As promised, here's part 2 :)


Chapter 5: Friends & a Funeral Part 2

Katsuki was not staring.

He wasn't.

He didn't care about what stupid Deku and that Weird girl were doing.

He didn't.


Katsuki scowled and ran to chase after the kid being the villain.

It did nothing to stop him from constantly glancing back towards the sand pit. Right at that moment, he saw stupid Deku start to smile widely as he talked to the weird girl. Katsuki found his fists clenching and when he reached the villain, he punched him hard on the shoulder rather than simply tag him.

"Ow! Kaachan that hurt!"

"SHUT UP!" he snapped

Hearing the stupid nickname that green eyed loser gave him made him angry.

"Kaachan don't you think you're being kind of rough." Another boy warily said.

He felt even angrier and glared at that kid too.

This wasn't the first time they'd played Hero. He usually had a lot of fun playing as All Might and beating the Villains. Only this time Deku wasn't playing with them. Somehow, that just really made him angry. He didn't even know why.

"I said shut up. He's the villain and villains get beat up. All Might punches villains all the time."

"Yeah, but you didn't have to hit me so hard."

"What are you going to cry?" He taunted.


Katsuki suddenly remembered the crying face of a certain green haired kid. The memory only making him even more annoyed.

"I don't play with babies." He huffed before turning and walking away.

He heard them start to talk about him, he could feel their eyes on his back. Katsuki was used to people staring at him. It was normal for him, having grown up as a child with fashion famous parents. The staring wasn't new, but the sudden overwhelming anger he felt was.

This was all stupid Deku's fault.

If their moms hadn't been friends, Katsuki would bother hanging out with the loser. Deku was useless at everything and cried easily. He found it so annoying that the idiot always awed at everything he did.

Katsuki came a stop when he heard familiar sound of mumbling.

He hadn't even thought of where he was walking. Somehow his feet had him trailing behind the green haired boy without his knowledge. Katsuki quickly hid behind a tree and watched the boy with a glare. Deku was picking flowers and wanted to know why. He followed the other boy for a while and slowly his anger gave way to a different feeling.

Deku looked happier and Katsuki couldn't stop looking.

He'd seen the stupid loser smile and laugh.

He knows it doesn't take much to make him happy.

But this looked different.

When he heard Deku let out a laugh of triumph his gut twisted unpleasantly.

"Natsumi-chan will like these!" he heard him chirp before he rushed back towards the sand pit.

Katsuki suddenly felt sour and resumed his glaring at the girl. He wanted to stomp up to dumb Deku and the weird girl and kick sand in her face. He couldn't explain the sudden hatred he felt towards the girl.

Deku looked to be having fun.

Didn't he always want the idiot to get lost and leave him alone?

Katsuki growled and forced himself to go find his mom.

He suddenly wanted to go home.

He found his mom talking with Auntie Inko and some other lady. He barely cared to give any of the other women any attention. Instead, he rudely interrupted whatever they were talking about with an irritated grunt.

"Oi old hag! How much longer till we go?"

He yelped when his mom turned around and whacked him on the head.

"Why you disrespectful brat! Don't be so fucking rude!" she snarled.

He fought her hand and glared at her. He vaguely heard the other lady he didn't know gasp in shock, while Auntie INko only giggled and tried to calm his mother down.

"Neh! Mitsuki, I'm sure Katsuki is just tired."

Katsuki would have said something back if the other lady hadn't spoken instead.

"A-ano, is this your son Bakugou-san?"

He heard his mom scoff before insisting the other lady used her name. He was just relieved she released his head. The rough treatment made his neck hurt and he tried to bite at her hand when she reached for him again.

"Yeah, this brat is mine. Named him Katsuki, though I don't where he learnt to be so damn disrespectful."

"Get off me you ugly hag," he growled.

Recently, his parents had sat him down and explained their quirks to him. It was why he started calling his mom an old hag in public. He hated that people would tell her she looked way too young to have a kid; or when they would mistakenly think she's an intern rather than the boss. He especially hated the idiots who thought she was babysitting her little brother.

