This is going to be a Tom/Sasha story to begin with but will become Mike-centric within just a few chapters. It is post-Season 5, so there are spoilers for that!

The Island

Chapter 1

Tom and Sasha had sailed all over, sometimes with the kids, sometimes not. It was relaxing and easy for them. They had both retired after the Nathan James sunk and Tavo was killed. They kept in touch with friends when they were in port, but the seclusion of the sailboat helped both. They were currently sailing off the outer banks of North Carolina, until a storm caused them to make port at an island that Tom believed had been abandoned since the Red Flu.

"There are buildings here but no one around that I can see." Tom stated as they tied the sailboat to the dock.

"We are going to need to find someplace to resupply. What is this island?" Sasha asked.

"Hatteras. It was quiet before the Flu but now its almost spooky. What's weird is there is a light on in that house. I'm going to check it out." Tom stated. He had pointed at an old plantation type mansion. At one point, it had been a beautiful house, now it needed a coat of paint and some repairs. Just as they began their walk, a young woman rode up on a beautiful horse. She was riding bare back and her hair was wildly blowing around. She was probably twenty.

"Who are you? No one has been around in years." The young woman asked as she got off her horse.

"My name is Tom and this Sasha. There's a storm coming in and we needed to make port for a bit, resupply. We stumbled upon this island and thought it was abandoned." Tom replied. Sasha had noticed the way the young woman narrowed her eyes at them. For some reason, it reminded her of Mike Slattery.

"You are welcome to stay here during the storm, but we don't have much in the way of supplies. We catch enough food to get us by. No extras. That storm is blowing up, so you might as well follow me." The young woman stated and then began walking towards the mansion. She wasn't even leading the horse. He was following them like a puppy would have.

"How many people are here?" Sasha asked.

"Me, my mom, my younger sister, Hannah and the twins, Mia and Hunter. We've been here since the Red Flu. Fled a safe zone in Virginia, Deer Park. Been here since." The young woman told them. Tom had a weird look on his face and he was searching the girls face. She had noticed and apparently had didn't have a subtle bone in her body. "What's your deal?" The girl asked.

"I…Deer Park? Virginia? What's…your…name?" Tom asked. Sasha was looking at him suspiciously.

"Ella Slattery. What's yours?" Nora asked, and Tom stopped in his tracks. Sasha knew immediately that the wild haired girl was Mike's oldest daughter. Mike had given up looking for them years before but had not moved on.

"Ella? Do you remember me? Tom Chandler?" Tom asked. The girl was surveying Tom and finally nodded.

"I remember but you look totally different. I…didn't think you all were alive." Ella said sadly.

"Your dad and I are famous. We brought the cure home. How did you not know?" Tom asked.

"We don't have a TV or radio, and no one ever comes here. Mom goes onto the mainland to sell shrimp and crabs and buy groceries, but she doesn't ask questions. I don't think she wanted to know if Dad had died. She's…we all have really missed him." Ella explained.

"Does this horse always follow you like this? I was around horses when I was young, but I've never seen one do this." Sasha asked.

"Yeah. Spot thinks he's a dog. He'll go to the barn once we get to the house. Puts himself in his stall and everything." Ella stated.

"Did you train him?" Tom asked.

"Kind of. He was wild when we got here, and I just started working with him. There are other wild horses here too. Hannah has one too but she's older and doesn't get out of the barn like Spot does." Ella explained.

"That's amazing. So, how do you guys…eat?" Tom asked.

"Mom and I catch shrimp and crabs. We only keep what we can eat and sell or barter the rest. In exchange, we get groceries. We really don't have any bills. Mom always comes up with what we need. I don't know how. She also home schools Hannah and the twins. She would like for me to go to college but are there any open? How many people are out there?" Ella asked.

"Uh…have you been off this island at all?" Tom asked.

"No. Mom has always feared another outbreak. She keeps us here and when she goes to the mainland, she tries to avoid people, so she doesn't bring anything back." Ella explained. Tom nodded, there had been a lot of people like Christine, able to seclude themselves and their families and the feared human contact for fear of another outbreak. The government thought they were crazy, but it worked. People were still coming out of the woodwork, almost seven years after the fact.

"Where are we going? That was the house." Sasha asked.

"Down on the other side. Its where the best crabs are. It's also where Mom is." Ella told them. The horse had trotted off to a barn and walked inside. As they walked down the hill; Tom noticed the dock area. If the house and barn looked rough, the dock on that side was in perfect condition. There was a patio table set up next to it and three kids were sitting at it with books and papers. Tom noticed a now gray-haired woman closer to the water wearing fishing get up. She looked completely haggard. The last seven years had not been easy on any of them.

"Ella, you're back. I need help lifting this." Christine stated, not even looking up. Tom nodded at Ella and walked to Christine. It wasn't until Christine saw Tom's hands helping her lift the tub full of shrimp that she looked up.

"Oh…my God. How? Mike…is he alive?" Christine asked with tears in her eyes. Tom was completely speechless. He and Darian and Mike and Christine had been best of friends. Mike was closer then a brother and so he had been close to Christine as well. To see her so tired and worn hurt.

