Kagome is in the club, dancing like she owns the place, in the middle of the dance floor. Her hair frizzled up, all nice and wavy in a high ponytail leaving some down, her black hair swaying flawlessly, wearing a pink fabric skirt and a cut off long sleeved shirt that looks like a turtle neck color being a soft pink belly showing. Sango had to go to the bathroom and told her that she'd be right back, but Kagome didn't care, she felt hot, and felt like nothing could tame her. Her hips moving in a circular motion stomach looking very toned rolling with the music her body popping her chest every now and then. A song specific being played is called Somebody by Natalia LaRose.

I want to rock with somebody (whoah yeah)

I wanna take shots with somebody (shot shot shot shot)

I wanna leave with somebody (somebody common common)

And we ain't gonna tell nobody

We ain't gonna tell nobody

Kagome's body rocks to the movements her eyes closed to feel more sexy. Bringing her hand to her lips, slowly moving her hand down her neck to her chest then her stomach and around her ass. Kagome's hips sway and pop catching attention to a certain someone with very cute puppy ears.

Inuyasha is just bullshitting with Miroku drinking some Vodka, more like 100th! Being a half demon and all, come on, he's amune, but at least he's a little buzzed, until a hand is patted on his shoulder. "Hey man, I gotta hit the head." Taking one last good chug of his drink, Miroku gets up from the bar, leaving his drink on the bar. Miroku, his best friend ever since he was little wearing black pants a plain white short sleeve t-shirt a large sized ring on his middle finger, his black hair pulled back in a small ponytail.

"Alright man." Inuyasha swivels around in the stool and is instantly speechless seeing the most hottest, beautiful person he's ever. laid eyes on. It's like the music suddenly became less coherent, and feels as if she is the only person that is here with him. Inuyasha scans her over, seeing the sweat running down her legs making her legs glisten, her hair wild and untamed making him feel like he needs to prove something. Inuyasha takes a chug from his beer, making his way over.

walking everybody knows what's good

but some gonna hate what's new

we just go our favorite time to waste

always playing cool

Kagome's body like a slave to the music, her breasts moving along with her as she squats down gliding her hand from her ankle slowly getting up her hand going up from her leg moving her skirt a little, doing the famous hair flip. Inuyasha so hypnotized from her body, he slides in with her movements careful not to scare her, touching her arm on both sides gently moving his hips in the same motion as she is looking at her as she opens her eyes expecting someone else.

Kagome opens up her eyes expecting to see Sango back from the bathroom but is met with the most dreamy pools of golden eyes burning into her chocolate brown eyes. She smiles up at this stranger almost as if accepting his offer to dance with her, places his hands on her hips for him. Inuyasha grins at her feeling like he just won the lottery, grips her hips and moves along with the music against her body that is controlling him.

and at the end of the night

when our love's going out we turn down

oh no we won't (we'll never turn it down, we'll never turn it down)

and when it try to make us leave we turn say were never going home

and you know just what i wanna do

Inuyasha bites his lip smelling her arousal as she checks him out. This man is wearing black jeans with a black tee with a big white star on the front of it, wearing a semi big golden chain necklace. Looks up at this hot ass man seeing that his hair is a bleached white with doggy ears on top of his head not noticing the slight fear in his eyes from being a half demon.

I want to rock with somebody (whoah yeah)

I wanna take shots with somebody (shot shot shot shot)

I wanna leave with somebody (somebody common common)

And we ain't gonna tell nobody

We ain't gonna tell nobody

Kagome watches him closely still dancing against him and looks at him in the eyes. Seeing hurt, fear, and discomfort. Gives him a confused look with a slight frown bringing her hands up his chest one hand stopping on his shoulder as one glides up his shoulder feeling his hair as she gently rubs his cute ears. Kagome smiles at the man and pulls him down with her other hand careful not to hurt his cute ears. "I know what you are, and I don't care." Gives a small giggle.

walking everybody you know what's good

we are only block

bring is everything we think we need

tonight is going up (tonight is going up)

and at the end of the night

when our love's going out we turn down

oh no we won't (we'll never turn it down, we'll never turn it down)

and when they try to make us leave us turn and say were never going home

I want to rock with somebody (whoah yeah)

I wanna take shots with somebody (shot shot shot shot)

I wanna leave with somebody (somebody common common)

And we ain't gonna tell nobody

We ain't gonna tell nobody

As if it flipped a switch Inuyasha smiles down at her giving her a toothy grin making her giggle. Inuyasha's hands travel around her body doing a slight grab on her ass making her squeal a little and causing Kagome to blush. He smiles leaning down his hot breath on her skin making her almost whimper and just drop right there. "Thank you."

and the club like whoah

we'll be in the party in the club like whoah

and the club like

we'll be in the city going down like whoah

and the club like whoah

we'll be in the party in the club like whoah

we'll be in the city going down like whoah

we'll be in the party in the club like whoah

Kagome turns around having all her hair on one side showing her neck and part of her shoulder seeing a slight discolor on her skin. Inuyasha being curious now not wanting to look like a creep, decides to do a move that will show some of her shoulder to him. Kagome's ass grinds against him making him suck in a breath struggling not to get a boner. Inuyasha takes his hand on the shoulder slightly moving the top part of her shirt making it show a large bruise with some fingerprints.

and at the end of the night

when our love's going out we turn down

oh no we won't ( we'll never turn it down, we'll never turn it down)

and when they try to make us leave we'll turn as say were never going home

I want to rock with somebody (whoah yeah)

I wanna take shots with somebody (shot shot shot shot)

I wanna leave with somebody (somebody common common)

And we ain't gonna tell nobody

We ain't gonna tell nobody

He continue his move so he doesn't look like a creep, lays his hand on her dip, between her ass and her hips in the middle of her lower back. The song ends and Kagome turns around to see this hot stranger still with her allowing her to make the first move on what to do. Kagome has the call to make it or break it. Inuyasha on the other hand is pretty much pleading with his eyes to ravish her. She smiles up at him taking his hand guiding him off the dance floor. Kagome puts up her finger as if to say 'hold on' pulling out her phone and texts Sango not to wait up for her.

