Prologue: The Sound of Silence

Many years previously...

Cinder's power exploded in a bright light of fire as she rocketed through the elevator shaft, the sound echoing out of the building and into the exterior courtyard. Jaune and Pyrrha stared at the building in total shock. "But...Ozpin..." Jaune started, unable to continue his sentence.

Pyrrha looked down. "There's no time." She turned to Jaune, her expression hard and determined. "Go! Get to Vale and call for help!"

"Huh?" Jaune stuttered. "What are you going to do?" Pyrrha slowly turned to face the building before them, and Jaune couldn't help but follow her gaze for a moment before it clicked. "No. No, Pyrrha, you can't! You saw how powerful she is! Pyrrha, I won't let you-"

The taste of her lips cut him off. He'd never experienced anything so euphoric. It was like a drug, and he knew instantly that he wanted more. He wanted to protect Pyrrha, to hold her tightly and never let go. As long as he was around, she'd be safe. They'd both be safe. He leaned into the kiss and wrapped his arms around her waist, both in the heat of the moment and as an attempt to make her stay.

Suddenly, they were apart, and Pyrrha had shoved him into a nearby rocket locker, saying only, "I'm sorry."

"No!" Jaune cried as he landed in it, and she used her semblance to close it on him. "No! No! Pyrrha, please don't do this!" She stared regretfully into his eyes as she typed into the keypad. Before he could say another word, the locker ignited and he went flying. In his dizzying state, he caught a glimpse of her running towards the tower.

He could still taste her lips.

Present Day...

Nothing could quell the rage that fed his being. The man, if a man is what one would still call him, stood upon the precipice of the Emerald Forest, blade in hand. The blade, mechanical in nature, was left to him by a trusted friend and mentor many years prior, but it wasn't hers. Still, he loved and respected the man it belonged to, but he felt that he didn't deserve to have it. Everything went wrong after Beacon fell. They all perished one after the other, battle after battle. For a time he thought that they stood a chance. Once he believed that victory was on their side.

Not anymore.

No one was left to stand against Salem. Her victory was very nearly absolute. Which is why he now stood here, in this armor, holding this blade.

He still had one final task. Should he succeed, it would all be worth it. He readied the blade to strike.

"You're sure about this?" came a gruff voice. Lowering the blade, he turned to find Oscar. Older, wiser, and battle hardened, he'd grown into a fine huntsmen over the years. His hair had gone pure silver, and while Ozpin had eventually faded away into his subconscious, he still held himself like the former headmaster. "The risks may be far greater than either of us can imagine."

The man, his face hidden by the armor's mask, simply nodded. "It must be done, Oz."

"We know that your armor is from another dimension. What if this opens a rift into more than just time?"

"Then I will set it to my advantage. Perhaps they can assist me."

"What if you don't go back far enough? What if...what if you run into your younger self after he's failed to save her?"

The man became silent. "Then I will destroy him." He turned to face Oscar one last time. "If this works, we'll never meet again, my old friend. Not like this."

Oscar gave him a weak smile. "That's fine by me. Go on. Do what you must, and fix this mess."

The man nodded, turning back to the cliff edge. He lifted the blade, ready to strike. "I am the Sun's Might. I am the Burning Rage. With blade in hand, I will burn away the sins of this time. I am Ares, the End has come!" His blade swung, striking time itself.

And then, silence.

Many Years Ago...Our Story Begins

Cinder's power exploded in a bright light of fire as she rocketed through the elevator shaft, the sound echoing out of the building and into the exterior courtyard. Jaune and Pyrrha stared at the building in total shock. "But...Ozpin..." Jaune started, unable to continue his sentence.

Pyrrha looked down. "There's no time." She turned to Jaune, her expression hard and determined. "Go! Get to Vale and call for help!"

"Huh?" Jaune stuttered. "What are you going to do?" Pyrrha slowly turned to face the building before them, and Jaune couldn't help but follow her gaze for a moment before it clicked. "No. No, Pyrrha, you can't! You saw how powerful she is! Pyrrha, I won't let you-" An explosion erupted in the sky above them, away from Cinder, blinding the two of them for a moment. "Agh!"


The light faded, and the pair of them slowly looked up, fearing the worst. What has Cinder done now? Jaune thought. His eyes went wide with shock.

Where the light had erupted, there now floated a massive structure of a mechanical nature, seemingly poking out of a hole in reality. A voice echoed in Jaune's head. The End has come. Initiating Convergent Vector. Suddenly, the ground gave way beneath him. Rather, he began to float, along with Pyrrha. "Jaune," she said with fear in her voice. "Jaune, what's going on?"

"I-I don't know!"

