Pain. It was all Yang had ever felt since she awoke. Her body was broken, her mind nearly shattered. Her confidence has been emptied from her body and in its stead, fear reigned. Her head ached more than it ever did before. Multiple electric shocks had cause some of her muscles to violently contract and caused fractures. Yang's legs burned as her feet had been flayed till her ankles and every single one of her nails had been peeled off. This had left her two feet numb and void of any feeling but a constant flesh ripping pain. It did not help that they were also subjected to being crushed from hammering her foot against the wall. Yang's feet were nothing but broken bones within a bag of blood. At least it used to, but now she had no feet at all.

Yang's eyes were moist. It was due to her endless crying from the torture. Yang had tried to kill herself once and almost succeeded if not for Doctor Volt interfering just as Yang almost broke her own neck. Rather than a quick death, Yang received three nails drilled into her left hand. She was always afraid whenever Doctor Volt came into the room. But whenever he would torture Yang, he would soon heal her only for her to experience more painful torture. Yang was afraid. Whatever fighting spirit and hope she had left has been turned to ash.

One day, Doctor Volt walked into the room with another cryo-chamber behind him. Ushering the other scientists to move the chamber into the room, Yang saw that Volt was more cautious as to the chamber's safety. Once it was positioned directly across Yang, the fogged glass of the tube cleared up revealing the person within. To Yang's surprise, it was Cinder. She never believed that Cinder could be captured. One of the Maidens, the most powerful beings in Remnant now that Salem and Ozpin were gone. Yet, Atlas has done it. Knowing what might happen to her, Yang's hatred for Cinder was overshadowed by the compassion she had for the Fall Maiden.

"Begin partial injection of the adrenaline serum. We don't want to make it boring do we? Then remove the limbs. All four of them." Yang heard the doctor say.

Yang watched in silence. She squinted her eyes so as to pretend that she was still knocked out. As she watched the scientists inject four serums with each position at the joints that connect Cinder's limbs to her main body. Thirty seconds later, Cinder was out of cryo, her chamber's door was open and four lasers were positioned in front of her. Just as she awoke, her eyes met Volt's and began to burn.

"Watts?!" Cinder yelled.

"Not precisely, my dear. Begin the procedure."

The lasers came on and start to cut into Cinder's flesh. Her ear-piercing screech filled the room. Yang could already see tears running down her face. The fire in Cinder's eyes had been extinguished. The entire process lasted half an hour. Once the limbs were off of Cinder's body, the wounds were sealed by the scientists using some sort of synthetic gel. Cinder looked exhausted. Yang felt her pain and sympathized with her. When their eyes met, Cinder's eyes burned fire once again.

"Yang..." Yang was afraid to reply as she thought Volt would drill another three nails into her arm. Just then, the screams of Mercury and Emerald could be heard. During the time Yang was kept here, she developed a bond with those two. The three had suffered through grueling hardships both physically and mentally. Yang saw that they were far from their younger selves after arriving hear. Mercury no longer had arms nor legs or even a tongue or ears, Emerald had neither breasts nor legs or even hair on her head and eyes to see with.

"Please!" Emerald cried, "I'll do anything for you! Please!"

"Kill me! Kill me!" Mercury pleaded.

After a few seconds, their screams were silenced by the mixed sounds of flesh ripping, bone cracking and someone gargling. A minute later, Yang could see Emerald and Mercury's bodies pass by her. They rested atop a hovering table with their heads detached from their shoulders. Blood and bones were splattered all across the metal table with strips of red meat from their necks visible for all to see.

"It was fun while it lasted." Volt appeared between Cinder and yang. "But every kid needs new toys. But the old ones... they don't get thrown away for no reason. It would be a waste to discard a perfectly good toy. That's why there's charity."

Entered five massive, bulky men in black suits with shades. They immediately went to Yang and released her from the restrains. Soon after, the men placed a cuff on her wrist that glowed blue when turned on. As she was being placed into a cryo-chamber, the lights flickered and ground shook. Yang was confused and saw that everyone else was as well. When it stopped, a loud boom was heard at the door. Dust clouds engulfed the entrance while the doors lay on the floor.

Yang gazed long at the source of the noise and could see Ruby wielding her scythe fighting off multiple guards. Alongside her sister was Watts firing a rifle and numerous other faces she did not know.

Without a second thought the men in black suits surrounding Yang dropped her and charged toward Ruby. Yang knew that her sister and her group would soon be swarmed and die. Yang was afraid to do anything. Why should she do anything? Ruby was a fool to fight her way free only to look for Yang. But it was for that exact reason Yang felt she should do something. Ruby's love for Yang was unconditional, and so was Yang's love for Ruby. Even if it meant dying for it.

At that moment, Yang knew why she fought. It was for Ruby. It had always been for Ruby. To see her smile every morning. To have her energy around when things seemed bleak. If that was not worth dying for, Yang did not know what was.

Getting up from her chamber, Yang broke off her cuff by smashing it against the floor. Once it was off, Yang felt her semblance return to her. It was like a breath of fresh air after weeks of living below the surface. Taking a fighting stance, Yang drew back her left arm and charged at the men in suits. With one swing the man she had hit did not even flinch. Instead he smacked Yang away like a petty house fly.

Getting back up, Yang charged again. This time however, her eyes turned red and her hair burned fire. When she hit the same guy again, he went flying colliding with anyone in his path. Finally, Yang was back. But without her gauntlets or her other arm, she was weak. To save her sister's life, Yang knew she had to give up hers. Seeing a massive cylindrical tank with the, Yang started punching it till bursts of gas began leaking out of it.

"Ruby! Get out of here!" With one more punch, Yang was blinded by a flash of light and soon after, knocked out by the blast. The only thing she could hear was her sister's voice screaming her name.
