Sorry about the long wait. Chapter 6 is finally here! The warners are back in this fanfic! Sorry for the long disappearance. I've been busy in my life. I'm also an animator and I do work at a call center. So life for me is full!

If you are interested in seeing my art: I'm DemonLouie on deviantart. : D

Anyway, enjoy...

Salazar tussled with the cloaked figure, Yi'Lang watched the two of them fight. Salazar took out his dagger and tried to slice the cloaked person's shoulder but the cloaked person took Salazar by his head and threw him down.

"Oof! Who in the hell are you?" Salazar growled, he demanded an answer from the person but they quickly took off. Salazar was left confused as he turned to Yi'Lang.

"What are you doing!?" Salazar yelled at him.

"Oh! Did you want me to go after them?" Yi'Lang looked at Salazar, the fear in his eyes told him so.

"Yes! Go after them! Don't come back with until you caught them! I want them back here at the castle!" Salazar stomped off.

Yi'Lang went on a search for the cloaked person that attacked Salazar at the bar.

Near the snowy bank of Acme Falls...

The cloaked person took the hood off of their head to reveal an old warner. Her brown fur looked like Bobesca's sister's as she bent down on her knees and washed her face with the cold water from the icy river cold river.

"That was too close... I can't get caught like this. I know that my sister is somewhere with the boys. But where?" She slowly got up to her feet. She jumped on the rocks that peeked out of the icy cold river and made it to the other side towards the forest.

She looked back and saw a young guard. It was the guard who was at the bar with the evil king Salazar. She looked into his eyes as he did the same.

"Go back while you can." The female warner warned the guard.

"Well, can I ask that you stay with me?" Yi'Lang spoke, he was very shy for a guard. The female warner shook her head.

"No. I cannot go and stay with strangers. I travel alone." The brown warner muttered and ran off.

"WAIT!" Yi'Lang shouted. He was about to fall into the icy river as he caught his balance. He looked to his right and saw some stones that peeked out from the icy cold river. He jumped on them and made it across. He was going to search for her and bring her back to the king.

As soon as the female warner was far away from Yi'Lang, she came up to a tree that had a door built into it. She knocked on the door.

"Slappy! Are you in there this morning?" The female warner shouted. She waited for the old and grumpy squirrel to come and open the door. When the door opened she met her gaze as they both chuckled.

"It's you! I thought that it was someone else. What brings you back here so soon, Macy?" Slappy wondered.

"Well... I'm being followed. I need to stay with you again." Macy replied as she came into the tree house and closed the door.

"Oh? I thought you were looking for your boys, Rakko and who else?" Slappy was lost in her own thoughts before Macy answered.

"I'm looking for Nakko and Rakko, yes. But not only them. My sister and her boys and daughter are out there too. I don't know about their father, but I heard that the warners are gone and Salazar is the new king." Macy explained the story to Slappy.

Slappy turned her back on Macy for a second to think. Before she turned back around to give Macy a heart breaking answer.

"You know what, Macy. Knowing Salazar and how he is acting as of now, your sister might be gone. As for all of the boys and Bobesca's daughter, they might be out there. I do know that Bobesca probably would not travel with her own children to keep them safe. If she were to go with them, they would spot them all easily." Slappy replied. This made Macy's frown deepen even more.

"No... That can't be... My sister has to be alive, Slappy. Were you there when the events happened?" Macy was almost in tears.

"No. But I'm wise enough to know that when a new king controls a group of guards against a small family, it becomes a tense battle. It is an easy loss for both the king and queen. This doesn't mean that I don't miss them." Slappy pulled Macy down into a hug. The old female warner hugged her in return, tears were rolling down her cheeks and dropping onto floor.

"Oh, Slappy. What will I do? How can I find the children?" Macy asked with a couple of sobs.

The old squirrel pulled out of the hug slowly and held Macy's hands. She smiled and looked up at the poor warner.

"You must find them with your heart. Think of the places out of all of Acme Falls. Search outside of this place and in a new world." Slappy waved her hand in the air.

Slappy's wise words made her think about where her kids might really be and her niece and nephews as well. She nodded and thanked Slappy.

"Thank you, Slappy. You've given me hope." Macy smiled as he looked out of the window to see that Yi'Lang was out there still looking around for her.

"Oh? Who is that?" Slappy looked outside of the window.

"It's that man again! He's been trying to take me back to town but I will not go!" Macy growled as she moved and hid behind a green sofa. Slappy looked back at Macy.

"Aw don't worry. I'll take care of him!" Slappy took out a few TNT sticks and made them look like hot dogs.

