Maternity Ward, NYU Langone Hospital, Manhattan

"Full house, beat that" Sean Reagan announced, slapping his cards down on the floor of the hospital waiting room.

Jack frowned, "Well, I'm out."

"Sorry, to say it Sean, but straight flush" Nicky laughed, to the shock of her youngest cousin. Well, Sean wasn't going to be her youngest cousin for much longer. That's why they were sitting on floor of a hospital waiting room. Eddie had gone into labour.

Nicky looked up from her cousins, who were already reshuffling the cards to start their next game. Grandpa Henry was pacing, like he always did when they went to the hospital, irrelevant the situation. Grandpa was sitting next to Uncle Danny, his eyes locked on the doors that led to the hospitals maternity ward. Uncle Danny was flicking through yet another magazine, and her Mom was asleep on her older brother's shoulder. It'd had been a long night.

Eddie's breath hitched again, "God I hate you Jamie!"

Jamie let the words roll over his shoulders, she was in pain, it had been a long night, she'd been pushing for nearly an hour, but she'd been in labour for nearer to fourteen.

Doctor Franklin looked up to Eddie and Jamie, "Eddie, just one more push and your baby will be here, okay?"

Through gritted teeth Eddie glared at Jamie, "We are never doing this again."

Jamie expected she'd change her mind, but wasn't going to bring it up with her right now.

"One big push Eddie, come on" Doctor Franklin encouraged Eddie.

Eddie let out a scream, a scream that was extinguished by the first cry of a new life. The cry not only extinguished Eddie's scream, but also her pain. "Are they okay?" she asked her body and mind exhausted.

Doctor Franklin smiled, "He is Eddie."

He. Jamie's thoughts stopped. He had a son.

"Dad, would you like to cut the cord?" the midwife asked Jamie.

"Yeah, yeah, I would," Jamie smiled. He was a Dad, it had been a long time coming, but he was a Dad and Eddie was the Mother of his child.

Danny nudged Erin, to wake her up.

"What's going on" Erin asked sleepily, her eyes fluttering against the harsh fluorescent hospital lights.

"Jamie's back" Danny answered.

Erin yawned and rubbed her eyes. Danny was right, their little brother was standing in front of them.

"So, do I have another niece or a nephew?" Danny asked.

Jamie smiled, "You have a nephew. He's perfect."

Erin looked over at Danny with a smile, their baby brother was finally a Dad. Oh, they fun they would have with that in the years to come.

"Can we meet him Uncle Jamie?" Jack asked.

"Yes, Eddie wants you all there before we tell you his name."

The baby stirred in his Mothers arms. He was so small. So tiny. Ever so innocent. Eddie could not believe that he was hers.

"Knock, knock" Eddie heard Jamie's voice.

"Hey," she breathed. "Did you bring them back?"

Jamie didn't get a chance to answer, as his niece and nephews tumbled into the room, in their rush to get in.

"You know this is a hospital right, not a fun park?" Erin jibbed them jokingly.

A squabble broke out between Nicky, Jack and Sean as they blamed each other for pushing them through the door. Jamie, sat down on the edge of Eddie's hospital bed, and watched as Erin and Danny tried to break up the three bickering cousins.

"You think our child will survive that?" Eddie asked, motioning towards her baby's cousins.

"He'll be fine, he'll have all three of them wrapped around his little finger in no time at all."

"What are you two talking about" Danny asked, having finally gotten his sons and Nicky apart.

"Nothing of value, I'm sure" piped up Henry. "Now, what's the name of my new GG?"

Jamie and Eddie had settled on the possible names for their baby, as they had driven home from Boston after Jamie's 10-year Harvard Law School Reunion. The Reunion and the people they'd met or reconnected with there, had put a lot of things into perspective for them, especially the importance of family, the longevity of grief and how sometimes you need a push to move on with your life.

At the reunion, Sydney had revealed a lot to Jamie about how she'd always worried that she'd hurt him to much and that she'd come to reunion to make peace with him, to help her move on. She said she'd found what she'd hoped to find too, Jamie happy and in love. However, it was what she had to say about becoming an ADA and what drove her to keep going, that helped Jamie and Eddie chose a name for a son.

"Well, what is it?" Erin asked again, the curiosity written on her face, was shared by her family.

"First," Jamie looked to Frank. "Dad, would you like to hold your grandson?"

Frank, who never used to many words, when only one would do smiled, "Yes I most certainly would." The moment was tender as Jamie lifted his son out of Eddie's arms, and then carefully placed him in the loving arms of his Grandfather.

"Come on Uncle Jamie, you're killing us here!" Nicky agonized.

Jamie and Eddie looked at each other once again, before Eddie spoke.

"His name is Joseph Vincent Reagan."

A/N - So that's that, thank you so much for reading I really hoped you enjoyed!

A/N - I have a few more ideas for BB stories, so please mention in the reviews if you would like that.

A/N - What do you think of Baby Reagan's name?

A/N - Anyone pick up on the NCIS reference?