Chapter 6

Issei, Trouble, and Emergence of END

During his time home Naruto and being back in school Naruto had asked Sasha what had happened while he was gone. From what he gathered apparently Issei made friends with a nun and soon brought her to live with him at the Inn but soon Fallen Angels got involved again. In time Issei and the others that were with his friends soon came to rescue her when she was kidnapped alongside Sasha. From what he learned she died but thanks to Sasha's Tensaiga sword she was able to bring her back from death and allow her to live in the Inn more permanently. Last they heard she was almost a daughter to Miya who loved having her around and even allowed her to enroll in Kuoh while mentioning to stay away from the devils that were there for they would only use and abuse her and to stick near Issei or some others that were in the school.

Speaking of the devils Naruto got word that Rias had tried something and it did not turn out well for her and her group.

Flash Back

Issei was walking out the gate having told his friends he had to be back at his new place to do some chores. They complained he was hanging out with so many beautiful women at this time but told him it is not like that. But the minute he arrived at the gate he heard someone cough and turning around he paled seeing Rias standing there with a glare on her face along with her peerage.

"Issei, where do you think you are going?"

"I-I-I-I'm heading home that's where." She glared harder at him,

"Issei as one of my servants you have to stay on campus until we get you situated." Issei after being told what happened to him and how she forcibly did this to him glared,

"Oh yeah being a servant, more like slave, to you means that you control and dictate me then? Well then I have to say you can count me out, I'm not taking orders from someone that forced me into this life." Rias frowned before nodding to Kiba, he took off in a dash and had a sword at his throat,

"I'm afraid you have to come Issei or you will be punished severely." Issei paled at the blade at his neck but before he could retort he saw fire coming at them. Standing behind him was his friend from the Inn Homura who was wearing a classical suit and tie.

"Issei you should be on the way home now, Miya is not going to be happy you know?" He looked at the other devils, "But given what is going on I think she can forgive you for this."

Issei bowed to Homura and apologized before taking off, he first thought Homura being one of those pretty boys that thought he was better than everyone. But in reality he was a good person and seemed to be down to earth and understand that he had a healthy lustful attitude. He quickly explained that all Yokai have the same thing, worse for some members of the race than others but it was common one. But he did explain that while he is a pretty boy as it is put he doesn't go out and date women for reasons such as bragging rights but more to make ends meet. He is dating women that want to hire him as a pretend boyfriend or someone that could escort them around town or just tell them they are pretty and special. Doing this got him a lot of finances and this also got him to be one of the best in town to call on when needed. But when he was not doing this he was training him in hand to hand and how to dodge magic and sense it coming at him so he had a lot more respect for him than others. That and he was teaching him to be a gentleman with women and trying to help make amends to those that he had wrong, sure he was still a super pervert in private but he was going to reshape his public image no matter what.

Homura watched his kohai run off before turning back to the devils and gathered more fire in his hand,

"You should know the Yokai faction is watching over him until something can be done for him. You forced him into this life so we have no choice but help him through it and thus keep him in safety. However, we will not take kindly to you anymore Rias Gremory, Sona Sitri at least learned from her first mistake but you seem eager to piss off the entire race as a whole." Rias glared and flared her magic at him,

"I reincarnated him thus making him my Pawn."

"Too bad, as Sasha has officially stated it the boy is now a free devil. If he wishes it he can demand reprirations from your family for this crime including you being removed as the heiress."

"As if my family would-,"

"It was offered by your brother."


"Yeah he knew how bad you screwed up in such a short time he had to offer Sasha and the Shinto pantheons something and that is what came up. But they decided against this and only asked that if the boy can be free until they figure something out and that we get someone in trade. Suprisingly it was someone you know that became a slave to Naruto-nii. He is not in town to see this but he will find out when he gets home. But back to my point," Homura gathered his magic more and more to the point that it formed a giant fireball above his head and he held it there for all of them to sweat against. "Stay away from my kohai or I will kill you next time got it?" Rias gritted her teeth, Homura dispersed the fireball and walked away while ignoring the angry look shot at his back.

Rias was furious to the point the stray devil Viser was killed before uttering a word while her followers were tortured. This was the sign Rias was losing her mind and patience given what was coming up in the near future.