Over the scroll he heard the rest of his team, as well as team RWBY, shouting about the same phenomenon. What the hell is going on? Is this Cinder's doing?

A sudden increase in speed and the lot of them were rocketing towards the tear in the sky. Convergent Vector established. Transfer initiating.

Another bright light flashed into their vision.

And then silence.

January 7th, 2200 / 13th Hierarchical City: Kagutsutchi

Ragna's left arm hurt like hell. Fitting, considering he'd literally just lost it saving that idiot Noel. "God damn bastard," he whispered to himself as Terumi and Relius stood a few feet away, seemingly poised to attack at a moment's notice. Ragna tried to stand and grab his sword.

"No! You shouldn't be moving now!" Noel shouted franticly.

Terumi, or Hazama as he seemed to be calling himself, grinned from ear to ear with Ouroboros ready to strike. "Heh ehehehehehe. HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Relius sighed. "Hazama, that's enough. It's time to go."

The green haired man hesitated. "Wha...Shut up! You're not the boss of me!"

Relius shook his head. "The Imperator Libarius has arrived."

Ragna, Noel, Jin, and Hakumen looked on as a hole formed in space, revealing a Phantom at first, and then after the Phantom settled came the Imperator. Cold and uncaring in her expression, she barely gave the NOL Captain a passing glance before she simply said, "Begone, Terumi."

Hazama met her gaze and gave her a polite smile before returning his hat to his head. "You must excuse me," he said with feigned gentleness. "Guess I went a little crazy there."

Ragna and Jin looked on in horror as they looked upon the small woman's form; it was their sister, Saya. "No," Jin muttered.

"So," the Imperator started, not caring for their stares. "This Cauldron is not yet dust?"

"Saya! Saya what the hell!?" Ragna shouted as he stood

"Ragna, no!" Noel shouted in turn.

Another tear in reality formed, drawing the attention of all that were present. "Huh," Hazama muttered. "That's not part of the plan."

"You destroyed Takamagahara," Relius reminded. "There's no way to predict what happens anymore."

"It must be the Master Unit. Damn."

Out of the tear in reality came pouring out four young girls; a girl dressed in black and red, a girl in white, a girl in black and white, a girl in brown and yellow. "Oof!" the girl in red grunted as the first to land. "Roll call: everyone okay?"

"I'm fine," the girl in black chimed.

"I've been better," the girl in white added.

"I am better," the girl in yellow said sarcastically. "Pretty sure that bastard almost took my arm off with his sword. What happened? Where's everyone else?"

"Weren't we separated in the battle? How are we all together now?" the girl in red asked.

"I literally do not care," said the yellow.

"Maybe we should," the girl in black said. "It seems we aren't alone. The four of them looked up as one, meeting the gaze of everyone else present.

"Great," Ragna said, spitting a glob of blood. "Keeps getting better."

And the imperator smiled. "No more is this a world of endless possibility," she said. "Takamagahara is no more, and soon Amaterasu will be naught. This is now a world of absolutes. This is a world of death. Until we meet again, Ragna the Bloodedge." One final tear in reality was torn asunder, pulling the Imperator, the Phantom, Terumi, Relius, as well as Litchi and Tsubaki into its well.

"Saya! Saya, come back!" Ragna shouted, but the loss of blood and the strain took its toll, and he fainted.

And then silence.

Song: The Sound of Silence - Disturbed

Author's Notes

So, I've made probably hundreds of BlazBlue referenced across my RWBY stories. All in fun and games. But then, we got BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle over the summer. And yes, I played the crap out of it, and I loved it. I especially love the silliness of the story and how it doesn't really take itself too seriously.

But what if RWBY and BlazBlue crossed over on serious ground? No tournament, no commentary from an otherworldly computer. Just an honest story of intrigue and survival.

We all know that when it comes to temporal shenanigans, I'm first in line to write about it. I mean, I did write the Shifted Remnant AU, which still doesn't fully make sense if you want to consider the timeline, and I drew heavy inspiration from BlazBlue to write that. So, here we are, inside of on of the many possibilities of the Continuum Shift.

Literally. I'll admit, I rehashed some of P.S. I Love You, the fic about Jaune dealing with the loss of Pyrrha, but that's also verbatim from the episode, But that's to put into perspective as to when this story takes place. I pick up at the end of Volume 3 for RWBY, and the end of Continuum Shift for BlazBlue.

And just like many of my other stories, I'm using music. But I'm mostly going to be using Guilty Gear and BlazBlue music. This chapter is one of the exceptions.

I will make no promises on when I will update, or how frequently it will be done, but I have ideas for how I want this story to progress. Fingers crossed I can finish another project.

Leave a review or a PM to let me know what you thought about this chapter. I'd be happy to read them. :)

And as always...

Till Next Time