Ch5 - All good things must come to an end.

Quick note, this chapter will be in Shadows POV, enjoy :)

I found myself slipping off to sleep between sobs, when i heard talking coming from outside the window. "In a few minutes, go prepare yourself." I recognized the voice, it belonged to Blaze. I couldn't believe they were back already, I just hoped that Sally and Sebastian would be alright. It was only us three left now, me, Blaze and Silver. Two against one, and the odds are always in my favor. I stood from the couch and walked to the bedroom, I hadn't stayed in this safehouse since… well, since me and Rouge had to after a mission. I can't believe she's actually gone… Rouge, why'd it have to go like this? Why couldn't we figure it out… why couldn't I figure it out.

I snapped from my thoughts and remembered the situation I was in, I quickly grabbed my chaos emerald from my bag then walked into the closet. Most of the clothes had dust on them, but I wasn't there for the clothes, I reached to the top shelf and pulled down a tripwire. Wanna come at me on my turf? So be it, it'll be your last mistake. As I walked out of the closet I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, now wasn't time for looking good, but I looked like complete shit. The last 24 hours didn't feel real, Rouge, Brie, gone within hours of each other. I only hoped Sebastian wouldn't share their fate. I crept towards the hallway and set a tripwire, then I connected the tripwire to a shock net that would land on whoever tripped it and trap them in an electromagnetic field. It wasn't much, but as long as it could capture Blaze or Silver, then I could take them down one by one. As I found myself waiting in a dark corner on the impending attack, my mind was clouded with everything going on, I kept hearing Rouges voice in my head.

Shadow, if anything ever happens to me, promise me you won't lose yourself. You're a good man Shadow, don't let death cloud your judgement.

Hey Shadow, maybe when this is all said and done, and the kids grow up and move out, we can live on this island together.

I winced, it wasn't long ago we were planning our retirement from all this together, and now she's gone. Poor Brie too, she didn't even get a chance to live her life, her cries kept filling my head, that goofy little smile she did after I'd cradle her, and that shirt Rouge bought her… Daddy's girl. She didn't even get a chance, I didn't give her a chance. I found myself living the entirety of the moment in regret, then I realized how lost I actually was. Stop thinking like that, focus before you let your guard down, never let your emotions take control. I tried to calm myself, but I was a little too late. A window was broken and a flash bang was thrown through, leaving the air echoing as I heard two sets of feet hit the floor and start creeping around.

"Silver… you take the bedroom,I'll head down the hall and check the other room." I heard Blaze whisper, then I heard them split up. Too easy. So I thought at least. I heard the footsteps of Blaze grow closer, then I heard the flick of the tripwire and the thud of the cat hitting the floor.

"SILVERRRR" she screamed out. I took this moment to chaos control to the other room, as I opened my eyes, Silver had just turned his back to run out the room. I kicked him in the back, throwing him through the wall and into the kitchen.

"You got some fucking nerve you two. Killing my wife? My daughter? She was a baby for christ sake. You took it out on them because you couldn't do your job?!" I screamed at Silver, then glanced to see Blaze struggling in the net, being shocked here and there.

"It's funny Shadow, you're the reason their dead, and you're pinning the blame on us when you could've avoided it all by turning yourself in." Silver said as he spit out blood. "You were too scared of your pride getting hurt, you put your family on the line and they paid the price."

His words cut deep, I didn't wanna believe it, but part of it felt true. Snap out of it, he's trying to make you let your guard down.

Silver was now standing in front of me in a fighting stance, he grabbed a vase and threw it towards me, but I quickly dodged it, I responded with a chaos spear, but he used his powers to freeze my attack in mid air, he quickly rolled behind the counter and used his powers to lift the net off Blaze. She was too weak from the shocking to even move, but she was now free.

I noticed what was happening and stopped it before it could start, I lunged myself over the counter and jumped on Silver, placing my hands around his throat. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach, it was so sharp it made me let go and fall over. I glanced down at my stomach and saw a knife stuck into it. Silver pulled it out and tried to stab me again, but I quickly kicked it away. I landed a kick to the side of his head, making his head bounce off the counter and leaving him unconscious. I felt the warm blood rolling down my stomach, I slowly rose and grabbed a knife from the counter, then placed myself on top of Silver. I glanced around and noticed Blaze had began to crawl away.

