"Are you okay?" Cameron questioned sitting down across from the older woman. She pushed a glass of water over to her.

"I'm fine. Just a bit tired," Regina said taking the drink to her lips.

"Something keep you up?"

"Well…" Regina swallowed the drink of water and sat the glass back down with her hands clasped around it. What wasn't keeping her up? "Well, Maddox has been having nightmares. Almost every night since Emma was attacked."

"But she wasn't there, right?"

"No. It could be completely unrelated. It was just something I noticed."

"Something tells me that's not the only thing, though," Cameron said, "At least not now. Emma is going to be fine, I just want to make sure her concussion isn't more severe."

"I know but someone attacked her. That's just unusual for most villains we get in Storybrooke. I don't want to think too much about what that could mean." Cameron nodded her understanding. Regina watched her chew thoughtfully before something occurred to her, "You know you didn't have to get us both salads right?"

"Yes, I know that. If you eat like a rabbit, I can eat like a rabbit too." Cameron shrugged and Regina pursed her lips. "Believe it or not, I eat more salad than you could imagine. No real cooking involved."

"You're a good cook."

"But I'm lazy," the blonde laughed. Regina raised an eyebrow at her. "I work a lot and I don't feel like cooking very often."

"You live alone." Regina pushed her salad around her plate.

"Uh, well yeah. No pets. I had turtle once for like three months but I didn't know the proper way to clean a fish tank, so I think I poisoned it." The mayor looked up from her plate and gave her a look. "Look I'd never owned anything that went in a tank before."

"You killed it?"

"Regina!" Cameron grimaced at the woman and Regina smirked back. "I've never trusted myself with a pet since then. I thought about a puppy once though. They seem fun."

"And a lot of work."

"Yeah, I know." She nodded, resting her hands in her lap. "I'm really dedicated to my job so I didn't think it'd be a good idea. Puppies are like babies, you can't half-ass it and expect everything to go smoothly."

"You make a good point. But aren't you…"

"Lonely? Not really. I spend a lot of time working remember? I'm around people all the time and when I am alone, I enjoy it. Being alone doesn't make you lonely. At least I'd like to think I'm not the only one who feels that way."

Regina looked at her deeply and smiled, "I've never thought about it that way."

"It all depends on the person. Most people can't stand being alone. It's a social thing. Most realms have societies where if you're not surrounded by people then you don't matter. I think it's a very odd way to live but I didn't make the rules."

"What do you mean?" Regina questioned.

"I have one friend. I've never really 'dated' anyone my entire life. You'd be my first girlfriend. I'm an only child and my parents died a year before the curse was cast…"

"I'm sorry to hear that, Cameron." The doctor grinned gratefully and took her hand from across the table. Regina smiled softly and intertwined their fingers, rubbing her thumb over her knuckles.

"I miss my parents but haven't felt lonely before. I don't know if that's unnatural but I just don't mind being alone. It not like I don't have anything to do and when I don't, I have you."

"I'm flattered." Regina chuckled.

"No need to worry about me, Wonder Woman. Although, I will never be opposed to you coming to see me." Cameron smiled back. "So, what else do you need to know about me? Long walks on the beach and dancing in the rain…"

"Anything other than those two things."

As Regina walked down the hall with Maddox in tow to Emma's room, she came up on harsh whispers between the Charmings and Lily and Killian. Before they could reach the group Regina caught a wisp of blonde hair in the corner of her eye. She turned and saw Cameron laughing with a nurse about something on her scrubs. They had puppies on them and she chuckled lightly to herself.

She turned her attention back to the four and walked over to them. She cleared her throat and interrupted their argument. All eyes fell on the them and Maddox got real excited to see David. Regina let go of her hand and she skipped over to him. David picked her up without a thought.

"What's going on?"

"Your lady friend is going to release Emma from the hospital," Killian answered. Regina grimaced at him for mentioning Cameron as more than an acquaintance in front of the Charmings. She had managed to avoid them saying anything last time.

It was just her luck that Snow looked at her in surprise and said, "Regina? You have a lady friend? Is that who Dr. Cameron is?"

"Oh god ..." Regina sighed.

"Her name's Spencer," Maddox said much to Regina's displeasure.

