This is just a bit of personal fanfiction cause I can't focus on "in another world" because I keep on coming up with ideas for this show.

I will be using the Manga for the most part and not the anime, mostly because I ended up buying all 8 of them, and reading them within a week.

So please enjoy

"This is speaking"

'This is thinking'

#this is thought-communication and things similar#

Chapter 1 Where am I?

Norway, Trondheim Ragnar's POV

As I walked around my hometown I saw some of my comrades from the academy, you may be wondering "what academy?", Well, the military science academy, where people who want to develop new equipment and weaponry, work and study,

my team is researching the possibility of making metals and other materials by changing the atomic structure of atoms by taking the electrons from larger atoms and add them to smaller atoms, so far we have been able to make small changes, but we are worried about what might happen if we use hydrogen as fuel, Hydrogen has only one electron so we've been careful to make sure we keep the test room clean and sterile,

"Ragnar!" Someone yelled as I turned I saw that it was one of my subordinates, Henrik, I've known him since childhood, he seemed worried.

"Calm down Henrik, what is it?" I asked him

"It's the fabricator it reactivated itself," he said 'What that should be impossible, we don't even have a battery for it much less a way for it to reactivate, it's unplugged if we're not using it,'

"What do you mean, that's impossible," I said as I walked to my car and got in, 'whatever is going on I need to stop it before the fabricator splits the atom or something,'

When I arrived at the lab I could see what was going on, the fabricator was using the surrounding atoms as material, but it wasn't being selective on what it was making

it was causing a vacuum to form, luckily the glass and walls were all made to sustain the pressures of space, and that was good but there's one problem, the fabricator was not plugged in, meaning that we don't know when it's gonna stop if it's going to stop,

"We think we've figured out a way to turn off the fabricator, but it's risky," Oscar said as he leaned over a table with the blueprints of the machine

"What is it?" I asked as walked over to him

"Someone would need to get under the fabricator and then remove the main regulator circuit, which should cause the whole process to deactivate," Oscar explained

"It's too dangerous!" Henrik stated, but I had already gone inside and sealed the door if the machine wasn't stopped it could cause massive damage to the world,

"Ragnar! stop! Don't do this!" I heard Henrik say through the glass as he tried to break through the door, as the others quickly stopped him, everything burned as all the different atoms reacted with each other and poisoned the air I inhaled

"I'm sorry," I said as I ran to the machine and got under it and open the panel I had a wire cutter, but then as I cut the first wire, the fabricator began to malfunction as the wire cutter turned to sand and my hand that was holding it began to hurt, I screamed in pain as it felt like someone was sticking shards of glass in to my hand

As I looked upon I could see that I had become metal to yet I could still move my hand, so I did the only thing I could think of, I grabbed the next wire with my other hand and my mind began to fade and cut it and then cut the next wire immediately after,

As my mind began to fade I could numbly hear the sound of the fabricator powering down and a door opening,

"Ragnar! Stay with us!" I heard a voice say I looked up, it was Henrik "Hang in there with got a chopper on the way to take you to the hospital,"

"You know they can't fix this…. they can't turn metal back to flesh and bone," I said as I coughed up blood and metal 'if only my body wasn't so weak'

|Understood: generating body able to sustain heavy damage and matter manipulation,|

"you need to promise me two things, don't laugh at the first one," I said

"I promise, just tell me," he said 'I've known him all my life and yet I've never even thought about what he is to me, a friend maybe'

"Please wipe my PC's hard-drive and delete my browser history, haha…"

"Of course you would say that, I'll do it so don't worry," Henrik said

"Promise me that you will finish the project…. this project…. is more than just some way to solve our… lack of resources, this could solve all the world's problems…. and ascend us to… to godhood," I said as I coughed up more blood and metal 'it's so cold and it's so painful, I would have liked to visit my grandparents again…'

'Where… am….I' I feel like I was drifting 'what… happened' as I pondered this I remember what had happened 'the lab… there was an accident… I must be in a hospital, wait I can't hear anything… no beeping, no talking… wait, no, there is something….'

Drip drip

'Water dripping, but that echo, am I in a cave!' as my sense of sound returned I could hear everything, but I still couldn't see, but I could feel around my self, it felt almost soft,

#Hello? anyone!# I screamed yet no-one replied

#What was that?# I heard someone say,

#Hello, who's there, show yourself!# I said as I looked around myself, I could almost sense where they were,

#I don't know where I am, but my name is Satoru Mikami. What is yours?# the voice now named as Satoru Mikami said, it seemed like it was he considering the name, but the voice was androgynous,

#I guess it's nice to meet you Satoru, are you from Japan by chance?# I asked them, there was an accent to their voice, that I knew was Japanese due to having visited the country once before,

#Yes, Where are you from?# Satoru asked as I started to move my body and followed where I thought the voice was coming from

#I'm from Norway,# I said as I got closer, I knew I was close because their voice was becoming clearer, I then saw or felt their presence unlike like with the walls of the cave, I could tell this was them it was strange I could feel that they were there, but I couldn't see, feel or hear, the water dripping felt similar to how I knew where he was,

#Hey, I'm right next to you,# I said as I floated next to him he was in a field of plants and eating them or something, he was a slime if I could guess by how the body shape, and while normally I should be freaking out that there is a monster that isn't supposed to be exist, but I was floating so I was just suspending my disbelief

#Ah really, sorry I can't see anything,# they said 'damn that's annoying'

|Do you wish to become kinsmen?| a feminine voice said in my mind

#What was that?# I asked 'Kinsmen? What does that mean?'

#You can hear her too, that's great sage, she is my unique skill, but what does it mean by becoming Kinsmen?#

|You will become similar to brothers, this is possible due to having similar experiences, this connection will cause you to share learned skills, excluding racial skills| great sage said

#Well, I wouldn't mind, I mean it would be best, we should stick together, after all, we don't know what could happen,# I said

#Agreed, great sage we want to become Kinsmen,# he said

|Very well, beginning bonding,| great sage announced and I could feel my senses change and all of the usual pains I knew faded,

|skills: "Sage" and "predator" acquired, skills: "Sage" and "leader" combined into "Sage lord",| I heard a different voice from the one before, as while great sage sounded robotic and wise. This one sounded more like a sagacious commander they both were feminine in tone

#Now then, what are we gonna do now?# I asked I mean what were we supposed to do,

#Well, I don't know maybe we should explore where we are?# the slime said

#I guess,# I agreed, and thus began our exploration of the cave that we inhabited, and the encounter that would begin our adventure throughout this new world,

That is all, see you all next chapter,

One thing I need to say is that I will be slower than before as I have school now, so I need to focus on School, but I will upload any chapters that I finish, and I am trying to make these chapters about, one story event long, but if the event is very long it will be split into multiple parts,