Plot bunnies. You hate them, you love them. I needed to put this somewhere so I can think clearly. Might expand if this gets enough reception. Otherwise, enjoy the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Worm and the Nasuverse.

Prologue: And then there were 10

Armsmaster drove his tinkertech motorcycle through the streets towards a reported sighting of a potential cape with several PRT vans a mile behind him. Zooming through the night, he drifted and slid his bike on the ground as he dismounted his ride. Walking towards a large two-story building, he heard the faint sounds of screams within the structure. Bringing his halberd in front of him, he charged and kicked down the front door to an interesting sight.

Most of the floor was covered in bodies and blood. Armsmaster identified the intact ones to be Empire goons. Parts of limbs, heads and torsos were shown with blade wounds with some parts attached to a wall with several inches of steel imbedded in them. The women in particular had their entire reproductive system dissected. The leader of the PRT capes grimaced. This much blood meant a cape that didn't shy from killing. It also meant he had orders to apprehend the killer at all costs.

He walked forward warily checking for possible traps and anyone who is still alive. Moving forward, his reaction times and the sensors of his suit saved him when several blades of unknown shape flew at him. The man spun his weapon to deflect the attacks. He held his ground against the knives that held a surprising amount of force behind them. Looking at the spot from where the weapons came from, Armsmaster sputtered in shock.

He looked at a small child, a girl roughly the same age as Bonesaw holding a bunch of knives she scavenged from the interior. She had white albino hair and scars from cuts on her face. What shocked Armsmaster was either the fact the one who killed an entire group of men is a child or the fact that a kid like her is wearing an outfit very much not for her age. Not even Bonesaw had a skewed sense of fashion.

"...You're not welcome here." The girl spoke and then leapt backward. Mist began flowing from the openings into the building, hindering the hero's line of sight. Armsmaster activated his helmet's thermal vision but it didn't help past the first few meters.

The man growled lightly. "Activate Master/Stranger Protocols." Everything he designed to fight the tricky kinds of capes came online and told him to duck. He did so and Armsmaster felt the 'swoosh' from a blade flying very close to his neck. Moving swiftly, he thrusted his weapon ahead of him and heard a clang. Through the mist, he could barely see the child holding back with only two short blades. Looking no worse for wear.

'How is a kid like her this strong? Possible Brute rating?' his thoughts were dragged into the ground when his opponent flipped onto his halberd and landed. The girl ran on it and delivered a kick to Armsmaster's chest. With the wind knocked out of him, his enemy stepped on his head and jumped into the mist. Hidden once more.

The man grunted as he tightened his grip on his weapon. While doing so, he contacted Headquarters. He looked around warily in case the unknown Stranger decided to attack him again.

"Console, this is Armsmaster requesting assistance with hostile Stranger. Location in the corner of Green Avenue and Flint Street." he spoke, feeling tension in the area around him.

"Miss Militia, me and three PRT vans are enroute in 10 minutes, can you buy us time?"

Armsmaster spun and caught the girl trying to slash his legs. He backpedaled and swung his weapon at her only to miss. The enemy cape vanished into the mist once more. He tapped into the common system again.

"Look for mist gathered in a building or a street. I can see it spreading." True to his word, the mist was moving outside and the sky was getting even darker. The vans that followed and their occupants had their lights on but it dissipated a few feet in front of them.

The man's onboard sensors managed to alert him of an attack behind him. He sidestepped to the side and swung his weapon as he twisted around and got a result. Once again he saw the girl brandishing the two oversized knives in her hands, holding back his weapon like nothing. He was about to speak when his opponent vanished into blue wisps. His suit told him that the mist turned ordinary and his other sensor could see properly.

Armsmaster growled as his sensors detected a civilian nearby. Thankfully the mist was slowly disappearing but it took it's time. He walked towards the direction of the civilian who was hiding and showed his hand.

"This is Armsmaster of the PRT. It is safe to come out. The hostile cape is gone." He spoke with his monotone voice for the public.

It was silent until the hero heard a quiet mutter followed by the sound of someone quickly drinking something. He had no time to react when he felt a punch on his chest that sent him flying through the walls outside.

The tinker managed to shakily land on his feet. He dug his halberd into the ground as he wheezed in pain. The force of the punch was enough to break the outer layer of has armor and crack a rib. Nearby, the PRT troopers raised their foam launchers at the hole in the building.

Coming out of the building was a man. He wore a white shirt that contained bloodstains and simple black pants. He had spiked hair that somewhat defied gravity. He wore no mask to yet his face was scarred with slashes. It showed his most noticeable feature, his eyes. Blood red and oozed madness. The man held a feral grin as he charged towards the group of people holding foam launchers.