"The Doctor?" Lily questioned. She glanced at the woman still talking with another nurse. "I'm impressed."

"We are not here to talk about who I chose to spend my time with. It is my business, not yours. We're here about Emma."

"Is everything okay here?" Cameron asked coming up to the group.

Regina held back another sigh and shook her head. Everyone looked at the woman with knowing smirks on their faces. Cameron looked around and felt a blush crawling up her neck at their stares. She spared a glance at Regina who was pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration.

"We're talking about Emma. Maybe you could tell me why they're arguing," Regina said and her soft tone didn't go unnoticed by anyone.

"I had informed them that Emma could be discharged soon but she needs a lot of bed rest and a lot of quiet time. I recommend a stress free environment."

"Obviously, the Charmings aren't the best suited to host," Lily said.

"We disagree. She's our daughter," Snow said like it was only and best excuse.

"You also have a son," Regina said, "Who can keep even the heaviest sleeper wide awake."

"Unfortunately, I wouldn't recommend that," Cameron said.

"Which is exactly why we said…" Killian gestured between himself and Lily. "She should stay with Regina."

"Exactly." Cameron nodded and then paused as the words processed through her brain. "What?"

"Other than the Charmings' apartment where else does she spend her time?"


"I suppose it wouldn't be a bad idea. Maddox isn't as rowdy as she appears." Regina look before she looked over to Cameron to verify that her home would be a safe place for Emma to rest and recover. "Does that work?"

"Should be fine," Cameron replied tightly, nodding.

"I guess it's settled then," David said not sounding as disappointed as everyone expected. Snow didn't look devastated either. "When can she leave?"

"I'd give it one more night. She'd had a vomiting episode today and it's to be expected but I'm just taking precaution."

"Vomiting?" Lily frowned.

"A concussion like hers and overall body trauma does take its toll," Cameron answered, "She should have had many more injuries than that from the attack you described. She's lucky."

"Can we see Emma?" Maddox asked.

"Actually she's resting right now. She was due for her medication an hour ago."

"We'll come back and see her before she has to leave." Snow looked over to Regina, "Bring a bag with Emma's things in it for you?"

"That'll be fine," Regina nodded her agreement. Cameron glanced down at her pager and sighed.

"I have to go check on another patient," she whispered to Regina. The brunette gave her soft smile and nodded. "I'll call you later."

"Sounds good." Then leaned into each other, Regina kissing her on the cheek completely forgetting the audience they had.

Cameron smiled at her before turning to leave lightly touching Maddox's arm as she left, "See ya later, Avenger."

"Bye Spencer," Maddox waved, not noticing the stares everyone was giving the woman and Regina as if they just shared a steamy kiss right there outside of Emma's room. Lily whistled and the Charmings and Killian just smirked at her. Regina rolled her eyes at them, taking Maddox from David's arms.

The station was deserted when Regina arrived. The emptiness of the building was concerning. Her first thought was that whoever attacked Emma had swept through Storybrooke's law enforcement and fled.

Although that theory was defused when she heard rattling coming from inside Emma's office. The blinds were all closed so she made her way to the open door cautiously. The moment she was close enough a familiar feeling appeared. Magic.

Mulan was sitting on the edge of Emma's desk frowning down at the Rubik's cube in her hands. Regina raised her eyebrows at her before catching sight of Mal sitting in one of the visitor's chairs.

"Nice of you to join us, Mayor Mills," Mal said.

"What are you doing here? And where the hell is my staff?" Regina asked.

"I told them to take an hour to patrol the town."

"Patrol the town? The station gets phone calls."

"Only one has come in so far. I had Mulan answer it. Just a cat in a tree situation. She handled it quite well." She leaned in Regina's direction shielding her mouth from being seen by Mulan. "If I'm honest the poor thing needs a job to occupy her time. With no ogres around to fight she's dreadfully bored."

"I can still hear you," Mulan said twisting the cube a few more times.

Regina glanced between them and then snatched the cube from Mulan's hands, placing it back on the desk where she was used to seeing it. The other woman gave her a look momentarily before she sighed and looked at Maleficent.

"What are you doing here?"

"We did what you asked," Mulan replied.


"We went back to where Emma was attacked," Mal said, "There wasn't much to find …except one thing."

