Hey everyone!

I'm here again with a new one shot. This idea was on a list of one-shot ideas I have in my notes on my phone. Set in current day. Elliot and Olivia haven't seen each other in eight years, but they're brought back together by a tragic incident.

Enjoy xoxo

Found You Again [ONESHOT]

"It's only eleven and it's so slow; must mean we'll get out of here on time tonight."

"Yo, shut up before you jinx it!"

"Yeah Rollins, every time you say something about it being a slow day, it ends up being the worst day of our lives."

Olivia was chucking to herself as she approached the squad room, listening to the distinct voices of her detectives and Sergeant as they engaged in conversation. It was Monday, and Mondays at SVU were sometimes slow so like the three individuals that were chatting away together, she too was hoping the days would be slow because she desperately wanted to get off at a decent time. She had just finished with briefings down at 1-P-P, updating folks on cases for SVU, and now she was finally heading into the squad room. She still had on her uniform jacket with all her decorations and such, and her hair was pulled back into a tight bun.

She turned the corner and crossed the threshold into the squad room. Unis were floating through doing their normal work and at the desks towards the middle of the room were her detectives, who were still chatting away together.

"I hope all this chatter means there's finished 'Fives on my desk." She teased as she approached them all. They all smiled and a jumbled chorus of 'Hey Liv', 'What's up Liv' and 'Morning Lieu' could be heard. Olivia smiled as she perched herself on the edge of Fin's desk.

"'Fives are on your desk, boss, so it's all good," Fin smirked, "We were just telling Rollins not to jinx our day; it's slow around here and she mentioned it, and you know what happens whenever she points out that it's a slow day."

"Yeah, we end up having the worse days possible," Olivia chuckled as she shot a glance to her blonde detective; "Rollins, no more mentions about the slow day."

"One-P-P still up your ass or it's all good?" Fin wondered as he looked up at her.

"They're always gonna be up my ass for whatever reason, especially Dodds," Olivia replied with a roll of her eyes; "But thankfully, we're all good. Everyone's impressed with SVU, and we even might get an award at the Policeman's Ball this year." They all shared a laugh together at the mention of such; it certainly wasn't uncommon for the Manhattan Special Victims Unit to receive such high praises at the Policeman's Ball every year. Their case closure rate was one of the highest in the city, and everyone was especially impressed at Olivia's leadership of such an elite unit. Olivia was certainly proud of herself for overcoming the obstacles she had been faced with and making her way to this time of being Lieutenant.

Leaving her detectives to chat, she made her way into her office. She removed her uniform jacket with all its decorations and draped it across the sofa, then pulled on her grey blazer that complimented the grey shirt and black skinny trousers she was wearing. She clipped her Lieutenant shield back to her belt, sighing to herself as she looked around this office.

Sometimes it was a little surreal, being in this office for an entirely different reason than she used to be. For her first fourteen and a half years in this unit, she was often in this office for reasons that usually meant she was in trouble. For twelve of those years, she often had a tall, blue eyed hot head beside her, often in just as much trouble as she was. She would cover for him, he would cover for her. The man that once had this office would serve as the mediator during those fights with the blue-eyed hot head that had once been her very best friend.

She didn't think about him as much as she used to. She went through stages after receiving the shocking news of his retirement. She was first in denial about it, refusing to believe that he had actually walked away. She moved from denial to questioning, asking herself how he could just walk away and not say goodbye to her. Questions turned to anger, especially when she was left with these rookies to train and was forced to clean out his desk. Anger turned to sadness, and that stage lasted for quite a while. She finally moved into the acceptance stage around the time she began dating Brian Cassidy again.

But still, just because she didn't think about him as much, didn't mean she didn't miss him still. She wanted nothing more than for him to comfort her throughout the Lewis saga, or for him to be there for the big milestones such as promotions and the adoption of her son. She sometimes wondered where he was and what he was doing, really. She wasn't angry anymore or even sad. She accepted that they would probably never see each other again. She just hoped that wherever he was in the world, that he was happy. She hoped that his kids had grown into the wonderful people they were meant to be. She hoped that he and his wife were happy even though they had begun having problems again while he was still working with her.

