How about some Mad Love?

Spontaneous Moment ~ Harley Quinn x Male Reader

One Shot

Vincent slowly but surely made his way across the dark corridor, to the half open door at the end where the shuffling came from. He tried desperately to not make a sound, no creaking floorboards or kicked rubble, no mind paid to the cobwebs and decay around him. A figure moved in front of the door, momentarily blocking the faint light inside... he reached for the revolver at his side.

He reached up with his thumb to the hammer and held his breath-


'Damn it.'

You were interrupted again by your 'room mate' as she loudly pops a bubble she had blown from her bubble gum. Looking across the couch, you see her. Harley Quinn, attired in nothing more than a pair of jean shorts and a big white t-shirt, her hair in her usual pigtails as she watches cartoons on the TV. Every now and then she lets out a laugh – which you don't mind - but it's her bubble gum that is aggravating you so.

Not long after arriving in Gotham you crossed paths with the former psychiatrist and found that she been abandoned by the Joker, and was not in contact wither her other allies: Catwoman or Poison Ivy. Upon hearing this and taking pity on her you offered to take her in until the clown prince returned. Nearly two months have passed since then, and frankly, you're okay with that.

The two of you were hiding out in a safe-house near Gotham's docks, in an abandoned part of the city where hardly anyone goes. A great location that's clean, safe, habitable and most importantly: off the grid. After coming back from a job you wanted nothing more than to unwind on the couch and finish your book, but it seems Harley has other plans.

'Come on, if I can deal with her laughter and the TV being on I can deal with-'


'...But that. At least I hope I can.' You think as you try to return to the book. Unaware of Harley's mischievous glance at you, she then looks back to the TV, feeling a slight sense of triumph.

Vincent slowly but surely made his way across the dark corridor, to the half open door at the end where the shuffling came from. He tried desperately to not make a sound, no creaking floorboards or kicked rubble, no mind paid to th-


'She's doing this on purpose. She must be. There's no way someone can make this much noise without realizing it.'

Despite your best efforts you had grown fond of Harley and her company; very fond, in fact. Her cheeriness, bright smile and fun loving attitude rubbed off on you. In time you've even brought her along to a few of your jobs, and she was quite useful, too.

The two of you balanced each other quite well: she was the quirky chaotic one, and you were the quiet sarcastic member of your odd duo. She's high, you're low. She brings chaos and smiles, you bring professionalism and death glares.

You look over to her as she lets out a laugh as Bugs Bunny gets his own back at Elmer Fudd. Again, "Hey, Harley, do you mind?"

She turns her blue orbs to you and replies with a smile, "Mind what, grumpy?"

"I'm trying to finish this book and your habit isn't helping. Could you not pop your gums so loud, please? And stop calling me that."

"No problem, I'll be quieter. And I only call ya grumpy 'cos you are. You've always got this frown on that mug of yours. D'you ever smile?"

"That's what the mask is for." You answer in deadpan as you open your book again and try to find where you were before.

Harley smirks to herself before getting another stick of gum and putting it in her mouth.

Vincent slowly but surely made his way across the dark corridor, to the half open door at the end where the shuffling came from. He tried desperately to not make a sound-

"Y'know, you could just read someplace else."

Visibly taken a back somewhat by her suggestion, you put your finger on the sentence you were on and close the book as you look over to her.

"In my safehouse? I don't think so. Besides, I was here first. I was sitting fine and nice until you came in and parked your butt on the other side of my couch, disturbing my peace."

"Disturbing the peace, huh?" Harley turns in seat to face you, her legs crossed and her hands on her knees, "Whatcha gonna do? Put me in cuffs?~"

"A gag might be a better idea, at this rate." You counter with a small smirk.

"Ooh kinky! Me likey.~"

This is something Harley has gotten into lately, teasing or flirting with you. Trying to get a reaction or a rise out of you, all in good fun, of course – or so you like to assume. Not that you don't want it be a hint that she likes you too, after all she only has eyes for the Joker, right?

For now though, you'll just ignore her and get back to your book.

'Now then, where was I? Oh yeah, Vincent creeping up the corridor to the room! Okay, here goes...'



You shoot a glare at Harley from the corner of your eye, she merely raises her eyebrows and covers her mouth with her fingertips, feigning innocence.


You take in a deep breath and exhale, calming yourself before turning your eyes to the page.

