Chapter 15

Tim Drake was usually an understanding person. He was also reasonable and rational. However, right now he was close to losing his composure.

The sight before him in the past would have been a normal, everyday occurrence but not anymore. Not when it could hurt her.

"You're beautiful, " he heard Dick say as he kissed Kori's hand.

Tim actually scowled. Had anyone seen him they would have found him to be scarier than Bruce.

It had been two full weeks of this. Dick waking up to his "knight in shining armor". Even though everyone knew it was Raven's magic that truly awoke him, Dick believed it was Kori.

He had no memory of the past few months. Everything that had happened was gone in his mind and because of the fragile state of mind, they couldn't say anything. Which meant that Raven would be forgotten. The bullshit idea had been bruces and none of them had willingly agreed but in the end, they had given in.

Tim hated it.

Speaking of Raven, the woman was still comatose and all the other bat sons were worried. Of all the boys it was Damian who was taking it the hardest. The poor kid was distraught and depressed without his surrogate sister to help keep him calm. He was also terribly upset with Dick.

Dick, of course, didn't understand and had tried to talk to the kid. Said kid tried to cut his hand off. It had taken both him and Jason to disarm him and a stern talking to by Bruce to calm him down.

"I told him if he ever hurt her that I would cut his hands off!" He had yelled after Bruce had forced him into a room and away from Dick.

"You can't punish Dick for the mistakes he made memoryless. This isn't his fault."

Damian had, of course, huffed at his father and taken his leave but he still had yet to speak to Dick.

Jason on the other hand always had a strained relationship with Dick and now was being plain nasty. Jason was mad as well but instead of ignoring Dick he would glare and call him a mix of nasty names. He hadn't alluded to his relationship with Raven but he sure as hell made sure he disapproved the one with Kori.

"I knew you always were a playboy fucker, " Tim had heard Jason taunting one day." But this takes the cake. All you care about is your fucking dick. It doesn't matter who you hurt with it, does it?"

"I love Kori, " Dick had responded. "I wouldn't hurt her."

Jason just scowled and went on his way.

Tim was trying hard to be reasonable because he knew its what Raven would want but even he felt angry at Dick for forgetting her.

Tim sighed and opened the door to Raven's room. She had been placed in her bed in hopes she would awake in a more familiar, calm environment. No such luck.

Inside the room he found Jason. He was sat in the chair next to her and was cleaning off her face.

"She has a fever, " he said worriedly. "Vic came down earlier to see her and found nothing that could be causing it. Well, more like he couldn't see anything because her magic was acting up."

Tim frowned. That wasn't good.

"Have we tried antibiotics?" Tim asked. "Fluids?"

"Her body literally refused them which means she's in there fighting, " Jason replied. "I just wish she would wake up."

Tim found the way Jason looked at her to be quite... Loving.

Something Tim had found odd and unexpected.

"We all wish she would wake up, " he told his predecessor.

A knock at the door made both men move their heads towards the door.

"Friends?" The voice of Kori called out. "I am here to help clean up my dear friend."

Jason nodded at him and both stood to give the girls privacy.

Kori was at no fault and oblivious to the issues around her. She was also Raven's friend and demanded she is allowed to help. So they let her.

Damian was not happy to allow it and had to be calmed down around her as well. Jason was quiet about it and honestly bit cold, it had something to do with Roy but that was an outlaw problem.

Tim, however, was neutral. Kori took good care of Raven. She helped keep her clean and kept. Something he knew Raven would appreciate when she awoke.

Dick was allowed in as well and he was worried for his long-time friend. Dick always did worry about Raven and even now it was no different. When she left the titans he searched and asked for Bruce's help. He had been a fresh-faced new Robin and found Nightwings dedication for his friends very admirable.

That love and care for his friend were still present and when he was told that she was like this due to trying to help, Dick had felt awful. He wanted her as safe and awake as the rest of them but Tim couldn't help but still be angry at his lack of remembrance for their strong relationship.

Tim sighed.


More days continued to pass without Raven awakening. Her fever had broken but now her magic was encasing her in a bubble.