"You're next cat, you're not leaving here alive." I called out as I placed the knife on Silvers neck. Rookie mistake, I took my eyes of my target and I paid for it. Silver had woken up and turned the knife against me, stabbing me again in the stomach, just a few inches away from before. I fell over again, I felt my eyes roll for a second, I felt like I was gonna pass out. Then I heard her voice…

Come on Shadow! Fight! Don't give up, do it for Sebastian!

Routes voice echoed through my head. I took my remaining strength and pulled the knife from my stomach, slamming it deep into Silvers neck. As he fell over beneath me, he muttered.

"You may kill me Shadow, but you're not leaving here alive either."

He reached for the knife he stabbed me with the first time, this time stabbing me through the hand as I tried to stop it. I saw him begin to fade, and I wondered if I would suffer the same fate. I glanced down at the pool of blood. It wasn't all mine, but I was sure it was at least half from me. I rolled off the dead hedgehog and placed myself against the counter. My energy was non existent, everytime I breathed I could feel my insides burning.

Well Silver, maybe you're gonna be the one that did the impossible.. maybe you'll end the ultimate life form.

I tried to pick myself up when I sat back in sharp pain, the knife still stuck in my hand wasn't helping. I suddenly heard footsteps, I had forgotten all about Blaze.

"Well Shadow, all good things must come to an end. You're not going to live the rest of your days in a cell, you're done. Think of all the damage you caused, you killed Knuckles, Amy, Sonic, and now Silver. You've ruined so many lives, you could've just turned yourself in Shadow." she placed her hand on the knife and jerked it out. I winced again, I could feel my heart pounding inside my head. It was so loud, I felt like i was going crazy.

"Knuckles… he… he had it coming Blaze. The others chose the wrong side in a losing battle." I grabbed her and pulled her down next to me. "Promise me something."

She was startled by my words. "I'm listening."

"When I die… I'm gonna save you a spot in hell… and I want you to take it." I grabbed the knife she took from me and slammed it into her stomach, she quickly responded by shooting a fireball into my stomach. I felt everything go dark, then a bright light hit my eyes.

"Welcome back babe."

"Rouge? Where are we?" I stood from the ground, everything was pitch white.

"You're… well, you're dead love." She placed her hand on my shoulder, then pulled me into a hug.

"Dead? Did Blaze die too?"

She simply shrugged in return. "She's not here, I assume if she's dying she hasn't kicked the bucket yet."

I glanced into the eyes of my wife, he emerald eyes studied me, this felt real, too real.

"So I died…"

"Yeah, once I got here, I had a lot of thinking to do for this moment when we'd meet again. I got some things I wanna show you."

"Wait, this isn't some type of dream is it?? This is for real?"

"Yes Shady, it's real." she placed a hand on her hip, studying me yet again.

"What're you looking me up and down so hard for?" I asked somewhat harshly, yet she didn't seem fazed in the slightest.

"I'm not used to seeing you filled with holes. I'm surprised you lost to Blaze of all the people you faced."

I glanced around for a moment, then it hit me, if I were really dead, where was Brie?

"Rouge, where's our daughter?" I grabbed her hand and forced her to look into my eyes.

"Babe, follow me and I'll show you."

I followed her without any hesitation, she led me to a doorway.

"Prepare your eyes, the change of scenery can miss with your head."

She opened the door and everything went dark, after a few seconds I felt sand on my feet. We were back in our island estate. Brie was being held by Rouges mother, who had passed away years ago.

"Shadow I gotta say, you and my daughter made some cute kids. I'm sorry everything ended like it did." she handed Brie over to me, and I felt happier than I had in a long time in that moment.


No fucking way

"Di- did she just call me dada?" I quickly glanced up to Rouge and saw the smile she had on her face.

"I told ya she'd be a daddy's girl."

I sat down in the sand, holding Brie. Rouge sat next to me, we didn't say a word, just stared off into the sunset.

I hope Sebastian is okay…

2 Weeks after the safehouse massacre.*

Sebastian's POV

"Sally, please hurry, we haven't heard from dad at all since we left." I tugged her shirt as she drove.

"Sebastian I know, just give me a minute okay? We will be there soon, I promise."

I sat back and tried to relax. He promised he'd be back… he can't die, he's Shadow the Hedgehog. We suddenly pulled up to the safehouse and saw the carnage that laid in front of us.

