This is a piece of poetry based off the Double Dragon cartoon. I don't own Double Dragon or any of its characters.

The Sacred Rules of the Dragon Master

Upon the forces of good

Behold the might and the right

Behold the legend of the Dragon Master

Thy Dragon Master is strong and resourceful

But beware thy future Dragon Master

A great many trials and tribulations beseech you

You must follow thy sacred rules in order to become a true Dragon Master

To begin thine epic journey of self-righteousness

You must cast aside all prejudices and hatred towards your fellow man and woman alike

For if thou not contained, it shall beseech great trouble amongst the community you serve

Protect all those that are ill-equipped to handle the looming darkness of the Shadow

You must also not react out of anger and frustration for you shall become no better than your enemy

You must only combat the shadows of evil when you must absolutely have to

Follow the code of chivalry when a challenge is spoken upon for all challenges must be completed as instructed

You must always respect your enemy for in good time he may shall become your greatest ally in the darkest hour of your life

You must be self-reliant in all the ways of the world bestows on you

For the greatest strength comes from deep within the heart of the Dragon Master

With these guidelines in your soul, you shall become Dragon Master now!

I hope you have enjoyed reading this poem. Please leave a review after reading this poem! Thanks to all my followers and readers.