One Year Later…

Padmé woke to an empty bed, which wasn't exactly concerning - her husband had odd sleeping hours from growing up on Tatooine, living at the Temple, and then being a soldier.

But today…she swung her legs over the bed and stretched, hearing the vague sounds of the staff waking and ambling to the kitchen and throughout the apartment. R2 was bleeping something angrily, though the sound was drowned by the noise of traffic outside.

She shook her head in amusement before standing and shrugging on her night robe. A bit of nausea twisted in her stomach, and she braced herself against the wall and shoved it down.

The steps that led down to their apartment were cold beneath her feet, and she cursed herself mentally, wishing for slippers.

There. There was her husband, leaning against the balcony and staring at the traffic. He looked exhausted, with bags under his eyes and a haunted look in his eyes. In the morning light his skin was grayish, highlighting the premature wrinkles at the edges of his eyes.

Padmé knew he had heard her approach, judging by the soft smile that curled at his lips. She stepped beside him, arms slipping around his tense shoulders, smiling when he leaned into her touch.

"Bad dreams?" she asked, though she knew the answer. Still, it was easier sometimes to be blunt with Anakin.

"I cannot believe no one ever figured out who killed the Chancellor," Anakin whispered while watching the skyline. "I mean...I know he was a bad person but…"

"It is a bit concerning that there could be a killer on the loose," Padmé murmured. "All they were able to determine was that it was a male."

"Probably someone who was tired of the war," Padmé turned her head and pressed a kiss to his shoulder. "The war was hard on everyone, even if they weren't fighting."

"I do wonder if it was a clone - not that I'm accusing any of them... it's just…" Anakin shook his head. "We all saw the orders. It's a possibility."

"There are always mysteries in the galaxy - could have been a Jedi."

Anakin snorted, peering down at her. "You sound like Obi-Wan."

"Mmm - remember he's coming tonight?"

"To celebrate the one year anniversary of the war being - how can I forget?"

"You don't sound excited."

"That's not it…" Anakin did his best to shrug, eyes tracing a passing speeder. "Haven't seen him in a few months."

"Ani - he won't bite your head off for turning down the Council seat."

Anakin didn't respond - too busy thinking about the past year. He thought war was chaos...peace was somehow more chaotic. It was like walking on eggshells - everyone was so tense, so careful that one wrong word would begin an even bloodier war. The Jedi and the clones - those who had chosen to be in the relief efforts - were always on the move, bringing supplies to planets, trying to negotiate debts, facing scrutiny…

That was the worst. The glares and the whispers of the populace, the eyerolls whenever the Jedi and clones landed...the scorn.

Like we had a choice fighting… Anakin thought grimly. Well...unlike the clones maybe we did but - god, the clones.

They had yet to find a cure for the accelerated aging mess but -

Obi-Wan was doing fine. He had become the Jedi watchman for the Mandalore system, traveling only to Coruscant only a handful of times in the year.

Ahsoka was doing okay, continuing her apprenticeship Barriss and -

Then there was the Council trying to wrap their heads around attachments and dating and marriage and the few children that had been born within the Order, but failing epically...

He screwed his eyes shut, focusing on the comforting presence of his wife beside her, her gentle pulse in the Force…

So much had changed.

"Hey," Padmé whispered, standing on her toes and kissing a spot below his ear. "I have something that might make you feel better."

"What?" Anakin asked wearily, glancing at her smirking face. He frowned for a moment, trying to figure it out before she rolled her eyes affectionately and patted her stomach.

"You're kidding." A grin broke out on his face when she shrugged a little. Laughing, Anakin swept her into his arms. "Padmé, that's -" He held her face in his hands, giving her a firm kiss, feeling her fingers wrap around his and squeeze gently. Leaning their brows together, he whispered shakily, "That's amazing."

Author's note: I couldn't resist finishing the fic and uploading it. I wasn't expecting to end on an Anidala scene, but nothing else worked so ;) here ya go

I absolutely adored writing this fic - it was so much fun and everyone's reactions at every chapter was hilarious.

I really tested myself with this fic, trying to shove massive plot points into 1,000 words or less chapters. I know I left some plot points hanging here and there, but overall I feel like this tied up nicely.

This fic originally started out as a 3 shot involving Cody and his observations about Obitine. Gradually, it became so much more and I cannot believe the response I've had. This fic has such a massive audience and I'm really sad to end this fic, but the story has finished for now.

So enjoy my dears, and stay tuned for whatever else I write in the near future ;)

May the Force be With You

ii Digestive Reader ii