"Holy shit… Sebastian don't go in there." Sally called to me, but I was already in the front door. I saw blood everywhere on the white walls, the couch and counters were also painted in dried blood. I turned the corner and my eyes met a white hedgehog lying on the ground, lifeless. Suddenly, I felt my heart drop. I turned around the next corner and saw dark legs laid out, as I followed them up, I saw the red streaks, then I saw the black and red quills.

"DAD" I screamed out, Sally was now close behind me. I jumped onto him and began shaking him.

"Sally he's cold, whys he sold cold?" I glanced back and saw tears falling from her eyes.

"Sebastian I'm sorry… but he's gone."

I felt my anger build, I couldn't believe he was gone too, I was the only one left. I ran over to Sally and hugged her. She too was in tears. I didn't find out until later why she was so emotional when it came to Shadow and Rouge, it turns out Sally was Rouges best, and only friend growing up. She was at the wedding, she was at my birth and Brie's, it all made sense why I was with her now. She was practically family. She hugged me tight in the moment as she carried me out and placed me in the car. She made a call as I buried my hands in my face and sobbed. Everything I knew and loved was gone. All over him protecting us, protecting me. Sally got off the phone and hopped in the car, the ride back was filled with silence. Once we returned to the Acorn Kingdom, I went straight to the room I was being kept in. I laid there for hours, maybe even days without leaving my room. The same thoughts came back into my head.

That cat wasn't there, she had to be the one… she had to be. I looked over at a framed picture of me, mom and dad. We were all smiling, yes, even Shadow was smiling! Mom, Dad, I promise I'll kill her, I'll make her pay for what she's done. I sat the photo back down and walked out of my room, heading for the training room.

Well that really happened didn't it? Shadows really gone, so is Rouge and Brie. Poor Sebastian is left all alone too, one can only imagine what he's going through… but like Blaze said, all good things must come to an end, right? Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this story, oh, you thought it was finished? NOPE, here's a little something extra for ya :)

Epilogue: Redemption

*13 years later*

I was awoken by a phone call, I glanced over at my alarm clock. 2am, this better be good. I reluctantly got up and grabbed my phone, but my entire attitude changed when I realized who was calling. My ears perked up as I read the name. Sally.

"Well Sally, it's been a while." I answered the phone calmly.

"Yes it has Sebastian, yes it has indeed. It's not my place… but there's word going around the Kingdom that I thought you should know."

"I'm all ears Sal, what's up?"

"It's Blaze… she's been spotted west of here, in a small village."

I froze as the words hit my ears, my heart began pumping furiously.

"Are you sure… no bullshit?" I had spent the last 4 years looking for her, with all my leads ending with no Blaze.

"I saw her myself."

"I'll be back in the Kingdom within a week, when I kill her, will you arrest me?"

There was a long pause before she answered.

"We never had this conversation and I have no clue you're gonna be there, okay?"

"Good enough for me, and hey, Sal… thanks."

I ended the call and decided now was as good a time as any to start packing. I had lived on my own for the last 4 years, hunting Blaze and training as I went, Sally had no problem with what I was doing, but it would reflect badly on her Kingdom, so I left for good. After 13 long fucking years. I was finally gonna kill the bitch that came at my family the most. People had always told me along my Journey that revenge wouldn't make me feel better, wouldn't bring back Shadow, Rouge or Brie. But to hell with that, they don't know me. I knew as soon as I killed her, everything would feel better. I gathered my things and glanced into the mirror in front of me. My father's leather jacket was worn, but it gave me comfort. It always made me feel stronger wearing it, even though I mentally knew it didn't, it just made it feel like he was always around. I also wore his inhibitor rings after he passed, that way I too could control my powers. For the last 13 years, everytime I close my eyes I see Shadows body in the kitchen floor, blood everywhere. The image haunted me, but soon it would no longer. I began my long journey to the small village, along the way I decided to take a boat to a small, quite island. It was a rainy day, the air was filled with rain and the sound of thunder. I walked along the beach for awhile until I came across two large grave stones.

Here lies Rouge the Bat, the world's greatest Jewel thief and mother.

Here lies Shadow the Hedgehog, notorious for almost saving and destroying the planet, loving father.

"Mom, Dad… today's the day. I get my revenge… our revenge today. I was informed by Sally that I would find them in a small village outside the kingdom. I-... I really wish you two were here. I miss you more and more everyday. I love you."

