The General's Lady

"Fives." A kick to the ankle. "Fives."

Fives groaned awake, and in the darkness squinted up at the Marshal Commander of the Third Systems Army. "What, sir?"

"Wake up Echo - it's your guys turn for watch."

"I thought General Kenobi was going to take next watch - or General Skywalker," Fives mumbled, grimacing at the stiffness of his muscles while he stood from the hard rock he had fallen asleep on. His movements made Echo grumble something.

"Yeah, but," Cody waved in the general direction of their commanding officers, who were passed out near the fire. "They're actually sleeping."

Fives followed his gaze in the dim light and smirked. "Never thought Kenobi was a cuddler."

Echo - now fully awake - smiled while he stood and rubbed his back. "They look sweet."

It was kind of adorable, Cody had to admit, watching the General and the Duchess - who were constantly arguing and yelling at each other - curled underneath a cloak, her back leaning his front, hands laced together.

"God, I hope they don't try anything," Fives muttered with a shudder, remembering the time he had to stand guard outside the Duchess's chambers on the Coronet.

Echo chuckled. "Don't worry, vod." He inclined his head towards Skywalker and Tano, the former sleeping upright against the escape pod and the latter on the ground beside him. "Those two are more than an effective deterrent for any fun times."

Cody cracked a smile, scanning the woods of whatever backwater planet they had landed on for the night. The cruiser escorting the Duchess Kryze back to Mandalore had been pursued by pirates, and in an effort to save the Duchess, they had escaped using a pod and agreed to rendezvous when the coast was clear.

That had been two days ago, and help hadn't arrived yet. Tensions were running high in their small group consisting of about twelve - himself, Echo, Fives, Rex, a few shinies, Generals Kenobi and Skywalker, Commander Tano...and Duchess Kryze.

He didn't know what to think of the Duchess, even after the many months of escorting her to various parts of the Galaxy and routinely delivering supplies to the suffering Mandalorian system. Those missions always ended up being a bit delayed, and resulted in General Kenobi stepping on-board with disheveled hair and rumbled robes and a dopey grin on his face.

The Duchess directly went against the ideals of his vode, but even he couldn't help enjoying her iron spine - and her surprising ease around the clones.

She is Mandalorian, Cody reminded himself while he left the troopers to the night watch and picked his way around his sleeping vode.

She was General Kenobi's lady.

Shaking his head, Cody found a free spot near his Jedi general and peeled away the more uncomfortable bits of his armor.

The low fire was warm. He stared at it for a moment, enjoying its low light and quiet crackles.

Cody glanced over when he heard a shift and a quiet exhale of breath. "General."

A ghost of a smirk could be seen. "Mmm?"

"You're a little shit."

The Duchess, oblivious to the conversation, rolled over and buried her face in General Kenobi's tunics.

General Kenobi hummed, and pressed a kiss to her head. His spoke in a whisper. "I think you can understand my reluctance to wake and observe night watch."

Cody shook his head in exasperation, and lay down. "G'night, General."

Author's note: I've had this in my head for months and I finally wrote it down! Yay!

Always felt like Cody probably told Obi-Wan he was a little shit at some point, and Obi-Wan just went YEP.

So this fic was born today - enjoy! ^-^

(As usual I'll edit this at a later date)

ii Digestive Reader ii