Katsuki had no intentions to stop calling her a hag, anytime soon.

The lady he didn't know bent to his level and held her hand out. He stared it at and then stared at her. She was a very pretty lady and could almost rival Auntie Inko in the angel mom category. Katsuki grew up around fashion and had developed a great eye for detail. Immediately he started to study the woman. She was of a good height- almost the same as his mom. She'd be able to work most dresses and skirts without looking stumpy. Although the sweater she wore made her look thick around the shoulders.

She didn't look like the usual models his parent's hired; too homey looking- much like Auntie Inko.

"Hello Katsuki. My name is Masaki Kurosaki."

She didn't call him chan, and she greeted him like he was a grown up. He tried not to show his surprise as most grown-ups asked him stupid baby questions, and treated him like a baby. She held out her hand like he'd seen men do for his dad. Katsuki suddenly found himself thinking her hair was pretty. It was pretty like Auntie Inko's green hair, but a different pretty. It was long and very shiny the colour reminded him of golden honey syrup.

He couldn't help but like her just a little bit.

"Tch, Katsuki Bakugo."

He kept his back straight and stared her right in the eye. He perfectly copied his dad's way greeting people when he was working. She smiled at him and gave a light giggle and he was mortified to feel his face start to burn.

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

"W-whatever," he grumbled before hastily pulling his free.

He heard his mom laugh and Auntie's Inko's giggling, which only spurred him to yell.

"Shut up, you old Hag!"

He soon after found himself in another head lock.


"Ngaw, that was so cute of you Masaki! Kaa-chan looked so grown up when he shook your hand. He's going to grow into a very handsome young man, neh Mitsuki?" Auntie Inko praised.

Masaki laughed and tugged at the end of her long hair before she spoke.

"Ah! It's just, Katsuki reminded me a lot of my own child. Natsumi-chan gets the same look in her eyes when my husband teases her. I suppose it's just habit and experience."

He felt his mom laugh before she finally let him go.

"Well that settles it then. Masaki Kurosaki, you're hired!"

"Oh! A-are you sure? Just like that? Don't you need to think about it or discuss it with your husband?"

"Nah, Masaru already wanted to hire you after reading your application. It was me who wanted to meet you. Not going to lie- totally worth it. Bonus points to you for also not being an ass to my kid."

He growled when she mentioned and realized the old hag had used him.

Stupid Hag.

The women started to talk and he quickly grew bored. Now that it was over, surely they would be able to leave. Once again, he realised he was staring over to where the sand pit was. He couldn't see it from where he was but he felt sour again. When Masaki started to fret about finding her daughter so they could leave, his traitorous mother volunteered him.

"Katsuki can do it, just give the brat her description and he'll manage. No point in looking ourselves when we got a free minion. Besides, I was gonna send him off to find Izuku- Inko's angel boy- anyway."

"Bite me you lazy old hag! You can go find stupid Deku and that girl yourself," he snapped.

Another swipe at his head him yelping.

"Ah! That's okay, I can find her myself. Really! Katsuki doesn't have to bother if he doesn't want to."

Katsuki gritted his teeth and felt bad. Before he could think about it any longer, he grumpily spoke.

"What's her name?"


"Your daughter, what's her name? Might as well get her since I'm gonna get dumb Deku anyway."

He flushed a dark pink when Auntie Inko awed at him and his mom started to boast. To make things worse, the lady smiled at him and he found the blue of her eyes to sparkle brightly. It made him think of the sky on a beautiful day.

"If you're sure Katsuki. My daughter's name is Natsumi, thought it shouldn't be too hard to find her. She's wearing a black lace dress and probably stands out in it. It's actually one of her more formal clothes, but I just couldn't say no when she asked to wear it. She's just too cute."

The mother's started to talk about kids clothes and other things, but he wasn't listening anymore. He suddenly knew just who Masaki's daughter was and felt angry again. Just his luck, of course it would be weird girl. He stomped his way to the sand pit and could already feel his fingers curling into fists.

He couldn't explain why he felt so angry, just that he was.

