After the victory at earth and after the Paladins had recovered, all was back to the same old same old.

Well not entirely, they were fighting random galra warlords instead of an organized empire and instead of a few teens on 10 000-year-old castle, they had the 'Atlas' with dozens of crewmembers and Shiro as the ship's captain.

This week their adventure made them stop in a system Lance would not forget so quickly.

It started all like usually; the Paladins, Shiro and Coran sat in the briefing room of the Atlas, talking about the mission ahead.

"We are here to help an ancient altean ally," Coran explained "The people of Furrina have held out against Galra attack since the war started."

'Furrina? What, is it the Planet of furries?' Lance asked himself in his mind.

"How did they manage that?" asked Keith surprised, normally all planets had fallen to Zarkon with relative ease and empires expansion had only stopped with Voltrons emergence.

Coran continued. "Like I said they were close allies of Altea. When the war started we fortified the planet and supplied them with multiple particle barriers to protect their cities and large altean artillery to destroy attacking Galra ships. Unfortunately, as you know Altea was destroyed but apparently the furrinans were lucky. Zarkon had little interest in their planet since it was not of strategic interest and simply forgot about them, over the centuries a few fleets tried to take the planet, but most of the time it was too much effort compared to what was to gain. But the Situation has changed, a local galra warlord wants to conquer the planet to consolidate his power in this region. His fleet is besieging the planet and by now the furrinan defenses are 10 000 years old so I'm not sure how long …"

Coran was interrupted by the sound of alarms going off all over the ship.

"Captain! You're needed on the bridge!" came it from the com system.

Shiro and Coran hurried to the bridge while the Paladins ran to their respective lions.

"Report!" shouted Shiro as soon as he entered the bridge. His crew started giving an entire string of answers.

"We are in orbit over Furrina!"

"Ten galran cruisers and the fighter squadrons are engaging us! The rest of the fleet is pressing an attack on the planet."

"Shield at 92% and holding, all weapon arrays ready!"

The Galra lay in orbit around the planet, most of them were beginning to dive into the atmosphere while being harassed by sporadic fire from the surface. Seven ships however made a charge on the Atlas.

Shiro could see the galra approach them directly from the front on the screen on the bridge. 'They haven't heard of us yet and think one ship won't be a problem' Shiro thought, he smirked 'I'll show 'em'

"Fire at will! Auxiliary power to the forward shields!" Shiro shouted. "Paladins, we'll take them in the orbit. Go help the furrinans on the planet." He ordered over the com.

"I though mullet was our leader now." Joked Lance.

"Shiro just isn't happy unless he tells me what to do." Responded Keith with a groan.

Coran interrupted their banter, "Paladins! We have a problem! The shield around the capital of Furrina has collapsed. The galra are trying to take the King's Palace."

"We're on our way!" Keith yelled.

The lions broke through the atmosphere and beyond them lay the capital with seven galra cruisers and several hundred fighters swarming over it, destroying the pristine architecture that looked a lot like "Why does this city look like an off-brand version of ancient Rome?" Lance asked. Shooting down some fighters.

"Why do you care?" barked Keith.

Pidge chimed in. "Well, it is kinda odd that most aliens we meet are pretty human-like and build their cities accordingly."

"Humanoid is just the most common form for intelligent life in many regions of space." Allura stated "And there are only so many ways to build a city fitted for humanoids."

"Guys, less banting more fighting!" Shiro yelled into the com system.

Lance finished annihilating a cruiser with his lions jawblade. "Cool down Shiro, compared to the battle of earth this is a cakewalk."

"Augh!" sounded Keith's voice, he seemed really annoyed "There's a galra troop transporter right in front of the royal palace, better go safe their government I guess."

"How do you know it's the royal palace?" asked Coran.

"Well it's the biggest and fanciest building and the Galra are concentrating their attack there. Pidge, Hunk, Allura take care of the rest of them up here, Lance you're with me we're landing and going in."