Flash Back end

Since then from what Naruto was told Rias has tried nothing against them and was only keeping herself under the radar. He did hear that someone was coming to town that was a devil and Sasha was going to sit in on this meeting to make sure things went smoothly. Honestly he didn't care about them or the church as a whole given he had more troubling matters to deal with lately.

Upon entering the class the teacher announced,

"Students we have a new classmate joining us please make them feel welcomed." Rossweisse was smilingly but it was strained given she was not happy who it was. She knew the girl that was now entering the room given they were both working with each other in the past and met while Naruto was in town that one time. Since then they became rivals while Yuki mentioned she would never allow a virgin that never had a boyfriend have her friend sparking the ire of the Valkyrie.

"Greetings everyone I'm Yuki Nonaka it is a pleasure to be here." She gave a charming smile that all the boys swooned at and the girls start blushing how beautiful she was.

"Is there any questions for our new student?" One boy shot his hand into the air,

"You single?"

"No I have a boyfriend. In fact he is in this school and decided to transfer here to be with him." Walking up to Naruto she quickly kissed him on the lips and hugged him tightly and this leaves the class shocked by this action. More so since Naruto was known as one of the most normal students when compared to some of the other people on campus.

Naruto looked over Yuki and saw Rossweisse glaring daggers at her with her aura flowing out of her body scaring him and the rest of the students more so since the desk cracked under the pressure.

"Now then Yuki please take your seat while I get started on today's lesson." The day progressed slowly with the time Lunch came around Naruto retreated to the roof to get away from the rabid animals of students. More so since they seemed to be all about how he and Yuki met, if their relationship was real, and if that their teacher was in the relationship earning him a glare by Yuki.

As this progressed the only other thing floating around was that Asia was living with Issei at the Inn he had moved to for specific reasons that the school deemed reasonable. In this time the boy approached him and thanked him for his help and Naruto waved him off telling him to just behave while at the Inn. Most of the people there were his family since he moved to Japan with his mothers and if he heard he did anything to any of them he would kill him himself earning a fearful nod by Issei.

Upon getting to the roof Rossweisse joined him and then Yuki followed behind. The aura was tense while they were eating their own food and silently glaring at each other whenever one moved closer to Naruto. He sighed, it was going to get worse thanks to Sasha joining them and pulling Naruto into her lap and pushing her breasts into the back of his head. This only seemed to increase their rage and all he could do was sigh since this is going to be something that becomes more common as time going on.

Time Skip

A month had passed since the incident with Yuki and him returning to Kuoh. Things seemed to be quiet and that was something he was happy about. More so since Rias and Sona had not bothered him on campus and the worst thing he had to deal with was his mothers smothering him, Yuki trying to up them, and Sasha and Rossweisse joining in their charades leaving him and Venelana watching while drinking some sake. At first she admonished him from time to time but in time she understood his reasons for drinking as it got to be a point that it is the only thing that numbs the situation at hand.

Another problem that had popped up was what to do with Venelana he told him she was free to go whenever but she said this was something she wanted to do to apologize to him and the rest of the Yokai faction and show she was not above doing the same thing they felt they were subjugated to. So he just ended up accepting it and getting to know the woman that was now his slave. Apparently she was the mother of Rias and Sirzechs so he tried to be neutral to her since she was not at fault for how Rias turned out in this case. In time, she and him became good friends with her mentioning from time to time that she wished her husband was more like him, more like ex-husband if what she said was true. In time he grew to like the woman but he still kept her at distance due to his past experience with devils at this point.

Currently, Naruto and Venelana were at the grocery store, restocking their food supply with five people living there they needed more food faster than he remembers needing when having three people.

"You alright?" Naruto asked as he placed some food in their cart.

"Why do you ask?" Venelana stated as she started to push the cart while Naruto looked at their grocery list.

"You seem to be distracted the last two weeks." Naruto responded.

"Oh, you noticed." Venelana mumbled.

"Yeah I did, now are you going to tell me or am I going to have to order you to tell me what I want to know?"

Venelana sighed.

"Rias is getting married." Venelana stated. "She did not want to. It was an arranged marriage like I was to Zeoticus. I believe she could be happy with the man she is to marry, but she is being stubborn and refuses to."

"I second that." Naruto replied.

