Hello! Welcome to my first story!

The alleyway was shadowed and growing darker as she ran. The communicator in her ear silent, not that she expected the person on the other end to speak. Stealth was her goal, and being anywhere near him would destroy any hope she had of staying hidden. She caught occasional glimpses of him above her, as he ricocheted from rooftop to rooftop, dust and debris falling in his wake. She stayed close to the ground and tried to calm her breathing, knowing that she had no reason to be tired just yet.

"You fucking sound like a dying animal, Round Face." The voice in her ear made her cringe.

Nausea began to pull in her stomach as she whispered, "Maybe if you weren't so heavy, this wouldn't be a problem!"

She surprised herself with the sharpness in her voice. Fearing retribution, she prepared her ears, but was greeted only with grumbling and noticed the sounds of explosions getting slightly louder. She smiled widely to herself, knowing he was currently putting his faith in her and probably didn't want to be dropped several hundred feet.

Her smile quickly faded as she felt the air chill behind her. She looked back quickly and saw the trail of ice hanging at what she estimated to to be the 16th or 17th floor of the building, high enough she was still probably safe, but low enough to be hidden from the fight happening above her.

She grasped a small hand made bomb with all five fingers, sending it flying easily towards the icy ledge where it exploded upon impact. The blast sent a red and white blur careening towards her, and, as expected, a large slide of ice the size of the building appeared to soften the boy's fall and send him back into the flight above.

"Kacchan be careful! This is just a training exam!" A green blur was suddenly above her catching the boy above to place him safely on the roof.

"You need to take care of your God damn self, Deku! If Icy Hot falls and dies, it's his own fucking fault for being a shitty hero!"

She smiled sadly to herself realizing they had forgotten about her already. Not unexpected. Who would remember her when the Big 3 were duking it out a stones throw away?

"If we are going to go with your stupid, shitty plan, then you better get your shit together and get those short ass legs of yours moving." The gruff voice whispered in her ear.

"Now this is how a fucking fight works! The two of you Fuck Sticks together still don't stand a chance against me!" The same voice yelled loudly above her.

She shook her head to wake herself before running straight towards the newly formed ice slide. Them forgetting about her was part of the plan. She placed both hands on the cold, smooth surface and felt her stomach roll. She watched the building-sized glacier begin to float upwards towards the scene above her.

Bakugo floated in the air, weighted down by his gauntlet only, using small explosions to control himself. He dove towards Todoroki and Izuku as gravity returned to him, the beginning of explosions crackling in his hands. The two were able to roll away at the last second as he continued past them, straight to the rising glacier.

She didn't have time to watch the aftermath unfold above her. She placed her fingers on her own cheeks as she jumped upward, joining the needle-like ice shards on their way up towards the evening sky. She met with halfway with the explosive teen who begrudgingly took her hands. He scowled at her as she made him weightless along with her. Her elation at her plan working blocked out all her nausea. She could only plaster on a large goofy smile, refusing to let his glare tear her down. He freed one of his hands to propel them both upward, above their two very confused enemies.

The moment she released her quirk, all hell broke loose. One of the now falling shards sliced her arm, drawing blood. It wasn't painful, but she was beginning to think this may have been a slightly more dangerous idea than she anticipated. She could hear Bakugo cackling as he used his quirk to break apart the roof of the building, ensuring none of them would be able avoid the aftermath.

He had been gung-ho for her idea from the beginning. It had honestly taken her back a bit, as Bakugo is not known for his… Acceptance of assistance. He told her she was fucking crazy, but agreed to aid in her chaos.

This particular assignment was about teamwork. Placing people who are typically not well suited to be partners together in a two on two brawl. Whichever team walked out least injured would be declared the winner. She had been wary when her pairing had been announced. She and Bakugo have surprisingly compatible quirks, so she knew they were paired together because of communication differences. She had expected him to have her sit in a corner to avoid getting hurt to limit their chances of more injuries. When it came to beating Deku, he tended to be single minded, although his more obvious anger had quelled a bit in the last year.

"Yo, Uraraka!" His yell broke her out of her trance.

She had been floating a few feet above the ground to the side of the mess to avoid the impact on the roof. Large rubble had accumulated underneath her. She noted that this could be used for cover if needed, for her and Bakugo. She looked to him and took in the sight. He was grinning wildly, throwing explosions above him to stop the shards and at the two other boys. Todoroki was shooting large fireballs in the air to melt the ice, while using his other half to try and shield Deku, who was having poor luck deflecting all of the shards at once with his pressurized kicks.

She and her partner locked eyes briefly as he motioned to the large fireball heading straight for her and continued his monstrous rampage. She released her quirk on herself and dove towards the large rocks to shield herself. Before she could reach them she was enveloped in a pair of large, strong arms. She could see nothing but green as the world around her was coated in flames. She fell with the body surrounding her to the ground and was pinned down looking straight into the eyes of Izuku Midoriya.

"That's the match!" The loud voice of Present Mic rang from the speakers.