'Now I know she's doing this on purpose. But why? If she just wanted to talk she would have said so. What is she up to? Wait, it's Harley, she's always up to something.'


"Harley." You start with a calm tone as you look to said bonkers blonde.


"If you do that one more time I'm gonna confiscate your gum."

"Aww, but I'm being quiet." Harley feigns innocence, adding a pout and sad looking eyes for effect.

Despite the fact that you know she is lying, that look she is giving you, that puppy-dog look. It works. Every. Single. Time.

You sigh and turn back to your book, again.

'I can block her out. I have the willpower, I have the strength of mind, I can ignore her. She might as well not even be here in the room with me. If I concentrate hard enough, I know I can-'


You slowly turn your eyes to the crazy clown girl, eyes radiating an icy sternness; the kind that pierces souls. The book now rests on your lap as one hand reaches out to her, palm open and facing up.

All miss Quinzel can muster is a quiet, timid, "...Uh oh."

"Give me the gum."

A thought then occurs to her: as stern and as serious as you can be, and often are, you would never hurt her. You'll raise your voice but that's it. This is an angle she can work from as she crosses her arms and smiles cheekily.

"Hmm... Nope."

"Harley, give me the gum. Now."

"Still nope. Maybe if you say please?" Harley grins.

Taking in a deep breath, you relax a bit and speak clearly and calmly.

"Harley, I'm sorry. If you hand over your gum now, I promise to give it back later, please?"

"Alright." Harley digs into her pocket and hands you multiple sticks of gum, "There."

'Whoa, she had this much gum in her pockets this whole time?! There must be at least thirty sticks here!' You mentally comment, 'I bet she's hiding more though. Knowing her.'

"Where's the rest?" You ask.


You raise your eyebrows, letting her know you're serious.

"...Okay, okay, fine. Yeesh." She then digs into her other pockets and hands you even more sticks of bubblegum, "Happy now?"

Placing the gum in your own pockets you look back at her, feeling relieved at the thought of actually having some semblance of peace and quiet. But there is still one more thing...

Your arm is outstretched again, palm open and facing up.



"Don't play dumb, Harley. Where's the gum you were chewing? The one you've been popping."

"Um... nowhere?" The pigtailed blonde remarks, feigning innocence with a big smile as she shrugs her shoulders. All she receives in response is another cold, albeit tired, glare, "Look, look, how about a truce?"

You raise an eyebrow in suspicion.

"I keep this." She states as she sticks her tongue out, the pink chewable item resting there like a bird on a branch before pulling it back in, "And I don't pop it, not another bubble for the rest of the day?"

Harley holds her hand out to you for a shake, "Deal?"

'I'm too tired for this crap.'

"You know what? Fine. Deal."

As you shake your hand you feel a sharp electrical current jolt from her palm to yours. Not an overly painful one, it just startles you. Jumping back you shoot Harley a shocked glare.

"Gotcha, grumpy.~"

Harley turns her palm and shows a small electric hand buzzer, a giggle coming from her grinning mouth and a playful sparkle in her blue eyes. Despite your rising annoyance you can't help but find her adorable, you're unable to stay mad at her for long. You roll your eyes and turn back to the book. Again. Hoping to have achieved peace and quiet, at last.

All the while you fail to notice the mischievous young woman opposite you, the smirk on her lips and the look in her eye gives away her intentions. She slowly inches her way across the couch and leans her face closer to yours, her lips near your ear.

Vincent slowly but surely made his way across the dark corridor, to the-

You hear it again. That dreaded sound, that sound which breaks your mind and pierces your very consciousness like a hot blade. Right in your ear you hear...


"That's it!"

Before you can even stand up Harley is on her feet and just out of your reach, still though you give chase. She runs into the open kitchen, the two of you end up at a standstill at the kitchen's island playing a game of cat and mouse. You go to run around one side and she runs to the other, barely an arm's length from her, all the while she laughs; obviously enjoying this.

"Hey, c'mon, can't you take a joke?"

In some way you do, too. While you prefer the company of books, this is a somewhat welcome distraction. The fact that it involves Harley is a nice bonus.

"Normally yes, but you pushed it too far!"

Eventually you manage to psyche her out and nearly grab her, but she slips out of your grasp and runs over to the couch.

"The only reason I let you have it at my place is because you gave me that look!"

"Oh? Ya mean this one?"

Harley turns to face you with that supposedly irresistible puppy dog look. Unfortunately, it doesn't work.

