Two Months Later...

Veronica swung her hips back and forth, standing in front of Rita's desk, unable to contain her excitement as the prim woman picked up the phone and dialed.

"Ms. Mars is here to see you," Rita said, smiling up at Veronica and nodding.

Taking it as an invitation, Veronica hustled to Logan's office door, bursting through just as he returned his phone to the receiver. The afternoon light streaked through the old windows, casting him in silhouette as he stood to greet her.

"Well, this is a wonderful surprise. I wasn't expecting you until this weekend."

"Snap decision, but I had to show you in's out."

She reached into her purse, pulling out a copy of "L.A. Now" Magazine and flashed him the picture of himself, suited up in his dark blue Hugo Boss, the white shirt underneath open at the collar, one foot placed steadily on a metal chair as his hands rested on his upper thigh, a smirk gracing his bearded face looking back from the cover.

His eyes lit up as he reached for the document and Veronica handed it to him, meeting him with a quick kiss on the lips. Flipping past the cover, he thumbed through the pages until he found the headline and read it out loud.

"Star Son: from the Hollywood Hills to the Mayoral Mansion. How Logan Echolls moved from the shadow of his parent's celebrity to become the youngest Mayor in California."

"I had nothing to do with the final headline copy." Veronica raised her palms up in defense.

Chuckling, Logan closed the magazine, smiling down at the cover. "Doesn't matter. I'm just happy it finally went to print."

"This is my advance copy." She nodded at the magazine. "Hot off the press. I got the call that it came in from the printers last night so I typed up my letter of resignation and brought it in when I came into the office this morning."

Logan's wide eyes moved off the magazine to Veronica, a wide grin now taking over his lips. "Does that mean..."

Biting her lip, Veronica nodded excitedly. "Yeah. It does."

Pivoting towards his desk, Logan tossed the magazine on the surface before grabbing her hand, giving it a small tug. "Come on."

Stumbling on her heels, Veronica righted herself with a giggle and followed as he quickly made his way towards the door. Pausing at Rita's desk, Logan squeezed her hand, glancing between the women. "Rita, please call down to the county clerk's office. Tell them I need some documents registered immediately and that I'll be down in a few minutes to get them. Then, cancel all of my afternoon meetings – tell them I had some personal business come up and apologize."

Rita nodded, her mouth open slightly in shock as she took all this in. "Mr. Echolls, you also have the benefit for the Neptune Clinic tonight. Should I cancel that too?"

"Yes, with my apologies. Tell Vera when you speak to her that I will make a $25,000 donation on top of my last donation to make it up to her."

Glancing between Logan and Veronica, Rita smiled. "I'll do that."

With another tug at her hand, Logan swiftly pulled her out of the waiting area and down the hallway towards the elevators. When she paused at the doors, Logan tugged her again, his head nodding down the hall. "No. Let's take the stairs."

"Logan, the clerk won't leave before we get there." She laughed, hustling behind him.

Glancing back, his eyes narrowed his forehead creasing. "I waited almost a decade to be with you, Veronica. I don't want to wait any longer."

The metal fire door slammed against the concrete wall as Logan pushed it open, the sound reverberating down the stairwell. Slipping into the empty space, Veronica put on the brakes, pulling back on Logan's arm as she came to a halt on the landing.

"Wait. What do you mean by that? We're just getting our marriage license today right?"

A wicked twinkle appeared in Logan's eyes and he stepped back towards her, wrapping his arms around her and lifting her off her feet. She squealed as he spun her towards the wall, pressing against her to keep her at eye level with him.

"Well, I was thinking...I know for a fact that Judge Mead is in his chambers, since I ran into him after a meeting this morning...and he's only a few feet away from the clerk's office..."

Veronica's breath caught in her chest, her mouth opening but no sound came out.

"Unless you want a big wedding. I mean, after the things we did to each other in bed last weekend, I don't think either of us will get away with wearing white in a church, but if that's what you want –" Logan's lips swept past her earlobe as his voice dropped to a husky whisper. "—I would gladly fulfill every dream in your pretend Wedding Plan book, Sugarpuss."

Giggling, Veronica wrapped her arms around his head as his beard tickled the skin on her neck, his lips connecting at the crease of her shoulder. "You remember that silly thing?"

Leveling his eyes back to hers again, Logan pressed his forehead to hers. "I told you before – I remember everything, Veronica."

Silence filled the concrete space as Veronica pressed her lips to his, sinking into a deep, passionate kiss. For two months, they eagerly waited for their time to be together – sharing clandestine meet-ups in the dark of night, in little hotels located half-way between Neptune and L.A.; slipping into Logan's penthouse to wait for him to get back from some social event, just to make love to him before having to drive home; even once meeting his jet on the runway in Los Angeles to share a fleeting moment of togetherness – and each time they parted, Veronica wished it would last forever.

Releasing him from her grasp, Veronica let out a contented sigh. "I should call my Dad."

"Aaaand...mood officially broken." Logan stated, lowering her back to the ground, adjusting his jacket over the prominent bulge in his pants.

Reaching into her purse, Veronica retrieved her phone, shaking her head as she laughed. She punched in her password and dialed the number to her dad's cell, biting her lip as the call connected.

"Hello daughter."

"Heeeyyyyyy dad...whatcha doing?" Gritting her teeth together, she closed her eyes, covering them with her palm.

"Paaaaperrrworrrrk." He punctuated his response with a chuckled. "Whyyyyy?"

"Want to come by City Hall and help me get married?"

Her words were met with silence on the other side. This is it, she thought, my antics have finally killed my father.

A heavy sigh swept through the phone and Veronica relaxed slightly, leaning against the wall.


"Yes, Logan." She scoffed. "Who else do you think I would do this with?"

Logan raised his index finger at her, stepping back slightly as he grabbed his phone from his back pocket, hurriedly texting someone about something. When she frowned in question at him, he whispered one name to her:


Rolling her eyes, Veronica let out a resolved sigh. If she got to have family at this sudden elopement, she guessed it was alright if Logan had someone there too.

"Alright honey. Where do I have to be and when? And do I have to dress up?"

Her eyes skimmed her outfit – she was in white palazzo pants, a white camisole, and a black blazer. Apparently, she had subconsciously dressed for a wedding without really noticing this morning.

"Just casual, Dad. But if you still have Grandma Reynolds's pearls kicking around, I would like those for myself. Meet us in Judge Mead's chambers in about an hour. Oh, and round up Mac and Wallace if you can – if I do this without either of them, there would be hell to pay later."

Keith chuckled at the list of Veronica's demands. "Alright honey – I'll do what I can. For what it's worth, I think you and Logan will be very happy together."

Tears prickled her eyes and she blinked rapidly, trying to keep them at bay. "Thanks Daddy. I love you."

"Love you too. See you soon." Keith replied softly, his voice cracking ever so slightly before he disconnected the call.

Taking a deep inhale, Veronica paused, staring at her phone as she closed the screen. Catching her reflection in the dark glass, she smiled. She couldn't ignore the fact that these past two months were the happiest of her life and for a second, she let her mind wander to the possibilities that lay ahead – her life with Logan stretched out like a wonderful fresh sheet of white paper, just waiting to be written on.

"Are you ready?" He asked, offering her hand to her once more.

Placing her palm against hers, she squeezed tight, her gaze locking with his. "I'm ready for everything."