It was worrying.

"It must be her healing, "Tim had said as he looked at the bubble.

"It never been like this though, " a visiting Gar had said. "This is a defensive bubble. She's never had a response like this. Something more is up."

Dick touched the bubble only for it to shock him.

"I'm becoming more and more worried, " the older man had said. "How long can her body survive off of parenteral nutrition and hydration? I just wish we knew what was wrong. Where her heads at?"

Tim nodded in agreement.

"Maybe, " Dick continued. "Maybe I can try our bond to go into her head. Try to guide her out!"

Tim was about to disagree but Damian beat him to it.

"You stay away from her!" The boy said lunging. "I won't have you hurting her anymore."

Damian, who had been holding back all his animosity, had finally unleashed his anger. He went in with straight kicks and punches at Dick. The said man managed to back up and away as Gar and Tim grabbed him.

"What the hell is the matter with you!?" Dick said finally snapping at the boy's bad attitude.

"it's nothing, " Tim said glaring at Damian. "Just Damian being childish."

Damian lashed out, kicking both him and Gar in the knees and escaping to grab dick by the nape of his shirt.

"It's not nothing!" he yelled. "I could care less what father or anyone else says or thinks. I'm not letting Grayson near her after what he did! All he will do is hurt her! I'm not letting her suffer because of him! She believed you! I believed you! And you lied. You broke your promise but I won't let it go any farther by you going into her mind! Get away, stay away from Raven!"

Damian pushed Dick with as much force as possible and was on him and throwing punches. It lasted mere seconds as soon he was encased in black energy and pulled off.

All occupants looked towards the bed holding their previously comatose friend.

"Enough Damian" Raven said groggily as she tried to stand up.

Damian was quickly by her side pushing her back

"Take it easy Raven, " he said calmly.

She nodded and looked towards the rest of them.

"Gar, Tim...Dick, " she said with her monotone. "Thank you for the care you have all afforded me but I would ask if you could all leave and I speak to Damian."

"Raven!" Dick said moving towards her only to be stopped by Gar.

"Let her have her space right now, " Gar said.

"I'll call Vic and Jason, " Tim said as he looked at Daven. "Do you need anything Raven?"

Raven shook her head and the men exited the odd situation.


Once outside Dick pulled both Tim and Dick to his room.

He forced both men to sit at the nearest chairs and glared at them.

"What the hell is going on!?" He shouted. "Why is Damian so pissed off at me, what did I do to Raven?"

Tim looked annoyed and Gar looked mad.

"It's not up for us to tell, " Tim told him.

"Fuck that, " Gar said suddenly. "Fuck what Batman says. You made a promise Dick, and you broke it. Damian's the only one brave enough to call you out on it."

Dick looked at them confused. Tim was quiet but Gar was fuming.

"Tell me everything then," he asked them. "Something tells me that things happened between Raven and me. I need explanations."

Tim didn't get a chance to interject as Gar went off.


"Breathe, " Raven told the young man in front of her. "Breathe and find your center."

Damian was glaring at the white floor beneath them, ignoring her directions.

She placed a calming hand on his shoulder and he looked at her.

"You need to let go of your anger, " she said running her hand through his black hair. "Breathe and let it go. Your anger is pointless."

He snapped his head up and had a scowl on your face.

"My anger is not pointless!" Damian yelled."If you knew!"

Raven used her powers to shush him and make him take a seat.

"You mean knowing that Dicks memories have been destroyed, he no longer recalls our relationship, and he's back with Kori?" She told him with a frown.

Damian looked surprised.

"I wasn't completely unaware, " she said. "It was as if I was a ghost who could see all. Including my own body. Kori talked about it and Damian I will emphasize that there is nothing to be upset about."

Danian shook his head.

"How can you say that!" Damian yelled. "He broke his promise, he lied and your acting like its nothing."

Raven sighed.

"I know it's not nothing, " she said sadly. "I am hurt and upset but I was warned. It ended how we all knew it would and therefore to be angry at anyone would be pointless."