"Yes. He is." Sasha answered simply. Christine looked at her for a moment and then back at Tom.

"Darian? The kids?" Christine asked. Tom had sat the tub back down on the table. Ella had sat down at the table and both she and Hannah were listening intently.

"Darian didn't make it. The kids are good. In school in St. Louis." Tom answered.

"There's…schools?" Christine asked as she looked towards her kids. Tom had to smile because he could see her start daydreaming.

"Yes. Things are…slowly getting back to normal." Tom assured her.

"And Mike…you said he was alive. I would guess…he's moved on?" Christine asked quietly, not wanting the kids to hear.

"No. He…just couldn't. I…he had been out on a date with Andrea Garnett. Just one and then she was killed. That was two years ago. He's been retired since the James sunk. He and I both retired." Tom told her.

"I'm…so far behind." Christine told him. Sasha had stepped away and was talking to the kids and Tom had gently pulled Christine away, closer to the dock.

"Okay, I am going to sum seven years up in less then five minutes. Mike will give you the details. Our weapons test to the Arctic was a cover up. We had a scientist on board who eventually found the cure for the Red Flu. We found the next-in-line to be President in Florida, got him to St. Louis after taking out some Immunes. He was swore in. I become CNO and Mike become Captain of the James. Doctor Scott had been killed, along with several members of our crew. Mike and the crew were sent to Asia to start distributing the cure but somehow the Chinese President developed chemical warfare that rendered the cure useless. A lot of people died, and some pirates took Mike, and a few others as POW's. They were rescued and eventually the Chinese President was killed. What we didn't know was that he had been working with some of our government who wanted to take over. There was almost a coup, but we got it stopped. My kids were taken hostage in the process and my dad was killed. By the time it was said and done; I retired. Took the kids to Greece and settled down. The same disease that killed so many jumped kingdoms. It infected the plant world and people were starving. Mike was tasked with finding seeds there were disease resistant. In the process he got stabbed. We eventually got the seeds back, made way for the US. When we got back, I had rejoined, and we were both promoted to four-star Admirals. We had one more fight with a Hitler like dictator in Colombia, named Tavo. Several more of the original crew were maimed or killed. He had caused an attack in Mayport, Florida. Think Pearl Harbor. That's where Andrea was killed. I really don't think anything happened between Mike and her. They were friends. One date. Mike has missed you all like crazy. After the James sunk, they wanted one of us to run for President. Neither of us want that. Mike is currently renting a hunting cabin on a lake. In southern Missouri. He keeps tabs on the kids for me when they are at school. Sasha and I sail. We had to make port, partly for supplies but because there is a tropical depression coming in—" Tom continued but Christine began hauling in nets off the side of the dock.

"Thanks for the update and I will give you mine, but I need to get these nets in, and the hurricane shutters on the windows up at the house. I understand if you don't want to help but I need to get busy." Christine told him. She had gestured at the kids and they all jumped up and were doing various things.

"I'll help you." Tom stated.

"Is your boat on the ocean side? You need to bring it around. Otherwise you won't have a boat anymore." Christine instructed. Tom looked at Sasha and she nodded.

"Can I put it in your dock and stay here?" Tom asked.

"Of course. But you need to get moving. Go to the north and there is an inlet. You'll be able to sail through that. Brings you right here." Christine showed him a map and Tom nodded.

"Alright, while I do that, I am also going to call Mike. The twins?" Tom asked.

"They are his. I was pregnant with them when you all left. When he called, I was so stressed because of Lucas, I thought it was just…nerves; you know. Then I started gaining weight. Ella delivered them." Christine explained.

"I see. I wasn't questioning if they were his. I just needed to give him some details." Tom told her.

"I see. Well, if he wants to come here that is fine. He is welcome. I don't want to leave this island and I want the kids here." Christine stated.

"I am sure he will be on the next plane out. Christine, this is Sasha. She and I dated before Darian. We are…together." Tom made the introduction and the two women shook hands.

"Nice to meet you." Christine said as she went back to work.

"We will be back in a bit. I will help with this and those shutters when I get back." Tom told her, and Christine nodded. He was shocked at how hard the kids and she were working. What they were doing was back-breaking. Sasha and he began the walk back to the sailboat, approximately a mile. They were quiet. Tom wasn't sure how he was going to explain things to Mike. They got the sailboat headed towards the inlet and Tom made his call. Mike didn't always have reception at his cabin, if he bothered answering the phone. On the third ring, Mike answered.

"What!?" Mike asked.

"Your caller ID must not be working because you are generally more cordial." Tom teased.

"You are calling off a sat phone so no. Everything okay?" Mike asked. His tone had changed into a much friendlier tone.

"Yes and no. Sasha and I are sailing off the outer banks, North Carolina. There's a tropical depression coming in and I…" Tom started.

"I can't help. I wish I could but I'm in Missouri." Mike stated. He was known for his grumpiness. He had always been happy-go-lucky but being alone; his grief was starting to affect him. Tom was thrilled that would be ending.

"Actually, I have help. In the form of your wife and kids." Tom stated. Mike had gulped several times and Tom knew he was fighting emotions.