She just hoped that he was happy.

Her thoughts were interrupted when her phone began buzzing. She rummaged through her bag and whipped it out before pressing it to her ear; "Lieutenant Benson."

She listened intently to the information she was being told, scribbling some things down on a slip of paper. She responded with a 'we're on our way' before then hanging up the phone before rushing back into the squad room.

"There's been a shooting at Saint Michael's Prep in the elementary building, multiple injuries, at least three kids are on their way to the hospital so far," she explained; "Fin and Carisi, go to the school, me and Amanda will head to the hospital."

"So much for our slow day." Fin muttered, sighing as the four of them made their way out of the squad room.

The squad car came to a screeching halt outside of the Mercy General Emergency entrance. Olivia ripped the keys out of the ignition and jumped out along with Amanda. They pulled on her police jackets, then made her way inside. Doctors and nurses were rushing around and barking orders; the two cops flashed their badges as she made her way further into the emergency room.

"How are the kids?" Olivia asked their familiar doctor, Doctor Edwards. She sighed, shaking her head.

"More and more are arriving; a couple are in surgery now while there's a couple who escaped with minor injuries and are waiting for parents," she looked around at the chaos that was slowly consuming the emergency room; "This is b-"

She and Olivia were interrupted by the sound of more emergency responders rushing in and shouting about there being another child who had a gunshot wound to the shoulder and had lost a lot of blood. Olivia looked, but her eyes went wide.

She knew this little boy.

The blonde curls, the facial structure that reminded her so much of someone she hadn't seen in so long; this little boy looked exactly like him.

And her worst fear was confirmed when she heard the name;

"Eleven-year-old Eli Stabler…

Her face went pale and she felt the bile rising in her throat. The son of her former partner had been shot and was now being rushed into the trauma area, in seemingly critical condition. She almost felt like she couldn't breathe. This was a little boy whose life she saved when he was a baby, when she helped deliver him after being in a car accident with his mother. She hadn't seen him in a very long time now but hearing the name and seeing him in such a condition made her want to faint.

"Liv, you okay?"

She whipped her head around to look at her detective, whom was watching her with a concerned face. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She just felt numb, so weirdly numb.

Amanda took grabbed hold of her arm; "Take a minute, and I'll go see the other kids."

Olivia simply nodded, watching as Amanda wandered off. She stood there for a moment to try and compose herself so that she could do her work, but her heart dropped even more when she heard the doctors surrounding Eli shouting about needing A-positive blood. Olivia knew she had to think about work but right now, that didn't matter. She needed to help him again.

"Doctor Edwards!" She stopped the doctor who was rushing down the hall. She rushed up to her and glanced in the direction of the he trauma area where they had just wheeled him.

"I'm A-positive; let me help him." She replied. Doctor Edwards didn't ask questions at all. She simply rushed Olivia to the correct area to donate blood, and Olivia didn't even think twice. She had to help Eli. No matter what, she was going to try and save his life again. Damn the consequences; she needed to help.

A couple of hours later, Olivia had donated some blood and had just finished interviewing another victim when Doctor Edwards approached her. She told Amanda to wait, then moved to the side with the doctor so that they could talk.

"Eli is out of surgery. It was touch and go for a while because he did lose a lot of blood; the bullet nicked an artery, but you donating blood actually saved him," she leaned in a bit; "Son of your former partner, isn't he?"

Olivia nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat; "Yeah."

"I thought so, he looks like him," the doctor replied; "Mother is on her way from Allentown, and Dad is on his way; he had been working and didn't know anything about what was going on." She gestured towards the room; "He's resting, and his older sister is in with him; you can go see him if you like; if you aren't in a rush."

Olivia had so many questions. Kathy was in Allentown? Why were Eli and Elliot here? Or was she just there on business? She was wondering, but now wasn't the time for it. She simply nodded her head and thanked the doctor before going back into the waiting room where Amanda was.