"Aye, aye general McMullet!"

Keith sliced through several drones with his bayard, a very uninterested expression on his face.

Lance shared the same sentiment "Man, these galra sure lost their edge." Half the time he just blasted a shot right into the drones heads just from the corner of his eye.

They encountered some furrinans for the first time, rather tall humanoids with grey-pink skin, hair in a dull dark grey, eyes that looked pretty human-like and cow-ears? Well, they seemed pretty nice but they were being held prisoners by some galra.

"Come on Mullet, let's see who can take down more baddies." Lance challenged and opened fire.

After a quick rescue of the furrinans (and Keith's complaints that it wasn't a fair competition and he only lost because Lance used a range weapon) they asked them if the King was save.

"Obviously not! I should have guessed it." Keith growled "Why can these things never be easy?" He and Lance where heading to where the furrinans had told them to go, to save the king and hopefully end this all quickly.

The two paladins arrived at a large door behind which supposedly lay the throne room. They peaked inside, in typical galran subtlety they had just shot a giant hole into one side of the room. A Galra, the local warlord and two drones were standing in front of the hole apparently waiting for someone to pick them up. Between the two drones kneeled a bulky furrinan in fancy robes, he looked like he was around their age, maybe a few years older.

"That's the King?" Lance asked "What's his name Chad III, conqueror of the whey?" he joked.

Keith stifled a laugh "It's definitely the first king I've seen with an undercut. He looks like the kind of guy who won't shut up about how often he goes to the gym to get 'sick gaynzz bro'."

They both snickered before being interrupted by shrieking cries for help from down the hall.

"Duty calls I guess." Keith commented. "Lance you take that one." He said jerking his thumb in the direction of the shriek. "I'll save the King."

"Pft! You always want the glory to yourself." Lance commented as he ran to help whoever had screamed.

Keith snuck inside the throne room, he hid behind the ruble of the destroyed wall and surveyed the situation once again.

Apparently really just two drones and the warlord who was busy screaming into a communication device "What do you mean the Paladins of Voltron are attacking us? I though they we're gone!"

Keith took a look at the King, apparently not hurt, but shivering in fear. 'Great' Keith though 'Big muscles but nothing behind it apparently. And judging from the unnecessarily large crown a spoiled brat.'

"Anyway, just come pick me up!" The galra ordered "I have the king, we'll take him and regroup in orbit … WHAT DO YOU MEAN OUR FORCES IN THE ORBIT ARE BEING DESTROYED BY A MYSTERIOUS SHIP?"

'Not the mot competent warlord.' Keith noted.

The red Paladin leaped out of his hiding spot with his bayard in his hand and sliced through the drones.

The king of Furrina looked in surprise. To him Keith looked like a heavenly creature that had descended down to save him, destroying the evil with a grace and ease that it bordered on serenity.

Keith roundhouse kicked the warlord in the face and sent him flying a few meters. 'Yup. He's unconscious, that should suffice.' He noted in his mind.

The King was absolutely starstruck, not only had this marvelous fighter just saved him he looked amazing while doing it.

Keith turned to the King and cut the handcuffs he was restrained with open with his bayard. "Your Majesty." He greeted with a polite smile.

Scratch amazing, BEAUTIFULL was more fitting. It was in that exact moment that the King decided that this angelic being had to be his.

He was just about to tell Keith when a cruiser hover into sight, right in front of the hole in the wall, aiming its canons at them.

"Watch out!" The King yelled as he heroically hid behind the paladin.

Keith closed his eyes, connecting to the black lion parked in front of the palace. He piloted the lion mentally and opened fire at the cruiser, disabling the canons.

"Sorry." Pidge said over the com in Keith's helmet "Must have missed one."

"That was the last cruiser." Allura informed "Only some fighters left, we'll take care of them."

"Orbit is clear as well." Shiro said.