Raven expected him to yell and argue. She expected a rebuttal or even a diabolical plan. Not the warm hug Damian gave her.

"It's not pointless, " he said embracing her. "You think that everyone's feelings are above yours, that everyone is worth more and that you don't matter. You're wrong."

Raven sucked in a breath.

"Stop pretending like he didn't break your heart, "Damian said causing her finally let go.

Tears began streaming down her cheeks.

"Let yourself be angry, " he said to her. "Grayson in an ass. "

"Thank you, Damian, " she said with a sigh.

"Does this mean I can cut off his hand?" Damian said seriously.

"No," she said even more seriously.

"Damn," the young man replied earning a smile from Raven.



Dick hadn't taken the news of his relationship with Raven very well. The young man had felt a sense of guilt that was eating him from the inside.

And something else inside he couldn't explain. It felt like cold and unrelenting darkness. Something that made him shudder every time he thought about Raven.

He also felt a bit angry. He felt angry that this had been kept a secret. He was angry that his family was angry at him for reasons beyond control. He was angry at...

To be honest, he didn't know how he felt about Raven. Honestly, every time he thought about her that shudder would course through his body. So he tried not to think about her but it never worked.

Raven was his teammate and they were bonded. She was one of his best friends and he always wanted to keep it that way as to not ruin that close relationship. Yes, he would admit that as a teenager he found her beautiful. He was attracted to her but more than anything he wanted to keep her safe and he wanted to be by her side. Had Kori or Gar not been there he wasn't sure how his and Ravens relationship would have gone. As a teen, he tried not to think about it. They were good friends and always would be. Or so he had thought.

Right now he didn't know what to think.

"I can hear the gears turning in your mind, Dick, " Kori said as she set down a beer in front of him. "Continuously worrying about Raven but refusing to see her."

Dick frowned and took A swig of beer.

At this point, Kori knew everything. The fierce woman forced both him and Jason to explain and so they had. Kori wasn't upset per se but more confused. It was an odd situation but she wanted to stay neutral. Dick was still her lover and Raven her friend.

She knew how much Dick cared for Raven and so she wanted to help as much as she could. But She still wanted to keep her man and her friend.

"Go speak to her, " Kori suggested. "Have her explain some of the things that occurred. It will set you free."

Dick frowned again.

"Or I might lose a friend, " he said.

"Raven would never stop being your friend, none of would " Kori continued but sensing the sadness in him she changed the subject."I was going to tell you this later today but perhaps this can take your mind off things. I have a proposition for you."

Dick looked at kori with confusion but listened anyway.



She was having a difficult time meditating. It had been an issue since she had awoken from her coma and it was starting to aggravate her. The lack of meditation had caused her to lose control of her powers once now and a horrible migraine had been affecting her.

The migraine had become so nauseating and painful that she even tried to medicate. Something she hardly ever did and it was useless as she had hurled the ibuprofen out. Each day she felt worse. The migraine became more painful. The nausea led to vomiting more.

It was hell and all over a man.

She felt annoyed with herself. She knew she was stronger than this. She knew she would get over the heartbreak again. She got over Malchior fast. Dick wasn't going to be different. Harder yes but not different. She was sad and she was hurt but it wasn't the end of the world. She would get over it, she was at peace with it.

So why was her body still so stressed out.

She sighed as she tossed her herbal tea down the drain. It only worsened her nausea.

She walked down the empty dark hallway and into her room.

A sense of loneliness covering above her like a dark cloud she needed to push away. As soon as she entered her room She stripped down and into her PJs and decided to nap. Maybe she just needed to rest and let her body catch up to her mind.


Dick knocked on Ravens slightly ajar door but got no answer. According to Alfred she had been feeling unwell and had been asleep all day. Alfred going in to bring her snacks which she would groggily accept.

Dick was finally ready to talk to her. Or well more like this was probably the last chance.

She didn't even stir when he walked in. She continued to sleep and Dick frowned. She was supposed to sense him by their bond but he struggled to feel it at all.