'Is he mad?' Armsmaster thought as the man moved forward. The PRT troopers fired the containment foam at their target. However, the man suddenly leapt into the air, high enough to avoid the initial attack and landed. Before the troopers could do anything about it, the man attacked.

It wasn't anything refined. The possible madman struck with his fist and fought like a street fighter, but there was a lot of force behind it. The troopers were pulverized. While no one died, many got injuries ranging from moderate to serious. Cries of pain were heard from one man as he felt his bones break.

Armsmaster glared at the monster of a man in front of him as he flicked a few switches on his weapon. Parts within the halberd moved around and the weapon seemed to become sharper. Lifting it, he put himself into a stance, tensed, and charged forward at the madman.

It was a bad decision. The madman began to glow a luminescent red. He then grabbed the halberd that was coming at him and forced it and it's holder up. Armsmaster went in an arc and fell down on the ground front first. The last thing he knew before blacking out was someone yelling his cape name and gunfire.

Waking up from into a hospital ward was both annoying and painful. As his vision slowly returned, he saw in a digital clock that it was 2 in the morning. The man groaned then winced in pain. He could feel his ribs creak with pressure even with the bandages he felt. Colin didn't try to get up because it would be a waste of time and even if he did, the doctors would send him back to the bed and lock the door.

Colin took to staring into the ceiling allowing ideas to manifest in his brain when the door to his room opened. A doctor walked in, holding a clipboard in his shoulder and a small case in his hands while he was on the phone. It was obvious he was talking to someone important judging by the way his face looked.

"Yes, I know. I'll be there in a few hours. You need to remember I have work. The only reason you're still there is because I'm being generous." A bunch of unheard grumbles and talking was all that he heard before the call ended. The doctor turned to him with a professional and genial look.

"Good morning Mr. Wallis. Call me Dr. Henry, I'll be monitoring your recovery today." He said with a smile. Colin had a feeling he met him before but couldn't remember where. Then again, you don't tend to get regular doctors when you move up the waiting cue to see Panacea.

The doctor looked in his clipboard and shook his head. "Three fractured ribs, a concussion and a cracked skull. Thankfully your armor took most of the damage so it's just that. Panacea isn't coming to heal you since it's her day off." Colin swore from his position. He already knew what that meant. Spending the day healing until the miracle worker comes and no tinkering. The hero missed his workshop already.

"You should be clear by tomorrow once she comes in but you're going to have to stay for a while." The doctor put his suitcase down on the floor and flicked the latches open. Inside were a set of vials of similar colors with labels. The doctor grabbed one and checked the label. He stood up and walked to Colin showing him the vial in his hand.

"This will reduce the pain in within one hour of consumption." The doctor spoke. "It's also quite bitter so try not to expel it because it doesn't suit your taste." From there the doctor raised the bed slightly so Colin was in a proper position to drink it.

The man took the vial in his hands and glanced at it. He then gulped it down in one go. The bitter taste ran down his mouth as he quickly grabbed the glass of water on the nightstand. When it was over he handed back the container to the man who is treating him.

"Are you a tinker?" He asked the doctor. The vial that he consumed looked like the creation of a tinker. However the man shook his head.

"I'm licensed in creating my medicines. It's merely a simple mundane way of making it albeit it's slightly more potent than ordinary painkillers. No, I'm not a cape." He said as he checked something on his clipboard. "Now we will wait for you to recover."

Colin groaned and took note that it didn't hurt as much. The medicine worked wonders but he wanted to get back to his job.

Berserker was inside an abandoned warehouse at the end of the docks. The place was big enough that there was room for him and the other Servants and served as HQ. Right now, he was in one of his teammate's room, allowing himself to release a bit without using his Noble Phantasm.

"And then he became my patient. I know my luck isn't much but I think it's working the opposite way. The hero you beaten in your split personality becomes your other side's responsibility." The doctor sighed. He looked at the beautiful, pale, silver haired woman who is another Servant. She wore casual denim jeans and a baggy blue shirt. "Thank you for listening to me rant. The other usual ways I vent is thanks to him." his companion was silent but nodded, focused on drowning out most of the world around her.

Berserker looked at his watch, bought from the local electronics shop. "Looks like my break will end soon." He then looked at his fellow Servant. "For a Foreigner-class Servant, you're not that bad." With that he left Foreigner to do her work, exiting their base of operations.