He fully planned on screaming on the two stupid babies to get their butts over to him so he could go home; but the words never came. Katsuki blinked in surprise at only finding Deku in the sand pit. He couldn't see weird girl anywhere near. Only Deku, a big red bucket upside down and some flowers. Deku wasn't doing anything but staring at the bucket.

He looked about but still couldn't find weird girl, and the park was already growing empty as people left. Resigned, he huffed and made his way over to the green haired child.

"Oi Deku, where's that weird girl? Our moms are waiting so we can go home."

Deku didn't answer him.

Katsuki grew irritated with the silence and stomped closer.

"OI! I'M TALKING TO YOU IDIOT!" he snapped.

He was going to push the loser, but didn't expect Deku to turn to him so suddenly. Katsuki froze instantly when those green eyes met his. Deku's face was scrunched up and red, his eyes were shiny and his lip trembled in a pout.


Katsuki knew exactly what that ugly face meant.


Deku was going to cry.

"K-Kaa-chan," Deku warbled.

Oh crap.

"What the hell is with that face!?" Katsuki hissed in near panic.

He hated crying Deku.

"K-Kaa-chan…. *sniff sniff*"

"What! Damnit DEKU if you start crying I'm gonna-"

"K-Kaa-chan, Natsumi-chan s-she…."

Katuski was not panicking- He wasn't! He wouldn't panic just because the cry baby looked sad.

"Just spit it out already!" he growled.

"NATSUMI-CHAN!" Deku wailed before waterfall tears burst from his eyes.

"Damnit! Izuku! Stop crying and explain already!"


Natsu could tell Izuku didn't want to do it. He could see it clear as day on the sweet angels face. He didn't take it back or pretend it was a joke. He couldn't ignore the strong need he felt to do this. So, he ignored the thoughts in his head that told him he was being a morbid fucker and to leave the child out of it. Instead, he readily got into the hole and started to encourage Izuku to bury him. The weight of the sand comforted him and it chased the cold in his chest away. Eventually, he couldn't move anymore and was incredibly still.

"Now what, Natsumi-chan?"

He was buried up to his neck, but his head was still exposed.

"Now, you put the bucket over my head."

He could hear how his dead his voice sounded.

It dawned on him just how vulnerable he was. Izuku could hurt him, kick sand in his face and leave him unable to escape. He had no way to defend himself, too deeply buried in the sand and held captured. He saw the big bucket and lowly whispered for Izuku to put it over his head. He saw how Izuku hesitated, looking uncomfortable.

"Neh, Natsumi-chan, how exactly do you play funeral?"

He swallowed and faked the biggest smile he possibly could.

"It's easy Izuku, you just have to say Good-bye."


Izuku lowered the bucket and fully covered him. The first thing his body and mind did was panic. It was so quiet and dark, nothing but silence all around him. He squirmed suddenly desperate to free himself. It was no use- he couldn't move and it horrified him. He felt the urge to scream for help- he wanted to be free but no sound passed his lips.

He died.

He was dead.

Dead bodies don't feel.

Dead bodies don't scream.

Dead bodies are supposed to be buried.

Dead hearts don't beat.

Then he heard it.

A sniffle.

A hitching breath and warbling voice.

"Natsumi-chan, I don't know h-how to s-say goodbye at a funeral."

A funeral.

Did he even have one?

Did anyone attend?

Morbidly he wonders what his dead corpse looked like splattered on the pavement. He had no real friends- Jonathan had been his only constant. Though he sent the occasional post card, he didn't have any solid ties to his Foster families. He'd been a bartender at a rather shoddy club and bar. Just another face in the nightlife- easy to forget.

Jonathan had been the reason he died.

He had no one else.

Would anyone have attended his funeral and cried for him?

He closed his eyes and behind dark lids, images formed. He sees it all so clearly- a grave yard full of empty chairs and a casket in the centre. The casket is open and his male corpse stares up at the clear blue sky with closed eyes. He starts to walk towards the casket suddenly desperate to be closer to the man he died as.

