~ Phoenix: Unsung ~

~ Extract. 'Daily Prophet' August 1995 ~

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry under fire following events in June. "After the tragic loss of Cedric Diggory during the Triwzard Tournament, the Ministry feels that the school must be forced to meet higher standards." Said Junior Assistant to the Minister For Magic Percy Weasley. "The Minister For Magic is concerned for the welfare of the students, and his actions in recent weeks have only been a reflection of that."

No doubt a nod to the debate that current Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, once International Confederation of Wizards, Supreme Mugwump, and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, should be allowed to continue in his current role, an opinion which has divided many at the Ministry.

Son, Nathaniel, Head of Department of Mysteries, and Granddaughter, Cassandra, current Hogwarts student, were reluctant to comment when Daily Prophet reporters caught them outside their Wiltshire home early Saturday evening.

"Bloody Leeches!" Cried Miss Dumbledore. Her only statement before being pulled out of sight by an agitated Nathaniel.

Though, who can really blame them their actions at this troublesome time. It may be that blood is thicker than water, but the once trusted name of Dumbledore has become; to many, a source of great worry, and... (story continued on page 4)