The girl typed in a keyboard on a computer she personally built. She knew her abilities could do this but she didn't bother with it since she had better alternatives. However in her current state as a Servant, she needed every tool in her arsenal. She quickly went through her PHO account and looked through everything. No mention of her group's activities yet other than Assassin's opening salvo. Everything done on the internet for now she shut her computer and leaned back on her chair.

Foreigner closed her eyes and allowed her mind to fly free. She began casually observing the general state of the city. She stopped when she felt a familiar command. Thanks to # %*$ giving her a chance she now has no obligation to follow it but it didn't make it easy to resist. Foreigner felt out the intrusion and forced it out. When it stopped, she checked her mind again for good measure and relaxed. Despite that, a frown was made on her face.

"I just want to be free." Once again, she saw herself flying in the sky close to the stars. Mental images of her friends followed behind her in their own way. "Just a little longer." She watched a news feed on the TV detailing the public version of what happened hours ago. "Archer is irritated."

In the morning, the next day. It was supposed to be a day when teens and young adults alike get to relax. Except for the police. They have barricaded the street where Armsmaster and Miss Militia fought the two capes. Yellow tape covered the perimeter with a number of cops reinforcing it. A crowd gathered outside of it trying to get a good look at the scene or get information for the public. Most of them failed but a few managed to acquire images of the gore laden bodies. Once uploaded will spark a lot of emotions and debates across the internet.

People have already carefully put the bodies in body bags to be transported for autopsy. One young man got off his motorcycle and walked towards the building, watching the specialists recover the bodies. He winced at the state of another female they found. The woman's waist was carved open and looked like someone could put something small in the womb.

The young man looked in his 20's He had a standard dark blue BBPD police uniform and platinum blonde hair. He pulled out a phone and began waiting until everyone around him was either fully distracted or out of earshot. When that happened he called someone, the phone vibrated before the other side picked up.

"Assassin was brutal tonight. She didn't hold back." He spoke to the other side. They knew about Assassin's 'issues'. They also knew she was filled with energy due to the ambient mana and acted like someone her appearance was on high from chocolate.

"The child couldn't stop moving until last night." A male voice spoke with power. "She broke into my office and fell asleep on my desk. I had to hide her in a file cabinet once and make sure she didn't reveal herself. Archer, are you sure you can't get her yourself?"

Archer grunted to answer no. "The only one Assassin actually listens to is Caster. She's going out to Rider in the docks. Lancer is picking groceries, Alter should be out of the city, Berserker is still working, Ruler went out scouting and Foreigner definitely cannot leave the base until we finish her side project." He fingered his revolver with as a smirk went into his face. "Sorry Saber. You have to bring our little killer home."

He heard a sigh. "I suppose getting to the top of the corporate ladder means something bad would happen. Nonetheless, she'll be back by dusk. I'll be sure of it." A bunch of movement was heard. "After I finish this accursed paperwork." Archer cancelled the call and looked forward.

"Well, time to get to work. I didn't get here for dallying around." He muttered out loud as he fingered his police badge. He looked at his reflection in a piece of glass on the ground and mimed shooting a gun. "Lancer might be up for a race later." He muttered to himself.

Saber was a big man. Not super tall but noticeably fat just because he has a big torso. Except that roughly three quarters of it is actually muscle making him stronger than he appears. And here he was losing time reading and signing papers. He was sure some of them actually weren't of use and wouldn't profit his growing business. It took steel balls to make another hospital in the crime riddled city which grew in reputation and staff quite quickly. He had Golden Rule and A-ranked Charisma to thank for that.

Saber pressed a button on his desk and spoke to a microphone. "Melissa, delay all my appointments for the next hour. Send the ones near the end of my shift tomorrow. Understand?" He heard confirmation on the other side. "Very well, I'll be back in an hour."

"Running a country eras ago was easier compared to this." He said as he looked to the side and saw Assassin sleeping on a beanbag curled like a cat. She was still in her Servant clothes. Saber carefully looked in the feed of the camera outside his office door for anyone coming in. When no one is scheduled to enter, he went to Assassin and carefully slung her over his shoulders.

"Thankfully you are very light." Saber said as he pressed a hidden button on the wall. It opened up to reveal an elevator big enough for him. He got in and went down the shaft. "I wonder how others are doing?" He spoke out loud.

A young woman sat down and watched the dockworkers do their work. She had dark brown hair which was tame compared to her friends and allowed her to blend in better. "Heave!" One of them at the front yelled. The workers behind him responded and slowly moved the scrap they were moving. The material was a remnant of the wreck of one of Squealer's vehicles. A gunboat to be specific.