Venelana nodded.

"Well, two weeks ago, her fiancé Riser Phenex came to Kuoh and demanded he marry her soon. Rias refused and challenged him to a Rating game."

Naruto nodded knowing what the Game was after she told him about them.

"Rias had ten days to train, and instead of training their weaknesses to lessen them, she focused on their strengths and in this regard she lost. That was four days ago and tonight is the engagement party."

"I see." Naruto said unfeelingly toward the subject. "You said you feel like she could have been happy in this arranged marriage. Were you?"

Venelana nodded as they stopped and picked vegetables.

"I was very happy. I had two beautiful children. But the recent decade after rias was born, Zeoticus and I drifted."

Naruto made no move or indication of understanding her pain.

"Sorry about this." Venelana stated as she put the food in the cart. "I'm rambling."

"It's fine." Naruto stated as they got in line and soon were out the door with bags in hand when his phone rang.

Naruto's house…

Naruto burst through the door and turned to see his mother's with solemn looks on their faces.

"Okay what is going on? Usually you two are bothering me continuously."

"It is Uzume." Naruto eyes widened, this was someone that he came to see as a sister since he stayed in Japan. She was perverted but she was always there to comfort him whenever he needed her and became his true sister even if it is not of blood. This brought tears to her eyes for finally having a real family of her own.

"What happened?" Kushina looked at Mikoto and her ears drooped,

"She is in the hospital for Yokai here." Naruto didn't wait for anything else and quickly dashed out the door. He was running down the street in break neck speed and before long, he arrived at the ten story hospital and downtown Kuoh. Inside he saw Yokai and demons wondering around the halls. This was a hospital only for the supernatural and something that was hidden under the look of a real hospital due to it having a human wing for humans and having most under illusions.

Walking up to the front desk he said,

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki I heard there was a woman here named Uzume where is she?" The nurse looked at her logs and frowned,

"She is on floor 3 room 8 but she is bad condition." Naruto ignored her and ran up the stairs and managed to find the room but outside the room he saw Miya and the others with tears on their face. Issei was sitting there holding a crying Asia and little brown hair girl on his lap.

"Miya," The woman turned to see Naruto and frowned,

"Naruto why are you here?" Naruto growled,

"I heard Uzume was here, you think I'm going to go to school? What happened?" Miya opened her mouth but closed and looked down at the floor. Naruto growled and soon his power was starting to cause the room and floor to shake and his eyes flashing gold and red.

A doctor walked out of her room and he walked up to him and asked,

"What the hell happened! You better tell me or so help me!" His golden aura was flowing out of control but Venelana managed to stop him with a quick grabbing of his wrist.

"Naruto I know your angry and worried but getting bent out of shape is not going to help."

Naruto sighed, she was right but he wanted answers. The doctor coughed,

"Well I'm sorry to tell you this son, but your friend is in bad condition. You see she was two days ago, burned by magical fire more likely that of a demon and well, that was the light part of her external injuries compared to her internal ones."

"What are you-," Naruto's eyes widened, "No."

"She was raped, continuously through this whole session from what we tested and we believe this person branded him. He showed him a picture of the brand and he burned it into his eyes with the fury starting to come out of his body more and more. His head was spinning and soon he could hear his sacred gear screaming for him to calm down but he couldn't he needed to know who did this.

"I know that mark, it is the mark of the Phenex family." Naruto turned to Venelana and she saw his eyes turned gold and black and soon he dropped the picture and walked out of the hospital. Venelana was worried as she knew that horrible boy Riser must have done this to that poor girl. She looked through the window and saw the girl curled in a ball crying and having the nurses to help her calm down.

'Is this what we fought for? For our race to act like the old ways and treat other races as if they are not nothing special? If that is the case maybe Lord Bael is wrong, I don't think of being a devil as a privilege but something that is a sin.'

Naruto had walked out of the hospital and appeared at the nearby park before collapsing.


"… I feel like I'm losing control of my life." Naruto groaned as he leaned against Uzume.

Uzume laughed as she went through all he told her just now, all the women in his life jumping him to fuck him and all that was comedy gold to the Cloth Yokai.

"It's not that funny."

