at the mere thought of him; the sound of his name comforted her and made the butterflies in her stomach flutter.

And so she stood there, like a fool, as realizations hit her one by one and she was nearly overwhelmed by it all.

"I'm sorry." Hermione said quietly as she sat beside Draco, staring at him not with what used to be hatred, but with care, with love.

"You have nothing to be sorry about," Draco mumbled, not looking at Hermione as he continued to write away on the parchment. "Why are you here anyway, Granger." He said this as more of a statement rather than an inquiry. "I really don't know," Hermione began, fidgeting with her fingers. "Maybe it's because I just wanted to see you." Hermione said softly, and at her words, Draco pressed her on his quill and nearly poked a whole in his essay.

He set down his quill and locked eyes with her.

"I've never heard such pure bullshit before." And he returned to his essay once again. Hermione stared at him carefully, seeing the hint of sadness in his eyes. Hermione could only assume he's been through so much over the past few weeks and she felt like the right thing to do was give him space, but how could she when they both just longed to hold each other?

"You're still here?" Draco's deep voice interrupted her thoughts. Hermione noticed that he was packing his stuff to get ready to go back to his dormitory. She hurried to stand as well, she couldn't let him leave; she couldn't bare to be miserable knowing that she liked him back and he had no idea about it.

"Don't go yet. Stay and talk to me." Hermione pleaded, holding his arm firmly. Draco sighed again.

"Not here, Granger." He groaned, tugging his arm out of her grasp.

"Come with me."


Draco remembered the route perfectly.

Hermione only followed behind him cautiously, not sure about the whole situation anymore.

She felt that the place was very familiar, almost as if she had been there before. The room was dark, no windows to be seen, only a single mirror in the middle of the room, the glass slightly cracked and the frame weathered and chipped off paint.

Draco walked up to the mirror, Hermione close behind him as they looked into the broken mirror, the two seeing the same sight.

Hermione leaned her head on his shoulder, and Draco tilted his head to the right, his head resting on Hermione's.

This time it was real, and not an illusion.

And they fell in love all over again.



A/N: I feel like I should end it there. I might write a bonus chapter but it depends on my schedule this week. For the next few hours, I plan on editing past chapters I've written because I personally think they were written so poorly, lol. I hope you guys enjoyed this story as a whole, because I'm sure I did. Again, thank you for reading and I love you all so much 3
