I'm so sorry it took me so long to update this. I just had some major writer's block and then no motivation. Anyway, I hope you like this chapter.

The day had started off with blue skies and small scattered white clouds. It was hot but not unbearable. Harry and Danny had headed off to one of the parks on the edge of town, the metal slide burned if you went on it, the swings were rusty and not sturdy, and the only other things there looked like they were supposed to be in a junkyard such as the old car with the motor and anything salvageable was removed. Harry thought he'd probably have enjoyed it more if it wasn't so hot. Danny brought along his new football and the two boys enjoyed trying to steal the ball from each other and passing back and forth. Harry's foot caught the ball the wrong way and it went wide.

"Don't worry, I'll get it," Harry called and jogged after the ball which had rolled down a hill and out of sight.

Harry headed down the hill and spotted the ball laying innocently in the grass where it had come to a stop, he grinned and headed towards it. When he was still a good few meters away someone else got to the ball first. Harry wasn't sure where they had come from, he hadn't noticed anyone nearby.

"Pretty nice ball you got there, I've always wanted one like it," a boy that must have been close to Severus's age said as he casually tossed the ball in the air.

"That's ours," said Harry.

"Is it now?" the boy scoffed, "You're Severus's little brother aren't you?"

Harry wasn't sure he liked this line of questioning, usually when Severus was mentioned it wasn't a good thing.

"What difference does that make? Can I have the ball back now?" Harry asked.

The boy looked like he was considering it briefly, "no, I think not."

Harry decided to make a quick grab for the ball but as he tried a second set of hands reached out and grabbed him and then yet another gave him a good punch to the gut. Harry doubled over as much as he could, being held up. His eyes watered but though them he could just make out Danny also being roughly handled. The two smaller boys struggled against the little gang of teenage bullies.

"Let's teach the runts a lesson," one of them said, pulling out a small switchblade knife holding it threateningly near Harry's face. Harry glared at the boy in front of him, his eyes flicked quickly towards Danny who was struggling. Why is no one around to help? Harry thought.

Harry felt the blade on his skin and an overwhelming surge of anger and fear surged through him, he pushed out with his hands and felt his magic surge out blasting the little gang several meters away. Danny was a crumpled heap on the ground having fallen when his captors were pushed back.

"Harry,... what happened?" Danny asked in a shaky voice, "what was that?"

"We've got to go," Harry replied, grabbing his friend's hand and pulling him up and began running back towards the town.

Harry knew that the ministry would arrive within moments to obliviate the memories of the group of boys, and Danny, as well as fix any damage that might have resulted from his accidental magic.

After several minutes of running Danny finally stopped and pulled Harry to a halt.

"WHAT JUST HAPPENED?" demanded Danny.
"Can you keep a secret?" Harry asked. Danny nodded, his eyes wide with a combination of fear and curiosity. "I'm a wizard," Harry said after a moment.

Harry had expected Danny to laugh, or maybe give him a disbelieving look, instead he sat silently for a few minutes and mulled the idea over in his mind. Then the barrage of questions began, Danny didn't miss a beat, he wanted to know everything and Harry began to get a little uncomfortable sharing so much with Danny about the wizarding world. Although he knew that if Danny were to tell any adults they would probably just commend him on his fine imagination, so Harry figured it was ok.


Severus sat on the living room floor with a potions book propped open and rolls of parchments, quills, and bottles of ink spread around as he read and made notes, so focused on his efforts he didn't even hear the owl tapping on the glass window for a few moments. Eventually, it banged its head on the glass hard enough for Severus to look up.

He quickly got up, being careful not to knock the ink bottle, and opened the window, and took the letter that the bird dropped in his hand. It shook its head briefly and took a little nip at Severus before taking off again.

Dear Mr. Snape,

We have received intelligence that a blasting spell was used today at quarter after eleven in the morning in a Muggle-inhabited area and in the presence of several Muggles.

Any magical activity that risks notice by members of the non-magical community is a serious offence under section 13 of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy.

We have a record that you and young Mr. Snape resided in West Cokeworth at this time. A representative from the Ministry will arrive at six o'clock tonight to interview you and young Mr. Snape regarding the aforementioned incident.