"I'm sorry." Uzume said with a smile that showed she wasn't. "But I feel like laughing as you clearly don't see the obvious answer hanging in front of you."

Naruto frowned.

"And what would that be?"

Uzume had a cheeky smile on her face.

"Make a harem of course."

Naruto leaned back and lay on his side, his back towards her.

"As if I would make a harem."

"Oh come on, it isn't like you never thought about making one."

"I haven't."


Naruto felt a ringing in his ears.

"Come on." Uzume said, who was now on her knees behind him, leaned forward pressing her big and soft bust against his arm. "Yu have to at least think about it some time."

Naruto stayed silent as he ignored her.

"Well you are no fun." Uzume pouted as she turned around and leaned against Naruto.

Several minutes passed in silence.

"You know…"

Uzume leaned back and looked at his face.

"I might think about it." Naruto mumbled.

"About what?"

"Making a… harem."

Uzume's eyes widened with stars in her eyes.


"I said I'd think about it."


Naruto sighed as he face palmed.

Flashback End…

His eyes were brimming with tears and his thoughts were clouded with rage and fury as that was the last time he saw her which was three days before today.

Naruto could feel his gear trying to calm him down but he would not, those damn devils! They thought they could do as they please to innocent people and harm them without consequences! They let this happen with the Nekoshou! They did this with the innocent victims of their peerage system! Those that were born of half-breed parents! When does it end?

'Those filthy sinners! I-I-I," His eyes burned dark gold and soon he screamed, "I will erase all of them!"

"Kid! Stop the Seraph is-,"

'It does not matter what you tell him fool. His rage has finally released me from my chains and now I shall purge this world of sin.'

"You son of a bitch! You know if you do this you'll kill everyone he loves in the process is that something you want him to deal with when he comes back to!" The Seraph smiled,

'He has nothing to worry about, I will not harm the humans or the other races just the devils. They are a plague on this world and must be eradicated as it was Kami's single command to wipe out all who sin. I will not allow that rapist and monster go free no matter what. Sit back and watch me in play at full power.'

In this moment the Seraph and Naruto screamed and soon a black pillar exploded around him and soon the entire ground was breaking and the sky was turning black.

In the Uzumaki home Kushina and Mikoto sensed it with Yuki and Sasha,

"Shit the Seraph of the End has awakened."

"It was bound to happen soon Kushina he was close to Uzume."

"I know Mikoto but this is not what we need."

"What are you guys talking about?" She saw Kushina and Mikoto summoned their warrior outfits of them in tight like shinobi clothing and revealing BDSM outfits. Sasha was standing there with her swords and ready to get a move on if her gold eyes were anything to go on.

"We'll explain on the way there Yuki but we need to get moving." The girl nodded her head and turned into her warrior outfit and had her sword at her side.

At the park Naruto got to his feet but his posture was different than before. His eyes were gold and black, he had black wings of string out of his back, and his body was covered in a dark aura that was scaring all the life around him away.

"Now then, time to purge the sinners of this world."

He slashed the air and opened a portal thus leading to him to the underworld but before he could enter the portal he was hit with a ball of fire. Looking up he saw Homura falling out of the air and landing in front of him.

"Seraph we will not allow you to rampage no matter what the other race has done."

"So you would allow a rapist to run wild in the world on the hopes that he will learn his lesson? Such a foolish concept now move child." He then flew into the sky to dodge a powerful slash breaking up the ground, standing in front of the portal was Miya who had her katana in hand and was glaring the man down. He saw Kushina, Mikoto, Sasha, and Yuki show up as well with Venelana there as well and shocked to see what happened to him.

"You all oppose me? The one that brings justice to the world every time it becomes deep in sin?"

