He died on that day. He listened to Bakugo...and he jumped.

His death was quick. Painless. Just like he wanted.

When they found the body, few truly cared. His mother grived his death, his former friend stood paralyzed as the paramedics carted off his mangled body. Other then Bakugo's parents, Midoriya's mother and himself, no one cared. When Izuku's middle school peers heard he commited suicide, they were both shock yet expecting. A quirkless with low confidence in their eyes was bound to off himself anyway, right?

Bakugo, affected by how he was responsible for his former friend's death, changed. Nothing to big. His aggresion was a bit less intense, he tried to call people their names instead of rude nicknames, he even began to rarley call his own mother a hag.

But all of that would be worthless.


Becuase on the same day Bakugo enters UA, someone returns to congragulate him. In the most painful. Way. Possible.

But before that, they have work to do. Somebody has to take vengance right?

It's not like Midoriya's former classmates and teachers are gonna kill themselves.


Sorry this so short. I wanted to get you guys to understand what's happening before the story really starts, so apologies.

Wadda you think? Good? Bad? Want me to choke on candycorn?

Let me know in a review!But for now, fav and follow. Happy Halloween everyone!PEACE AND PLUS ULTRA!!!!