"This world, it doesn't deserve you."

He turns to look behind him and there Jonathan stands. Among the empty chairs, only his ex-love and killer is present. Natsumi Kurosaki is too small and so Jonathan stands tall before him. Jonathan smiles down at him and it's a sweet expression- loving even.

"I promise in the next world you'll be happy."

He feels his breath hitch and his heart burns- not with love but with hatred. The anger consumes him until it is all he knows. He hates the man before him. Hates and hates so greatly he feels insanity threatening to steal his mind. Jonathan smiles wider and looks proud, as if he is satisfied with what he has done. He can't stand being silent no more and spits out his words with venom.

"You took from me my life. My choice! I loved you and you killed me."

He looks back at his male corpse and feels tears stream down his child cheeks. Jonathan had been right- a fact that he hates above all else- he was happier now than he was then. In his before life, he'd not felt loved by anyone but Jonathan; and Jonathan used that love to kill him. Natsumi Kurosaki knew nothing but the feeling of being loved. Daichi and Masaki loved him beyond reason- accepted him for everything he was and may possibly be.

He feels wet hands cup his child cheeks and turns. Jonathan beams down at him with such loving eyes- eyes he once thought beautiful even as he died, but now seem hollow. He spies the dripping red substance on Jonathan's hands and knows that it is his blood that stains it. He trembles when Jonathan smiles at him and speaks again.

"I love you."

He cries and steps away from Jonathan- away from his casket, away from the lies of his before life. Jonathan watches him go and continues to smile, looking so completely sane it hurts.

"Natsumi-chan?" a young voice calls from a bright light.

Jonathan mouths the words but his new name on those lips feels wrong. He turns and he runs, all the while crying silent tears for all the things he lost. He runs and he cries until finally he opens his eyes. He's still under the upside down bucket, still buried in the sand. However, despite the weight of the sand keeping him still, he feels lighter. He feels free and he smiles as he whispers.


He died and dead bodies don't breathe.

But he is Natsumi Kurosaki.

And she still has long to live.



He's enough of an asshole to feel relieved that it's not him dealing with the crying child. He hears the crying taper off into sniffles and feels mildly impressed with whoever just got Izuku to stop. Apparently you could yell at a child and have it stop crying.

Who knew?

"Now, explain already! Where the hell is weird girl and why the hell are you crying over a bucket?"


Is he supposed to be weird girl?

Oh fuck you little brat.

"Natsumi-chan and I were playing a game a-and she asked me to say g-good-bye b-but I don't know how to say good-bye."


He really was a dick for putting sweet Izuku through this. He suddenly really wanted to punch himself in the face. Maybe lady luck was on his side? What are the chances the kid even knew what a real funeral meant?

"What kind of stupid game is that?"

"Natsumi-chan called it funeral."

A heavy silence followed after that and he just knew he was screwed.

"Say that again."



"Funeral? Why Kaa-chan?"


"Deku, I'm going to ask you once and only once and you're going to tell me the truth. Where exactly is weird girl?"


"I buried over there. Why Kaa-chan?"





"You buried. Weird girl. Over there. Under the bucket."


Oh he is so fucked.

*Knock Knock*

He flinched at the how loudly the sound echoed in his ears. Should he answer? Should he stay quiet? The adult in him that was responsible and mature, urged him to answer before he made the situation any more traumatising than he already had.


A devious idea was slowly taking root in his head. He'd already messed up one kid, what the harm in messing up another? At least they'll have company, right? Evidently, at the core of heart he really was an asshole.


Izuku felt nervous when Natsumi didn't answer any of him and Bakugou's calls. He wasn't scared-he wasn't! He was only worried and the longer she stayed under the bucket, the more his panic grew.

"Deku, are you sure she's under the bucket?" Bakugou repeated with forced patience.

Izuku could only nod his head. Why did Bakugou look at him like that when he told him they were playing funeral? What's wrong with funerals?

"I'm going to lift the bucket okay," Bakugou said.