"What justice? You are just going to kill innocent devils that have nothing to do with this mess? Why not kill just the boy and be done with it?" He frowned,

"They do not learn from this, this will only breed resentment to me. Better to wipe out of the cancer that is there completely before it can fester and grow out of control." His hand was covered in a black and mixed color aura before aiming at all of them and firing at them. They dodged the attack but it tore a hole in the ground. Homura appeared above him and fired a giant torrent of fire at the Seraph. It looked at the attack and said,

"First Trumpet: Silence." The fire hit the boy but it did nothing to him and soon he saw him standing without a scratch on his body. "The First Trumpet, the power to cancel out yours." Seraph summoned a powerful white javelin in his hand and threw it at Homura but the attack was destroyed by Miya with a single well placed slash. He raised an eyebrow at this and quickly closed the distance on the swordswoman. But before he could hit her he was hit in the face by Kushina sending him flying across the ground. Homura appeared above him and unleashed a in close fireball covering him, once one of the trumpets is trade for another trumpet the previous ability is canceled out meaning this attack was going to hit full force. Mikoto flew into the sky,

"Sorry Naruto-kun but we have to stop the Seraph." She summoned a ball of light and threw it at Naruto. It hit him and soon it exploded on the impact uplifting some of the trees while Sasha and Yuki gathered their sword's magic and fired it at Naruto and this time expanded the explosion more than before.

Once the dust settled on the ground was a badly injured Naruto and the group felt sorry for doing this. But he had to be stopped, they would get the devils for this but for him to go out and kill them all was crossing a line.

Homura coughed up blood and saw a fist buried in his stomach and saw it belong to the healing body of Naruto.

"Nature cannot be destroyed or killed." He then turned to Miya and threw her Homura which she stopped her attack and caught. But she had no time to react to a white spear piercing her body leaving her bleeding on the ground.

"Don't worry, that won't kill you I willed it not to. The innocent will be spared but the guilty shall be-," he once again was hit by Kushina in the face but this time he turned to her and opened his palm and exploded a blast of purple energy. This sent her crashing to the ground with a thud and Mikoto attacking him with a Light Sword. But sadly he snapped the blade and hit her with a purple blast as well sending her crashing into a tree with a thud. Turning his head he saw Yuki and Sasha standing there ready to fight but Yuki was growing more nervous. He defeated all of them without trying and yet he was healed from his previous injuries. She could only hope someone would come and stop him from continuing his assault.

Seraph quickly took off in flight and with one hand summoned a ball of darkness and fired it at them. They tried to stop the attack but sadly they could only take part of the damage to avoid it damaging the surrounding area. In the end, the Seraph was standing tall and staring at them before proceeding back to the portal. He was off now to finish the Devil clans once and for all and show Kami they were not worth mercy.

Rossweisse showed up and saw the carnage that had happened to everyone there and quickly called for Amaterasu who knew what happened and ordered her brothers to alert the other Yokai while she went to the Underworld to stop him from killing innocent people.

Underworld Phenex Manor

Rias was frowning she was marrying Riser, due to her not having a full peerage she was outmatch by Riser. The match was still close but after running out of pieces she was left on her own and soon left to the point of fighting an unwinnable battle. Her peerage was watching with frowns and her father was talking to Riser's father about their marriage producing a new breed of devils that were stronger than the current generation. But before the proceedings could continue she saw another blond hair man running into the room and missing an arm while covered in battle scars.

"Ruval!" The Lady Phenex was terrified to see her oldest in such a condition, "What happened to you!" The room was shocked to see someone that was rumored to be a super-devil in the near future beaten so badly.

"Everyone run. There is a monster here and he is killing all the guards. I barely managed to hold my own against him and he heals from anything that he is hit with." Riser snorted,

"Please it most likely a nobody that is going to be in awe of the majesty of all the devil nobles here." Ruval narrowed his eyes before coughing up blood.

"Shut up Riser this monster, he is coming and it was talking about purging the world of the Devils due to something our family did." The room was silent, what did the Phenex clan do to earn the rage of some kind of monster. Ruval was being tended to by some of the medical specialist devils but the door exploded open and soon the guards were shown thrown into the room covered in blood and ripped to pieces.

Standing there was a blond boy with gold and black eyes and carrying a white spear made of what looked like salt. The group could sense the power coming off this being and soon the entire room was freaking out seeing the damage on its body already healing.

"Who are you to stand against Riser Phenex! You should be damned for daring to-,"

"Silence sinner. Your kind only know theft, killing, and lately raping. I the Seraph of Kami shall not let this stand, you shall all perish for this sin and face oblivion." He spun his spear around and aimed it at Riser, "I can sense the evil in your heart boy. You are the one that raped that woman and branded her in Kuoh yesterday."

