Chapter One

Seph's POV

Today is my first day at Arkham. My fiance had pulled some strings to get me a psychiatric job there. I was lucky since I had just finished my internship earlier than my other cohorts, but I felt like I was kind of using him. Don't get me wrong, I love Matthew O'Connell very much. It just feels like I have cheated the system. Although Matt has made it clear that he doesn't want me working there long. He keeps saying how it is a 'stepping stone' for me and a way from me to 'get my foot in the door'. It irritates me since he says all these things and yet he still works there. He of course works as the head doctor in the medical center.

I check myself out in the mirror. I am wearing an emerald green button up shirt, tucked in to a black high waisted pencil skirt and matching black pumps. I wrap my soft wavy dark brown hair up into a neat and professional looking bun. I adorn my black glasses even though I don't need them. I have had them since high school since that is when everyone started focusing on my ample body parts and no one would take me seriously. Surprising what a pair of glasses can do. Matt doesn't even know they are fake. I smile like it is an on going joke for me.

I drive my beat up old car to Arkham. I enter and pass through several security gates. A secretary, I think she said her name is Margaret, takes me to my office. I squeal with excitement when she is gone to see that I have an office all to myself. On my desk is a dozen white roses. I read the card. 'Good luck on your first day. -Love, Matt'

He has always been the romantic, I struggle to keep up with him. He has been asking me to move in more and more frequently. I should finally just cave. The wedding is in ten months, it would make planning a lot easier, but a part of me just feels like things are moving too fast. We have only been dating for a little over a year and he proposed on our one year anniversary.

Now is not the time, Seph. Focus on work. I go next door to Dr. Joan Leland's office. I am supposed to shadow her for the first week and then I will be getting patients of my own. I knock on her door and hear a curt "enter".

"Hello, I'm Dr.-" I start but I am instantly cut off.

"I know who you are and you are hardly a doctor. For the record, I was completely against giving you the job but it looks like you sleep with the right people." She says. Oh I do not like this woman one bit. I want to slap her, to claw her eyes out. Geez, calm down Seph.

I don't let it phase me and simply continue. "What is on the agenda today?"

"Well I am busy with two projects this week. I have an intensive with the Joker this week so from eight to noon we will be with him, after lunch I work on my book and for that I will want to be alone. You can just sit in your office and do research or something. I could honestly care less." She says. She motions for me to keep walking and I assume we are going to see the Joker. I am absolutely fascinated by this idea. I see that we are heading to a therapy room and know I am not supposed to have jewelry on in there so I slip my ring into my coat pocket. Joan could have at least given me a heads up, stupid bitch.

"Look, you are new and he is one of our most intense patients. Do us all a favor and keep your mouth shut, we wouldn't want you to mess him up more than he already is. Just sit there and look pretty. Maybe make yourself useful and take notes." This woman is seriously driving me mad. My blood is boiling but I just smile at her as we take our seats across from the Joker.

"Sorry Joker, I have a new doctor shadowing me, so that's why I am running late." I am irritated, nothing I did made her late.

"Oh no. don't be sorry. It seems you have brought me an angel to play with." He says looking at me up and down. So I decide to return the action. He had bright green hair and pale skin and a silver smile. His normal makeup is gone and his lips were an almost grayish blue without the lipstick, his bright blue eyes looking a little more dull without the normal dark eyeliner. He actually looked more intimidating this way, more intense. He had a straitjacket on and it made me frown.

Matt warned me that Arkham had methods that I was against; straitjackets, drugging the patients till they basically swallow their tongues, and ECT. He justified it by saying that they are criminals and no one cares. I wanted to work with children. They never pulled this kind of shit with children. I reminded myself I was just here to get my residency hours in. Plus it could give me experience with adults with childhood trauma, I'm sure there were a few in here.

"Joker, as you know, we are having an intensive this week. Four hours every day with me. It is up to you how we spend it. We can sit in silence, you can crack your stupid jokes, or you can actually make some progress." Her bedside manner really sucked.

"Well Dr. Leland" He said her name slowly. "How many times have I asked you to call me Mr. Joker? You don't respect your patient's wishes very well." He laughed after that. "But she," he pointed to me and looked me in the eyes. "Now she, can call me Mr. J." He winked at me. I just looked at Joan and smiled. I have made more progress with her patient than she has without saying a word. Sure, it is probably due to my looks but fuck it. She needed to be taken down from her high horse.

"Tell me about your childhood?" Oh god, I wanted to gag. This was such a stereotypical question. One that typically didn't work for cases that proved to be more stubborn.

"It was normal." he laughed.

"Can you elaborate?" Dr. Leland was too busy looking at her notepad and never looked at the patient. Me and him had eyes locked.

"Nope." He sang the word.

"Mr. Joker, I don't want to be here anymore than you do. Can you just please answer my questions?" She sighed. She was exhausted with him already? She asked one stupid question. At least she used what he wanted to be called.

"Oh there is no where else I rather be." He says still never taking his eyes from mine. "Why doesn't she talk?" He said finally looking at Joan. I looked at her too, curious as to what she will tell him.

"She is new, I don't want her messing you up more than you already are." She actually told him. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come on doc, I hardly think that is possible. Let her have a few questions." He said.

"No, absolutely not!" Oooh someone is an angry doctor. I stared at her in surprise.

"Really doctor? What do you have to fear? That this new and gorgeous doctor is better than you? In more ways than one." Oh no, he was going to get me in trouble. I gave him a pleading look for him to shut the fuck up and he just winked. God damn it.

"Joker you are on thin ice, maybe we need another session of ECT." I looked at her absolutely shocked. She literally just threatened a patient. Mr. J did not look happy at all, in fact he looked lethal. He laughed a bone chilling laugh.

"Maybe you need to check on your husband." Joan went stock still.

"Why would I need to do that?" She asked trying to remain calm but I could hear her voice breaking.

"I know his heart is not doing so well. Want to make sure nothing has spooked it, right?" It is no secret that Joker has connections. I wouldn't doubt him. Joan doesn't either.

"Dr. Sotiropoulos, keep your eyes on this man. I will be right back." She took off in a hurry.

"Well that should buy us some time. Who knew having her phone hidden today was going to be so beneficial?" He laughed.

"Was it a bluff?" I ask. I knew I should be worried for her but I wasn't.

"And if it wasn't? Would that make you upset?" He asked.

"Yes." I say because it is how one should properly feel.

"Don't lie to me…" He focuses on the badge on my coat. "...Seph? What kind of name is that? Is it supposed to be Steph? Like Stephanie? You don't look like a Stephanie."

"It's a nickname. My full name is very Greek. Makes it easier." I tell him matter of factly. It isn't a lie but I omit that I'm embarrassed by my first name or the fact my whole name is a mouthful. "But no, I wouldn't be upset." He looks surprised that I complied so easily.

"I like you, Seph." he tells me. Emphasizing the "ph" sound of my name. Oh joy, another pig liking me based off my looks.

"You don't even know me." I roll my eyes.

"No, but I desperately want to." I was surprised. He was definitely a fascinating man. "How would you feel about running the rest of this so called 'intensive'? I am sure you will ask more fascinating questions than 'What was your childhood like?'" I laugh since he was thinking exactly what I was.

"I like your laugh." he tells me. It was completely sincere, no teasing, no humor, just sincere and it made me blush. "So what do you say? Think you can handle a week being alone with me?"

"Definitely." I tell him with a confidence that surprises him. "But how will that happen?"

"Oh darlin, just leave that up to daddy." He winks at me.