Misty put a hand on Gary's shoulder, looking around at the destruction the battle had left in its wake. "It's ok, " she said. "We won the day, despite the cost. As I promised, Cerulean is yours. If there is anything else you need, do not hesitate to ask."

"A doctor, " he replied curtly. He looked down on Sabrina's unconscious form, worry gnawing at his gut. Sabrina had done so much, none of it easy. Half of the mercenaries in the castle had fallen unconscious in the moments after their ambush. He'd be damned if he let anything happen to her. "Get me a doctor."

The ship blared a loud horn as it departed. A few stragglers chased after it on flying mounts. The eye of the storm followed it, moving out to sea as if the ship was causing it. The rain poured onto the city as the storm slowly retreated, washing the blood off the stained cobblestone courtyard.

"Let's get inside, " Misty said, shielding her face from the rain. "We should take some time to-"

Flare roared and launched herself into the sky, Ash mounted on her back. His new charizard roared and leapt into the sky after them, his inexperience flying clear in his awkward flight.

Misty screamed a wordless cry and heard Gary do the same at her side. Ash either didn't hear them or ignored them as he winged his way after the ship.

"Get her inside, " Misty ordered, looking at Gary. "I'll follow them." She looked up at Typhon as he raised himself out of the surf.

Gary lifted Sabrina off the blood-soaked cobblestone, cradling her in his arms. She was frail and weak, weighing far less than Gary had expected her to be. "No, you won't, " he replied. "I'm not losing my only source of aid on some mad quest. I'm going with you."

She lifted the battered old crown off her head, knowing what she had to do. "Then I am no longer your source of aid." She looked over her shoulder at Daisy and smiled softly. "I will not sit idly on a throne while there is a war to be fought. Ash may be a reckless fool, but he is our reckless fool and we can I'll afford to lose such a talented trainer."

Gary looked at Daisy, concern clear on his face. "Who will sit on the throne here?" he asked. "Someone must rule the city."

Misty turned away, looking at her sobbing sister. "Aye, " she replied. "And she will do a fine job of it.

She looked up at Typhon with a knowing grin. "Just watch me, " she said confidently. She turned to Daisy as Gary carried Sabrina towards the keep. Her sister was still silent, bent over the mangled corpses of her pokemon. She dropped to one knee, hand brushing against Sapphire's shattered gem.

"Are you happy?" Daisy asked coldly, looking up at Misty. "You have your throne."

Misty shook her head. "Of course I'm not happy. We barely made it through that battle alive." She bowed her head, looking down at her starmie's ruined body. "Did you know that a starmie can regenerate its body as many times as it pleases?" she asked suddenly. "As long as it's jewel survives, it can regenerate its whole body…" Her voice trailed off as she looked away from the body of her loyal companion. "We have never truly been the same since I let Typhon murder Cerise, and I suppose that I am the one to blame for that." "Do you still have?" she asked.

Daisy looked up at Misty, still sobbing, albeit softer than before. She reached into the folds of her dress and produced a battered old pokeball. "She said that he wasn't a fighter anymore, that he's too old." She clutched the ball close to her chest, reluctant to let go of her mother's last pokemon. "He's all we have left of her…" her voice trailed off, shame creeping into her tone.

"He deserves to be free. We can't hold on to him any longer, " Misty replied. "I just need his help to get up to that ship."

"He can't fly, " Daisy said.

Misty took the ball from Daisy's hand with a reassuring smile. "I don't need him to fly. I just need him to swim." She looked up at the retreating airship and spotted a jet of flame that made her heart sink. She looked back at Daisy with a devilish grin. "Remember how Typhon evolved?" she asked.

Daisy's expression changed to one of horror. "He wasn't a gyarados then! There's no way he'll be able to do that with his weight!"

Typhon lowered his head, allowing Misty to grab hold of his bony crest. "Don't tempt him, " she called as the gyarados stretched up to his full height. She looked out at the airship and braced herself against Typhon's crest. "Get 'em, " she ordered.

Her gyarados surged out to sea, propelling himself through the waves with each stroke of his tail. He cut through the raging water with ease, Misty clutching tightly to the bony crest on his head. She held the battered old pokeball in her hand, clutching it so tightly that she felt as if she might crack it in her palm.

The torrential rain ceased the instant they crossed into the eye of the storm. She looked up, spotting the pair of charizard locked into battle with a trio of flying pokemon. A bolt of lightning erupted from the larger charizard's back, electrocuting one of the flying forms. It plummeted from the sky, crashing into the water beside Misty. She caught a glimpse of the golbat's leathery wings before it sank into the water, disappearing into the dark waters that churned below.

Misty tossed the battered old ball into the air, briefly illuminating the choppy waters with bright red light. She saw the mottled orange fish appear and slip beneath the waves. "Otto!" she shouted into the surf. "It's me! Do you remember me, old fish?"