Maleficent held up a vial between her fingers. Regina took from her hands, a spark of discomfort shooting down her back. At her furrowed brow, Maleficent watched another shiver travel down Regina's spine. She exchanged a look with Mulan who then gently pried the vial from Regina's fingers.

"Breathe," Maleficent instructed.

"What was that?"

"What was left of someone's magical essence."

"I've felt that before," Regina said, leaning against Emma's desk. "I just don't know where."

"Judging by how powerful just this remnant of magic is, this person is very dangerous and obviously their intentions are not good."

"So, what?"

"I'm no detective, Regina. All they've done is attack Emma and barely left anything behind."

"If neither of you knows what's going on it sounds like we're screwed," Mulan said.

"Indeed. Let us know when you need us, Regina." Maleficent stood up from the chair and Mulan slipped off the desk.

"If I do, it won't be good."

"Ugh." Emma groaned as she sat up in the bed. "Oh god…"

"Easy, Em," Lily said. The sheriff groaned again as she opened her eyes. "How do you feel?"

"A little better." Her friend nodded her understanding and reached over to her with a cup of water in hand. Emma took it with a grateful smile. She handed it back after a few sips.

"Be honest, Emma. Are you really ready to go home? You still look a little sick."

"I always feel like I'm about to throw up my liver but I've been fine."

"Good to hear but why don't you just let Regina heal you?"

"It's not that I don't trust her, it's just that neither one of us thought it was best to try magic with broken bones and head injuries."

"Yeah, I get that. Maybe…my mom knows something?"

"It's okay, Lily. I think it's best I ride this one out. Maybe by then I'll learn my lesson about not calling for back up."

"Em, you didn't know."

"Yeah, I know but I just want to figure out what the hell happened back there. I've never had that happen before."

"It was pretty crazy. Regina contracted my mom and her girlfriend to look into it."

"Girlfriend?" Emma scratched at her cast again with a sigh. "Who's your mom's girlfriend?"


"Really?" Emma laughed. "How does that feel?"

"Shut up." Lily rolled her eyes. "I don't hate her so I don't mind the idea as much as I want to."

"These family trees are going to be interesting."

"Good news," David said coming in the room. "You're free to go, Emma."

"Dad?" Emma questioned. "What are you talking about?"

"You didn't tell her?" Her father looked to Lily and the younger woman shrugged.

"I was getting around to it," Lily said rolling her eyes and leaning down to retrieve the bag she'd brought with her. She dropped the duffle bag on the edge of the bed and Emma gave her a questioningly look. "You're being discharged."



"So this means you hadn't told her about the decision we all made yesterday?" David questioned again, folding his arms across his chest.

"What decision?" Emma frowned at the both of them still too injured to be able to decipher their code speak.

"Why don't you tell her?" Lily argued, standing up from her chair. She leaned down and kissed Emma's temple. "I have a prior arrangement anyway. Love you…see you later."

"Bye…I guess," the blonde responded in confusion.

"Pops," Lily said in passing to David as she left the room.

David looked surprised and then frowned before he turned to Emma. "Did she just call me Pops?"

"Yeah she did," Emma chuckled.

"There's always something when I'm in the same room with the both of you," he said shaking his head as he sat down in the chair Lily was just in.

"She doesn't have anything against you, honestly. Lily is just like that. Funny."

"Kind of fast change of mind, isn't it?"

"Yeah but…we've talked about it some, she's working through everything pretty well. We've had our fights over some things but everything is working out. Especially with Maleficent here. It's doing her wonders."

"I'm glad to hear that, Emma."

"Yeah. So, what's going on?"

"Oh right. Me and your mother decided that maybe it's best if you stayed with Regina for a while. Neal isn't the quietest and we know you're going to need rest and silence so it seemed like the best option."

"You guys agreed to that?"

"It was really Lily and Hook's idea. And then after Regina mention how Neal can be fairly loud and then Dr. Cameron recommended we not have you subjected to Neal constantly, we all agreed that Regina was the best option."

"Regina's okay with that?"

"Not even a single protest."


"Were you expecting her to?"

"No, I just can't believe I slept through all of that."

"Unfortunately your brother doesn't," David sighed as Emma laughed.