All too suddenly that odd and unexplainable sensation of coldness and Darkness washed through him. Still, he pressed on and sat on the edge of her bed and gave her a little nudge.

"Raven, " he said gently as to be tried to rouse her out of her slumber.

Her eyes fluttered and soon she was awake.

"Dick, " she said sitting up. "What are you doing?"

Dick felt himself flush at the site she made.

She was always pale but in the dim room, she looked like a moon goddess. Her nightie was also on the sheer side and she looked quite beautiful. Ethereal and unique. He wanted to touch her. Then he saw a flash of something unknown. Something that chilled him and he pulled away.

She definitely noticed.

"Sorry, "he said. "I just came here to talk to you. I feel like it's time to talk about what happened."

Raven nodded and sat up.

"What do you want to talk about?" She asked.

"How did it start? What did we do?" He asked her. "I got the story from Tim and Gar but I want to hear your side."

She looked towards the ground and let out a small sigh.

"You weren't yourself, " she said to him. "You were crass, rude, and basically an ass. Bruce found my alias and sought me out to try and help fix your soul. It was cracked into pieces when I found you. Souls are strong and it takes a lot of heartbreak and mental trauma to truly break one's spirit. And yours was like that. I tried my best to start mending it, I wasn't sure if your memories would ever return but your spirit did start to heal. I don't know why you wanted to be with me. I knew I wasn't your type and that you weren't in your right mind but you were stubborn."

She paused for a moment. Dick saw the glint in her eyes as she smiled a sad smile.

"I always admired your passion and that part of you never went away. You wore me down and even though it was wrong of me, I gave in. And if this is what you really were curious about, yes we had sex."

Dick felt himself flush and a sudden flash of something coursed through him and then the darkness replaced it as soon as it happened.

"I'm sorry I took advantage of you, " she continued.

He truly didn't know what to say. He had been curious as to how far their relations had gone and to hear that he with her. Sex with Raven.

It was almost too much to comprehend.

"Had you ever had sex before?" He asked.

"No, " she replied. "You were the first."

"Do you regret it?" He asked causing her to look up at him.

"I regret letting it go that far, yes" she replied. "I should never have come here at all."

He frowned.

"I'm going to be leaving soon, " he said suddenly. "There is an issue going off in far, far space and Kori, Kon-el, Roy, Lantern and a handful of others are going to try and fix the issue. It's in deep space and Kori thinks we could be gone for up to 6 months. She asked me to go. I said yes."

Raven nodded and he saw her hands clench.

"Perhaps it's what's best, " she responded. "Some time away from Gotham might just help you regain yourself."

"Exactly what I was thinking, " he said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Raven, I want you to know that you are still one of my closest friends and I do care for you a lot. I don't blame you for this. You didn't take advantage of me. It was just... Meant to happen. "

She looked away, deciding to stare at a dark all instead of his blue eyes.

"Stay safe Dick, " she said sadly. "I most likely won't be here when you return. Thank you for telling me."

He nodded stood up and began to leave. As he reached the door he took one glance back at Raven.

Sadness filling his body as he finally walked out.



Later that week Dick was packing up to go. Things had been quiet in the days since he had talked to Raven. He also didn't feel better about it. He honestly felt worse. He had truly hoped by talking to her it would help him.

Now he felt confused and somewhat guilty. But he pushed it away. Going off to space would help clear his mind and distract him and that day was coming soon.

He continued to lack but His door being slammed open brought him out of his thoughts and before he could even utter a "come in" he was on his ass, his nose bleeding and cheek throbbing from the punch he just received from Jason.

"You really are a fucking dick aren't you, " he said, his face livid with anger. "First you break her fucking heart by going back to Kori and now you are gonna run off with her and Roy! Not only are you fucking killing Raven, but you're also stealing my team! My friends. Fuck you, ass-hole."

Dick barely managed to block the kick Jason had sent him.

"It's not my fault Kori asked me and not you!" He said getting back to his feet. "And Roys my friend too you jackass!"

Dick held his nose trying to stunt the bleeding. Jason still looked angry beyond words.

