/Forgot to mention, but this happens after the Anansi. Enjoy!/

Master Fu's POV

I open my eyes and look at Wayzz.

"Can you feel that," I ask him.

"Yes Master, but what is that," Wayzz ask me.

"The curse is coming back around," I inform Wayzz as he gasp. "Not only that, but it seems like Ladybug and Chat Noir are the targets this time."

"What shall we do master," Wayzz ask me.

"We must give them help. I don't want to do this, but it is for to good of the Miraculous Holders," I say as I sigh.

"Master, who will you send to help them then," Wayzz ask me.

"I believe Rena Rouge and Carapace will be able to do the most help," I inform my kwami. "Plus, I believe Chat and Ladybug will have to do some revealing to do."

"I understand Master. Would you like me to go and get Ladybug?"

"Later Wayzz. Let them have the day off. Then we shall tell the heroes of Paris," I tell him.

"Yes Master," Wayzz says as he bows.

I look out the window and ponder what these next few months will turn out as.

Nino's POV

We continue to explore the museum for the rest of the day. Luckily, no Akmas were spotted around Paris, so Ladybug and Chat Noir got a break today. Soon it is time for us to check out with our teacher and then head home for the night. Alya and I talk with Adrien and Marinette. We keep the conversation away from the curse for two reasons. One, so that no one over hears us and two, so that we can forget the reality for some time. We check out of the trip with our teacher, Ms. Bustier, and then we leave the museum through the front door. Alya and I say goodbye to Adrien and Marinette as they head off towards their home. Alya and I walk together as we chat about stuff.

"You worried about Adrien and Marinetee," Alya suddenly ask me.

"Uh well, yeah. I mean, they are our best friends, why wouldn't I," I say to my Girlfriend.

"Yeah," Alya says as she seems to zone out.

"What's on your mind," I ask her as she slowly stops walking.

We stand on the sidewalk as people around us continue to walk on. Alya looks at me and I see tears prick at her eyes.

"I'm scared Nino," Alya whispers out as she wipes the tears away. "I'm scared that we aren't able to save Adrien and Marinette from the curse. That they are going to die like all of their past lives had. And the thought of that happening is terrifying of itself. I don't want to loose my best friend," Alya confess.

"We aren't going to loosing them Alya," I tell her as I place my hand on her shoulder. "Adrien and Marinette already have soemthing that their past lives haven't. And that is us. Their past lives didn't have anyone that knew about the curse. Adrien and Marinette have us. And we are going to protect them, so don't worry," I tell her as I smile softly.

Alya looks at me and she smiles softly.

"Yeah. You're right Nino. Thanks for reminding me," she says.

"No problem. So then, I'll see you tomorrow," I say.

"Yup. I'll see you Nino," Alya says.

We then head our separate ways towards our home. I look around Paris as I get closer to my destination. I open the door to my house to see that my folks aren't home yet. I place my bag on my bed annd then I start on my homework, which is just to reflect on the day. I soon finish that and I listen to some music.

"I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow," I muse as I glance out of my window.