Summary/Disclaimer: Time for another chapter of Deadeye and the Wolf. Enjoy the 800-word chapter. I don't own VK, Sega, Ryutaro Nonaka and Shuntaro Tanaka do.

(November 7th 1935, Imperial Territory.)

The wolf was named Cooper, that was something Alico had picked since the battle was over.

"He's still following us?" Kai asked, Alicio nodded as Kai took a seat next to him on the log in the winter.

"Yes, and I'm getting fonder of him the more he's following us around." Alicio said as Cooper ran up to them.

"We get new orders?" Alicio asked, Kai nodded and rubbed her hands together, trying to get the warmth back into her fingers.

"Yes, we're to proceed towards the shore… I don't know why? I don't know how many of us are left." Kai said, Alicio brushed the snow off his cap and then put it back off his head before he went to speak up.

"There's still enough of us to make it to the capital… I hope, I don't plan on dying in the snow and being buried under ice…" Alicio said as Cooper ran up to them.

The small Wolf leapt onto Kai's lap and started whining and licking at her face while she tried to get him down as Alicio laughed.

"He must think you're his mother, Kai. He's fond of you." Alicio said as Kai picked up the small animal and held it in her hands.

"You have to be joking… Alicio, are you serious?" Kai asked, Alicio patted Cooper on the ear, brushing his ears down before he stood up and turned away before he started walking away.

"Well, he's fond of both of us, Kai… I'll make sure to get him something to eat and then come back before we go back towards the shore… You stay here and make sure Cooper is happy." Alicio said before he turned and walked into the snow.

Cooper whined as Kai sighed and allowed the wolf to come closer to her and lick her face which it did to the point where she had slobber all over her face.

Alicio came back with a small piece of meat and tossed it into the air and Cooper leapt out of Kai's arms and ate the piece of the meat like it didn't exist.

"Wow… Big appetite for a little guy, he's a tough little guy, he's going to be a strong wolf when he grows up… He just needs to learn how to hunt, and he'll have himself set up for the rest of his life…" Alicio said as Cooper rushed up to him and tugged at his leg.

Alicio leaned down and patted Cooper on the head as the wolf pup licked his face.

"Wow, feisty for a pup, your pretty happy for someone who's such a young pup… Geez…" Alicio said as Cooper continued leaping up and down before he rolled onto his back in the snow.

Kai smiled and patted his head before Cooper turned to whine at her as Kai smiled.

"Ah, does Cooper want his daddy to take care of him?" Kai teased as Alicio rolled his eyes and allowed Cooper to rush away into the snow, knowing he'd come back to them when he came back and figured out where they were and that they weren't following them.

"Really? I make one joke and…. Well, I want to make sure that he's well taken care of, he's going to die out here without his mother. I'm not going to let him die out in the snow…" Alicio said as Cooper started running around and then he jumped and turned back into Alicio.

"Man, you really want to play, don't you? Well, you are a puppy, I can't fault you…" Alicio muttered, he turned to a smiling Kai and then he jumped up and down before he leapt onto Alicio's back.

Kai laughed over and over before Alicio rolled his eyes and tossed snow at Kai and then he turned and rushed into the snow as Kai charged after Alicio before Alicio rolled down the hill after he jumped down a dune in the snow.

"Alicio!" Kai yelled with a laugh as Alicio laughed as Cooper leapt off his shoulder and then rushed with his new owners as Kai chased them, picking up snow and then tossing it at him as he rolled to the side.

He turned back to look and smile.

Author notes

Phew, another chapter done! I know it's a short chapter, next chapter might be longer. I also want to point out updates will be few and far between, I don't have many ideas for this story and I have a lot of other stories to do. Next chapter will be in a few weeks and will show Alicio and Kai nearly at the shore. Until then, Lighting Wolf out!