"I love you too son."

My heart froze and my ears perked up at the sound of my father's voice. I turned around to find him standing there, yet he wasn't himself. He was a misty form.

"Dad? How are you doing this?"

"I can't do this often without it doing more harm than good. I've watched you for years son, you've done a great job raising yourself, and I just wanted to say that i'm sorry that I let myself get killed, I wanted to be there for you, to raise you son. I truly love you, and I hope you get some closure out of all of this."

"I love you too dad, tell mom I miss her too."

"Will do buddy, now go finish what I started so long ago."

He slowly faded away, and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Was that real, or did I just imagine all this? No matter, I have to get this over with.

After traveling back to the mainland, I found the small secluded village Sally had told me about. It was early morning, judging by the moons position it had to be around 2am. The village was dead silent, it was actually quite spooky in a way. I walked slowly through the street, looking at the names on the mailboxes until I came across a funny sounding name.

This has to be a fake name.

I crept up slowly onto the front porch of the house and peered in. Inside was a purple cat watching TV, with three children asleep in sleeping bags on the floor. A tall male cat entered the room, he was all black, with sharp green eyes. I decided not to attack right here and now. Instead I walked off back to the hill and decided to sleep until morning, where I would hopefully find her off guard.

When morning came, I watched as the male cat left the house in a suit, surely he was going to work.

Perfect, I need to take advantage of this.

I walked down the street, people running inside their houses as they saw me coming, I could feel them watching through the blinds of their houses. I walked onto the front porch and was about to knock when the door was opened by one of the three kids.

"Oh, are you one of mom's friends?" the smaller cat girl asked.

"Sure, a friend, mind fetching her for me?"

With a nod and a smile, she leaned back and yelled for her mom. The three kids then walked out the door and down to the sidewalk, looks like they were waiting for the bus to take them to school. I turned and my eyes were met by non other than those of Blaze the cat.

"Um, do I know you?" she asked with a confused look, walking out onto the porch with me. The kids turned and noticed their moms attitude change.

"Know me? Sure ya do, remember me? You should. You killed my parents and my sister 13 years ago.

Her eyes widened at my words. "Sebastian?"

I returned her question with an evil grin. "That's right, see, you do know me." She quickly reached for a gun she had in her back pocket, but I quickly snatched it out of her hands and hit her with it.


"STAY OUT OF THIS LITTLE TWERPS, UNLESS YOU WANNA END UP DEAD LIKE YOUR MOM HERE IN A SECOND." I screamed, sending them off running. I heard one mutter "find dad"

"God help me." Blaze said under her breath. I stuck the barrel of the pistol under her chin and forced her to look into my eyes.

"God? I'm your god now, I'm judge, jury, and executioner. The court finds you guilty, and I will deliver your punishment by burying this bullet in your head."

I felt her begin to shiver. I heard sirens in the distance, I knew my time was getting cut short, it was now or never. Without any hesitation, I squeezed the trigger, leaving the cat to fall over, blood spewing everywhere. Screams echoed the village. I kicked in the door and glanced around for something to help me get away. I walked upstairs and felt a presence, chaos energy! I walked into what appeared to be Blazes room, and grabbed the blue chaos emerald she had on display.

"Chaos Control now." With a flash of light, I was gone forever, never to be seen again.

Present Day*

"Wow papa Sebastian, that's amazing. I'm sorry you had such a rough childhood, but I'm glad you got to work everything out."

"Of course, now go outside and play with your brother. I'll be out to play ball with you guys in a little bit."

I watched as my granddaughter ran out the door. I stood up and glanced over at the window, watching her and her brother play in the snow. Not a day went by where I didn't miss Shadow or Rouge, but here I was, 65 years old, retired, about to be in the snow playing with my grandkids. Life was good, life was finally normal again.

Well that's a wrap on Fugitive, Shadow and Rouge both ended up dying, but we're avenged by Sebastian later down the line. I would've made these chapters longer, but I felt there was no need to force writing when the story was already being told in a certain pace. This officially ends my 3 part story, but I've already posted the first chapter to my next story. Feel free to check it out, it's called "Awakened". Hope you guys enjoyed this, I enjoyed Sebastian as a character and will likely bring him back later, but you'll have to read the new series and see where Shadow goes and who he makes his allies and who he makes his enemies!