"I…how?" Mike asked. Tom could hear him shuffling around and knew he was probably throwing his few possessions in a suitcase.

"I don't know a lot of details. Christine had to get her shrimp and crabs secured before the storm. Ella told me that she got the kids to this island, Hatteras when they fled the safe zone. No one is here, and Christine has managed to completely seclude herself and the kids. They've had basically no contact for the past seven years and Christine would go to mainland to sell her items. She didn't let the kids off the island for fear of the next outbreak. Honestly didn't know there had been a cure, or anything. Mike, she is refusing to leave the island. You will have to come here. And there is something else." Tom told him. Sasha had thrown him an encouraging look.

"What?" Mike asked. Tom could hear a zipper zipping in the background.

"She was pregnant with twins. When Lucas died, she thought it was nerves. Didn't know until after you called. She got them here and Ella delivered them. A boy and girl. Mia and Hunter. I didn't ask but she assured me that they are yours." Tom stated. He had heard Mike's gasp and then a soft chuckle.

"Damn right they are. This is Christine we're talking about. Are they…okay?" Mike asked.

"Seem to be. I have only really talked to Ella, but they seem okay. Hard-workers. She and Hannah are tough girls. I think they could outwork me. She has a wild horse trained like a dog. He literally followed us around like a puppy." Tom told him.

"Alright. You said Hatteras, right? I will be there, drive time from here. Is there a ferry?" Mike asked.

"I would assume. Somehow Christine gets to the mainland. It might be a hired ferry though. Not scheduled. I can ask her for sure. I will keep my sat phone on me and Sasha and I are staying through the storm and will stay until you get here." Tom assured him.

"Good, that was my next question. Alright, I am driving straight through. I would say twelve to fourteen hours. Storm should pass by then." Mike stated.

"Should. They will be fine. And please, I've driven with you. I would say ten." Tom joked.

"I have a dog and she needs breaks. C'mon, Sadie." Mike told him, also apparently talking to the dog.

"Since when?" Tom asked.

"A couple weeks. She found me and was a stray. I kind of like her a little." Mike told him.

"I see. Well, I will forewarn Christine that you are bringing a dog home. Drive safe and call me when you get close." Tom said.

"I will. Take care of them, please? I know they've been there all by themselves but…just take care of them?" Mike begged.

"You know I will, brother." Tom said before he hung up. Christine's dock was coming into sight and he began the preparations.

As soon as he got to the dock, Christine began helping him tie things up. She had obviously been through a few storms. Sasha and the kids were nowhere in sight and Tom was worried.

"Where are Sasha and the kids?" Tom asked.

"Up at the house, pulling water in case we lose electricity. I have solar panels and they are great until it storms. The generator only lasts so long. So, did you talk to Mike?" Christine asked nervously.

"I did. He is on his way. He's driving. Says twelve to fourteen hours. Is there a ferry?" Tom asked.

"Yes. I don't know when they'll run after the storm. They generally stop once a week." Christine assured him. There were a lot of details that Tom was intrigued about but kept his questions to a minimum.

"Okay, well if they don't come out here, I will go get Mike in the boat. We will just park his truck. Oh, he does know about the twins and seems happy. And he has managed to adopt a stray dog. He is bringing her along." Tom explained, and Christine laughed.

"The kids will be thrilled with that. They've wanted a dog. We have horses that think they are dogs. Alright, all done. Now, up to the house." Christine stated as they left the dock and made their way up to the house, approximately a mile inland.

"I have to wonder about this house?" Tom asked.

"Near as I can tell, it was abandoned. I've done a land claim and am the proud owner. It needs some work, but the inside is good. Structure and roof are sound. Just needs paint. The land claims here require you to work the property for two years. I've done that, and the kids seem to love it. Course, the twins don't know anything else. Ella might like to go to the mainland, but Hannah is a homebody and Ella would have to leave the horses. Works for me. Does Mike know I won't leave?" Christine asked.

"He knows. Seems okay with it." Tom assured her.

"Good. I love this place." Christine stated as they walked up on the front porch.

"It is endearing. Alright, we'd better get to work. The wind is changing." Tom said as he followed Christine and began securing shutters. The upstairs windows had shutters that pulled down and could be secured from inside. Downstairs windows were exterior. Tom was surprised at how well built the house was. "This place is amazing. Whoever built this knew what they were doing." Tom stated.

"This house has stood through many storms. Far enough away and high enough up that storm surges aren't an issue. Hannah loves history and she did a research project on it. It was built by an 1900th century Navy Admiral for his family. He was brilliant. It has been modernized since, but you can see the history in the house and I don't want to take that away. Its kind of reminded me of Mike. The living area has a wall with ship-lap, from his last ship. I love looking at all the dings on the wood." Christine said with a smile. Tom understood why she wanted to stay on the island and knew Mike would grow to love it as much as she did.

Alright, a little different then my others! Thanks to Dex87 for letting me run with my idea that I had originally given her! Please review. And side note, I know nothing about shrimps and crabs and so that it not going to be the main part of the story other then noting that is how Christine has supported her family.