The seaking burst from a wave as it crashed against Typhon's scales. A bolt of lightning illuminated the old seaking, momentarily giving its scales the radiance of its youth.

Misty grinned wildly as the fish dove back into the churning waters below. "Bring us the sea, Otto! Bring us the powers that rule these waters! We must take the sea to heights it has never been."

For a moment, nothing happened and Misty feared that the ancient seaking had leapt at the chance of freedom. Then the sea seemed to boil and bubble with movement. Thousands of sea creatures emerged from the depths, a brilliant menagerie that Misty had never been able to imagine existing. She spied the sharp dorsal fins of a sharpedo pod breaking the surface, their powerful bodies slicing through the water.

A roiling mass of tentacles burst through the surface, thrashing the water into frothy madness. The bulbous crown of a tentacruel rose out of it, hundreds of its offspring writhing in the waters below.

Misty even spotted the sharp crests of a pair of seadra breaking the surface. A few horsea bobbed behind them, huddling close behind their parents in the treacherous conditions.

A massive island of blubber burst through the surface of the sea, rising above all of them. Misty marvelled at the size of the wailord, her jaw-dropping as an eye larger than she was tall lazily opened to look at her. The wailord towered over all of them, seawater pouring off its back.

Misty planted one foot on Typhon's crest, still holding tightly to the bony appendage as she surveyed the power that her mother had once spoken of. The living strength of the monarchs of the sea lay at her disposal, granted to her in an hour of need. She closed her eyes, drinking in the glorious cacophony of noise as the pokemon below announced their arrival.

"Hydro pump!" she roared, pointing at the airship that soared high above them. As one, the water pokemon below loosed a titanic stream of water. It rushed into the sky, unconcerned with gravity's hold. It slammed into the airship's starboard side, sending it lurching to the side with the force of the blow.

Misty braced herself against Typhon and leaned in towards his head. "Alright, you overgrown fish, remember how you got this big?"

She felt Typhon rumble in response and felt his muscles tense up underneath her. He growled deeply, waiting for Misty's command.

"Waterfall!" she ordered, clutching tightly to Typhon's crest. She sucked in a breath as Typhon coiled his body and launched into the air. For a brief moment, the titanic gyarados soared through the air, his whole body straining to reach the torrent of water that shot into the sky.

Typhon crashed into the wall of water, surging up the artificial waterfall with unbridled speed. Misty held fast to his bony crest, water washing over her in every direction. She felt the breath tear from her lungs as the water pounded into her chest. Still, she held fast. Typhon slammed into the airship's hull with a violent crash. The metal hull groaned under the pressure as Typhon wrapped his body around the hull. He clung to the underside of the airship as the waterfall receded, Misty dangling off his crest weakly. With an almighty roar, he pulled himself above the ship's deck and deposited Misty on the deck.

Misty slipped off his head, stumbling to the deck of the airship weakly. She unsheathed her blade, eyes scanning the deck and falling on the men that rushed towards her. Already, a half dozen of the mercenaries were fleeing, flying mounts appearing in quick flashes.

Misty ducked under Typhon as he hauled himself aboard the ship. It lurched to the side, dangerously listing in the air. He hissed at the trio of men that rushed towards his trainer. A torrent of flames tore free of his maw, washing over the men that dared to challenge his trainer. The smell of cooking flesh filled the air, overpowering the salty smell of the sea. Misty gagged as the trio dropped to the deck, roasted by the gyarados's flames.

She spun, deflecting the blow of another charging mercenary. She kicked the man between his legs with as much force as she could muster. He doubled over, clutching at his manhood. Misty spun her blade deftly and rammed it through the mercenary's back. He slumped to the deck dead as Misty turned to face the half dozen men that rounded on her.

She planted her feet, looking at them with sheer defiance. "Come on then, " she spat.

Typhon slithered towards them as they charged, shaking the deck with every movement of his massive body. Misty dove to the side, allowing her gyarados to savage the brave mercenaries that still stood before her.

The smell of ozone filled the air as Ash leapt onto the deck. His pikachu leapt after him, lightning erupting from his cherry red cheeks. The bolt slammed into the lone man that slipped around Typhon, dropping him to the floor in a twitching heap. Ash bounded over his twitching body, crashing into the deck beside Misty.

"For the love of Mew, what are you doing here?" He asked, panting desperately. "It's not safe for you!"

Misty turned and slapped him across the face. "Fool!" she shouted. "We can ill afford for you to throw away your life."

The hatch to the lower decks swung open, bright red hair emerging from the darkness. The woman stepped onto the deck with them, spear tracing a thin line along the wood. "You threw away your lives the moment you stepped on this ship, " she spat.