"What are you doing?" Macy looked up from behind the sofa.

"I'm teaching smart ass outside a lesson." Slappy laughed a little and opened the door. As she walked outside with he coated sticks of TNT, she called out to the shy guard.

"Hey, are you hungry!" Slappy shouted at Yi'Lang.

"Oh? Hi there! I'm looking for a female that has brown fur and wears a dark cloak. Do you know where she is?" Yi'Lang asked the old squirrel.

"I don't know who you are talking about. I'm giving away free hot dogs though. Do you wanna give them a shot?" Slappy answered quickly.

"Well, I am hungry from this search. I'll take them all!" Yi'Lang reached out to take the TNT sticks.

"Sure! I'll let you have all of 'em!" Slappy handed him the ten coated TNT sticks as the guard took them. He bit into the TNT stick and BOOM! The guard's face was smoked as he let out a small cough.

"That is spicy..." Yi'Lang coughed.

"Oh no! What happened? I thought those were hot dogs? Let me see where i put the real deal at..." Slappy joked as she went into the house and then came back out with real hot dogs.

"I found them, they were hiding in my storage room!" Slappy handed Yi'Lang the hot dogs.

"Thanks." Yi'Lang's face was still black. He felt dizzy from the explosion.

"You're welcome. Now off you go. There is no warner around here. It's just me." Slappy gave him a stern look.

"Alright, I'm going." Yi'Lang could barely walk. He almost tripped in the snow as he carried the hot dogs.

"That takes care of him!" Slappy walked back to her tree and went inside. She closed the door and called Macy.

"Alright, young lady, he's gone." Slappy softly beckoned her to come out from behind the sofa.

Macy stood up and ran over to Slappy and hugged her.

"Thank you so much, Slappy. I needed you to buy me some time. I'm going to take off now." Macy smiled and opened the front door.

"Good luck! If you ever need anything, just come back here and I will provide you with what you need!" Slappy waved to her friend, Macy. The brown warner nodded and waved back before leaving.

"Need to find them!" She ran off towards a sign that read: "Slump Town".

In Slump Town...

Nakko, Yakko, Wakko and Dot were in a small bar. Nakko was drinking scratchy cola which was distributed in many different villages. Yakko and Wakko were watching young ladies dance on an old stage. They were singing holiday carols as Dot rolled her eyes and looked at the camera.

"Boys! Go fig..." Dot muttered until she started coughing again.

"Are you okay, Dot?" Nakko snapped his attention onto her.

"I'm fine, Nakko. Thanks." Dot gave him a small smile.

"Hopefully, Rakko can hurry up with the cure for your cough." Nakko turned and looked at Yakko.

"He's into those stupid ladies on stage..." Dot gave the boys a glare.

Once the girls went back stage, Yakko and Wakko turned their attention to their sister.

"So, are we going to order more drinks and watch another show?" Yakko looked at Nakko.

"Nah, let's pay the bill and get going." Nakko grumbled as Dot scooted out of her seat and jumped down. She coughed again and looked up at Wakko.

"Are you alright, Dot?" Wakko tilted his head to one side.

"I'll be fine." Dot coughed. This made Yakko worried but inside he knew that she would be fine. It was a simple cough that she had and nothing more.

"You know? Why don't we go for a walk in the forest, the air is nice!" Wakko hopped around as if he were a rabbit.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Nakko chimed in. He looked back at Yakko and Dot but their moment was interrupted by Rakko coming into the small bar.

"Phew, thank the heavens you all are in here! I've been looking for you! I finished making this cure for Dot." Rakko handed the flask to the warner sister. Dot smelled the drink it was foul. She wrinkled her nose at the stench.

"Ewww!" Dot looked away from the flask as she held it in her own hand. Rakko begged her to drink it.

"You must drink it, Dot. I don't want your cough to get worse. It's the least I can do. I don't want anything to happen to you either." Rakko looked at her with big puppy eyes. Dot rolled her eyes in annoyance and replied.

"Fine, I will take a sip." Dot grumbled. Instead, she gulped the whole green medicine down. It tasted foul and very bad. She stuck out her tongue as her brother gasped and took a step back. They were not sure about what she would do next.

"That tasted like horse crap!" Dot coughed.

"It will make you feel better, Dot." Rakko sighed. Yakko and Wakko nodded in agreement.

"Maybe you should have taste tested it." Dot smirked at Rakko. It wasn't just any smirk, it was a dirty one. Rakko gave her a dirty look in return.

"I don't get a thank you?" Rakko looked away from her.

"Fine... Thank you, Rakko." Dot's dirty look turned into a goofy look.