Inuyasha lays a hand on her hip pulling her to his side kissing her head looking past her to see Miroku with some chick giving him a sign to 'move along'. Inuyasha nods at Miroku pulling out a bar stool for this woman, and sits down next to her, studying her. Tapping on the counter to get the waiter's attention. "Vodka please." Looks at the woman next to him, "Get what you want beautiful." Kagome smiles at him ordering what she wanted still looking at him, her eyes glistening with lust.

"Strawberry Daiquiri." as they wait on their drinks Inuyasha makes the first move.

"So what is a beautiful, hot woman doing in a dance club at this time of night?" Inuyasha stares at this woman intently wanting to know her story. She blushes and giggles.

"We'll this beautiful, hot woman got out of a bad relationship and wanted to blow off some steam. I have a game system at home for dancing but I don't have a man at a bar offering me free drinks." The drinks arrive giving the waiter a small smile in 'thanks', taking a sip as he does the same. "What is this hot handsome cute man doing in a club like this at this time of night?" Sets her drink down intrigued by this man.

"We'll" laughs a little thinking he's not hot at all still insecure about himself. "This hot okay man is here because he just out of a bad relationship also." She playfully hits his chest making him look at her confused "What?"

"Don't what me!? You are not just okay... Okay! You are hot, sexy, handsome," Takes her hand up to his ears making him melt to her touch "Cute. I don't want to hear otherwise." Gives him a smile making any man do what she wanted. "Come on, let's go to my place where it's, less crowded." Inuyasha's ears perk up and finishes his drink as she takes his hand almost dragging him out the club. He watches her ass as it does like this sway thing smirking when she opens the door to exit the club. The door closes Inuyasha taking her spinning her around and pushes her against the wall gently just enough to make her gasp, taking her lips as his. Kagome whimpers against him putting her hands on his chest gripping his shirt.

Inuyasha smiles against the kiss leaning in putting his arms around her, his nails grazing along her skin making her moan and shiver. He bends down a little still making out, grabs her ass, cups it, lifting her up still against the wall holding her by her ass. She gasps from the sudden pleasure leaning her head against the wall giving him access to her neck.

Inuyasha growls playfully leaning his head down licking the base of her neck slowly grinding his groin against her valley. She lays one hand on his neck gripping it a little earning a growl. One hand on his shoulder slightly clawing with her nails making him grind against her more. Kagome wraps her legs around his waist and tries to match him. He nibbles against her neck smelling her arousal much stronger now. "This is what you do to me woman" Inuyasha pushes his groin against her valley hard pushing her back to the wall more to get a good feel of his member. Kagome bites her lip looking down at there sections.

She smirks grabbing his jaw line, forcing to move his head to the side leaning down and bites his neck/shoulder line hard. Inuyasha almost dropping her hissing in pleasure taking one hand from her ass and puts it on the wall as if to keep him from falling. "Damn it" She takes her tongue still in the bite and licks the skin that's in her mouth making him whine like a puppy. "If you don't stop now I won't be able to control myself." He barely says as she takes another bite in the middle of his neck making his eyes roll in the back of his head moaning loudly. Kagome lets go licking from under his ear, where the human ear would of been, till she gets to his shoulder.

"My place isn't far from here." Moves her legs from his waist knowing that he can't hold her up anymore, takes his shirt pushes him back spins him and pushes him against the wall. "But it's almost like I can't stop." Earns a small little whisper out of his mouth.

"Fuck." Inuyasha not expecting this woman to be so bold to take initiative forcing him to do anything. Lets her do what she wants with him. The demon inside of him loving every dominating second this woman is doing, well forcing him to do. But wait... their still at the bar. "How about..." She bites the other side of his neck clawing at his chest from under his shirt. 'Since when did she get under there! Sneaky girl.' Inuyasha thought. "I call a cab and we'll head to my place... I got a king sized double bed." Kagome holds the other side of his neck as she sucks bites and licks the other making Inuyasha grab her by the base of her neck gripping softly almost losing it. Then it all stops, Inuyasha whimpers holding his neck breathing hard looking at Kagome as she walks to the sidewalk, waving down a taxi.

10 minutes later.

They arrive at his house not paying any mind to his surroundings, getting out of the taxi holding the door open for the lady he brought home. He tips the driver turning around looking at the woman and smirks. Runs up to her sweeping her off her feet making her squeak in delight giggling as he walks her to his house. Kagome puts her arms around his neck playing with his hair sometimes rubbing his ears. "You are making it very hard not to take you here and now in my yard" Gets to the door opening it leading them in. Closing the door with his foot.

"Maybe I don't want to wait." Claws his back making him shiver gripping her legs and her arms forgetting about her bruised arm making her wince but not enough for him to notice. "Hurry."