"So what if I did? That whore should have been happy I gave her a minute of my time. Instead she walked away from me and I had my fun with her, got to admit she was a tight little thing." He giggled perversely leaving the room disgusted he was glorifying his rape of an innocent woman. Even his own family looked at him with great disgust, seeing him as nothing more than that monster that brought this person to their home.

"Prepare Devils I shall erase all of you in one moment." He put his spear in the ground and with his hands as if they are holding a ball gathered a black and white manner in between them. "Fear the final Trumpet, Oblivion." He aimed it a the group and soon they were covered in a bright light but saw that the teen was no longer holding his attack but staring at someone behind Riser. Looking the devils saw a majestic woman with long blond hair, blue eyes, and pale skin having a killer figure looking at all of them with disdain and pity for the child.

"Seraph that is enough. Naruto would not want this."

"I'm sorry your majesty but I disagree with you. You didn't see that poor woman and the state she was in. Someone that was his sister in all but blood was raped by this sinner and you are asking me to forgive this trash?"

"I'm not asking you to forgive but do not wipe out the race for the mistake of one." He narrowed his eyes,

"I'm sorry your majesty, but I can't do this. I have to erase them they have trampled on the Yokai, disregarded the lives others, and have stolen and killed for their own amusement as far as I'm concern they are no different than the other devils of the old faction."

"But there is some good among them, innocent people."

"That does not justify what they have done!"

"I know but can you let Naruto live knowing you killed millions with his body and some that were nothing more than children?" The Seraph glared at his Lady but eventually he started to bow before the woman and said,

"My Lady I can't allow this to stand. You created me for the purpose of purging all sinners from this world and that is what I'm trying to do. I will let you sort out the innocent let me do this."

"As much as I understand I can't allow this." She appeared in front of him and with one tap of his head the Seraph screamed and soon chains bound his body and his body went limp. The spear disappearing and him being sent back to the human world with the Seraph now under tighter chains than before. This would keep him from breaking loose again but his power would still dwell in Naruto since has used them but it would be harder for him to control him.

Turning to the devils she narrowed her eyes at all of them.

"Sirzechs Lucifer, do you know who I am?"

"Yes you are Kami, The Primordial Goddess of this world." She nodded her head,

"I've seen everything that has happened, I know you've tried your best but it is not enough anymore. For now an innocent woman was raped and the Seraph of the End was released and almost erased all of you had not I chose to stop him."

"As if I care!" Riser was approaching the goddess getting Sirzechs paling and many other devils looking at him. "I demand you pay my family back for what that bastard did to our home! Preferably by having his head sent to us in a box!" Kami looked at the boy for a second before she grabbed him by the throat and lifted him above the ground.

"You are the reason for his rage and while I didn't want him killing you there is a reason. You see I found a better punishment for you, Riser Phenex you are stripped of everything." With her free hand she touched his head and soon he was screaming in pain and a glowing light flowed through his entire body. In this time, Riser felt his power was gone, his devil blood, everything.

"What did you do to me!"

"I made you one of those lowly humans you think so little of. You are no longer a devil and shall live out the rest of your life as a filthy human as you would put it. No one will kill you but you will suffer for your transgressions this way." She flicked him in the head and knocked him out while saying, "This is the last time Sirzechs." She glared at the man, "One more mistake, one more time you bring out the Seraph because of something could have controlled and I will do what he started. Your world, your race, and the underworld as a whole will be erased. Is that clear?"

"Y-yes ma'am."

"Good remember: Reign in your people or there will be consequences from me and my brothers." She was gone in a bright light and the devils were freaking out while Sirzechs got them order and told them that new changes were coming and it was going to start with him dealing with the matters in Kuoh and then working on rebuilding relations with the other races.

Azazel sighed, Kami she was sure evil when the times come for it. If the Seraph of the End had returned that means the world had just become more interesting, will it survive or will it die? He was eager to see and to see the boy's sacred gear in action in the near future.

Michael having sensed Kami prayed for the safety of the world, after all who dared to anger Kami might bring the end to everything that they knew and their own lives if they were not careful.

Chapter End

Notice I'm not following the Trumpet setting for the Seraph series but I'm making some adjustments so please refrain from saying this does not follow canon. At this same time, if you have problems with how I'm writing this and some other stuff please refer to the title of the site and the definition.