"Hey Amanda, I'm gonna go interview another one of the kids," she glanced in the direction of Eli's room; "Are you okay?"

"I'm good, Liv; I'll call you when I'm done interviewing the nine-year-old," Amanda smiled, nodding her head as she added; "I'm sure your old partner and his wife appreciate what you're doing for their son."

Olivia swallowed; she didn't even think Amanda had picked up on anything. Amanda squeezed her arm before wandering off, and Olivia took a moment to compose herself. She went back down the hall and slowly made her way into the hospital room. The little boy whom she remembered so vividly was lying there with a bandage wrapped around his shoulder and with his arm in a sling. He was fast asleep without a care in the world. Sitting on the chair beside his bed was a blonde-haired woman who Olivia remembered as being the sassy fifteen-year-old when she first met her all those years ago. She looked up, and her lips curled into a smile as she stood up.

"Olivia, oh my God," she breathed out as she made her way over; "It's been so long…too long." She threw her arms around the seasoned police officer, who wrapped her own arms back around her for a hug.

"It has been a very long time," Olivia breathed out, squeezing her before pulling back while holding her arms; "How are you Maureen?"

"I'm doing good, can't complain…busy being a wife and mom and nurse," the young woman let out a laugh, "And you? Lieutenant." She winked, and Olivia laughed as she finally let her go.

"Well, I'm good; the job was busy anyway but it's worse now that I am Lieutenant, but I'm busy being that and a mother too, gets a little challenging but I manage," she sat herself on the other chair on the other side of the bed; "Wow, you're married with a baby? I still remember that fifteen-year-old that used to give Elliot so much hell."

"I still do give him hell, just at the age of thirty-four now," Maureen winked before shrugging, "But yeah, married my college sweetheart Kenny about six years ago, and we have a little girl; she's three and a sassy little thing, I think she got it from me." She giggled a bit before tilting her head, tucking some hair behind her hear.

"That's so great, honey; I'm so proud of the woman you've grown into and I'm happy for you," Olivia smiled, nodding her head; "Elliot and Kathy are actual grandparents? This is great."

"They're cool grandparents too, but don't tell them I said that," Maureen smirked before continuing; "And you? Tell me about your little kiddo and the lucky guy that gets to come home to Badass Benson."

Olivia gave her a small smile, shrugging; "His name is Noah and he's six; I adopted him when he was a baby so it's just me and him."

"Aw wow, I didn't know," Maureen immediately gave an apologetic smile, "But that's so great. I'm really happy for you, Olivia; you've always been great with kids."

"Thanks honey, I try my best." Olivia replied, giving Maureen a happy smile.

A silence fell over the two women for a bit, then Maureen spoke up; "The doctor told me that an old family friend donated blood to save the squirt, and I somehow just had it in my head that it was you but then I thought that maybe I was crazy," she eyed Olivia, "But I see the bandage on your arm, and…" She trailed off, her eyes welling up as she glanced back her baby brother. Olivia gave a small smile, trying not to get emotional herself.

"It's crazy how life works," she breathed out, "What's weird is when we got the call, I was about to send one of my detectives here while I went to the school but something in me made me change my mind; I can't explain it…" She paused, her eyes scanning Eli's appearance, "Maybe I was meant to be here today to help him, because I would've always done anything for you kids, no matter how long it's been."

"You've always been a savior to us, always there when we needed you," Maureen nodded, "I'm sorry how things turned out, with Dad and stuff."

Olivia shook her head, holding up her hand as she smiled; "It's okay Maureen; trust me." She opened her mouth to speak again when a quiet mumbling as heard. Blues and browns flicked to the little boy in the bed, who was slowly opening his eyes. The blue eyes settled on the matching blues at first, and he uttered a quiet, "Mo-Mo."

"Hey squirt, you scared the hell out of me," Maureen chuckled a bit as a tear trickled down her cheek, "You're okay. Dickie and Lizzie are on their way, and Katie is on a plane on her way, and so are Mom and Dad."

Eli nodded his head, before turning his head to the side. His blue eyes settled on Olivia, and he tilted his head to the side; "I think I know you."