"Well, that's better. I didn't have to make any medicine." Rakko turned and left the bar. Nakko and the others quickly followed him.

"Where are you going, Rakko?" Nakko was worried about him.

"I'm going for a walk int he forest." He finally let a smile tug at his lips.

"We were just about to do the same." Nakko looked back at the warners.

"Yeah, it was going to be the four of us, but we can't take this long hike without you, Rakko." Yakko chuckled. Wakko took out his gag bag and reached into it and found a compass.

"I brought this too! Just in case we get lost!" Wakko cheered.

"He's prepared." Dot looked at Wakko. She then picked up a pile of snow and threw it at him.

"You can't throw one back at me! It's the rules!" Dot laughed as she ran over to Nakko and used him as a shield.

"What? I thought were were going for a walk!" Nakko protested as Wakko threw snow at his face and it knocked him over. Nakko slowly got up and shook off.

"Hey, why don't we do three against two?" Rakko looked at Dot and Nakko.

"Right!" Dot nodded and laughed. Yakko and Wakko got confused before they saw snowballs headed in their direction. They both jumped away from the snowballs as they threw a couple back at Dot's team.

"I thought you were on our side, sister sib!" Yakko laughed as he threw a big snowball at Rakko. The brown warner dodged it and threw more of them at Wakko while Dot and Nakko took care of Yakko.

"Sorry! But you boys need to be taught a lesson about girls!" Dot threw a snowball at Wakko as it hit his face.

"Oof! She's got throwing power! Time to turn up the heat! Fabooo!" Wakko chomped down on the snow and started munching. He allowed Yakko to get behind him and grab his tail as it turned into the shape of a crank. Yakko took Wakko's tail and shifted it as it if were a jack in the box crank. Wakko started shooting out snowballs as if he were a gun. Nakko, Dot and Rakko took cover behind a log.

"Whoa! Super shooters!" Nakko shouted.

"What will we do?" Dot giggled.

"Let's do the same!" Nakko saw Rakko eating snow. He used his brother as a gun as the two shot snowballs at each other.

"This is fun!" Dot cheered, she then coughed again. Nakko looked back at her. And then he quickly turned to see that Wakko was out of snowballs and couldn't shoot anything else out of mouth. Yakko took out an umbrella out of nowhere and shielded his small team. Wakko looked back at his older brother.

"Is there anything we can do?" Wakko giggled.

"Nope. I think we are done for." Yakko held out a white flag.

"They give up?" Rakko was finally able to spit out the snow.

"Yep!" Nakko saw Yakko's white truce flag.

"We give up!" Yakko shouted.

"You win!" Wakko laughed as he threw his hat in the hair and it landed back on his head.

They finally went on a walk in the forest after their snowball fight. Little did they know that someone was searching for them.

At the small Inn...

Ms Schwartz was dressed for a small outing. She wasn't worried about the king. She wanted to find out if Yakko, Wakko and Dot were still out there. She decided to take a walk into Slump Town for a while.

"Those poor kids... I wish I could see them again. She suddenly felt a hand touch her shoulder. She looked back to see a tall old warner. She gasped.

"Oh! I didn't mean to startle you! I was wondering if you've seen any younger warners around." The female warner stepped back a few inches.

"Oh... No... I'm sorry for freaking out. Are you talking about Yakko, Wakko and Dot? The king took their lives. But I can't help thinking that they are still out here in this world somewhere." Ms Schwartz replied.

"I was with an old squirrel, she told me that the boys and the girl must be out there somewhere. I want to believe that she is right. As far as I know I was told that my sister might be gone forever." The warner sniffled.

"Bobesca is dead, yes... I was told that she was stabbed, but then Scratchansniff said that she saw her on the ground. Lifeless... I bet you are her sister." Ms Schwartz guessed while giving the warner a deep frown, she knew that Macy misses her.

"Yes, I'm Macy. The sister of Bobesca, I never thought that she would risk her own life like that. Just like what I did when I was attacked." Macy sighed, a few tears escaped her eyes and her lips trembled at the thought of her dead sister.

"Hey, why don't we see if the young ones are out there. Maybe we can get them to return to the castle and take their place and the kings and queen of Acme Falls." Ms Schwartz formed a plan in her old mind, cheering Macy up.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea. But where do we look?" Macy sniffled and looked at the horizon in front of her.

"We will search north. I bet that is where we may find them if they are still alive." Ms Schwartz pointed passed Slump Town. They both nodded at each other and walked through Slump Town, seeing new faces as they were being watched.