James emerged from the hatch behind her, staring at the pair of would-be heroes. He smirked at the woman, hand resting on the hilt of his blade. He raised a ball, releasing a wicked looking plant that smelled of overpowering decay. It raised a pair of thick vines that seemed to end in oddly sharp looking leaves. One of the vines twisted around James' leg before he smacked it away. "That's quite enough of your games, Jesse. Let us dispose of them and be done with it."

She frowned, glancing at her partner. "You're no fun anymore, " she said. She lazily tossed a ball into the air, releasing her arbok. The oversized serpent hissed, yellow eyes glaring up at Typhon as he coiled protectively in front of the pair. Jesse raised her spear as she dropped into a fighting stance. "I'll just have to enjoy killing these twerps."

The arbok lunged, fangs outstretched for Typhon's throat. Its fangs glanced off the wyrm's armoured scales. Typhon swung his tail at the serpent, rocking the already dangerously listing airship with the violent movement. Pikachu leapt off Ash's shoulder as, erupting with electricity. The bolt of lightning coursed into the arbok, leaving a blackened mark on its side as it writhed in pain.

Ash stumbled with the listing airship as Jessie and James leapt towards them. He clumsily raised his blade, barely getting it in the way of Jessie's opening jab. She stepped in close, pushing Ash off balance as she deflected his blade into the deck. She slammed her elbow into his nose as he attempted to steady himself. His head snapped back, blood streaming from his now broken nose. She kicked his legs out from beneath him, raising her spear to impale him.

Fang landed awkwardly on the deck, cracking the thick wood with the force of his landing. He roared snapping his jaws at the woman before she could disembowel his trainer. Jessie rolled away under a jet of fire, raising a ball off her belt as she rolled to her feet.

Pikachu came to the rescue, a bolt of lightning slamming into Jessie's outstretched arm. She shrieked in pain, convulsing as the little mouse electrocuted her. She collapsed to the ground, motionless as , as Ash rose from the deck.

Ash looked up at Fang, nodding in respect as blood streaming from his broken nose. He spat a glob of blood, looking around for Misty. His heart skipped a beat as he laid eyes on her. James had her pinned to the deck, her blade forgotten at her side as she desperately held James at bay.

Ash lowered his shoulder and charged, crossing the distance between them in a heartbeat. He slammed into James from the side, driving the wind from the man's chest with his impact. The two of them went rolling, tumbling as the airship lurched under Typhon's thrashing weight. James rolled with the momentum, springing to his feet quicker than Ash thought possible.

"You fools, " James spat. "You stand in the way of true progress, struggling against forces far beyond your comprehension." He sheathed his blade, smiling knowingly. "Your lives were forfeit the moment you stepped aboard."

A half dozen mercenaries burst from the hatch to the lower decks. Ash and Misty turned, blades drawn with Typhon towering over them. Another hatch behind them burst open, another half dozen mercenaries emerging from the belly of the ship.

Misty glanced back over her shoulder, turning and standing back to back with Ash. "We aren't getting out of here easily, " she growled over her shoulder. "Any more bright ideas?" she asked, blade raised in front of her.

Ash raised his blade, glancing up at the pair of charizard that circled overhead. Pikachu leapt onto his shoulder, electricity sparking on his cheeks. "We do the only thing we can, " he replied. "We fight!" he raised his blade to the sky and took a step forwards.

Ash stopped mid-step, frozen in place. He opened his mouth and felt his voice die in his throat. Ash attempted to turn his head and felt a blinding pain build in his mind. All thoughts left his mind, replaced by an unbearable pressure building inside his skull.

"Pitiful, " said a deep, melodic voice. "Such fire in one so weak. Such willpower is wasted with you." Ash drew in a breath sharply, realizing that the voice was speaking directly into his mind. "It almost makes me want to spare your life."

A psychic presence appeared behind Ash, nearly overwhelming his mind with its power. Reality shifted and warped before his eyes, rewriting it according to the will of a power far beyond comprehension. Ash felt himself lift into the air and turn, eyes falling on the feline form of a living god. Its body seemed to burn with a purple fire as it glared at them with an inhuman hatred. Pitch black plates covered its body, hungrily devouring the psychic fire radiating from the being's body.

"Almost, " it said coldly. Its eyes seemed to stare through Ash, peering into his soul with ruthless efficiency. Ash's pitiful struggles were silenced in an instant, the being's godly presence banishing any thoughts of rebellion before they even surfaced. He felt the scene swim and disappear, before changing and racing through memories that Ash barely remembered. Faces that Ash had long forgotten about resurfaced for a moment before being pushed aside as useless filler.

Ash resigned himself to the interrogation, barely registering the memories that flitted through his mind. He felt his body crash to the floor and was vaguely aware of the swaying deck of the airship beneath his body.