"Do you?" She quietly asked as she exchanged a quick glance with Maureen.

"I think so," he used his free hand to rub his head, quietly mumbling; "What happened?"

"You were hurt, sweetie; a shooting at your school," she placed a hand over his; "You're okay. Are you in any pain?"

"No...no pain; I can't feel it." Olivia knew that he couldn't feel it because of the pain medicine. She gave a small, tight lipped smile, and watched as Eli blinked before he looked at her again; "What's your name?"

"You don't remember her, squirt?" Maureen asked. Eli looked at her in confusion then looked at Olivia, studying her for a second before replying; "I don't think so."

Olivia laughed a bit before quietly speaking; "My name is Olivia."

"Olivia," Eli whispered to himself before speaking again, "My dad used to be a police officer, and his old partner was named Olivia..." He stopped, squinting as he looked at her; "You look like her."

He studied her some more, and then spoke up again; "Wait...Olivia Benson?"

Olivia smiled some more, nodding her head; "Yeah, that's me," she folded her arms on the bed as she leaned on them; "Do you remember me?"

"My mom said you saved me and her when I was a baby, but I don't remember that, but I think I can remember you coming to our old house sometimes when I was little," he gave her a small smile; "Dad has two pictures of you and him on his refrigerator at our place."

Olivia swallowed the emotion that had built, trying her hardest not to cry; "That's really cool," She paused for a moment, then quietly spoke, "Eli...I'm sorry I haven't seen you in a long time."

"S'okay," Eli replied, still smiling at her; "Are you still a police officer?"

"Yeah, I am," she leaned back a bit and unclipped her badge, "This badge? It means that I'm a Lieutenant; I'm the boss of my squad."

"Whoa, that's so cool; a real lady cop...one that's the boss." He spoke with pure astonishment in his eyes, taking the badge into his hand. He was running his thumb over the badge and Olivia smiled. His eyes were full of wonder, but she could see the hint of fear present in them. She knew he had experienced far too much today, more than an eleven-year-old should, and she hated that he had to experience such.

"Sweetie, can you tell me what happened?"

Eli nodded and took a deep breath, before launching into an explanation while fiddling with her badge the whole time. He spoke about how he had been in his class when the shots rang out, and now before he or his classmates could move to safety, the gunman opened fire again and some stray bullets pierced the walls of the room and hit him and a couple of his friends. He mentioned that he didn't get a look at the person and that he had been very scared, and that the last thing he remembered was his teacher trying to help him. Olivia figured that, that was when he passed out. She nodded her head and told him how brave he was while looking at Maureen, who had pursed her lips together as she tried not to cry. She reached over and stroked her arm, giving her a comforting smile. Maureen opened her mouth to speak, when they were suddenly interrupted.



Olivia watched as the man rushed over and hugged his son as best he could as well as his oldest daughter. He clearly had not noticed her yet, so she took the opportunity to take in his appearance. He was thinner but still muscular, his dark hair has greyed a bit and he was sporting a salt and pepper shaved beard on his face. He was wearing jeans and boots and a t-shirt under his jacket.

"You okay buddy?" He asked the little boy.

"I'm okay, Dad," Eli gestured towards Maureen; "Mo-Mo was here when I woke up, and so was she, it's Olivia." He pointed to Olivia, who suddenly froze as she watched them.

She watched as the man froze as well, then finally turned his head. It was then that for the first time in eight years, the familiar blue eyes had locked with her brown ones, and for a moment, it felt like they were back in the thralls of the intense yet beautiful partnership that had gone on for almost thirteen years.

"Olivia." He whispered, staring at her in shock.

She gave a shy smile; "Hi Elliot."

She stood up, looking at him properly as he too stood up straight. She wondered for a long time what she would've done if she ever ran into it him. Would she cry? Would she be happy? Would she punch him? Would she hug him? So many questions, so many conflicted emotions. Now was not the time to express her concerns of course, but there was so much to talk about with this man. They had been apart for so long, but in their eyes, so much was being spoken. 'I miss you' 'I'm sorry'.