"Hey girls, do you wanna drink at the bar?" An old man waved to them and smiled. Macy and Ms Schwartz shook their heads. They were going to find, Nakko, Rakko, Yakko, Wakko and Dot.

"Not today. We are going for a bit of a hike. But thank you." Ms Schwartz waved back to the man. The old man chuckled and turned to enter his bar when a shy guard came by.

"Hey, have you seen a brown warner? She is tall and looks as if she's in her 40s." The shy guard asked but was dragged into the bar rather quickly by a group of tough guys.

"Hey, punk! What are you doing in Slump town?" A large guy of the gang held the guard by his under arms while holding him up off the ground.

"Oh? Me... I'm looking for a girl! Not just any girl, she is wanted." Yi'Lang chuckled but was punched in the face.

"What you are laughing at punk!? And what girl are you talking about!?" The large man knocked him off of his feet and dragged him across the floor.

"Whoa! Whoa!" Yi'Lang cried while trying to keep a straight face.

"Tell me or I will fuck you up even more!" The large man yelled in his face. His group watched and started laughing at Yi'Lang.

"She's a pretty warner lady in her 40s! Please let me go! I've got to find her! Please!" Yi'Lang was trying to escape but the large man tossed him to his gang. They held him hostage in the bar and threw mugs which broke on his face. Blood spilled onto the wooden floor.

"Aw that's too fuck'in bad! You won't be going anywhere! Not in that sort of shape! Boys! Take him to the back!" The tough man shouted.

"Yes, Griff!" The skinniest guy of the group snickered as he and the rest of the group took the injured guard to the back and chained him to a wall.

"This is where you will stay. Griff said that he will deal with you later!" The skinny man laughed.

"Yeah and if you think about escaping, you will be dead! Ten times dead than you will be that is!" A short fat guy of the gang laughed. The dude with the mustache walked over to Yi'Lang and puffed smoke in his face.

"Hey!" Yi'Lang coughed.

"Listen to the boss when he gets here." The man puffed more smoke in his face, making Yi'Lang gag for air.

Once the gang left the room, they slammed the door shut and locked it. The old man gasped but didn't make and sudden moves as Griff came over to him with gold.

"Here is the tip! Thanks for the drinks old geaser! We will be back!" Griff grunted as he beckoned his gang to follow him.

"Where are we going Griff?" The skinny man of the gang asked, he was unsure of what they were doing. Griff looked back at him and answered.

"We are going to find this lady that stupid guard is talking about. The king of Acme Falls will face a new threat when I get my queen." Griff looked back at the road ahead. They were going north as they were miles behind Ms Schwartz and Macy.

"Ah, I see. But why do you want to rule Acme Falls all of a sudden, Griff? This was not in your mind the whole time was it?" The man with the mustache inquired but he was punched in the face as his monocle fell into the snow.

"Shut up and listen! That guard is from that place and so are we. Things were good when William was there but now that he's dead, I want to kill the new king and rule the kingdom to make it my own!" Griff growled.

"Oh? But no one will like that. The kings kids are the heir and what if they are still alive?" The short fat man asked while looking up at Griff who pushed him down into the snow.

"The kings kids are dead. There is nothing to be done about it! If I rule the kingdom we can kill Salazar!" Griff took out a dagger and threw it at a tree before going over to it and pulling it out with his fierce strength.

"Mindol! Prepare the us all when we get back to the cabin!" Griff looked at the man with the mustache.

"Yes, sir!" Mindol replied as he saluted his gang leader.

In the Forest of Chambers...

Yakko, Rakko, Wakko, Nakko and Dot were talking their hike. Wakko saw that Dot was huffing and puffing. She was getting tired but it was because of her cough. It was bothering her very bad at this point as Rakko kept up with her and held her cousin's hand.

"You will be alright, Dot. You are doing great for walking this far with us." Rakko softly whispered to her. Dot nodded and continued on.

"Do you want me to carry you?" Yakko caught up with her and Rakko.

"*Cough!* No! I can handle it!" Dot coughed.

Nakko shrugged, he was not going to argue with her about walking at all.

"So where are we going?" Wakko was starting to feel like they were lost in the forest. Nakko shook his head.

"We are going to a place of nowhere?" Nakko snorted.

"It's only a walk. Nothing too special." Rakko grinned while keeping an eye on Dot.

"Well can we catch a break. We don't want Dot to lose all of her energy." Yakko asked Rakko who stopped.

"Yes. We can all sit here in a circle under these trees int he snow." Rakko smiled.

"Do you guys have anything to eat?" Nakko looked at Wakko's gag bag.

