Peter's POV

I was in the labs with Bruce and Tony when the question got asked.

"So Spider-Kid - ?" Tony asked

"It's Spider-Man" I interrupted

"Yeah yeah whatever" Tony waved his hand "I've been meaning to ask you, and our current prank on Clint reminded me, how did you know to jump out of the way when it happened?"

"Oh yeah I've been wondering about that as well" Bruce piped up "I was thinking maybe it has something to do with the prosencephalon being larger after the spider's bite or perhaps the cerebrum…" he trailed off after noticing Tony and me looking at him.

"Yeah I'm not that type of doctor, Peter, but I agree sort of with what he says."

"I have something that I call 'Spider-Sense', it basically alerts me to danger from someone throwing knives at me –"

"Someone's thrown knives at you?!" Tony's voice went very high pitched at this

"To something as simple as a paint bomb. There's also different levels of intensity for those two situations." I continued, ignoring him.

"Would you mind if we tested it out Peter" Bruce asked "I think it could be very interesting"

Which is how I ended up here, blindfolded, stood in the middle of the training room with no idea who else was here. I could feel the cool floor underneath me and I tensed my legs in suspense of what was going to happen.

"Okay Peter we're just setting up the sensors now" I heard Tony's voice call out. Right. The sensors. In order for Bruce to get the readings he wanted then it meant I had to wear this stupid uncomfortable cap that monitored my brain activity. Not that it wasn't really interesting, it just looks ridiculous and I was praying that Clint hadn't took a picture (but in all honesty he probably had done.)

"Right it's all sorted Peter" Bruce stated "We'll start and just work our way up alright? If you need us to stop just call out and we will."

I took a deep breath in, blocking out all of my other senses and just letting instinct take over. A tingling at the base of my skull worked its way down my entire body as it prepared itself for the oncoming 'attack'. At the last second, I flipped to the left and heard something, most probably a knife, slice through the air next to me. I smiled to myself as I heard mumbling to the side but soon shook it off and focused on where the next object was coming from.

Natasha's POV

The kid was amazing. He was on the same level as some of the agents that I had worked with and they had months of training; this was a 15 year old that had no training. The way he flipped out of the way of the knives that were being thrown at him.

The setup of the training room was that Clint, Steve, Wanda and I stood around the side moving around the edge of the mat that Peter was stood on. Sam was on the side with Bruce, ready in case medical was needed. Bruce looked over and gave us the signal to start going faster. Clint climbed the wall; Wanda started levitating her pile and Steve and I walked around the mat to come around to different sides. Peter seemed to be deathly still; obviously wondering why we had stopped.

"Is everything alright guys?" Peter called out. Steve nodded at everyone. It was like something took over Peter. He was even faster than before almost as if he was a dancer and he knew every beat and rhythm of where the knives were coming from. It was going really well, he was getting faster and faster, jumping about. There was a cry of pain from Peter as he fell to the ground, clutching his right arm.

Peter's POV

"Peter!" Tony cried out, running over to me.

"I'm fine, I'm fine" I said to him. Sam came running over towards me. I glanced down at my arm. Wow. That was a lot of blood. Sam started wrapping something around it but I looked away. As much as Spider-Man gets injured, I really don't like blood at all.

"It looks more of a surface wound then anything too deep, I think you'll be fine" Sam said. I nodded, thanking him.

"Do we have enough data Bruce or do we need to go again?" I asked, ignoring the wuthering glare from Tony that suggested that he didn't really want me going again.

"No that was great Peter, we have enough data but it might take a while for me to actually find out what is the cause of it," Bruce replied

"That's fine, thanks for running these tests I've always wanted to know"

"You did good kid," Natasha said. Everyone around her, including me, looked over at her shocked. I think Clint even gasped. "What? I can compliment people you know."

"How come you never compliment me then?" Clint asked

"When you do something that is worth complimenting then I will Clint" Natasha glared at him. I giggled under my breath causing Tony to look over at me. I could have sworn he was smiling too.

"Come on Spider-kid-"

"How many times it's Spider-Man" I interrupted

"Spider-Man then" Tony conceded "I think this calls for an impromptu movie night, team."

Now that did sound like a good idea.

A/N Hey guys!

This is not read through; I wrote it and then it deleted itself which was really annoying but I actually like this better. Any feedback would be much appreciated, especially any ideas of what you would like to see happen in this story or any other story ideas you would like, I thrive off comments.