He only nodded but couldn't ignore how the playground was really quiet. He followed Bakugou's lead and when the blond boy lifted the bucket-he gasped. Natsumi was still there but her hair covered her face. Izuku didn't think it was a little scary until he heard Bakugou whisper 'what the hell' at his side.

Natsumi looked like she was just a head.

"Natsumi-chan? A-Are you o-okay?"

She didn't answer him and it started to scare both boys.

"Hey! Freak girl! Answer us already!"

Izuku almost took a step forward but Bakugou was braver. The blond boy squatted close and moved to poke at the head. Just as Bakugou's finger brushed against her hair, Natsumi threw her head up and screamed. Neither boy expected it and the fell backwards with loud horrified screams.

Screams that eventually tapered off, leaving only the cackling sound of laughter by the head.

"Y-you two- HAH! You should have seen your face!"

Izuku felt his face grow hot and his eyes began to itch. Natsumi was still laughing but when she looked at him she suddenly stopped. He saw how her eyes went wide and heard Bakugou slowly start to growl.

"Neh! W-wait, Izuku d-don't cry! It was just a joke!" she quickly spoke but it was too late.

Izuku threw his head back and cried. At the same time Bakugou had charged forward with a war cry and kicked the bucket at Natsumi. Everything that followed afterwards can only be described as chaos.


When Masaki, Mitsuki and Inko go searching for their children, they are shocked by what they see. Little Izuku is on the side-lines yelling for the two other children to stop, with a face wet with tears. He's dirty and a bit scrapped up from attempting to stop the other two, but otherwise okay. Little Katsuki has his hands full with Natsumi's hair and Natsumi's got hers twisted in his shirt. The two have a few bruises and scratches on their face. They both look much dirtier than Izuku.


"MAMA!" Izuku and Natsumi both cry.

"Natsumi-chan!? What are you doing?" Masaki gasps.

The little girl is quick to drop the boy in her hands and look incredibly guilty. Izuku has already run to his mother and is hugging her legs. Meanwhile, Katsuki is still glaring at the young girl.

"I-….This-….. I c-can e-explain everything Mama!" Natsumi stutters.

"SHE MADE DEKU CRY!" Katsuki accused.

Mitsuki grabbed her child and held him in place despite how he fought her hold. Natsumi turned and glared at Katsuki and Masaki could only blink in shock. She'd never seen her child so riled up before- not even Daichi could get her so passionate. None of the mothers could ignore the obvious signs that proved the children had been fighting. It's Inko who takes the lead to ask what happens, and a weepy Izuku can only attempt to explain.

It was very obvious he didn't want any of the other two children to get into trouble.

"Kaa-chan came and Natsumi-chan and I were playing fu-"

"A GAME! We were playing a ga-"



"NATSUMI-CHAN!" Masaki gasped in disbelief and the little girl quickly changed her sentence.

"A-annoyingly pretty, very pretty, boy!"

It only served to spark a taunting match between the children with a torn Izuku stuck in the middle. Eventually the mothers gave up on trying to make peace among the children. Since none of the children could give them a proper explanation, they decided their families would all meet again tomorrow.

"But Mama!" "What the hell you Hag!" "Really!?" Natsumi, Katsuki and Izuku scrambled to say over each other.

The mothers all agreed and so it was agreed. The farewells among the group weren't exactly friendly, but it could have been worse. Natsumi only said goodbye to Izuku and Katsuki did something similar. The poor green haired child looked so upset that his old and new friends weren't getting along.

When Masaki got home, Daichi was waiting. He saw the messy state of their daughter and quirked a brow in question. Masaki opened her mouth several times, trying to figure out how to explain how things went. Natsumi however simply glared Daichi's inquiring expression.



Daichi blinked and watched as the four year old stomped her way to her room and slammed her door. He looked to his wife and tilted his head.

"I thought we still had time before the teenage years kicked?"

Masaki sighed and she collapsed by his side and cuddled close.

"It's a long story."

The three children had no idea just how important they'd come to be to one another. Though, that was years in the future. In the moment, they were only children and the journey fate had designed for them to walk, was a long one.