Wakko looked through his gag bag and found a few donuts and some small cakes. Rakko looked at the food as his mouth watered.

"Ooh! Can we have some cake and donuts?" Rakko jumped up and down.

"You are as crazy as me!" Wakko was confused at Rakko's sudden reaction.

"Is that an issue?" Yakko laughed at the brown warner.

"Some food sounds nice... But the cute one gets a cake first!" Dot smirked as she ran over to Wakko and snatched one of the cakes out of his hand. Wakko gave his sister a quick glance before handing a small cake to Yakko, Rakko and Nakko.

"Thanks Wakko! You know, your not a bad brother!" Yakko patted his head.

"Was I ever?" Wakko giggled while taking a bit of out the small cake. He shoved the rest of it in his mouth.

"So? Are we going to head back to the broken down tower after we eat?" Rakko asked with his mouth full of food.

"Uuuh... Maybe we should. I don't think we should wonder off like this for very long." Yakko thought about it. He didn't want Dot's cough to get worse from being out in the cold and in the snow. Rakko finished up his cake and waited for the others.

Nakko finally finished his share and came over to his brother.

"Rakko, are you alright?" Nakko looked worried as he touched his brother's shoulder.

"Yes... It's just that I miss mom." Rakko almost cried.

"I do too... But there is no need to worry. We have our cousins. We survived the threat and we will continue to fight on!" Nakko picked up Rakko and carried him.

"Hey! I didn't say you can pick me up!" Rakko started laughing.

"I know, but you need to stop being so gloomy!" Nakko laughed too.

"Since when were you happy? You're always the grumpy type!" Rakko giggled. Yakko, Wakko and Dot watched them from afar.

"Let's get going." Yakko started to walk back with his siblings behind him.

"Are we going to wait for our cousins?" Wakko playfully looked back at Nakko and Rakko who were having fun in the snow.

"Nah! Let them have fun! We gotta get Dot to the broken down tower in town. We cannot allow her cough to get worse." Yakko smiled at Wakko. Dot smiled at Yakko's idea. She couldn't spend another moment in the snow for very long.

When they returned to the broken down tower, Dot walked slowly to the broken fireplace. Yakko tossed a couple of matches into the wood that was already in it as the fireplace lit up. Dot placed her hands in front of the fire and it crackled. Yakko and Wakko sat by her side.

"Thanks for caring so much about me." Dot kissed her brother's cheek.

"Well, I can't let you suffer with this cough, Dot. You and Wakko are my siblings. I have to take care of you while I can. Mom and dad are gone so what can we do? The best thing we can do is live on in their hearts. They are looking down on us, Dot." Yakko looked into his sister's eyes.

"That is true. Thanks, Yakko." Dot sighed with relief. Wakko started to do something stupid. He took out his mallet from his gag bag and tried to cook marshmallows on it.

"Uh, Wakko, what are you doing?" Yakko could help but watch him.

"Oh! I'm making those treats that mom used to make! S'mores!" Wakko stuck out his tongue while continuing to cook his mash mellows.

"You need chocolate too!" Yakko reminded him but Wakko didn't listen as he burned the marshmallows. He looked at the blackened treats as he shoved them in his mouth and swallowed the rock hard marshmallows.

"Ahhh! That was good!" Wakko rubbed his belly.

"You know, you didn't have to burn them." Dot laughed at Wakko's cooking.

"I know how to cook!" Wakko argued at Dot but she continued to make fun of him.

"You cooked burnt s'smores like dad did!" Dot remembered the time that their father tried to make s'mores but they came out black and burnt that their mother had to take over to cooking that day.

"Dad didn't burn them!" Wakko shoved his sister.

"Now now! Let's not start a fight." Yakko got in between his siblings. Dot giggled at Wakko while Wakko stuck his tongue out at her.

"Wakko, please..." Dot smiled at him.

"Dot, please..." Wakko copied her.

"Please the both of you..." Yakko joined in on the small joke. After a while, they started laughing.

"Do you think Nakko and Rakko are okay out there?" Dot was starting to worry about them. She never thought that leaving them would be okay but she didn't want to make her cough worse.

"I think so. Listen, you and Wakko stay here. I will go back into the forest and look for them." Yakko got up from the fireplace and walked outside of the broken down tower. He looked around before heading into the forest.

Once he walked back up the the Forest of Chambers again, he began his quick search for Rakko and Nakko.

To Be continued...

Thank you all so much for the great reviews again! Hopefully I can get chapter 7 done soon! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and again, I do apologize for the late update. I'm a busy person! So don't expect the next chapter to come out so soon!