As she sat there and watched, a man came up behind her. He took hold of her shoulder and shook it. The woman turned around to face the man. "What is it?" She asked. Looking at the man's face, she saw he wasn't all there. She snapped her fingers near the side of his face and brought him back to reality. The man shook his head and looked to the side slightly.

"Sorry" he said. "You reminded me of someone." he had a sad look on his face when he said that.

"It's fine." She said. "You remind me of my dad."

The man chuckled at that. "Birds of a feather then. The name's Danny. So what are you doing here?"

"Waiting for someone mostly." she looked at the dockworkers. "What got the dockworkers riled up. Last I saw them they were needing work."

"I'm a dockworker too." Danny said, faking an offended look. "Someone not from town came and invested to rejuvenate the docks. Said she wanted to make Leviathan eat it's own threats." the woman raised an eye.

"How was she planning to do that?" She asked. Danny smiled. "She searched for the most damaged shipyards and attempts to fix them. She told me "If I can repair this, then I can do it to others." She is nothing but ambitious."

Someone else spoke up. "I'm flattered that you think of me like that. It does fit me quite well." Danny and the woman turned around. They both saw a busty, crimson pink haired woman wearing a red shirt with the captions 'Bling' in black. She had black pants and red boots.

"Thank you for the help/Wait, that was you?!" Both Danny and the woman spoke respectively. They looked at each other in surprise while the pinkette grinned. She looked at the woman before speaking.

"Damn Kiara, you didn't tell me you were dating." Danny sputtered in denial while Kiara looked mortified. She looked at Danny and assessed him. "Middle aged, but not a bad catch. Could use a bit of sprucing up though." Kiara shook in embarrassment as she laughed. Danny however looked resigned.

"I am not dating anyone!" Kiara shouted. "Besides, he is much older than me." she looked at the man to confirm it.

"I'm not interested in anyone at the moment." He said solemnly. The girls stepped back a little and kept quiet.

"Well, now that we've ruined the moment we'll leave." The unnamed woman said as she grabbed Kiara's hand. "Good luck with the ferry Mr. Hebert." speaking as the pair left the area. Danny nodded and walked back to work.

The two girls were moving down the boardwalk, looking at everything around them. Near the edge of the area Kara made a heavy sigh.

"That was a situation I didn't expect." She said with her eyes closed. "It feels both familiar and alien."

"I hear you." The woman said. "Hard to be a girl in this era when you acted like a guy prior. What's the term again, tomboy or something?"

Kara shook her head. "Let's check if our master is awake first before going back to the base Rider."

Rider took another look at the seaside littered with metal wreckage of ships of all kinds. "Sure. We'll have to ask Berserker to get through first. Think Alter is free to check something for me?"

Alter watched as the lines of code surround her and fly past her program. She took care to avoid a number of firewalls that attempted to block her. Alter easily broke and silenced them. With that done, she delved deeper into the mainframe of the PRT networks.

She analyzed the layout of the Rig she easily acquired through several computers. It took seconds for her to put it together when she found something interesting. She possessed a nearby camera to watch an unassuming employee of the First Responders. The man pulled out a USB and injected it into the port of a tinkertech laptop that was clearly not his.

Alter simulated all of her current options and decided on one. She quickly disabled the power on the laptop for a second and entered. The time it was deactivated, she busted in and destroyed all security systems and replaced them with backdoors built in. With her work done, she immediately left the laptop and restored it. It took approximately 1.5 seconds with the man being none the wiser.

She took in the information from the device and digitally smirked. Several moles leading to one of the slipperiest capes in the bay, Coil. She thought of what to do to the supervillain but decided against it for now. Alter took as much as she can for now and sent the information to Ruler. She then abandoned the area and went to search for other targets. She was interested in those files that came from the Chief-Director. Back in the base, Foreigner snorted in amusement as she watched Alter's current body twitch.

Lancer his himself behind a wall as he listened to the gathering inside the building. A conglomerate of various Asian dialects and he knew he was next to an ABB building. He quietly moved away when he heard a series of explosions. Nothing big since there were no alarms but he couldn't be sure.

He scaled the side of the building and reached an open window. It led to a furnished bedroom containing the usual things and a workbench for some reason. On the opposite side of the window was a locked door. He carefully pried it wider and entered. Once inside, he materialized his spear and walked towards the door. He heard voices on the other side of it and listened.

"Listen you son of a bitch. I'm the one who makes that bombs that will kill you so listen to me! Unless you want to die in a worthless death." Lancer heard a woman speak followed by silence. "Good, now get back to work." The woman spoke followed by footsteps towards the door. The Servant immediately hid himself within the closet and stayed quiet as the door opened.