Uraraka could feel her face heat up. Deku unwrapped his arms from her and placed them on both sides of her face to smile down at her. He had taken a lot of damage to get to her, his face was dripping with bloody cuts, his suit sliced on his arms and shoulders. His green attire was bloody and singed, and his hair continued to smoke slightly.

"T-thank y-you, Deku-kun!" She stammered, idiotically and internally berated herself.

He had grown into himself since they first met, his body taller and more muscular, but his face had stayed the exact same. Her stomach flipped in ways that had nothing to do with her quirk, but she frowned a bit at the state he was in.

"Midoriya has taken too much damage! The winners are Bakugo and Uraraka!" Present Mic's voice made her very aware of the compromising position she and Deku had found themselves. She could feel the redness creep into her ears as she pushed him slightly and wiggled away. She noted him grimace at her touch.

"You got hurt because of me…" she said softly as she looked towards her feet. "You didn't have to do that you know…"

"Yes I did!" He rose to his feet and placed his hand on her shoulder. "I worry about you, you know. That was a large blast and you could have been..." He paused for a second before making eye contact. "Your just… softer than me, you know?"

The words settled a bit odd on her. They went forgotten when he proceeded to prove his words by caressing her arm. There was no hiding her blush now, if it could even be called a blush anymore. Her entire body had to be a charming fire engine red at this point.

Her fantasy was interrupted by a very loud voice.


She turned to see her partner stomping over, visibly fuming, followed by a bored-looking Todoroki.

"Definitely softer than him," Deku smiled at her and whispered before turning to his childhood friend. "I know you saw her almost get hit, Kacchan! You just sat and watched! She could have gotten seriously hurt, I had to do something!"

Ururaka smiled up at her protector, taking in his wounds. His back was covered in what looked like second degree burns. His costume was dripping with blood and sweat at this point.

He was probably right, she would not have been able to stand after taking a hit like that.

Bakugo looked to her and then Deku with a heated glare, turned angrily, and began walking towards the door. "She wasn't in any fucking danger. That bitch can take care of her goddamn self. I don't know how you expect her to become anything resembling a hero if you don't let her handle her own shit ever."

She winced at his language, but was stunned by his words. If she could give anything to Bakugo, it's that he never sugar coated his words. But could she have actually blocked that attack?

"Todoroki, take Midoriya to Recovery Girl." Aizawa strolled up to them slowly. Deku smiled at her before turning and using the fire and ice user as a crutch. Leaving her red and alone with her teacher.

"He's right you know." Aizawa turned to her and they made their way after Bakugo towards the rest of the class.

"I know," she said looking down. "I'm glad he protected me, I'm definitely not good enough yet to pr-"

"Not Midoriya, Bakugo." Her teacher cut her off. "You were planning on floating the large debris for cover, right?"

"I guess…" She paused, "But I'm not strong like those three. I doubt at this rate I'll ever catch up."

"Whatever you say." Aizawa lazily walked in front of her, drawing her eyes to the angry teen a few yards ahead.

Did he really think she didn't need saving? Would he have saved her if she did? If he had watched her get hurt, would he have even cared? She settled on a probable answer of 'No' to all of the above and tried to coerce herself into thinking about other things.

They had an exam coming up that Friday and with only 3 more days of studying, she needed to start planning out her cramming study schedule. She had actually been doing pretty well on her exams lately, even the practicals. Her quirk was definitely not flashy, but she couldn't remember the last time she had lost a match.

She smiled to herself, she may have had to train like a madwoman to even try to stay in Deku's shadow, but she was holding on to said shadow with all she had!

"Oh my God, girl! That match was awesome!" the pink alien bounded towards her, "You were like, 'float!' and Bakugo was like, 'sploom!' and then it rained icy chunks and it was awesome!"

She laughed at Mina's enthusiasm, "We wouldn't have won if Deku hadn't saved me!"

"YOU COULD HAVE TOASTED FOR ALL I CARE AND I STILL WOULD HAVE FUCKING WON, ROUND FACE!" Bakugo had a six sense for people saying he wasn't the best.

"Oh come on, Man! You guys won, does it really matter how?" Kirishima slammed a hardened arm into Bakugo's back before turning to her. "We are glad you're okay though, Uraraka- with this guy on your team, it's pretty easy to get caught in the crossfire and that one was a nail-biter."


"Well I'm glad all of you still have so much energy after part one of the exam," Aizawa waited for everyone to quiet down before addressing the class "Your final exam is Friday, those of you who won your matches today will have off the next 3 days to recover and study. Those that lost will see meet me in the classroom at 7am sharp to cover team battle tactics."

"Sir!" Iida raised his hand violently, "If we won our matches, may we still attend team battle tactics review? I think my partner and I could use more help wi-"

"Are you serious, dude?" Mineta whined angrily

"Go home, Iida. Sleep. Use the time to study for your exam. Now that goes for all of you, back to the dorms!" Aizawa ushered them away from training ground gamma.

Uraraka felt the fatigue kick in as she watched half her class complain. She smiled brightly, she was going to sleep well tonight.