Yours sincerely,

Kenneth Perce

Improper Use of Magic Office

Severus had to read the letter three times before he comprehended what had happened. The telephone rang and he numbly answered it,


"Severus? Lily. I just got a letter from the ministry about magical activity and muggles, you didn't do it did you? I know I didn't. It couldn't have been Harry right? He's too young to do a blasting spell, don't you think? That's really hard to do, I mean, and he's just a little kid…. Severus?" Lily had been talking a mile a minute and Severus barely heard a word.

"Sorry, what?"

"Honestly Sev, did you get a note from the Ministry?"

Severus looked down at the note in his hand and nodded, then realized that Lily couldn't hear him nod, "er, yeah, just came."

"I guess someone is coming over tonight to talk to me, and to Harry. He must have done something I've been inside studying all day," Severus finally was able to get a clear thought out. He hung up the receiver without saying goodbye and just stared at the paper for several long minutes until Harry burst through the back door, a sweaty mess.

The older boy rushed over to Harry and grasped him by the shoulders and gave a little shake, "what did you do?"

"What?" gasped Harry, confused, how could Severus have known already. A piece of parchment was thrust into his hands and Harry looked it over.

"I can explain!" Harry cried.

"I sure hope so," Severus said and pushed his hand through his hair, he looked at it and grimaced at the oil that now coated his hand. He wiped it on his jeans.


Tobias arrived home only moments before the Ministry official knocked on the door, there was a brief flurry of activity as a stern little witch in bright orange robes entered, conjured up a chair for herself and sat down as the younger Snapes tried to explain to their father why this official looking stranger had just made herself at home in their living room.

"Excuse me, shall we begin?" the witch interrupted the small family argument and the three Snapes simply stared at her.
It took almost two hours for Harry and Severus to convince the witch that Severus had nothing to do with the situation that had happened earlier that day, she simply had too much difficulty believing that young Harry could, even in distress, create a magical phenomenon that would require the use of an entire squad of Obliviators to correct. Eventually, she conceded and agreed that while unlikely, not impossible for accidental magic to be so powerful in the situation Harry described.

The little witch excused herself and left with a little pop.

Tobias just looked at the boys, he shook his head and decided he wanted a long hot shower.


An answer to Severus' problem arrived a week later in the form of a very large grey eagle owl. The gigantic bird swooped into the kitchen its talons bared as if about to snatch its prey. The bird was far too large for the small kitchen making it seem even larger than it actually was. Harry screamed and dived under the table. The bird landed on the table knocking over the carton of milk and a plate of eggs came crashing down.

Severus was quick to relieve the owl of its burden and shooed it outside where it appeared to snub its beak at the megar owl treats offered before taking off again. Severus shook his head and went back into the house.

Harry was just climbing out from under the table, clearly ruffled by the unexpected size of their brief visitor. The three Snapes were used to owls arriving in the mornings but this had been the first time one had caused so much damage. Severus flicked his wand and the dishes and spilled food cleared away.

"Who sent that monster?" Harry wanted to know.

"None of your business."

Harry gave his brother an annoyed look before muttering, "Whatever."

Severus swung the heavy envelope at the back of Harry's head, but the boy ducked out of the way as he headed outside to find Danny, "And stay out of the river, I'm not covering for you if Dad finds out," Severus called after Harry as he disappeared over the garden wall to the neighboring yard.

The envelope was made out of an expensive parchment the likes of which Severus had only seen one other time, his Hogwarts letter. Carefully breaking the wax seal, Severus read over the letter, his hands shaking a bit.

Dear Severus,

I was pleasantly surprised to hear from you, after the regretful behaviour of my guests last summer I had assumed you wouldn't be interested in further contact. Narcissa is asking how your brother is? Harry wasn't it?

As for your query, I do in fact know someone that may be interested in sponsoring your potions apprenticeship. I've put in a good word for you and he seemed willing pending an interview with you. His name is Gideon Prewitt, he lives in Ottery St. Catchpole, do you know where that is? It's a pathetically dismal little town with buildings barely fit to be called houses.

One thing about Prewitt, he's a bit of a conspiracy theorist and he refuses to connect to the floo network, something about not wanting unexpected visitors, you'll have to fly or apparate nearby and enter the muggle way. He refuses to meet elsewhere so you'll have to meet him there. Send him an owl to arrange a meeting.

Let me know if I can be of any further assistance.


Lucius Malfoy

Severus couldn't help the smile on his face, finally a bit of good luck, a possible sponsor! Although meeting with Prewitt would be another issue, he didn't own a broom and he still didn't have his apparition license. Severus carefully folded the letter and put it away in one of his potions books.
