A/N: I have come to realize that there is no way I am going to finish this story by christmas, or that it's going to track the way I had initially intended. Moral of the story is that I should know better and cannot write short stories. That being said, I am going to work diligently to get a few more chapters up this holiday season and make sure that it remains in my update rotation once things settle down. So enjoy!

Chapter 6: Angel of Thursdays

Once in the house, John lead the way into a small dining area where Mary stood rubbing her belly and contemplating the wrapping papers before her.

"She looks incredible," John said as his younger self stepped up to her and wrapped an arm around her.

"They can't see any of us, you cannot interact with them," Chuck said as John moved closed.

"You don't have to do this tonight," Young John said to his pregnant wife.

"When will it get done?" She asked and giggled.

"He's still inside you, christmas will be over. Are they technically christmas gifts if the baby isn't even born yet?"

"Yes they are," she said. "And what if it's a girl?" She asked. "You keep calling it, him."

"It's a boy, I can feel it."

"Here," she said and took his hand and placed it on a spot on her belly, "now you can feel it, and it could be a girl."

"If it is, will you change your mind?" He asked lovingly.

"Dean, if it's a boy. Deana is it's a girl. You agreed," she said.

"After your mother, yes, I agreed," he said and kissed her.

"You really didn't know?" Dean asked his father.

"No, and we agreed that we wanted to be surprised. And when she was pregnant with Sam, you were so sure it was a boy. She accused me of filling your head with the idea, but honestly, and this isn't meant as an insult against you Sam, but I wanted you to be a girl. I wouldn't admit it then, but I really did."

"He really did," Chuck said.

"So why wasn't I?" Sam asked.

"I needed you to be brothers," Chuck said. "And John changed his mind when you were born because Dean was so excited."

"Yeah I did," John laughed.

"So why didn't you name me after your father, or your mother; if mom got Dean?" Sam asked.

"Had you been a girl, your name would have been Millie, or rather Emily, after my mother. I was too angry with my father to call you Henry, and Mary knew that. And, even though Samuel Campbell didn't approve of me, I like him."

"He's an ass," Dean huffed.

"Time jumps; you've met your grandfather?" John asked.

"Both of them, though Samuel was brought back from the dead by Crowley," Sam answered.

"Who is this Crowley?"

"A demon," Dean said. "And we have an angel too, his name is Castiel."

"Crowley was a cross roads demon. He held the deal that Dean made to save my life," Sam explained. "And then he became useful, and the king of hell, who figured that Lucifer in the cage was better than Lucifer out of the cage, and useful put a wedge in our plans to just kill him. He'd dead now."

"Is he?" Chuck asked.

Dean rolled his eyes.

"Isn't he?" Sam asked.

"When I'm involved, is anyone really dead?" Chuck asked.

"You can keep him dead," Sam said.

"For now," Chuck chuckled. "But can you please pay attention to your younger parents?"

Turning back to Mary and John, the Winchesters fell silent and watched.

"Imagine if it happened today?" Mary said. "We could have a miracle baby, born on Christmas Day. What would that mean for us?" She asked.

"Oh God, please no, how unfair is sharing a birthday with Jesus?" Young John laughed.

"You know that the establishment of Christianity stole the day from the pagans, Jesus was likely born in April," Mary countered.

"You would know that," Young John chuckled. "Full of this knowledge, where does it come from?" He asked.

"Oh you know, I'm just really astute," she lied.

"That's why I love you," he added and turned back to the wrapping. "So, we should get this done in the event that you do go into labour for Christmas."

"Yes, but I don't think it's going to happen tonight," she said and sighed as she rubbed at her belly again. "He's just not quite ready."

"Now who's making assumptions?" John accused.

"You are the one who is so sure it's a boy," She countered.

"You tell her Dean, say momma, dad is right," John said as he knelt down and spoke to her belly. "The one time that I will be correct."

"The one and only time," Mary said and all at once the scene before them failed.

"What the hell Chuck?" Dean asked.

"There is more to see," Chuck said.

"Why did we have to see that?" Dean retorted.

"Because, it's important," Chuck said and lead the way back out into the street.

As they exited the house, there on the street staring up at the place was another being. Chuck walked ahead of them, stepped up to the person and stopped.

"The boy child will be your responsibility Castiel," Chuck said.

"Yes father," The angel replied.

"Watch over him," Chuck said.

"I will," the angel replied and Chuck came back to where the Winchesters stood.

"I thought you said that we couldn't interact with anyone," Dean commented.

"You can't, but I can," Chuck chuckled. "You needed to know that aside for the angel and demon that came upon this place, the guardians were given a guardian, in one of my most trusted angels. Castiel is the angel of Thursday's, he's also a angel of Saturn and the angel that presides over the death of kings. You two were born unto this world as kings, though none of creation knew except for me, and Castiel."

"Dean was born on a Wednesday..." John commented.

"That's basically day zero, technically day one for Dean was Thursday January 25th. It all happened according to a plan, and because he was placed in charge of Dean, he would watch over Sam as well. I came to him on May 3rd 1983, in the same way, to tell him to protect Sam as he protects Dean, but that there would be events that he was forbidden to interfere with because of the prophecies."

"So he's always been with us?" Sam asked.

"More or less, yes," Chuck said. "And he has done his duty valiantly. It is why he always comes back."

"But why didn't he tell us that?" Dean asked.

"Because I'm God and up until the whole Darkness debacle, he didn't know my face as this face even though I have appeared like this before him on many occasions. Castiel is the only angel whom I visit regularity, and who has heard my word more than Metatron. But he does not remember it. He only thinks they are orders from heaven, and no matter how hard he tries to turn off his angel radio, he will always hear me," Chuck explained.

"Makes sense," Sam nodded.

"Sure, if you mean because he's God so he can do anything," Dean huffed. "Why did I need to see this?"

"Oh Dean, I hope this will become clear to you," Chuck sighed.

"You could just tell me."

"And have you fight it?" Chuck asked. "That's not the point, the point is that you need to realize it for yourself. And what I have to say and share tonight is done. So back to the road and your journey to Minnesota," he finished and with a snap of his fingers Sam, Dean and John were back on the side of the deserted highway with the Impala on the dirt shoulder.