"It won't save you this time!"

"Uh oh."

She turns to run around the couch but fails to notice how close she is to the arm of said couch. Turning, her momentum carries her over the arm of the couch and onto the cushions, face first as she lets out a muffled curse word. Harley tries to get back up and hears your rapidly approaching footsteps.

The clown girl can't help but enjoy this, this childish and silly activity brings her joy, it makes her smile. She quickly crawls across the couch, looking over her shoulder for you. She reaches the other end and hears your voice.

"Going somewhere, Miss Quinzel?"

Slowly Harley turns her head forward and looks up to see you towering above her, arms crossed and a mischievous smirk on your lips. A glint similar to hers in your eyes, one telling of fun and elation.

"Um..." Before she can finish her sentence she spins around and tries to quickly crawl to the other side. You however spring forward and seize her ankle, pulling her back towards you.

"Give me the gum, Harley."

She wriggles out of your grasp and tries to crawl away again.


You reach out and grab her by both ankles this time, she tries to kick free but your grip holds true and you pull her back towards you.

"Give me the gum!"

"Nuh uh!"

You flip her over so she is looking up at you, she grins sheepishly and tries to crawl away backwards.

"Give it!"

"No way!"

"Yes way!"

Harley tries to wriggle out of your grasp again, pulling her legs to her torso and trying to kick your grip away. Instead though, your thighs meet the arm of the couch and you end up on top of her, your arms propping you up and placed on either side of her head. Both of you brace for the inevitable impact...

Eyes closed and face scrunched up, expecting to feel the impact of Harley's body on yours. But you feel nothing except her hot breath on your face and mouth. You open your eyes curiously, and see her eyes closed too, obviously braced too.

Curiously, she peeks one of her eyes open and sees you looming above her. She then opens her other eye and locks her gaze with yours, the two of you staring at each other. The only sound either of you can hear is breathing, both hers and yours.

'...Well, I didn't expect this to happen.' You think, 'Not that I didn't want it to happen, it's just... Wow, she's pretty...'

Her nose barely a few inches from yours. Lips slightly parted, a slight shade of red on her cheeks. Her eyes, an shade of light blue that transfixes you. Her lips, pink and looking so very, very tempting...

'I want to kiss her. So much, just lean down and-no, no, no, no. No. She only has eyes for the Joker, she's with him. I can't fool around with her, no matter how much I want-'

Suddenly your thoughts are cut off as Harley, seeming succumbing to the moment and her lack of patience, leans up and closes the gap between you. Her lips are soft and fit well against yours, and she pushes just enough to convey passion along with slight apprehension and curiosity.

She pulls back and looks to your wide eyes, thinking she has overstepped the mark.

"...Harley? Did you just-"

"I did. ...Did you not, y'know, want to?" She asks sheepishly, "Cos, I just got caught up in the moment and-"

Leaning down slowly you interrupt her by placing a gentle peck on her lips, silencing her. She looks to you with surprise, and sees the smirk on your face as well as that same playful expression you conveyed just earlier.

"Who said I didn't like it? I'm just surprised you stopped.~"

"Oh is that so?~"

Grinning, Harley's own eyes gloss over with mischievous intent and lust. She reaches her hands up and over your shoulders, her fingers gripping your hair and pulling you down to her. Your mouth meets hers in a feverish and heated dance of mouths and tongues, eyes closed as you revel in moans and gasps of pleasure.

Her mouth and tongue carry the unmistakable taste of the sweet and fruity bubblegum.

During the latter part of this make out session you become aware of something moving around your mouth, aside from Harley's tongue. You pull back and, despite her rough approach to kissing, Harley lets you do so. A slightly worried expression on her face.

"What's wrong?"

You reach two finger into your mouth, almost like a mockery of pincers and find it immediately. Pulling it out of your mouth, it is revealed to be Harely's gum. The very thing that started all of this in the first place.

"I believe this is yours." You joke with a smile directed at the adorable lunatic underneath you, "Do you want it back?"

"I'll get it my own way. C'mere.~"

The End.

I've been working on this for a while now and I'm glad it's finally done. Plus I've wanted to do something related to Harley for a while, and you can expect more stuff like this in the future; I originally had multiple One Shots like this planned out but now I'm focusing on them one at a time.

Anyways, please let me know what you think of this One Shot. Any and all feedback is welcome and encouraged, I always appreciate it.

See you soon!