"Useless, " said the voice. "They know nothing." The being turned, shifting its attention away from Ash. "Barely worth expending my strength."

A calm voice answered, undeterred by the irritated god. "Then we have no further use for them. Toss them overboard."

The being's rage flared again, and Ash dared to open his eyes. The creature rounded on a tall and powerfully built man. He wore a suit of pitch darkness that seemed to suck in the angry god's psychic presence. "I am not some pathetic creature to order about as you see fit. I am the ultimate weapon, created to destroy."

The man raised an eyebrow, seemingly mocking the beast. "I am your master. You will do whatever I command you, or shall I remind you exactly what that armour does to things like you." He stared back into the face of the captive god, defiance plain on his face.

Ash felt movement at his side and weakly turned his head. Even that simple movement drained him of what little strength he still had, leaving him on the edge of consciousness. Misty was slowly forcing herself up onto all fours, straining against her exhaustion as she rose. Ash locked eyes with her, silently pleading for her to stay down. She looked up at the god, her hand closing around the hilt of her blade.

"This armour will not hold forever, " the god said, his voice filled with vitriol. The captive god flicked its powerful tail in annoyance. "We shall see just how strong your hold is then."

The man stared back, cold eyes staring at the god's fiery gaze. A warning shout drew his gaze as Misty forced herself to her feet. She raised her blade even as a hail of crossbows bolts soared through the air, gripping it with as much strength as her drained limbs could muster. She brought the sword down wildly, swinging it at the being's arm. Her blade cut into the black armour as if it were paper, burying into immortal flesh and spilling violet blood onto the deck.

The world grew silent for a moment, drowned out by enormous psychic pressure. The god raised an arm, stopping the hail of bolts with a thought. They dropped to the deck, clattering away harmlessly. The god bowed its head, terrible psychic energy streaming out of the crack in its armour. It looked up at the man, righteous fury worn on its face. The armour exploded off of him, burning away in the supernova of psychic power.

Ash registered Misty's body flipping through the air as the storm resumed. She soared off into the rain, flipping head over heels as she flew off the side of the airship. Ash screamed a wordless cry that was lost in the unholy screeching of pent up psychic energy.

The man in black armour stood implacably before the living god, contempt clear on his face. The black armour seemed to drink in the psychic energy, darkness devouring the violet light streaming off the god. He raised a pitch black pokeball, glaring at the unshackled god standing before him. "You will submit again, " he said calmly. "It is inevitable."

The being was engulfed in violet light, psychic power warping reality in its presence. "I am the ultimate weapon. I am the god of vengeance, " it spat, it's voice projected into Ash's mind. "And I am no slave." The violet light flared, stabbing down into the airship's belly. The deck rumbled and groaned as the psychic fire ripped through the ship's interior, gutting its superstructure in moments. The world seemed to grind to a halt, held in place by the being's unimaginable power. It winked out of existence, leaving the broken airship behind.

The ship seemed to hang in place for a moment, the last vestige of the god's power holding it aloft. Ash clambered to his feet, looking around warily as a scant few of the mercenaries did the same. Ash locked eyes with James and then the ship split in two beneath them.

Ash felt himself be thrown into the air, the shattered remains of the airship dropping out from beneath his feet. He heard a deafening roar and saw a massive winged creature appear in a flash of light. It snapped its wings out, catching the man in black armour before he could fall to his death. Typhon slammed into its wing as he plummeted towards the sea, nearly knocking it from the sky.

Ash dove his hand to his waist, tearing pidgeot's ball from his belt in desperation. He tapped the button, releasing his bird as he plunged towards the frigid waters below.

Pidgeot screeched, diving towards her trainer with all the speed her wings could muster. She shot past her flailing trainer and flared her wings, allowing him to land heavily on her back.

"Pikachu, " he shouted, pointing at a yellow blur that shot past them as he urged his mount after the little mouse. He held fast to pidgeot's back, barely keeping hold of the bird's back as she dove towards the surface. Pidgeot banked hard, flaring her wings as she swooped past Pikachu. Ash caught his starter just before he would have plunged into the ocean. A half second later, half of the airship slammed into the water just behind Pidgeot. The bird screeched as a wall of water threatened to overtake her.

Pidgeot flapped madly, skimming over the surface of the sea in her desperate escape attempt. A wave rose up to meet them, plunging them under the cold and unforgiving surf. Ash felt his head break the surface and sucked in half a breath before the wall of water slammed into them from above.

Hi there! If you've stuck with me until this far, then I have an apology to make. This version of Salvation is dead. I've completely restructured the story and have a rewrite in progress. I figured that I should at least post what I had left written for this story.

Sorry if you liked this version, but I hope that you'll join me in the rewrite! It's been a fun learning experience and I'm glad that I got as much attention and feedback as I did.

Thanks for reading, my friends!