Flashes of the past were present between them. Fights, Gitano, Oregon, Eli's birth, Rojas, Sonya's death. The happier times presented themselves; nights spent laughing in the break room over Chinese food, playing catch with bits of paper as they sat at their desks, nights spent on the roof, relaxing after a long case, avoiding all the responsibilities and paperwork that seemed to wait for them.

He remembered ignoring her calls as he lost himself. She remembered sobbing in an interrogation room when she found out he had retired. He remembered stuffing the mini badge, the note, and the medallion into an envelope. She remembered pouring the contents onto her desk, clipping that badge to her gun and slipping that medallion around her neck.

So much between them. So much time had passed. They never knew how they would meet again and certainly didn't think it would be like this.

But of course, in typical Benson and Stabler fashion, they would come back together in some fucked up way such as this.

"The doc said a blood transfusion saved him," Elliot spoke after a few moments; "Said an old friend donated blood to save my son."

Olivia nodded, holding her arm out to show the bandage on her arm from where she'd donated her blood. Blue eyes flicked from the bandage, to the brown eyes. They were tired, weathered with experiences and pain and effects of life, yet they sparked and reminded him of the woman he used to know. It was still her. Grown up and more experienced, but it was her.

"You...you saved my son." His voice was full of disbelief, and tears welled in his eyes. Olivia nodded, giving him a small smile.

She was taken aback when he suddenly pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly. She found herself wrapping her arms around him, squeezing him tightly while her eyes were squeezed shut. So much time had passed between them, yet she felt like she was back in the hospital on that day Eli was born, when he hugged her for the first time. His chin was over her shoulder, his warm breath was tickling her skin, his hands were bunched into the material of her shirt. Her hands were bunched into the material of his jacket and her head was leaned on his shoulder.

Nothing had changed.

They pulled apart and looked at each other, still holding onto one another's arms.

"We need to talk."

"I know," she swallowed and cleared her throat; "I...I have so much to tell you."

Elliot went to speak again, but they were interrupted when Olivia's phone began buzzing, snapping them from the little bubble they'd slipped into. She pulled her hands away and whipped her phone from her back pocket, resuming professional mode as she spoke;

"Lieutenant Benson."

She listened for a few moments then responded with a simple; "Okay I'm on my way."

She slipped the phone back into her pocket then looked at Elliot. He was smiling; she could see the proud look on his face as he watched her.

"Lieutenant Benson; that sounds good," he squeezed her arms; "It's really great to see you, Olivia; I'm proud of you."

She smiled, squeezing his bicep; "Thanks Elliot, that means a lot…and it's great to see you too."

She pulled her police jacket back on then took her badge from Eli, clipping it back into her belt once again. She then leaned down and hugged the little boy, pressing a light kiss to his cheek as she did so.

"Take care of yourself, Eli; I'll hopefully see you soon."

Eli gave her that Stabler smile that matched his father's; "You too Olivia, see you soon...and thank you."

Olivia smiled before moving around to hug Maureen, who also whispered a thank you in her ear as well. She then turned to Elliot again and gave his arm a light squeeze, her eyes sparkling as she watched him. He nodded, before giving her a quick hug.

"Call me? I'll answer this time."

She let out a laugh and pulled away from him. She quickly wrote her number on a bit of paper and handed it to him.

"You call me, maybe we can do lunch one day."

Elliot smiled, nodding his head; "I'd like that."

Olivia smiled and bid them both farewell before leaving the room. Life really did have a funny way of working out. A tragic event had somehow brought her back to the former partner she hadn't seen in so long, and despite the circumstances, she was glad to have finally seen him again after so long. She knew there needed to be a conversation, one that would probably be tough for them both, but for now, she was just glad to have seen him again and at the idea of possibly having lunch with him, a time to talk like the old times.

They had found each other again, and hopefully this time, there would be no letting go.

Leave some reviews please guys. Let me know what you think and let me know if you'd like a second part, I'm on the fence about it. Love you guys. Until next time...xoxo