Draconic Riff


"Hey, nice to meet you, I heard you wanted to see some cool tricks and maybe learn some?"

"Yeah! I heard you were a very good ice-make mage so I asked Nirvanna if I could learn some things from you, if that's ok?" Happy asked knowing that in raw power Gray had more

"Sure thing! let's go to the training grounds first, I don't want to ruin this HUGE mansion!" Gray laughed and Happy joined, they started chatting and left to the training grounds.

Suddenly Loke (gonna call him Loke not Leo) appeared and told Lucy about something about a certain someone infant of everyone including that certain person "Lucy-san, I have come to tell you that there is someone bearing the 13th zodiac key, Hydrus's key, and can pass through the portal between Earthland and the Spirit world"

"How's that possible?" questioned Lucy

"We don't know but it just is for that very person, he is also somehow a friend of the Celestial king"

"Ok, Loke I'll look into this but right now I need to go check few things out"

Loke disappeared back into the Celestial world and Lucy apologised "Sorry for that"

"It's fine Lucy" replied Makarov

"So Nirvanna, I realised that only 2 of Draconic Riff's guild members have last names, may I know why?"

"Well you see, everyone here except for me, Angel, Frost and Snow are using their real names, for why Amaterasu, Azerath and Cheeno don't have last names are reasons that you'll have to ask them yourselves since I have no right to say"

"That is reasonable" Erza said sternly

"We'll be having dinner in 30 mins, Snow show them their rooms, I'll contact Frost to show Gray his room"

"Hai, Nirvanna-san"

-30 mins later-

*With Carla*

*Knock* *Knock*

"Snow? is there something you need?"

"I have been requested from Nirvanna-san to bring you down to dinner" Snow replied
A/N" Yes I am giving Natsu a lot of authority in this fic, HAHAHAHA

Snow got everyone and brought them towards the dining hall, once the door was open you could see Natsu, Wendy, Azerath, Amaterasu, Cheeno, Emiko and Brendon at the dining table with a HUGE amount of food, the waiters pulled out the chairs for everyone and went to their designated areas.

"I know this might be rude to ask, but how strong are you Nirvanna?" Lucy asked, while Natsu raised a brow

"Ne, Lucy?"


"Do you know what a portable MPF is?

"No, why?"

"Well, it's this" Natsu said while holding a lacrima in his hand "It's like a normal MPF but instead of attacking all you do is channel some magic into it" Lucy nodded her head before Natsu throws it to her "Why don't you try?"

Lucy complied before channelling some magic into it, soon it showed 1089, "Now, how much magic did you put in it?"

"around half"

"So now you know where you improve on, your magic container, can you pass it to Makarov?"

Lucy give it to Master Makarov while he just raises his brow "Why give it to me? i'm not participating" Makarov asked

"Well I want you to do the same thing, around half of you magic" replied Nirvanna with a grin, Makaroc let out a sigh and channeled his magic… 30,789


"WHAT! That's only around half of your magic channeled?!" Lucy says/shouts

"Well Master is a wizard saint, so it's only reasonable for him to have a lot of magic" nodded Erza quite proud of the old man

"Well you see when I channeled up 1/4 of my magic into the MPF…" Natsu said while nervously chuckling

"Let me guess! it said 0!" Gray laughed

"Well nearly… it didn't show a number because it shattered and turned into nothing but dust, so I couldn't really get my answer out of it, heh" Natsu nervously laughed


"WHAT!" Erza and Makarov shouted

"What do you mean by what Erza?" Gray asked "I mean how does the MPF shattering and then turning into dust such a big deal?"

"Well you see… the only other person to ever do that is the 1st god of Ishgar, God Serena"