"Well that settles that." Keith said and pulled off his helmet and started shaking his hair around.

Those luscious black strands, those fierce yet beautiful purple eyes, that porcelain skin, now that the king finally got a good look at Keith's face he decided that beautiful was not enough to describe Keith. It was in exactly that moment that he decided that Keith had to be his.

Lance came into the throne room. "Aww Man! I always miss all the fun."

Keith turned to face his friend. "What took you so long, sharpshooter?"

The King finally had a good look at that booty, yup forget about the crown jewels, perfection was right in front of him.

"Oh, just the usual damsel in distress." Lance answered "And I was the knight in shining armor."

"So, you were busy flirting while I did the work." Keith deadpanned.

The king stood up and approached the Paladins, he looked at Keith.

"Uhm, hello your Majesty." Keith said awkwardly, a little uncomfortable under the royals weirdly … he couldn't think of another word … weirdly flirty stare.

"Hey there Paladin. I'm king Sioul the XIX of Furrina but you can call me anytime!" He shot Keith a confident grin and started flexing his muscles.

Keith was taken aback "Uhm ok?"

Lance was boiling with anger, was this guy seriously flirting with Keith? Using horrible lines (that he wouldn't be caught using EVER thank you very much) all while trying to impress Keith with his muscles? Like forget about how cringeworthy it is, THE AUDACITY OF THAT GUY!

'Wait … Why am I angry?' Lance thought 'Shouldn't I find the suffering of my Rival/Friend hilarious? Oh no, he is just such an obvious douche that I take pity on Keith! Yeah that's it!'

"I got to say," Oh Sioul had more to say, great. "you have quite some moves. But I'm sure I could teach you a thing or two still, in the bedroom at least."

"Uhmm …" Keith was honestly way too confused to react to this situation, or how awful his majesty's attempts at flirting were.

Lance just facepalmed at that last line, this guy obviously was always surrounded by yes-sayers that told him he was awesome all the time.

King Sioul took Keith's hand. "So, anyway you may feel honored now, as I, in my eternal grace, have decided to make you my bride … groom … whatever we'll settle the details later."

"WHAT? NO!" yelled both Paladins in unison.

Keith jerked his hand away from Sioul. "I'm not going to marry you!" It seriously took all the diplomatic training Allura had given him, after he became the leader of Voltron, to not punch that guy in the face.

His majesty looked pretty irritated apparently, he wasn't used to not getting what he wanted. "I think you misunderstood, that wasn't a question! You are going to marry me. I am King of this real and my word is law on this planet."

He reached for Keith again, who was still pretty overwhelmed by this situation, but his hand was swatted away by Lance. "I guess we better get off of this planet then!" Lance shouted.

"Filthy commoner! How dare you, I'll have you "

"Enough!" yelled Keith. "I'm not marrying you, end of the story." He grabbed Lance by the hand and walked towards the exit.

Just in that moment the other Paladins and a bunch of royal guards entered the throne room.

"What happened?" asked Allura concerned. "We heard yelling."

"Be careful with that creep." Lance advised as they walked out, leaving all further diplomacy to her.

King Sioul pulled one of his guards aside and whispered in his ear: "We have an unwilling groom, ready the device!"

Lance and Keith walked a for a while in silence, until Keith finally spoke.

"Thank you, for your help back there. What a fucking creep!"

"Don't mention it! I am not going to let some creep lay a finger on one of my friends."

"But I would have been perfectly fine on my own! Just saying."

"I know that, but you got to live with the fact that the entire team is going to fuss over you! Also, I'm not sure about you being 'perfectly fine'; you looked like you're about to cause an interplanetary incident by murdering him."

Keith chuckled. "I could say the same about you."

"Change of topic; what was up with his pickup lines?" Lance mocked.

"Oh my god! It was so awful! Think he really think that would work on anyone?"

Lance smiled fondly. "I just hope we don't have to see him again."