He saw a figure enter his line of sight from his position. It wore a gas mask covering the whole face and clothes that fully covered the body. It's hands were holding several round balls the size of an apple which Lancer deduced were explosives. Seeing enough he thought he could leave as soon as the figure either fell asleep or left the room.

He was wrong. In one swift motion, the figure ripped off the gas mask revealing a female face underneath. Thankfully she wasn't looking towards the closet otherwise his chances of leaving unnoticed would go down. Unfortunately for him, Bakuda was also removing her clothes.

'Are you kidding me!' Lancer thought as he grit his teeth. 'Fuck, why am I watching this?'

Bakuda was about to remove the rest if her clothes when she spotted the open window. She made a face and walked towards it, intent on preserving her privacy. The Servant tried to get out of his predicament but Bakuda already shut the window. From there she just stood before heading towards the bed.

For a moment, he thought the woman would fall asleep immediately. Once again the world proved him wrong. He saw Bakuda open a dresser and grab something from it. He hid himself further in the closet when he heard moaning. He stifled a groan of agony as fate laughed at his expense.

'Lancers have the worst luck' he thought to himself as he prepared to bear against this attack by random probabilities. Back at the base, Foreigner snickered at her comrade's fate.

A masked mercenary ducked as a sword pierced the air his head would have been. It save him from getting kicked on the head. Falling on the ground, he felt the sound of metal screeching and a sharp tip on his flesh. Looking up, he saw a white haired man with tanned skin wearing red and black. The man was also holding the same sword aimed at him.

"Where is Coil?" The man asked. His voice held the standard threaten feeling with something else. Something that made him want to speak lest he would feel pain.

"I don't know!" The merc yelled with a shriek. "He makes sure we're blindfolded before we enter his base. All I know is that it's underground."

The intruder looked thoughtful before moving the sword away from his flesh. "You have earned the right to live. Leave this city while you still can." The mercenary heaved as he struggled to get up. He stumbled as he moved but he managed to run away.

Ruler sighed as he pondered about the information he was given. The locations he got from Alter were correct but they were merely storehouses and staging points. Sheathing the weapon, he stepped away from the bodies of dead mercenaries and exited the storehouse. Reinforcing his hearing, he heard the sound of police sirens and vans headed his way. Already? Looks like Coil expects him to get caught.

The man charged prana into his legs and leapt up to the roofs. He also set up a small disinterest bounded field around him to hide as he watched. One of the only ways for servants to hide themselves. It was unfortunate that none of them could astralize other than Assassin and Berserker. All Foreigner could do was hide her power levels. Last he heard she was still working on that.

The Servant looked around and saw two figures flying towards the building. Aegis and Kid Win on his hoverboard stopped nearby and seemed to contact the PRT. With the job done, Ruler moved away and dropped down into an alley. Hidden away, his form flickered as he changed his clothes. A black shirt and pants accompanied by a red jacket. From there, he checked if anyone was watching and walked out of the alley with no one the wiser. From there, he began walking to work.

15 minutes later, he reached his destination. Entering the building, he walked straight towards the staff room, went inside and hung his red jacket on a nearby coat racket. He combed his hair into it's usual style, grabbed his things and left the staff room. Walking down the hallways, he entered a classroom just as the bell rang. In front of him was a group of students seated at their desks.

"Good afternoon class. I'll be your so substitute teacher for a while." Ruler said as he continued to work his day job of teaching at Immaculata High.

In the middle of the night, one girl slept in the hospital. She dreamt about people. Ten people along with her in saving the world. She saw a number of things. A sword and banner, a gun with a cartridge, a spear and shield, a vial and a pocket knife, a ship loaded with gold, a dark place filled with sounds, a serrated set of knives, a holy cross with a blade, a USB and a metal plate, and finally a minor headache. She couldn't identify the faces but she didn't care. She just had fun leading her group to victory.

That night in the hospital, unaware of the world around her as she slept, Taylor Hebert properly smiled in years.

True Names








Ruler: ?



I'll fill that up when I actually write the Servants' names. It took me a while to edit this in order to not spoil anything. By the way, readers are free to guess who is who, as long as no one spoils it in the reviews. But let's be honest, some of the servants picked are immediately known if you can tell who they are by simple descriptions.. Hope you enjoy attempt of Master of multitude of Servants Taylor.

Read, review and follow if I'm lucky.

Ps: You won't find spelling errors here because unlike you heathens, I use autocorrect effectively. I really needed to say that.