So, first story of the week and first from what the original author went with. Moving on with canon people.


First Real Mission

Normal P. O. V

Team 7 stood in front of the Hokage and Iruka waiting for their next mission. Hiruzen looked through the D-rank files in search for missions to assign to Team 7.

"Let's see, today's mission for team 7 is," he started listing off the choices, "plough farming, digging up potatoes, finding lost pets-"

"Ie! No, no thank you. I want to do a more exciting mission-ttebayo! Give us something else!" Naruto begged.

He's got a point... His two teammates thought

Kakashi sweat dropped at his loud behaviour. He sighed; I thought it was about time for him to get fretful...

Iruka stood up from his seat next to the Hokage, "Baka! You're still a bottom rookie! Everyone moves up the ladder by gaining experience from simple missions!"

"B-but, it's nothing but trash missio-itte!" Kakashi punched Naruto in the head to shut him up.

"That's enough, Naruto," Kakashi warned.

The Hokage sighed and finally spoke up, explaining to Naruto about the missions that jonin, chunin, and genin are allowed to do and the history behind it in a long winded boring speech.

"...and yesterday I had pork ramen. It was great dattebayo!" exclaimed Naruto.

"Listen!" The Hokage yelled.

Kakashi sighed rubbing back of his head, "Gomen"

"Mannnnn! Jii-chan, I'm not the prankster you think I am! Hmph!"

Iruka and Hiruzen started to chuckle. Letting out a puff of smoke from his pipe, Hiruzen said, "If you insist, we can give you a C-ranked mission. You'll be a bodyguard"

Naruto jumped up in excitement. "Really!? SUGOI! Who is it? Who is it? A feudal lord or a princess~"

"Don't get so hasty, I'll introduce you now. Please come in!" The Hokage called.

Team 7 turned to the opening door. In stumbled an old man holding a beer bottle. He rocked side to side a little before he rested his vision on the team.

"Nani?! It's just a bunch of squirts!"

He took a long swing from his bottle, "

Particularly you, the smallest one with the idiotic face. Are you really a ninja?"

Naruto started laughing and looking around "Who's the one with the idiotic face ha ha?"

Sasuke and Hinata moved closer to Naruto, "Naruto-kun..."

Once Naruto realized he was the smallest he launched himself towards the man, yelling, "I'll kill you!"

Kakashi grabbed his collar, "Naruto you're not supposed to kill the client. You're supposed to be guarding him!"

The old man introduced himself, "I'm Tazuna, a veteran bridge builder. You will guard me limb and life until I return to my village and finish the bridge"

They all nodded in understanding, well, except for Naruto who was still coming into terms with the fact that he had to guard the old geezer that dared insult him.

"Now," Hiruzen said, "this is your first mission outside the village. You should do well to prepare yourselves before you depart tomorrow. Dismissed"

"Hai!" Team seven answered.

Hinata P.O.V

It was little after lunch by the time I arrived at the Hyuuga Compound. Once I got to my room, I slipped onto the floor, with my heart racing miles per second.

Team Seven's first C-Rank mission and it would be outside Konoha…

Can I do this?

Will I let my team down?

Will I be able to support my team if danger comes?


"H-hai!" I answer, sitting up-right.

"I've brought your lunch meal, Hinata-sama. Shall I leave it here outside your room?" asked the female voice from outside my door.

"Hai, a-arigato"

I smacked my cheeks twice.

"D-don't think l-like that, Hinata," I said to myself, "I have t-trained a lot a-and I won't l-let my t-team down"

I opened the door to take the tray of food and closed it once more. Putting the food aside, I began to prepare for the mission with this simple thought in mind,

I will support my team the best I can and I will not fail on this mission

Third P.O.V

The following morning, team seven and Tazuna walked out of the village, setting off for the Land of Waves. Hinata was lost in her thoughts, and had slowly separated from the group to the point where she walked on her own. They had been walking for a few hours, and along the way, Naruto asked Tazuna a lot questions about his village. He was so excited; this was his first time out on a 'real' mission of course. While Naruto was talking to Tazuna, Kakashi noticed Hinata's nervousness and fell back into step with her.

"You're a little nervous aren't you Hinata-chan?" Kakashi whispered.


Hinata was a little shocked. I'm n-not that easy t-to read am I?! She laughed a little rubbing the side of her arm.

"J-just a little. I've n-never been i-in an actual enemy battle. It's j-just new, that's all."

"Well, don't worry much, Hinata-chan. There are no ninja battles in C-rank missions," he gave her a close eyed smile and pat her head. Tazuna chuckled from in front, "You scared little girl?"

He turned his head to face her, as they continued to walk. She looked up at him and gave him a small smile,

"I'm n-not scared, r-really"

Hinata was pretty much convinced that she said that to convince herself. Tazuna turned back around and took another gulp from his bottle.

They continued to walk in silence with the exception of Naruto's one-sided conversation when they all passed a puddle. Suddenly two hidden mist ninjas emerged from puddle and jump at them from behind. Long chains came out of their iron clawed hands and wrap themselves around Kakashi.

His eyes went wide, "Nani?!"



"The first one!" one of them yelled. The two rogue ninjas pulled the spiked chains hard enough and ripped Kakashi apart. Tazuna and the three genin watched in horror as Kakashi's remains fell to the ground.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto shrieked.

In the blink of an eye they were behind Naruto.

"The second one!"

The men threw their sharp chains at Naruto. Sasuke quickly got out two kunais and flung them at the chains which pinned them to a tree, restraining the rogues. He jumped on top of them and kicked their heads. The chains broke and one of them ran towards a shaking Naruto while the other ran for Tazuna.

Hinata P.O.V

Oh no, Tazuna-san! I'm going to be useful asset to the team, I'll protect him! I quickly moved in front of him activating my Byakugan and got into the Hyuga fighting stance.

"D-dont move,m T-tazuna-San!"

I eye the mist ninja as he draws closer.

Okay... here he comes.

I can do this.

I slammed my palm right at his chest.


Normal P.O.V

After all that rushed adrenaline dialled down inside of her, she looked down and what she saw made her stomach drop. There on the floor lay Sasuke's still body. She had just Juken the crap out of him. Her face paled.

H-he moved in front of me at the last second!? "Oh no..." she whispered to herself.

"Yo!" She brought her head up to see Kakashi had the two ninjas in a head lock.

"Kakashi-sensei y-you're alive!" Hinata breathed out in relief. Kakashi slowly looked down until he saw the paralyzed Uchiha.

"And the great Uchiha fall," Kakashi breathed out. Hinata quickly unblocked Sasuke's chakra points and stuttered out an apology.

"S-s-sasuke-kun, I'm so sorry! Are you a-alright?" She reached down to help him up. He coughed little bit before shrugging her hands off his person.

"I'm fine," was all he said.

Kakashi looked over to Hinata, "Hinata-chan, do you mind taking out the poison from Naruto's hand? The poisonous claws scratched him"

"H-Hai!" and off she went to go tend to Naruto.

"As for you, Tazuna-san," Kakashi said, turning to their client, "I believe it's high time you start explaining exactly what's going on here"


So don't shoot me alright. I know this chapter is shorter than usual, but it's like I said last chapter. This chapter is the start of a mix of me and the original author's work. And next chapter for sure, will be all me.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter though.

Until next time