Chapter 11

"I'm sorry, what?" Then it dawned on her, she was pretty sure they didn't act like this to anyone human. The vampire-Aten if she'd remembered correctly, tried to eat her. She almost saw her life flash before her eyes when that happened before that guard whoever his name was rescued her.

It all made sense. Why Alice kept texting her to stay away from her. And here, she thought that Alice was trying to keep away from Volterra because she had some sort of bad experience there, and didn't want Jasmine to have the same experience. God, wasn't she a dumbass now.

They never ate her-they just let her go and return back to the hotel. No wonder they were looking at her like she was some sort of goddess. Damn, was it too late to Alice advice? Maybe she never should have gone here.

"You're our mate. That's why we let you go back to your sister. And the one reason why your Cullen friend seems so persistent that you never should have come here-besides stalking you," Aro said.

"Yeah I kinda figured that much. I'm pretty sure that if I was anything ordinary, I'm pretty sure I'd be dead…" She paused for a few seconds before she continued on, "What would actually happen if I left and never returned?"

"Then we'll slowly die, and you probably won't feel anything," This time, Marcus spoke. Jasmine barely blinked-she wasn't a murderer. She never really harmed anything not even with her cats. She loved her cats, she really did, but it was too bad her stepmom got sick of them and just gave them away. That was something she never forgave her for.

"Oh…" was all that Jasmine could say. Her thoughts racing, and she could barely comprehend them, but they all sounded the same. Give them a chance. And maybe throw her heart out in the line, and actually trust them in the process. Like that would ever happen. Jasmine put her trust in too many people and they all resulted in the same result. Heartbreak. Pain. The same thing over and over again.

She didn't know what made these three any different. How would she know that these three wouldn't leave her, but at the same time, she was always the one wanting to take risks-probably hoping to feel something. Jasmine couldn't remember a time where she was able to feel emotions. God, what was like?


"I'm fine, before you guys ask…" Jasmine said. "I was just trying to process all this. It's just incredibly hard to process this information. All I wanted was to have someone love me and now I'm here, I might as well stay."

Aro, Caius and Marcus looked content about what she just said. Maybe this decision wouldn't be a bad thing?

"What about my sister? I can't just let her stay in the hotel, especially since I need to check on her…" Jasmine turned her gaze away from them, and turned the doorknob.

"Your sister can stay with you. We could make her quarters across from yours if you want?" Aro stated.

"I really don't care what you guys do. Anyways, I'll be right back." Jasmine turned to leave and exited out of the room.

They heard her scream, "Have you guys actually heard of signs around here!"

"It's about time? What did you do get lost and managed to render yourself unconscious?" Her sister, Meghan asked lazily as she had her arm outstretched, busy tryingg to find a good chanell.

"Ehh, something like that."

"Something like that? You're not going to spill the tea are you?" Meghan wasted no time in continuing on. She noticed Jasmine's silence and decided to press on it.

"Seriously, the silent treatment? Wow. It's like we're children now."

"It's nothing…" She took a deep breath before she continued on, "How would you like to live in a fucking castle?"

Meghan blinked, "Are you serious? Okay, seriously where did that come from, especially since no one in our family owns a castle? How did you manage to pull that off?"

"Long story, but apparently vampires are real, and well the rulers invited us to live there."

Meghan smiled as she turned her attention to her, instead of the TV. Jasmine held her breath as she awaited on what Meghan would say? Maybe, she deemed her crazy enough that she'd be the freak girl who believed in vampires, witches and werewolves were real. Probably just dress like a goth in the process. Be a freak, just like everyone thought of her in fifth grade.

A freak who had nothing better to do with her life. Where constantly, she'd felt abandoned. Her friends abandoned her at the time she needed them the most. Talking behind her back, always feeling left out. She just wanted company, and didn't feel like no matter what she did, wouldn't feel like she was a third wheel in everything, that she wouldn't feel like no matter what she did, she wouldn't chase them away.

All of a sudden, she felt pressure in her chest, and she couldn't breathe. No matter how many breaths she'd took, it didn't feel enough. Oh my god. Jasmine started to see black spots in her vision, and before she knew it. She felt her head it in the hardwear floor.

"Someone help! Jas?" She heard her sister say, but she was too far gone. She couldn't feel connected in her body. She hated this. She wanted to scream that she was fine, but she couldn't move her mouth. No matter what she did, she felt paralyzed.

"Take her. Just please take care of her." She'd her sister say, but Jasmine couldn't process who it was.

Alrighty, this story is coming to an end in the next few chapters. I do have another story coming out soon, and it will be rated M. Next chapter will be quite emotional, and I hope you like this chapter. See you soon.