And then Wyald exploded into a conflagration of hellfire.

Alma and Granberia grew up together to become Heavenly Knights, slaying evil and wrecking inns.


Might as well give this closure.

Looking back this started off as shock for the sake of shock and was more than a little misogynistic at times. I wanted to shock people with violence, not tell a coherent plot. At best I'll call it a learning experience.

The story became more coherent after the first few chapters, but the uneven tone and lack of a clear plot made it hard to follow and enjoy writing.

I feel the best parts were those that could have stood alone as one shots, like Wyald's past and Lucifina on Dinosaur Island.

I have since matured moved on to far more enjoyable projects and subjects closer to my heart.

I learned much from both the mistakes here and from the parts I felt went decently well, mainly character interaction and such, so despite the parts I don't look back on fondly I felt I got all I could from the experience.

To those who stayed, read, and reviewed despite it all, thank you for your time.