Welcome to another chapter of Rest Well Inuyasha!

Sorry it's taken me so long to update…it started with intense writers block, then I just gave up on the story. After receiving a few requests to continue, even though it's still taken me a long while, I've decided to try.

I can't promise I'll update on a regular basis (I don't think I ever have been able to), but I'll try. I still don't even know how I want this story to go, or how I want it to end. I don't even know if it's going to be a romance or not, so, I guess I'll just play it by ear.


Comfort and Longing


The days progressed, but I still feel uneasy. I still smile and act as though nothing is wrong. Concentrating on the shards has become difficult and purifying them has become a chore.

That night, when Kouga had comforted me rests in my memory. It was such a warm feeling.

Kouga-kun seems so worried, so kind. I wish he wouldn't worry so much about someone like me. Maybe he's right though, maybe there is a way to bring them all back, I can maybe even bring back Kouga-kun's comrades…That way, neither of us will have to mourn anymore, the memories will always remain, but with the power of Tenseiga, we can perhaps have our loved ones back.

However, I can't use the Tenseiga. It belongs to Sesshoumaru. Would he be willing to bring them back? He never did get along with Inuyasha, he has no reasons to want to bring him, Sango, Miroku, or Kouga's kin back from the dead. "It's no use...I'm just no good like this." I thought to myself. Kouga and Shippou are worrying, even if it doesn't show I know that they are. I can't go on like this. If there is even the chance that they could be brought back is only a fraction of a percent, I have to try. If I don't then these days will only continue to leave me wondering. I'll never be at ease, and those two will keep worrying.

I smiled and stopped walking. "Kagome?" I heard Kouga question, clearly confused.

"Have you sensed something?" Shippou looked down at me from his position on Kouga's shoulder, the sight reminded me of how he would sit on Miroku's soulder.

I shook my head, "I haven't sensed anything; but," I started, I don't think Kouga will understand, he doesn't know of Tenseiga, but I can explain it. "I have been thinking." I turned to face them fully, they were both watching me intensely as I spoke. "Why not seek out Sesshoumaru?" they both looked shocked that I would suggest such a thing. Then a look of realization came across Shippou's features. I could hear him whisper 'Tenseiga', Kouga only looked on in confusion.

"Sesshoumaru, as you already know, is Inuyasha's older brother." I started my explanation, "Their father had several swords forged, two of them were called the 'Tessaiga' and the 'Tenseiga'. The Tessaiga is a sword that can kill a thousand foes in one stroke, and the Tenseiga is a sword that can save a thousand foes in one stroke. While the Tessaiga kills, the Tenseiga saves. Sesshoumaru's Tenseiga can bring back the dead."

Kouga looked at me with wide eyes. "Why didn't you mention this before?"

"I never really thought of it as an option. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha hated eachother, even if I asked him to bring Inuyasha back, he would have no real reason to. Maybe, if we ask him, maybe he will bring them back. Even if it's only a chance, even if it probably won't happen. I have to ask, I have to try! If Sesshoumaru is willing to try, he may even bring back your comrades as well." I smiled at Kouga as he seemed to ponder the idea, he gave another shocked expression as I said the part about his comrades then a small smile graced his lips, it was somewhat solemn looking.

"It's worth a try, but let's not get our hopes up." I heard him respond and I felt juvulent at the thought of Sesshoumaru saying he would help, but I know it won't be all that easy.


That's all for this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it. n.n

Please review for me and I'll love you forever!

Preview of Next Chapter:

I can't believe that this little human is asking me of such a thing.