"Oh fuck off Dick!" He growled. "You're gonna go off on that stupid mission, fuck Kori a few times and then the two of you are going to break it off like you always do! Only this time you aren't the only ones being hurt by your fucking stupid ways! And knowing you, you disgusting man whore, you're going to come back here and go after Raven because you think you own her. Because she'll be there to nurse your fake broken heart and then you'll just leave her again and hurt her again. "

Dick growled in fury as he snapped.

"Fuck you, Jason, I would never hurt Raven like that!" He yelled. "She's my friend and I've already hurt her enough. Kori too. Just stay the fuck out of our relationship and mind your own goddam business!"

"No fuck you dick!" He yelled back. "You're right about one thing. You won't ever hurt Raven again. I'm going to make sure of that. You never deserved her or any of the woman who you decide to fuck. Go to hell."

With that, Jason took his leave, leaving a confused and angry Dick behind.

"This whole family has gone off the deep end, " he mumbled to himself. "Just a few more hours and I'll be away from here."

Just a few more hours and he would be out. Just a few more hours.

And he wouldn't see her anymore.

The darkness washed over him once more.


For a moment she thought she had died. But this wasn't hell so she knew she was still probably alive. Next, she thought she was blind because there was nothing but darkness.

She shook that thought away and realized she must have fallen into a coma again. She huffed in annoyance. First, her powers were acting up and she was unable to meditate. Now this?

Last she remembered she was out with Damian picking him up from school. If she collapsed in his presence it would mean he was panicked. Jason was being very overprotective as well. Both would be going crazy with worry.

She hoped Tim was able to keep a straight head amongst her well-meaning knights in shining bird suits.

She stood up and decided to trek forward and then she fell. But she didn't fall into an abyss.


She fell into a light. A warm and welcoming light. She had never felt this feeling before and at that moment she knew she would do anything to protect that light.

It was hers.


Raven woke up to the white ceiling of the infirmary, the visions of her comatose state coming together.

She sat up gently, caressing her little light.

"You gonna tell us what's going on?"

Raven turned to see Jason sitting at the chair by the door.

"It took Clark to get Damian to calm down and go to sleep, " he said motioning to a sleeping boy in the cot across the room. "He was beyond himself when you collapsed at the gates. Half the justice league scientists and magicians came down to see what was wrong. None could find out. Do you have any idea?"

Raven nodded as she held her belly.

"But first I need to talk to Dick, " she said in her monotone.

"That's going to be a problem, " the sudden voice of Bruce Wayne said as he walked in.

He looked worried.

"6 hours ago we lost all contact with their ship, " he said. "It was bound to happen but we estimated it would happen weeks later. Not days. I'm sorry Raven, you won't be able to tell him about the baby until he gets back into communicator range."

Raven's eyebrows would have hit the sky if they weren't attached to her face.

"Baby?" It was Damian who was now headed towards them.

Raven looked to all the faces in the room.

Jason looked shocked, Damian looked confused, Bruce was as stoic as usual. Alfred, who she just noticed behind Bruce, had a small little smile on his lips.

And she was sure Tim was listening in from the bat cave monitors with a smirk or frown.

Raven nodded.

"I didn't think this could happen, " she said." Hybrids are usually infertile but then again my father spawned thousands. It shouldn't come as a surprise but yes..."

She gently held her slightly swollen belly. How did she not notice the weight gain?

Still, she couldn't help but smile.

"I am with child, " she said and for the first time in a while, she was speaking happily.

And she was happy.

The end


I know it's not a typical happy ending. This does have a sequel planned! I'm sorry it took so long! I just was so torn on how to end it because I do want people to like the ending but I also wanted to end it this way! I struggled for weeks with deciding if I was going to go with this ending, which has been the original ending ( mostly) since the beginning. I do hope y'all will stick around for the sequel. Plan for it to be here mid to late August.

I will, however, have an epilogue/prologue on my Tumblr one for Dick and one for Raven.

It's DemonQueenBee If y'all are interested, I'll see you there!